Accessibility test digest
Page: Oracle Corporation (100%)
Score: 2730
Tested by: Testaro, procedure tp15
Scored by: Testilo, procedure sp15c
Digested by: Testilo, procedure dp15a
The Testaro application used its tp15
testing procedure to test the accessibility (barrier-free design and coding) of the Oracle Corporation (100%) web page at on 2022/08/13. The procedure performed 1230 tests. Of these, 24 are custom tests defined by Testaro, and the others belong to these seven other packages (programs that perform collections of tests):
- Alfa by Siteimprove
- Axe-core by Deque
- Continuum by Level Access
- HTML CodeSniffer by Squiz Labs
- Equal Access by IBM
- Nu Html Checker
- Tenon by Level Access
- WAVE by WebAIM
Testaro produced a report enumerating the test results.
Testilo processed the report and used the sp15c
scoring procedure to compute partial and total scores for the page. The total score is 2730 (where 0 is the best possible score). The scored report is appended below.
Finally, Testilo used procedure dp15a
to produce this digest, briefly explaining how sp15c
computed the scores.
Score summary
total | 2730 |
log | 109 |
preventions | 100 |
focusableHidden | 866 |
focusableOperable | 308 |
linkTextsSame | 138 |
leadingClipsText | 130 |
targetSize | 107 |
internalLinkBroken | 90 |
linkIndication | 88 |
fontSmall | 86 |
buttonNoText | 82 |
roleBad | 75 |
contrastAA | 62 |
contrastAAA | 40 |
linkNoText | 40 |
duplicateID | 36 |
inconsistentStyles | 30 |
tabIndexMissing | 30 |
zIndexNotZero | 23 |
noLeading | 23 |
hoverSurprise | 20 |
cssInvalid | 20 |
linkForcesNewWindow | 20 |
metaBansZoom | 17 |
governedBadID | 14 |
headingOfNothing | 12 |
spontaneousMotion | 11 |
attributeBad | 10 |
headingStructure | 8 |
fontSizeAbsolute | 8 |
leadingAbsolute | 8 |
metaBad | 8 |
parseError | 8 |
svgImageNoText | 6 |
contrastRisk | 6 |
figureNoText | 6 |
typeRedundant | 6 |
linkPair | 6 |
imageTextRedundant | 6 |
contentBeyondLandmarks | 5 |
horizontalScrolling | 5 |
h1Missing | 4 |
titleRedundant | 4 |
textRotated | 4 |
visibleBulk | 3 |
focusIndication | 3 |
hiddenContentRisk | 3 |
asideNotTop | 3 |
decorativeImageRisk | 3 |
scrollRisk | 3 |
destinationLink | 3 |
complementaryNoText | 3 |
obsolete | 3 |
sectionHeadingless | 3 |
imageTextRisk | 3 |
imagesSameAlt | 3 |
linkComprehensionRisk | 3 |
pdfLink | 3 |
noScriptRisk | 3 |
Issue summary
Special issues
log: Score 109. This is based on the amount of browser error logging and miscellaneous logging during the tests.
preventions: Score 100. This is based on tests that the page did not allow to be run. That impedes accessibility progress and risks interfering with tools that users with disabilities need.
