Accessibility digest

PageMeridian Senior Living
Test date2023/04/23
Tested byTestaro, procedure ts24
Scored byTestilo, procedure tsp24
Digested byTestilo, procedure tdp24


This is a digest of results from a battery of accessibility Tests.

The battery includes 1353 automated accessibility tests drawn from ten different packages: Alfa, Axe, Continuum, Equal Access, HTML CodeSniffer, Nu Html Checker, QualWeb, Tenon, Testaro, and WAVE.

These tests were run on the web page named above and gave the page a score of 1860, where 0 would be perfect.

Score summary

Score components

Issue summary

Special issues

log: Score 928. This is based on the amount of browser error logging and miscellaneous logging during the tests.

preventions: Score 200. This is based on tests that the page did not allow to be run. That impedes accessibility progress and risks interfering with tools that users with disabilities need.

solos: Score 16. This is based on issues reported by unclassified tests. Details are in the report.

Classified issues

Issue duplicateID

WCAG: 4.1.1

Score: 206

Issue reports in this category:

Issue focusIndication

WCAG: 2.4.7

Score: 72

Issue reports in this category:

Issue hoverSurprise

WCAG: 1.4.13

Score: 51

Issue reports in this category:

Issue textContrastAA

WCAG: 1.4.3

Score: 43

Issue reports in this category:

Issue linkIndication

WCAG: 1.3.3

Score: 39

Issue reports in this category:

Issue leadingClipsText

WCAG: 1.4.8

Score: 38

Issue reports in this category:

Issue focusableOperable

WCAG: 2.1.1

Score: 31

Issue reports in this category:

Issue figureNoText

WCAG: 1.1.1

Score: 30

Issue reports in this category:

Issue visibleLabelNotName

WCAG: 2.5.3

Score: 23

Issue reports in this category:

Issue linkForcesNewWindow

WCAG: 3.2.5

Score: 23

Issue reports in this category:

Issue spontaneousMotion

WCAG: 2.2.2

Score: 15

Issue reports in this category:

Issue titleBad

WCAG: 1.3.1

Score: 14

Issue reports in this category:

Issue contrastAAA

WCAG: 1.4.6

Score: 14

Issue reports in this category:

Issue roleBad

WCAG: 4.1.2

Score: 10

Issue reports in this category:

Issue linkPair

WCAG: 2.4.4

Score: 10

Issue reports in this category:

Issue headingStructure

WCAG: 1.3.1

Score: 9

Issue reports in this category:

Issue contrastRisk

WCAG: 1.4.3

Score: 9

Issue reports in this category:

Issue zIndexNotZero

WCAG: 1.4

Score: 7

Issue reports in this category:

Issue inconsistentStyles

WCAG: 3.2.4

Score: 6

Issue reports in this category:

Issue svgImageNoText

WCAG: 1.1.1

Score: 6

Issue reports in this category:

Issue pseudoNavList

WCAG: 1.3.1

Score: 5

Issue reports in this category:

Issue asideConfusion

WCAG: 1.3.6

Score: 5

Issue reports in this category:

Issue horizontalScrolling

WCAG: 1.4.10

Score: 5

Issue reports in this category:

Issue linkVague

WCAG: 2.4.4

Score: 5

Issue reports in this category:

Issue scrollRisk

WCAG: 1.4.10

Score: 4

Issue reports in this category:

Issue linkWindowSurpriseRisk

WCAG: 3.2.5

Score: 4

Issue reports in this category:

Issue complementaryNoText

WCAG: 1.3.6

Score: 4

Issue reports in this category:

Issue allCaps

WCAG: 3.1.5

Score: 4

Issue reports in this category:

Issue visibleBulk

WCAG: 2.4

Score: 3

Issue reports in this category:

Issue tabFocusability

WCAG: 2.1.1

Score: 3

Issue reports in this category:

Issue destinationLink

WCAG: 1.3.1

Score: 3

Issue reports in this category:

Issue hiddenContentRisk

WCAG: 4.1

Score: 3

Issue reports in this category:

Issue cssBansRotate

WCAG: 1.3.4

Score: 3

Issue reports in this category:

Issue linkBrokenRisk

WCAG: 1.3.1

Score: 3

Issue reports in this category:

Issue obsolete

WCAG: 4.1

Score: 3

Issue reports in this category:

Issue roleRedundant

WCAG: 4.1.2

Score: 3

Issue reports in this category:

