Lexical Web

More negative evidence

How do natural languages differ in ambiguity?

No answer is found in the first hit from NSIR, even though several answering pages exist:

  • Bruening, 2004: Verbal reciprocals are less ambiguous in head-final than in head-initial languages.
  • Grabowski, 1996: Languages differing in the sizes of their spatial-temporal precedence-subsequence preposition inventories also differ in the ambiguity of expressions using such prepositions.
  • Horie, 2002: Japanese tends toward greater surface structural ambiguity, whereas Korean is more rigid in assigning one meaning to one form.
  • Li, 1993: Compound verbs denoting a causing action and its effect are ambiguous in Chinese with respect to whether the subject or the object is the effect experiencer, but unambiguous in Japanese, where only the subject is the experiencer.
  • Pirkola, 2001: English exhibits more lexical ambiguity than German and Chinese.