Classified issues
focusableHidden: Score 866. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test194
, score 864 (Visible element is focusable but has a presentation role or aria-hidden=true attribute)
focusableOperable: Score 308. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testfocOp
, score 306 (Operable elements that cannot be Tab-focused and vice versa)
linkTextsSame: Score 138. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test98
, score 136 (Links have the same text but different destinations)
leadingClipsText: Score 130. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test144
, score 128 (Line height is insufficent to properly display the computed font size)
targetSize: Score 107. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test152
, score 105 (Actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size)
internalLinkBroken: Score 90. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teste:AA.2_4_1.G1,G123,G124.NoSuchID
, score 80 (Internal link references a nonexistent destination) - Package
, testa:link_internal_broken
, score 20 (Broken same-page link)
linkIndication: Score 88. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlinkUl
, score 86 (Non-underlined adjacent links)
fontSmall: Score 86. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr75
, score 3 (Font size is smaller than 9 pixels) - Package
, testa:text_small
, score 4 (Text is very small) - Package
, test134
, score 81 (Text is very small)
buttonNoText: Score 82. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teste:button_empty
, score 80 (Button is empty or has no value text)
roleBad: Score 75. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testrole
, score 67 (Nonexistent or implicit-overriding role) - Package
, testaria-allowed-role
, score 1 (ARIA role is not appropriate for the element) - Package
, testaria_semantics_role
, score 15 (ARIA role is not valid for the element to which it is assigned)
contrastAA: Score 62. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr69
, score 6 (Text outside widget has subminimum contrast) - Package
, testcolor-contrast
, score 35 (Element has insufficient color contrast) - Package
, teste:AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail
, score 40 (Contrast between the text and its background is less than 4.5:1) - Package
, testc:contrast
, score 9 (Very low contrast)
contrastAAA: Score 40. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr66
, score 7 (Text contrast less than AAA requires) - Package
, testcolor-contrast-enhanced
, score 32 (Element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA)) - Package
, test95
, score 9 (Element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA))
linkNoText: Score 40. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teste:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoContent
, score 4 (Link has an href attribute but no text) - Package
, testWCAG20_A_HasText
, score 20 (Hyperlink has no text description) - Package
, teste:link_empty
, score 20 (Link contains no text) - Package
, test57
, score 20 (Link has no text inside it)
duplicateID: Score 36. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr3
, score 18 (Element id attribute value is not unique) - Package
, testduplicate-id-aria
, score 9 (id attribute used in ARIA or in a label has a value that is not unique) - Package
, test94
, score 18 (Elements contains an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the DOM) - Package
, teste:AA.4_1_1.F77
, score 9 (Duplicate id attribute value) - Package
, testRPT_Elem_UniqueId
, score 3 (Element id attribute value is not unique within the document) - Package
, test^Duplicate ID .+$|^The first occurrence of ID .* was here.*$
, score 1 (Duplicate id)
inconsistentStyles: Score 30. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teststyleDiff
, score 28 (Heading, link, and button style inconsistencies)
tabIndexMissing: Score 30. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test190
, score 28 (Interactive item is not natively actionable, but has no tabindex=0 attribute)
zIndexNotZero: Score 23. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testzIndex
, score 21 (Layering with nondefault z-index values)
noLeading: Score 23. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr73
, score 21 (Paragraph of text has insufficient line height)
hoverSurprise: Score 20. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testhover
, score 18 (Content changes caused by hovering)
cssInvalid: Score 20. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test^CSS: .+: Parse Error.*$
, score 18 (Invalid CSS)
linkForcesNewWindow: Score 20. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test218
, score 18 (Link opens in a new window without user control)
metaBansZoom: Score 17. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr47
, score 8 (Meta element restricts zooming) - Package
, testmeta-viewport
, score 8 (Zooming and scaling are disabled) - Package
, test59
, score 8 (meta element in the head sets the viewport maximum-scale to less than 2) - Package
, testConsider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.
, score 2 (viewport value prevents users from resizing the document)
governedBadID: Score 14. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test85
, score 12 (aria-controls attribute references an invalid or duplicate ID)
headingOfNothing: Score 12. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr78
, score 10 (No content between two headings of the same level)
spontaneousMotion: Score 11. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testmotion
, score 9 (Change of visible content not requested by user)
attributeBad: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test^Bad value .* for attribute .+ on element .+$
, score 4 (attribute on this element has an invalid value) - Package
, test^Attribute .+ not allowed on element .+ at this point.*$
, score 4 (attribute not allowed on this element)
headingStructure: Score 8. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr53
, score 4 (Heading skips one or more levels) - Package
, testheading-order
, score 2 (Heading levels do not increase by only one) - Package
, testw:AA.1_3_1_A.G141
, score 2 (Heading level is incorrect) - Package
, testa:heading_skipped
, score 1 (Skipped heading level) - Package
, test155
, score 1 (Headings are not structured in a hierarchical manner)
fontSizeAbsolute: Score 8. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr74
, score 6 (Paragraph text has an absolute font size)
leadingAbsolute: Score 8. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr80
, score 6 (Paragraph text has an absolute line height)
metaBad: Score 8. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testA charset attribute on a meta element found after the first 1024 bytes.