Complete report

  "id": "bhqti-ts23-meridian",
  "what": "tests of Testaro and 9 other tools",
  "strict": true,
  "timeLimit": 600,
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      "type": "launch",
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      "type": "tenonRequest",
      "id": "a",
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      "what": "Tenon API version 2 test request, with URL",
      "startTime": 1682291148013,
      "url": "",
      "endTime": 1682291148254
      "type": "test",
      "which": "motion",
      "what": "motion",
      "delay": 2500,
      "interval": 2500,
      "count": 5,
      "startTime": 1682291148254,
      "url": "",
      "result": {
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      "endTime": 1682291163657
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      "what": "Meridian Senior Living",
      "startTime": 1682291163657,
      "result": {
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      "endTime": 1682291165799
      "type": "test",
      "which": "allHidden",
      "what": "page that is entirely or mostly hidden",
      "startTime": 1682291165799,
      "url": "",
      "result": {
        "hidden": {
          "document": false,
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      "type": "test",
      "which": "autocomplete",
      "withItems": true,
      "what": "name and email inputs without autocomplete attributes",
      "startTime": 1682291165805,
      "url": "",
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        "total": 0,
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      "endTime": 1682291165830
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      "which": "bulk",
      "what": "count of visible elements",
      "startTime": 1682291165830,
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        "success": true
      "endTime": 1682291166228
      "type": "test",
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              "text": "Okay, Got it"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Find Your Community"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Find Your Community"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "About Meridian"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "About Meridian"
              "tagName": "A",
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              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Who We Are"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Care Services"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "The WOW! Experience"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Programs"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Programs"
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              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Dining Experience"
              "tagName": "A",
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              "tagName": "A",
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              "text": "Resources"
              "tagName": "A",
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              "tagName": "A",
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              "tagName": "A",
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              "tagName": "A",
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              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Careers"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Media Room"
              "tagName": "A",
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              "text": "Care For a Loved One"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Career Opportunities"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "active lifestyle"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "View Blog"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "properties"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Washington DC (1 Location)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Massachusetts (1 Location)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Maryland (1 Location)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Rhode Island (2 Locations)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Vermont (2 Locations)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "California (3 Locations)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Florida (7 Locations)"
              "tagName": "A",
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              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Minnesota (2 Locations)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Missouri (1 Location)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "North Dakota (1 Location)"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "New York (2 Locations)"
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              "tagName": "A",
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              "text": "Wisconsin (1 Location)"
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              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Learn More"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Validation World Congress Event | Virtual Educational Event"
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "
              "tagName": "A",
              "text": "Validation | The Importance of Time and Place"
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              "text": "FIND YOUR COMMUNITY"
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                "Validation | The Power of Empathy",
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                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<span class=\"btn\">\n        View Blog\n      </span>",
                  "target": [
                    "a[href$=\"blog\"] > .btn"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
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                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\">Going Global\n\n</p>",
                  "target": [
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                  "target": [
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                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Meridian Senior Living has expanded its reach to bring its programming and operational expertise to serve seniors at more than 20 communities in China through a partnership with Sino-Ocean Group and <a href=\"\">Senior Living L'Amore</a>.</p>",
                  "target": [
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                  "none": [],
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                  "target": [
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                  "target": [
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                  "target": [
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                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
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                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
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                      "data": {
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                  "all": [],
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                  "impact": "serious",
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                  "target": [
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                      "relatedNodes": [
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                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
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                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a class=\"my-button\" href=\"/for-a-loved-one\">Care For a Loved One</a>",
                  "target": [
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                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast",
                      "data": {
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                          "target": [
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                  "impact": "serious",
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                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\">LET US BE A RESOURCE FOR YOU\n\n</p>",
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                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast",
                      "data": {
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                        "fontWeight": "normal",
                        "messageKey": "pseudoContent",
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                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
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                  "target": [
                    "#html-6761337 > .remove-styles.html-content > h2"
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                  "any": [
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                      "data": {
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                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<p style=\"text-align: center;\">",
                  "target": [
                    "#html-6761337 > .remove-styles.html-content > p:nth-child(3)"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
                  "any": [
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                      "data": {
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                          "target": [
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                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<span class=\"btn\">\n        View Blog\n      </span>",