, score 3 (charset attribute on a meta element appears after 1024 bytes) - Package
, testA document must not include more than one meta element with a charset attribute.
, score 3 (More than 1 meta element has a charset attribute)
parseError: Score 8. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test^Element .+ not allowed as child of element .+ in this context.*$
, score 6 (Element not allowed as a child of its parent here)
svgImageNoText: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test123
, score 4 (svg element has no mechanism that allows an accessible name to be calculated)
contrastRisk: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3.G145.BgImage
, score 1 (Contrast between the text and its background image may be less than 3:1) - Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3.G18.Abs
, score 1 (Contrast between the absolutely positioned text and its background may be inadequate) - Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage
, score 1 (Contrast between the text and its background image may be less than 4.5:1) - Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3_F24.F24.BGColour
, score 1 (Inline background color may lack a complementary foreground color)
figureNoText: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testHAAC_Figure_label
, score 4 (figure element has no associated label)
typeRedundant: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testThe type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted.
, score 1 (type attribute is unnecessary for a style element) - Package
, testThe type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.
, score 3 (type attribute is unnecessary for a JavaScript resource)
linkPair: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:link_redundant
, score 4 (Adjacent links go to the same URL)
imageTextRedundant: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test138
, score 4 (Image link alternative text repeats text in the link)
contentBeyondLandmarks: Score 5. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr57
, score 2 (Perceivable text content is not included in any landmark) - Package
, testregion
, score 1 (Some page content is not contained by landmarks) - Package
, testRpt_Aria_OrphanedContent_Native_Host_Sematics
, score 2 (Content does not reside within an element with a landmark role)
horizontalScrolling: Score 5. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test28
, score 3 (Layout or sizing of the page causes horizontal scrolling)
h1Missing: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr61
, score 2 (First heading is not h1)
titleRedundant: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:title_redundant
, score 2 (Title attribute text is the same as text or alternative text) - Package
, test79
, score 1 (Link has a title attribute that is the same as the text inside the link)
textRotated: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test271
, score 2 (Text is needlessly rotated 60+ degrees or more, hurting comprehension)
visibleBulk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testbulk
, score 1 (Page contains many visible elements)
focusIndication: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testfocInd
, score 1 (Focused element displaying no or nostandard focus indicator) - Package
, testr65
, score 1 (Element in sequential focus order has no visible focus)
hiddenContentRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testhidden-content
, score 1 (Some content is hidden and therefore may not be testable for accessibility)
asideNotTop: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlandmark-complementary-is-top-level
, score 1 (complementary landmark (aside) is contained in another landmark)
decorativeImageRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_1_1.H67.2
, score 1 (Image marked as decorative may be informative)
scrollRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206
, score 1 (Fixed-position element may force bidirectional scrolling)
destinationLink: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoHref
, score 1 (Link is misused as a link destination)
complementaryNoText: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testRpt_Aria_ComplementaryLandmarkLabel_Implicit
, score 1 (Element with a complementary role has no visible purpose label)
obsolete: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test^The .+ attribute on the .+ element is obsolete.+$
, score 1 (Attribute is obsolete on its element)
sectionHeadingless: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testSection lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed.
, score 1 (section has no heading)
imageTextRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:alt_suspicious
, score 1 (Image text alternative is suspicious)
imagesSameAlt: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:alt_duplicate
, score 1 (Two images near each other have the same text alternative)
linkComprehensionRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:link_suspicious
, score 1 (Suspicious link text)
pdfLink: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:link_pdf
, score 1 (Link to PDF document)
noScriptRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:noscript
, score 1 (noscript element may fail to contain an accessible equivalent or alternative)
Although there are widely accepted accessibility standards, there is no unanimity about how to define, test, and quantify accessibility. The failures reported in this digest merit investigation as potential opportunities for improved accessibility. Investigation may lead you to conclude that some of the reported failures do not actually harm accessibility. Conversely, some substantial accessibility faults can escape detection by any of these tests. You may question the attempt to assign an accessibility score to a web page, or you may prefer weightings and formulas different from those used by sp15c
. You can modify and extend Testaro and Testilo to fit other theories and priorities.