                  "target": [
                    "a[href$=\"blog\"] > .btn"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
                  "any": [
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                      "data": {
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                      "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\">Going Global\n\n</p>",
                  "target": [
                    "#html-6761349 > .remove-styles.html-content > .sub-text"
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                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\">Partnering to Bring Dignified Senior Care to China</h2>",
                  "target": [
                    "#html-6761349 > .remove-styles.html-content > h2"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
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                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Meridian Senior Living has expanded its reach to bring its programming and operational expertise to serve seniors at more than 20 communities in China through a partnership with Sino-Ocean Group and <a href=\"\">Senior Living L'Amore</a>.</p>",
                  "target": [
                    "#html-6761349 > .remove-styles.html-content > p:nth-child(3)"
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                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
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                  "target": [
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                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
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                  "target": [
                    "a[target=\"_blank\"] > .btn"
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                  "any": [
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                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<span style=\"font-size:45px;\">Come Celebrate With Us!</span>",
                  "target": [
                    ".paragraph-heading-2 > span"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
                  "any": [
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                      "data": {
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                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
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                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a href=\"/find-your-community\" class=\" \">FIND YOUR COMMUNITY</a>",
                  "target": [
                    ".cta-item > a[href$=\"find-your-community\"]"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element"
              "id": "hidden-content",
              "impact": "minor",
              "tags": [
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              "help": "Hidden content on the page should be analyzed",
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              "nodes": [
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                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "minor",
                      "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
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                  "html": "<div id=\"ie-browser-support-message\">",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "any": [
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                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "minor",
                      "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "minor",
                  "html": "<li class=\"logo-nav-item\">",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
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                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "minor",
                      "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
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                  "html": "<div class=\"contact-info-sheet widget contact-info-sheet-6761312 b-right\" id=\"contact-info-sheet-6761312\" role=\"complementary\" aria-label=\"Contact Info Navigation\" data-id=\"6761312\" data-name=\"Contact Info Sheet\" data-beta=\"false\" data-eol=\"false\" data-open-design=\"false\" data-is-layout=\"false\" style=\"top: 144px; display: none;\">",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "any": [
                      "id": "hidden-content",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "minor",
                      "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "minor",
                  "html": "<span>UP</span>",
                  "target": [
                    ".info-sheet-page-up > span"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "any": [
                      "id": "hidden-content",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "minor",
                      "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "minor",
                  "html": "<span>DOWN</span>",
                  "target": [
                    ".info-sheet-page-down > span"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "any": [
                      "id": "hidden-content",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "minor",
                      "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
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                  "html": "<svg xmlns=\"\" style=\"display: none\"><symbol id=\"footer-icon-facebook\" viewBox=\"0 0 44.8 44.8\"><path fill=\"#fff\" d=\"M28.7 17.6h-4.3v-2.8c0-1.1.7-1.3 1.2-1.3h3V8.8h-4.2c-4.7 0-5.7 3.5-5.7 5.7v3.1H16v4.8h2.7V36h5.7V22.4h3.8l.5-4.8z\"></path></symbol></svg>",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "any": [
                      "id": "hidden-content",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "minor",
                      "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "minor",
                  "html": "<svg class=\"icon\"><use xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:href=\"\"></use></svg>",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it."
              "id": "css-orientation-lock",
              "impact": "serious",
              "tags": [
              "description": "Ensures content is not locked to any specific display orientation, and the content is operable in all display orientations",
              "help": "CSS Media queries must not lock display orientation",
              "helpUrl": "",
              "nodes": [
                  "any": [],
                  "all": [
                      "id": "css-orientation-lock",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "CSS Orientation lock cannot be determined"
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<html lang=\"en\" class=\"no-touchevents fa-events-icons-ready wf-adobegaramondpro-i4-active wf-futurapt-n4-active wf-satisfy-n4-active wf-adobegaramondpro-n6-active wf-garamondpremierpro-n6-active wf-fairplexwide-i5-active wf-adobegaramondpro-n7-active wf-active\">",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n  CSS Orientation lock cannot be determined"
          "violations": [
              "id": "color-contrast-enhanced",
              "impact": "serious",
              "tags": [
              "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AAA contrast ratio thresholds",
              "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
              "helpUrl": "",
              "nodes": [
                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast-enhanced",
                      "data": {
                        "fgColor": "#656464",
                        "bgColor": "#ffffff",
                        "contrastRatio": 5.89,
                        "fontSize": "11.3pt (15px)",
                        "fontWeight": "normal",
                        "messageKey": null,
                        "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1"
                      "relatedNodes": [
                          "html": "<input id=\"autoComplete\" class=\"autocomplete is-medium is-medium-up\" autocomplete=\"off\" modelmodifiers=\"[object Object]\" data-v-05df7f98=\"\" data-v-be311d4e=\"\" type=\"text\" role=\"combobox\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"autoComplete_list\" aria-autocomplete=\"both\" placeholder=\"Search by Community, City, State or Zip\">",
                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.89 (foreground color: #656464, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.3pt (15px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<input id=\"autoComplete\" class=\"autocomplete is-medium is-medium-up\" autocomplete=\"off\" modelmodifiers=\"[object Object]\" data-v-05df7f98=\"\" data-v-be311d4e=\"\" type=\"text\" role=\"combobox\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"autoComplete_list\" aria-autocomplete=\"both\" placeholder=\"Search by Community, City, State or Zip\">",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.89 (foreground color: #656464, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.3pt (15px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast-enhanced",
                      "data": {
                        "fgColor": "#377373",
                        "bgColor": "#ffffff",
                        "contrastRatio": 5.43,
                        "fontSize": "14.1pt (18.75px)",
                        "fontWeight": "normal",
                        "messageKey": null,
                        "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1"
                      "relatedNodes": [
                          "html": "<div class=\"row content-stripe-widget row-widget    bg-tile  normal-bg  row-6761331\" id=\"row-6761331\" style=\"background-color: #fff;\" data-id=\"6761331\" data-name=\"Content Stripe\" data-beta=\"false\" data-eol=\"false\" data-open-design=\"false\" data-is-layout=\"true\">",
                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.43 (foreground color: #377373, background color: #ffffff, font size: 14.1pt (18.75px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\">Enriching Lives\n\n</p>",
                  "target": [
                    "#html-6761333 > .html-content > .sub-text"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.43 (foreground color: #377373, background color: #ffffff, font size: 14.1pt (18.75px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast-enhanced",
                      "data": {
                        "fgColor": "#377373",
                        "bgColor": "#ffffff",
                        "contrastRatio": 5.43,
                        "fontSize": "14.1pt (18.75px)",
                        "fontWeight": "normal",
                        "messageKey": null,
                        "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1"
                      "relatedNodes": [
                          "html": "<div class=\"row content-stripe-widget row-widget    bg-cover  normal-bg  row-6761339\" id=\"row-6761339\" style=\"\" data-id=\"6761339\" data-name=\"Content Stripe\" data-beta=\"false\" data-eol=\"false\" data-open-design=\"false\" data-is-layout=\"true\">",
                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.43 (foreground color: #377373, background color: #ffffff, font size: 14.1pt (18.75px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\">OUR FAMILY OF COMMUNITIES</p>",
                  "target": [
                    "#html-6761341 > .html-content > .sub-text"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.43 (foreground color: #377373, background color: #ffffff, font size: 14.1pt (18.75px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1"
              "id": "color-contrast",
              "impact": "serious",
              "tags": [
              "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
              "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
              "helpUrl": "",
              "nodes": [
                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast",
                      "data": {
                        "fgColor": "#656464",
                        "bgColor": "#d9c47a",
                        "contrastRatio": 3.4,
                        "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)",
                        "fontWeight": "normal",
                        "messageKey": null,
                        "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                      "relatedNodes": [
                          "html": "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\" class=\"search-submit is-medium is-medium-up is-mini\" data-v-700d1816=\"\" data-v-be311d4e=\"\">",
                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.4 (foreground color: #656464, background color: #d9c47a, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\" class=\"search-submit is-medium is-medium-up is-mini\" data-v-700d1816=\"\" data-v-be311d4e=\"\">",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.4 (foreground color: #656464, background color: #d9c47a, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast",
                      "data": {
                        "fgColor": "#c8a93e",
                        "bgColor": "#ffffff",
                        "contrastRatio": 2.28,
                        "fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
                        "fontWeight": "normal",
                        "messageKey": null,
                        "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                      "relatedNodes": [
                          "html": "<div class=\"row content-stripe-widget row-widget    bg-tile  normal-bg  row-6761331\" id=\"row-6761331\" style=\"background-color: #fff;\" data-id=\"6761331\" data-name=\"Content Stripe\" data-beta=\"false\" data-eol=\"false\" data-open-design=\"false\" data-is-layout=\"true\">",
                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.28 (foreground color: #c8a93e, background color: #ffffff, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a href=\"/life-enrichment\">active lifestyle</a>",
                  "target": [
                    "p:nth-child(3) > a[href$=\"life-enrichment\"]"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.28 (foreground color: #c8a93e, background color: #ffffff, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast",
                      "data": {
                        "fgColor": "#c8a93e",
                        "bgColor": "#ffffff",
                        "contrastRatio": 2.28,
                        "fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)",
                        "fontWeight": "normal",
                        "messageKey": null,
                        "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                      "relatedNodes": [
                          "html": "<div class=\"row content-stripe-widget row-widget    bg-cover  normal-bg  row-6761339\" id=\"row-6761339\" style=\"\" data-id=\"6761339\" data-name=\"Content Stripe\" data-beta=\"false\" data-eol=\"false\" data-open-design=\"false\" data-is-layout=\"true\">",
                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.28 (foreground color: #c8a93e, background color: #ffffff, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a href=\"/find-your-community\">properties</a>",
                  "target": [
                    "p:nth-child(3) > a[href$=\"find-your-community\"]"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.28 (foreground color: #c8a93e, background color: #ffffff, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "color-contrast",
                      "data": {
                        "fgColor": "#ffffff",
                        "bgColor": "#c8a93e",
                        "contrastRatio": 2.28,
                        "fontSize": "11.3pt (15px)",
                        "fontWeight": "normal",
                        "messageKey": null,
                        "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1"
                      "relatedNodes": [
                          "html": "<a class=\"all-news-link\" href=\"/blog\">                   See More News<span class=\"nav-bling\" aria-hidden=\"true\"> &gt;</span>                   </a>",
                          "target": [
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.28 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #c8a93e, font size: 11.3pt (15px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a class=\"all-news-link\" href=\"/blog\">                   See More News<span class=\"nav-bling\" aria-hidden=\"true\"> &gt;</span>                   </a>",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.28 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #c8a93e, font size: 11.3pt (15px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1"
              "id": "heading-order",
              "impact": "moderate",
              "tags": [
              "description": "Ensures the order of headings is semantically correct",
              "help": "Heading levels should only increase by one",
              "helpUrl": "",
              "nodes": [
                  "any": [
                      "id": "heading-order",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "moderate",
                      "message": "Heading order invalid"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "moderate",
                  "html": "<h4 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-weight:700 !important;\">Click a State to Find a&nbsp;Community Near You.</span></h4>",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Heading order invalid"
              "id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
              "impact": "serious",
              "tags": [
              "description": "Ensures that elements labelled through their content must have their visible text as part of their accessible name",
              "help": "Elements must have their visible text as part of their accessible name",
              "helpUrl": "",
              "nodes": [
                  "any": [
                      "id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a aria-label=\"dismiss cookie message\" role=\"button\" tabindex=\"0\" class=\"cc-btn cc-dismiss\">Okay, Got it</a>",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a class=\"news-item-link\" href=\"/blog?article=validation-world-congress-event-virtual-educational-event\" data-post-index=\"0\" aria-label=\"Read Validation World Congress Event | Virtual Educational Event\">",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a class=\"news-item-link\" href=\"/blog?article=validation-the-importance-of-time-and-place\" data-post-index=\"1\" aria-label=\"Read Validation | The Importance of Time and Place\">",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a class=\"news-item-link\" href=\"/blog?article=validation-the-power-of-empathy\" data-post-index=\"2\" aria-label=\"Read Validation | The Power of Empathy\">                             Read More<span class=\"nav-bling\" aria-hidden=\"true\"> &gt;</span>                             </a>",
                  "target": [
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "any": [
                      "id": "label-content-name-mismatch",
                      "data": null,
                      "relatedNodes": [],
                      "impact": "serious",
                      "message": "Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
                  "all": [],
                  "none": [],
                  "impact": "serious",
                  "html": "<a href=\"/find-your-community\" aria-label=\"Go to map of <span class='notranslate'>",
                  "target": [
                    ".h-adr > a[href$=\"find-your-community\"]"
                  "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Text inside the element is not included in the accessible name"
        "success": true
      "endTime": 1682291229377
      "type": "launch",
      "which": "chromium",
      "startTime": 1682291229377,
      "endTime": 1682291230108
      "type": "url",
      "which": "",
      "what": "Meridian Senior Living",
      "startTime": 1682291230108,
      "result": {
        "url": ""
      "endTime": 1682291246289
      "type": "test",
      "which": "continuum",
      "what": "Level Access Continuum, community edition",
      "startTime": 1682291246289,
      "url": "",
      "result": [
          "engineTestId": 123,
          "bestPracticeId": 362,
          "attribute": "This svg element does not have a mechanism that allows an accessible name value to be calculated",
          "attributeDetail": "This svg element does not have a mechanism that allows an accessible name value to be calculated",
          "element": "<svg height=\"400\" width=\"870\"><g transform=\"scale(0.6745362563237775) translate(165.3875, 0)\"><path  ... 4.17,-2.75 6.84,-2.06 2.32,-3.35 5.1,-0.32 7.92,-1.16 2.31,-0.39 7.01,-3.91 5.26,0.66 0.09,-2.91 3.4",
          "testResult": 0,
          "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(3)>*:nth-child(3)>*:nth-child(6)>*:nth-child(3)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)",
          "fixType": {
            "fixType": 1,
            "domSpec": false,
            "helperText": "Provide text that describes the content conveyed by the SVG.",
            "fix": {
              "alt": false,
              "aria-label": null,
              "aria-labelledby": false
          "fingerprint": {
            "version": 2,
            "css": "svg[width=\"870\"][height=\"400\"]",
            "attNo": 2
      "endTime": 1682291246928
      "type": "launch",
      "which": "chromium",
      "startTime": 1682291246928,
      "endTime": 1682291247630
      "type": "url",
      "which": "",
      "what": "Meridian Senior Living",
      "startTime": 1682291247631,
      "result": {
        "url": ""
      "endTime": 1682291249603
      "type": "test",
      "which": "htmlcs",
      "what": "HTML CodeSniffer WCAG 2.1 AA ruleset",
      "startTime": 1682291249603,
      "url": "",
      "result": {
        "Error": {
          "AAA.1_3_1_AAA.G141": {
            "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h2 element appears to be the primary document heading, so should be an h1 element.": [
                "tagName": "h2",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<h2>...</h2>"
            "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h2 element should be an h1 to be properly nested.": [
                "tagName": "h2",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<h2>...</h2>"
            "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h4 element should be an h3 to be properly nested.": [
                "tagName": "h4",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<h4 style=\"text-align: center;\">...</h4>"
          "AAA.1_4_6.G17.Fail": {
            "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 7:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 2.28:1. Recommendation:  change background to #6e5600.": [
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"/find-your-community\" class=\" \">...</a>"
            "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 7:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 2.28:1. Recommendation:  change text colour to #6e5600.": [
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"/find-your-community\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"/life-enrichment\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"\">...</a>"
            "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 7:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1:1. Recommendation:  change text colour to #595959.": [
                "tagName": "p",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\">...</p>"
                "tagName": "p",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<p style=\"text-align: center;\">...</p>"
                "tagName": "span",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<span class=\"btn\">...</span>"
            "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 7:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 5.44:1. Recommendation:  change text colour to #256161.": [
                "tagName": "p",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\">...</p>"
          "AAA.1_4_6.G18.Fail": {
            "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1:1. Recommendation:  change text colour to #767676.": [
                "tagName": "h2",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\">...</h2>"
                "tagName": "span",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<span style=\"font-size:45px;\">...</span>"
          "AAA.2_4_8.H59.1": {
            "Link elements can only be located in the head section of the document.": [
                "tagName": "link",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">"
                "tagName": "link",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\" media=\"all\">"
        "Warning": {
          "AAA.1_3_1.H48": {
            "If this element contains a navigation section, it is recommended that it be marked up as a list.": [
                "tagName": "div",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<div class=\"h-c-ret h-card\">...</div>"
                "tagName": "div",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<div class=\"nav\">...</div>"
                "tagName": "div",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<div class=\"news-item-preview\">...</div>"
                "tagName": "p",
                "id": "",
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          "AAA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206": {
            "This element has \"position: fixed\". This may require scrolling in two dimensions, which is considered a failure of this Success Criterion.": [
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          "AAA.1_4_3_F24.F24.FGColour": {
            "Check that this element has an inherited background colour or image to complement the corresponding inline foreground colour.": [
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                "code": "<p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"font-size:30px; color:#fff !important;\">...</p>"
          "AAA.1_4_6.G17.Abs": {
            "This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 7:1.": [
                "tagName": "a",
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                "tagName": "a",
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                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
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                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"#\" data-code=\"MD\" data-region=\"Maryland\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"#\" data-code=\"MN\" data-region=\"Minnesota\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"#\" data-code=\"MO\" data-region=\"Missouri\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"#\" data-code=\"ND\" data-region=\"North Dakota\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"#\" data-code=\"NY\" data-region=\"New York\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"#\" data-code=\"OH\" data-region=\"Ohio\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"#\" data-code=\"PA\" data-region=\"Pennsylvania\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
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                "tagName": "a",
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                "tagName": "a",
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                "tagName": "a",
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                "code": "<a href=\"#\" data-code=\"VT\" data-region=\"Vermont\">...</a>"
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          "AAA.1_4_6.G18.Abs": {
            "This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.": [
                "tagName": "span",
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                "code": "<span class=\"hero-txt\">...</span>"
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                "code": "<strong>...</strong>"
          "AAA.2_5_3.F96": {
            "Accessible name for this element does not contain the visible label text. Check that for user interface components with labels that include text or images of text, the name contains the text that is presented visually.": [
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a aria-label=\"dismiss cookie message\" role=\"button\" tabindex=\"0\" class=\"cc-btn cc-dismiss\">...</a>"
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                "code": "<a class=\"news-item-link\" href=\"/blog?article=validation-the-importance-of-time-and-place\" data-post-index=\"1\" aria-label=\"Read Validation "
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a class=\"news-item-link\" href=\"/blog?article=validation-the-power-of-empathy\" data-post-index=\"2\" aria-label=\"Read Validation "
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a class=\"news-item-link\" href=\"/blog?article=validation-world-congress-event-virtual-educational-event\" data-post-index=\"0\" aria-label=\"Read Validation World Congress Event "
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"/find-your-community\" aria-label=\"Go to map of <span class='notranslate'>Meridian Senior Living</span>\">...</a>"
          "AAA.3_2_5.H83.3": {
            "Check that this link's link text contains information indicating that the link will open in a new window.": [
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"/media-room/meridian-senior-living-extends-partnership-with-sino-ocean-group\" class=\"\" target=\"_blank\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a href=\"\" class=\"facebook\" title=\"Facebook\" rel=\"me\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Visit Facebook page\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
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                "code": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
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                "code": "<a href=\"\" class=\"handicap-icon access\" target=\"_blank\">...</a>"
                "tagName": "a",
                "id": "",
                "code": "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/privacy-policy\">...</a>"
          "AAA.4_1_2.H91.A.Placeholder": {
            "Anchor element found with link content, but no href, ID or name attribute has been supplied.": [
                "tagName": "a",
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                "code": "<a class=\"collapsable-btn btn\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\".collapsable-content\">...</a>"
        "success": true
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      "result": {
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              "message": "Bad value origin-trial for attribute http-equiv on element meta.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m824.88,225.34c-3.72,0.25 -3.47,3.52 -1.91,6.13 3.35,6.89 3.86,14.58 6.03,21.81 3.45,0.11 6.81,-0.49 10.16,-1.25 -1.2,-2.17 -0.68,-6.38 -3.32,-6.38 -2.9,-1.2 -4.17,-3.69 -4.9,-6.58 -0.91,-3.11 -3.62,-4.96 -5.48,-7.35 -1.85,-1.82 0.94,-5.5 -0.26,-6.47l-0.33,0.09z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_de\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m813.59,229.19c-17.31,3.18 -34.53,6.83 -51.78,10.28 0.74,3.02 1.31,6.08 1.78,9.16 2.14,-1.9 3.29,-5.35 6.59,-5.34 2.14,-1.85 2.67,-5.25 5.77,-3.55 3.46,0.18 5.43,-5.35 9.01,-3.85 2.63,1.63 5.66,2.79 7.34,5.59 4.19,0.11 3.68,3.73 5.74,4.96 2.73,1.11 5.02,1.18 6.38,-0.53 4.29,1.38 2.24,3.74 1.44,6.9 0.09,2.97 -3.7,4.92 -1.66,7.97 3.1,1.31 6.4,1.2 9.63,1.4 2.17,1.58 6.83,1.03 3.79,-2.1 0.41,-2.74 -3.08,-3.35 -3.32,-6.04 -1.7,-2.67 -1.42,-5.47 -0.36,-8.32 1.68,-2.42 -2.83,-3.82 -0.4,-5.41 1.25,-1.53 0.43,-4.16 2.98,-4.7 1.62,-3.02 5.1,-1.45 2.35,1.02 -2.54,2.98 -0.81,4.5 0.57,6.3 1.41,3.55 -0.68,5.07 -1.53,7.31 -0.22,-0.81 3.62,-1.01 3.22,1.79 -3.15,1.64 -1.45,6.12 1.09,7.31 2.98,0.99 5.58,-1.8 6.98,2.14 1.5,3.75 4.92,0.81 7.41,-0.02 2.74,-1.21 3.47,-4.93 2.78,-7.7 -1.13,-1.58 -4.82,0.92 -7.13,0.4 -3.86,1.26 -4.9,-1.25 -5.28,-4.64 -1.68,-5.97 -2.14,-12.33 -5.16,-17.9 -0.04,-4.32 -2.71,-4.2 -6.07,-2.91 -0.73,0.16 -1.45,0.31 -2.18,0.47z m10.94,32.59c1.32,0.99 0.59,4.97 2.06,4.63 -0.48,-1.31 -0.36,-4.99 -2.06,-4.63z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#293964\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_md\" class=\"jvectormap-region selected\"></path",
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              "lastLine": 2818,
              "lastColumn": 20364,
              "firstColumn": 18863,
              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m792.88,242.88c-0.16,1.46 0.24,5.89 -2.4,4.29 -2.58,-0.67 -6.42,-3.2 -8.23,-2.73 0.7,3.72 -1.46,6.77 -2.99,9.94 -3.05,1.14 -2.29,5.83 -5.84,5.58 -1.62,1.74 -1.47,5.31 -2.45,7.73 -3.09,1.14 -5.37,-0.48 -7.28,-1.75 0.11,6.5 -3.72,11.95 -5.91,17.84 -1.69,1.73 1.19,3.8 -0.74,5.77 -1.35,3.56 -3.79,2.72 -6.19,4.19 -2.72,1.1 -4.9,0.5 -5.4,4.61 -2.07,1.14 -4.83,2.63 -6.91,0.47 -2.38,1.51 -5.02,3.21 -7.81,1.6 -2.69,-0.01 -3.9,-6.55 -6.07,-2.94 -3.27,4.09 -7.89,7.48 -10.21,12.09 0.43,3.25 -4.46,3.32 -6.42,5.15 -4.27,1.95 3.62,-0.11 5.16,-0.07 5.56,-0.79 11.14,-1.37 16.76,-1.36 1.95,-2.65 4.98,-1.81 7.77,-1.65 7.86,-0.32 15.65,-2.12 23.48,-2.99 12.85,-1.4 25.44,-4.27 38.04,-7.05 11.65,-2.52 23.3,-5.03 34.96,-7.55 -1.64,-2.66 -2.75,-6.67 -6.42,-4.14 -1.99,2.03 -6.61,-1.82 -2.7,-2.48 2.65,-1.62 -1.75,-4.07 -1.8,-5.97 -2.73,-0.62 -2.88,-5.12 0.54,-3.6 -0.17,-1.37 -1.24,-3.62 -1.62,-5.68 1.47,-3.51 -0.84,-4.97 -3.72,-5.16 0.31,-3.42 -2.9,-2.93 -5.22,-3.97 -3.33,0.21 -7.06,-0.25 -9.91,-1.66 -1.22,-2.41 -0.91,-5.12 1.25,-6.88 1.39,-2.83 -0.28,-5.7 -3.3,-6.27 -2.65,-0.83 -6.97,-0.29 -5.73,-4.3 -0.83,-0.3 -2.05,-1.06 -2.69,-1.06z m39.16,21.59c0.44,4.71 -3.15,8.7 -2.62,13.48 -0.34,4.11 2.64,5.72 3.48,0.92 1.71,-3.04 -0.23,-6.47 0.8,-9.73 0.4,-2.53 3.66,-3.88 3.52,-6.73 -1.73,0.69 -3.46,1.38 -5.19,2.06z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_va\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
              "hiliteStart": 10,
              "hiliteLength": 1502
              "type": "error",
              "lastLine": 2818,
              "lastColumn": 21638,
              "firstColumn": 20372,
              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m877.59,144.41c-1.04,3.1 -4.01,3.5 -6.79,4.13 -8.62,2.32 -17.17,4.6 -25.96,6.12 -0.11,4.77 -1.17,9.59 -0.03,14.31 10.66,-2.6 21.54,-4.29 32,-7.44 3.57,2.81 6.01,6.73 8.28,10.59 2.13,-0.78 0.01,-5.15 3.77,-5.38 2.93,-3.28 1.83,4.78 3.17,2.62 2.13,-3.09 6.1,-3.9 9.41,-5.21 -0.11,-3.41 -2.21,-8.55 -6.38,-7.53 1.64,-0.1 4.89,0.87 4.91,3.82 0.85,2.24 -2.55,3.71 -4.35,4.24 -3.37,0.51 -4.99,-1.76 -6.32,-4.47 -1.38,-2.05 -3.58,-6.56 -6.3,-3.6 -1.89,-1.72 -3.13,-4.04 -1.33,-6.3 2.3,-2.34 1.23,-6.2 -1.28,-7.16 -0.93,0.41 -1.86,0.82 -2.79,1.24z M902.25,172.69c-1.6,2.76 3.05,-2.44 0.08,-0.32l-0.08,0.32z m-11.28,1.28c1.59,0.78 6.09,-2.26 1.78,-2.03 -0.59,0.68 -1.19,1.35 -1.78,2.03z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#293964\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_ma\" class=\"jvectormap-region selected\"></path",
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              "firstColumn": 28967,
              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m730.41,314.34c-8.87,-0.11 -17.76,1.5 -26.57,2.73 -10.24,2.86 -20.99,2.66 -31.48,4.02 -16.34,1.45 -32.65,3.29 -48.96,4.95 -4.57,-1.71 -0.43,5.74 -5.06,4.14 -6.97,0.06 -13.87,1.23 -20.84,0.71 -0.95,4.26 -1.37,9.04 -3.6,12.76 -3.45,1.82 -4.01,5.81 -4.43,9.33 -3.1,1.1 -4.68,2.61 -2.53,5.59 -1.75,3.9 -0.58,5.24 3.51,3.98 33.91,-3.26 67.83,-6.53 101.74,-9.79 -0.23,-2.54 0.72,-5.31 3.53,-5.69 3.11,-0.4 0.99,-5.41 4.88,-5.81 2.77,-2.02 6.49,-2.19 8.62,-5.18 1.76,-2.26 6.31,-1.64 5.78,-5.38 1.19,-1.77 3.1,-3.84 5.03,-4.85 1.04,-0.39 0.28,1.78 1.72,1.19 2.38,0.56 2.2,-4.36 5.22,-3.86 3.3,1.27 2.68,-2.92 4.96,-4.18 2.05,-0.94 3.81,-6.68 0.92,-6.59 -0.81,0.64 -1.63,1.27 -2.44,1.91z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_tn\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
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              "hiliteLength": 878
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m509.47,335.31c1.73,4.9 1.5,10.02 1.53,15.12 2.15,12.21 1.13,24.64 1.47,36.97 0.02,3.71 0.04,7.42 0.06,11.13 2.06,3.2 5.05,-1.45 7.69,1.47 1.53,1.76 -0.88,7.54 2.97,6.49 17.61,-0.36 35.23,-0.72 52.84,-1.08 1.97,-2.6 0.41,-5.9 -1.28,-8.22 3.3,-1.61 -1.59,-3.96 0.84,-6.53 0.75,-2.77 0.62,-6.34 3.78,-7.69 -1.88,-3.07 2.08,-5.24 3.19,-7.88 3.77,-0.38 1.58,-3.3 2.64,-5.42 1.12,-2.67 2.56,-5.28 4.85,-6.58 1.2,-4.12 0.21,-2.67 -1.53,-5.61 -2.76,-3.32 1.95,-3.96 2.36,-6.84 -0.05,-1.94 3.31,-6.69 1.22,-6.75 -2.65,0.85 -5.34,-0.18 -8.02,-0.33 -0.09,-3.38 4.4,-3.88 4.22,-7.3 0.58,-3.87 -3.58,-3.68 -6.34,-3.26 -24.17,0.77 -48.34,1.54 -72.5,2.31z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_ar\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m490.44,245.63c-2.39,-0.46 -0.19,4.05 0.07,5.6 2.45,3.32 4.51,7.86 8.55,9.22 2.81,-0.24 3.61,2.67 2.79,4.84 -3.22,1.64 -1.72,5.03 0.19,7.07 0.9,2.55 4.61,3.05 4.89,5.61 2.1,12.97 1.12,26.14 1.51,39.22 0,5.72 0.08,11.44 0.72,17.13 24.99,-0.94 49.98,-1.8 74.97,-2.51 3.02,-1.12 4.35,1.72 5.31,3.98 0.52,3.48 -2.86,4.46 -4.14,6.86 2.37,0.64 5.57,0.65 8.21,-0.08 1.46,-3.59 1.87,-7.45 2.38,-11.22 0.84,-2.83 5.27,-2.89 4.61,-6.03 1.37,-2.94 0.14,-4.6 -2.22,-4.28 -2.15,-1.81 -2.84,-5.03 -2.86,-7.6 1.45,-2.84 -2.08,-5.07 -2.44,-7.89 -0.66,-3.24 -5.34,-0.87 -6.89,-3.66 -2.64,-2.34 -6.24,-3.94 -6.91,-7.76 -0.94,-3.21 1.52,-6.47 2.17,-9.64 2.2,-3.53 -1.34,-4.7 -4.33,-4.5 -2.66,0.39 -5.34,-1.15 -4.81,-4.1 0.86,-4.07 -4.71,-4.05 -6.43,-6.93 -2.7,-3.4 -6.72,-6.05 -7.25,-10.67 -1.1,-3.16 -2.12,-6.86 -0.62,-10.06 -2.3,-1.34 -2.28,-5.77 -5.37,-4.89 -20.69,0.77 -41.38,1.53 -62.06,2.3z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#293964\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_mo\" class=\"jvectormap-region selected\"></path",
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              "hiliteLength": 1076
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              "lastLine": 2818,
              "lastColumn": 32893,
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m476.25,181.16c-3.42,-0.05 -2.16,5.68 0.72,6.29 0.54,2.07 -0.75,5.06 -1.41,7.35 -2.13,2.82 -0.93,5.45 1.04,7.92 1.22,4.34 2.24,8.85 4.05,13.06 0.6,3.22 1.29,6.38 3.41,9 0.02,3.49 1.27,6.69 2.3,9.91 -0.04,3.54 0.03,7.05 2.08,10.09 22.2,-1.02 44.44,-1.75 66.66,-2.63 0.77,1.43 3.25,7.11 4.37,4.25 -0.96,-2.5 1.19,-4.52 3.57,-4.72 -0.88,-2.62 1.19,-4.59 2.5,-6.28 1.27,-2.92 -1.39,-4.02 -2.41,-6.31 0.69,-2.9 1.79,-5.3 5.13,-5.46 2.88,-0.83 6.57,-1.81 6.65,-5.41 1.76,-3.04 3.73,-8.01 -0.26,-10.18 -2.74,-1.06 -1.75,-5.27 -5.21,-5.14 -0.64,-1.97 -0.85,-4.76 -4.19,-4.21 -2.75,-0.8 -4.55,-3.47 -5.37,-6 -1.36,-2.89 2.01,-4.72 1.65,-7.28 -3.82,-0.4 -1.19,-6.5 -5.03,-5.47 -26.75,0.41 -53.5,0.81 -80.25,1.22z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_ia\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
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              "lastLine": 2818,
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              "firstColumn": 39284,
              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m497.03,53.84c-0.69,2.52 0.93,7.42 -1.31,8.34 -9.65,-0.01 -19.29,-0.02 -28.94,-0.03 1.16,2.87 2.18,5.76 0.97,8.81 0.05,5.74 -0.79,11.86 2.51,16.95 2.04,3.78 0.64,8.47 1.5,12.6 0.82,6.84 1.76,13.67 3.55,20.32 0.05,3.83 0.88,7.8 0.03,11.53 -1.57,1.74 -4.91,3.29 -2.22,5.78 1.89,1.83 5.05,2.94 4.58,6.1 0.28,11.9 0.25,23.83 0.42,35.75 26.72,-0.38 53.44,-0.75 80.16,-1.13 -0.15,-3.62 -0.46,-7.93 -4.36,-9.47 -3.02,-1.66 -6.24,-3.1 -7.63,-6.5 -0.72,-3.61 -5.32,-1.16 -6.05,-4.61 -1.56,-2.09 -5.29,-0.37 -6.57,-3.78 -1.66,-2.1 -0.52,-5.5 -1.1,-8.1 -1.34,-2.93 1.65,-4.99 1.47,-7.54 -0.2,-3.22 -5.36,-3.85 -2.24,-7.43 0.41,-4.47 5.39,-5.33 7.61,-8.59 0.24,-3.87 -0.73,-8.14 0.52,-11.77 1.76,-3.14 5.17,-5.1 8.28,-6.26 1.92,-2.08 3.66,-4.57 6.13,-5.81 2.54,-4.97 6.04,-9.99 11.81,-11.4 4.55,-1.98 9.12,-3.92 13.6,-6.04 0.73,-3.15 -3.7,-0.18 -5.06,0.03 -0.82,-3.87 -4.2,-3.09 -7.28,-2.87 -2.25,-0.87 -5.34,2.83 -6,-0.66 -1.13,-3.5 -4.51,0.72 -5.88,2.13 -2.33,1.63 -6.22,1.16 -8.06,-0.56 0.94,-3.05 -4.61,-0.39 -4.53,-3.96 -0.16,-2.3 -3.48,1.3 -5.77,-1.2 -3.04,-0.91 -5.5,-3.22 -8.29,-4.38 -2.49,0.4 -5.86,-2.38 -6.7,1.5 -1.17,0.79 -7.15,1.83 -5.93,-1.54 -2.99,0.03 -6.03,-0.05 -7.53,-1.75 -2.6,0.59 -5.72,-0.41 -5.9,-3.43 -0.88,-3.28 -1.44,-6.61 -1.88,-9.98 -1.23,-0.6 -2.54,-1.02 -3.91,-1.06z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#293964\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_mn\" class=\"jvectormap-region selected\"></path",
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              "hiliteLength": 1483
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              "lastLine": 2818,
              "lastColumn": 41762,
              "firstColumn": 40774,
              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m363.31,330.03c17.51,1.12 35.04,1.73 52.56,2.47 -1.37,13.62 -2.89,27.23 -2.83,40.93 -0.92,3.93 3.48,5.78 6.14,7.66 0.56,-5.56 2.96,1.46 4.25,-1.31 0.93,-1.5 5.57,1.68 3.39,4.42 1.59,0.66 4.76,0.51 6.73,1.82 2.79,-0.99 5.16,3.32 7.03,1.26 1.82,-1.93 5.59,-0.31 6.5,2.02 2.44,0.79 1.71,5.84 4.76,3.05 1.39,-1.65 6.25,-1.17 6.69,1.21 1.28,1.5 5.69,3.72 7.39,1.92 0.33,-2.75 3.38,-5.95 4.59,-1.83 3.59,0.38 6.96,2 10.46,3 2.28,-1.86 2.44,-4.68 6.53,-3.41 2.53,1.92 3.8,-1.41 6.31,-1.16 0.85,2.42 5.2,2.41 6.19,-0.5 3.2,-0.2 3.66,3.71 6.55,4.35 1.86,0.4 6.31,3.63 5.36,0.18 -0.32,-12.27 0.1,-24.59 -0.7,-36.82 -1.15,-6.03 -1.01,-12.18 -1.43,-18.25 -1.32,-5.29 -2.05,-10.73 -2.07,-16.18 -20.01,0.66 -40.04,-0.04 -60.06,-0.22 -27.85,-1.32 -55.73,-2.3 -83.53,-4.56 -0.27,3.31 -0.54,6.63 -0.81,9.94z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_ok\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
              "hiliteStart": 10,
              "hiliteLength": 989
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              "lastLine": 2818,
              "lastColumn": 44345,
              "firstColumn": 41770,
              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m173.19,314.66c-2.49,-0.06 -3.05,4.43 -6.38,2.94 -0.74,-2.87 -3.59,-2.82 -5.59,-4.22 -3.74,0.74 -2.37,4.58 -2.68,7.41 -0.52,5.04 -0.42,10.21 -0.89,15.22 -2.19,2.33 -2.44,5.78 -0.24,8.19 2.32,2.62 0.58,7.52 4.09,9.09 0.98,3.59 -2.89,4.83 -5.41,6.09 -3.29,2.46 -3.28,6.86 -3.88,10.47 -1.25,2.44 -4.81,2.39 -4.92,4.97 0.47,2.18 6.18,0.38 3.42,4.54 -0.65,2.75 -3.14,3.45 -5.62,3.78 -3.6,1.45 -2.69,4.7 0.77,5.44 14.69,7.84 28.52,17.13 43.01,25.32 5.79,3.19 11.27,7.21 17.27,9.88 11.71,2.83 23.75,3.45 35.68,4.87 5.71,-39.38 11.42,-78.75 17.13,-118.13 -27.58,-3.93 -55.17,-7.85 -82.75,-11.78 -1,5.31 -2,10.63 -3,15.94z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_az\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"m84.84,232.41c22.96,34.61 45.92,69.23 68.88,103.84 3.66,2.65 3.19,-3.47 3.27,-5.71 0.37,-5.43 0.36,-11.24 1.08,-16.44 2.05,-2.03 4.26,-2 6.08,-0.39 2.62,-0.16 3.86,5.9 6.03,1.27 2.74,-0.82 2.66,-3.64 3.13,-6.41 7.5,-40.87 15,-81.75 22.51,-122.62 -30.72,-6.81 -61.44,-13.63 -92.16,-20.44 -6.27,22.3 -12.54,44.6 -18.81,66.91z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_nv\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
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              "firstColumn": 52278,
              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
              "extract": "d\"></path><path d=\"M67.16,62.81C64.24,70.42 62.73,78.57 58.5,85.63c-2.86,8.53 -5.96,16.93 -10.17,24.89 -3.06,6.61 -8,12.31 -11.32,18.7 -1.03,6.5 -0.64,13.05 -0.36,19.6 37.23,8.7 74.46,16.69 111.69,25.39 3.45,-13.15 6.51,-25.75 10.19,-38.81 1.2,-2.48 3.15,-6.06 -1.1,-5.42 -2.58,-1.78 -0.23,-4.45 -0.38,-6.91 2.3,-2.82 4.36,-5.82 7.47,-7.75 1.75,-5.08 5.43,-9.19 9.03,-13.06 1.66,-3.48 -2.46,-3.92 -3.39,-6.47 -0.25,-3.79 -3.56,-4.26 -6.62,-4.99 -7.63,-2.2 -15.38,-4.2 -23.21,-5.54 -4.9,0.03 -9.79,0.06 -14.69,0.09 -0.95,-2.84 -4.67,1.86 -7.11,0.5 -2.61,0.82 -4.42,-2.63 -6.57,-1.28 -2.61,-0.06 -5.23,0.11 -7.15,-1.87 -3.09,-1.53 -6.33,-1.81 -9.5,-3.1 -1.87,3.03 -5.69,1.22 -8.53,1.31 -1.65,-1.64 -5.79,-3.02 -6.03,-4.81 1.1,-2.44 0.78,-5.93 0.53,-8.59 -0.42,-3.92 -4.72,-2.63 -6.25,-4.49C74.59,58.67 69.45,62.45 67.16,62.81z\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-opacity=\"0.25\" fill=\"#d6d6d6\" original=\"#d6d6d6\" id=\"jqvmap1_or\" class=\"jvectormap-region disabled\"></path",
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              "hiliteLength": 1004
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              "lastLine": 2818,
              "lastColumn": 54634,
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              "message": "Attribute original not allowed on element path at this point.",
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              "message": "Element style not allowed as child of element nav in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)",
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              "message": "Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)",
              "extract": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<style>\n\n  \n\n",
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              "message": "Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)",
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              "message": "Element style not allowed as child of element aside in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)",
              "extract": "main\">\n\n\n\n<style>\n\n\t:fo",
              "hiliteStart": 10,
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              "message": "Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)",
              "extract": "cript>\n\n  <style>\n     ",
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              "message": "Bad value  for attribute id on element script: An ID must not be the empty string.",
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              "message": "An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.",
              "extract": "script>\n  <img height=\"1\" width=\"1\" style=\"display:none\" src=\" id=1031784703508960&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1\">\n</nos",
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              "message": "Duplicate ID .",
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              "message": "Duplicate ID .",
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              "errorSnippet": "&lt;a href=\"/media-room/meridian-senior-living-extends-partnership-with-sino-ocean-group\" class=\"\" target=\"_blank\"&gt; &lt;span class=\"btn\"&gt; Learn More &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/a&gt;",
              "xpath": "/html/body/div[3]/section[1]/div[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/span[1]/a[1]",
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              "errorSnippet": "&lt;span class=\"hero-txt\"&gt;Celebrating &lt;span style=\"font-family: satisfy !important;\"&gt; Great Lives&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;",
              "xpath": "/html/body/div[3]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/span[1]",
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              "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. Line height that is less than 150% of the computed element font size limits content readability for people with dyslexia, low vision, cognitive impairments or learning disabilities. Set the `line-height` for this content to a value of 1.5 or higher. Using a proportional, unitless value like 1.5 or 150% will ensure that the line-height scales if the user zooms the browser window.",
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              "errorSnippet": "&lt;p style=\"text-align: center;\"&gt;Meridian Senior Living has expanded its reach to bring its programming and operational expertise to serve seniors at more than 20 communities in China through a partnership with Sino-Ocean Group and &lt;a href=\"http:/",
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              "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. Line height that is less than 150% of the computed element font size limits content readability for people with dyslexia, low vision, cognitive impairments or learning disabilities. Set the `line-height` for this content to a value of 1.5 or higher. Using a proportional, unitless value like 1.5 or 150% will ensure that the line-height scales if the user zooms the browser window.",
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                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification",
                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text",
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              "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.",
              "errorDescription": "This element contains a long passage of text that is capitalized, either in the text itself or via CSS text-transform.  Capitalized text can be very difficult to read for users with dyslexia Modify this passage of text so that it is no longer all in upper case. Changing this to sentence case will result in significant improvements in readability.",
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              "errorSnippet": "&lt;p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\"&gt;LET US BE A RESOURCE FOR YOU &lt;/p&gt;",
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                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification",
                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text",
                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size"
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              "errorDescription": "This element contains a long passage of text that is capitalized, either in the text itself or via CSS text-transform.  Capitalized text can be very difficult to read for users with dyslexia Modify this passage of text so that it is no longer all in upper case. Changing this to sentence case will result in significant improvements in readability.",
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                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification",
                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text",
                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size"
              "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.",
              "errorDescription": "This element contains a long passage of text that is capitalized, either in the text itself or via CSS text-transform.  Capitalized text can be very difficult to read for users with dyslexia Modify this passage of text so that it is no longer all in upper case. Changing this to sentence case will result in significant improvements in readability.",
              "viewPortLocation": {
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              "errorSnippet": "&lt;p class=\"sub-text\" style=\"text-align: center;\"&gt;&lt;a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"&gt;&lt;img alt=\"Facebook Icon\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\",f_auto,fl_lo",
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                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.10 Section Headings"
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              "errorDescription": "The heading structure of this page does not effectively communicate the structure of the content on it. Heading elements provide important benefits: they act as wayfinding cues for in-page navigation, they contribute to page content summaries, and they provide context to the content below them. To do so effectively, headings should follow the `<h1>` to `<h6>` hierarchy and they should not skip levels. Restructure the document's heading order so it uses a clear, ordered, and intuitive hierarchy. Ensure there are no gaps between each numbered heading level and the next.",
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                "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)"
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              "resultTitle": "Avoid using different link text for links that point to the same destination",
              "errorDescription": "These links are adjacent and point to the same destination. Repeated link announcements from screen readers and additonal tab stops for keyboards creates unnecessary impediments and frustration for users.   If the adjacent links are thematically connected, such as an image and a text link pointing to the same destination, wrapping them both in the same link. Depending on the content, it may also be appropriate to delete one of the links or, if the links are part of a group, to place them in a linked block-level element.",
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              "xpath": "/html/body/div[3]/section[1]/div[10]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]/a[2]",
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              "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.",
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              "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.",
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              "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.",
              "viewPortLocation": {
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              "errorSnippet": "&lt;a href=\"\" class=\"facebook\" title=\"Facebook\" rel=\"me\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Visit Facebook page\"&gt;&lt;svg class=\"icon\" style=\"\"&gt;&lt;use xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:href=\"http",
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              "standards": [
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              "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs",
              "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.",
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      "id": "meridian",
      "what": "Meridian Senior Living"
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  "creationTime": "2023-04-23T20:16:13",
  "timeStamp": "bhqti",
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        "73": 4,
        "95": 12,
        "144": 36,
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        "155": 2,
        "184": 16,
        "218": 28
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                "score": 1,
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                "score": 2,
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          "tools": {
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                "score": 1,
                "what": "Link has text but no href, id, or name attribute"
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                "score": 204,
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                "score": 3,
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          "tools": {
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                "score": 1,
                "what": "Element has a complementary role but has no label"
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                "score": 1,
                "what": "Element with a complementary role has no visible purpose label"
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                "score": 1,
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              "144": {
                "score": 36,
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              "153": {
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              "218": {
                "score": 21,
                "what": "Link opens in a new window without user control"
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          "score": 51
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          "score": 43
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          "score": 39
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          "score": 38
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          "score": 31
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          "score": 30
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          "score": 23
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          "score": 23
          "issueName": "spontaneousMotion",
          "score": 15
          "issueName": "titleBad",
          "score": 14
          "issueName": "contrastAAA",
          "score": 14
          "issueName": "roleBad",
          "score": 10
          "issueName": "linkPair",
          "score": 10
          "issueName": "headingStructure",
          "score": 9
          "issueName": "contrastRisk",
          "score": 9
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          "score": 7
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          "score": 6
          "issueName": "svgImageNoText",
          "score": 6
          "issueName": "pseudoNavList",
          "score": 5
          "issueName": "asideConfusion",
          "score": 5
          "issueName": "horizontalScrolling",
          "score": 5
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          "score": 5
          "issueName": "scrollRisk",
          "score": 4
          "issueName": "linkWindowSurpriseRisk",
          "score": 4
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          "score": 4
          "issueName": "allCaps",
          "score": 4
          "issueName": "visibleBulk",
          "score": 3
          "issueName": "tabFocusability",
          "score": 3
          "issueName": "destinationLink",
          "score": 3
          "issueName": "hiddenContentRisk",
          "score": 3
          "issueName": "cssBansRotate",
          "score": 3
          "issueName": "linkBrokenRisk",
          "score": 3
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          "score": 3
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          "score": 3