Here, in brief, is how sp15c
computes a score for a page.
- It finds all the defects and warnings (let’s call them
) recorded in the report. - It classifies them according to type. For example, a link that looks like the text around it is one issue category, while a video that has no captions is another issue category.
- It also classifies the issues according to severity. For example, an issue that prevents a transaction is more severe than an issue that only complicates the transaction, and a warning about a possible issue is less severe than a definite finding of an issue. (Some packages rate the severity of each issue; for the other packages,
assigns a severity weight to the issue type and uses that weight.) - It assigns quality ratings to particular tests that are judged abnormally reliable or unreliable.
- It assigns a score to each issue reported by each test of each package.
- It aggregates the issue scores, weighting them by severity, test quality, and redundancy. Redundancy occurs, and causes downweighting, when two or more packages contain tests that are designed to discover the same or mostly the same issues. So the score for a category is not simply the sum of the scores of the tests in that category.
- It assigns a score for issues in the page logged by the browser.
- It assigns an estimated score each time the page prevents one of the packages or one of the Testaro tests from being run on the page.
- It adds the scores together to obtain a total score.
The precise rules of sp15b
are found in the code itself.
{ "id": "4yiew-oracle", "host": { "id": "oracle", "which": "", "what": "Oracle Corporation (100%)" }, "log": [ { "event": "startTime", "value": "2022-08-13T09:21:12" }, { "event": "endTime", "value": "2022-08-13T09:24:20" } ], "script": { "id": "tp15", "what": "Alfa, Axe, Continuum, HTML CodeSniffer, IBM, Nu Html Checker, Tenon, WAVE, and 22 custom tests", "strict": true, "timeLimit": 500, "commands": [ { "type": "launch", "which": "webkit", "what": "Webkit browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "Oracle Corporation (100%)" }, { "type": "tenonRequest", "id": "a", "withNewContent": true, "what": "Tenon API version 2 test request" }, { "type": "test", "which": "motion", "what": "spontaneous change of content; requires webkit", "delay": 2500, "interval": 2500, "count": 5 }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "Chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "Oracle Corporation (100%)" }, { "type": "test", "which": "bulk", "what": "count of visible elements" }, { "type": "test", "which": "embAc", "withItems": true, "what": "active elements incorrectly embedded in each other" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focAll", "what": "Tab-focusability" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focInd", "revealAll": false, "allowedDelay": 250, "withItems": true, "what": "focus indicators" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focOp", "withItems": true, "what": "focusability and operability of elements" }, { "type": "test", "which": "hover", "headSize": 40, "headSampleSize": 20, "tailSampleSize": 15, "withItems": true, "what": "hover impacts" }, { "type": "test", "which": "labClash", "withItems": true, "what": "unlabeled and mislabeled form controls" }, { "type": "test", "which": "linkUl", "withItems": true, "what": "underlining of inline links" }, { "type": "test", "which": "menuNav", "withItems": true, "what": "keyboard navigation within true-focus menus" }, { "type": "test", "which": "radioSet", "withItems": true, "what": "grouping of radio buttons in fieldsets" }, { "type": "test", "which": "role", "what": "validity and necessity of role assignments" }, { "type": "test", "which": "styleDiff", "withItems": true, "what": "style consistency of headings, buttons, and links" }, { "type": "test", "which": "tabNav", "withItems": true, "what": "keyboard navigation within tab lists" }, { "type": "test", "which": "zIndex", "withItems": true, "what": "elements with non-auto z indexes" }, { "type": "test", "which": "alfa", "what": "Siteimprove alfa" }, { "type": "test", "which": "axe", "detailLevel": 2, "rules": [], "what": "Axe core, all rules" }, { "type": "test", "which": "continuum", "what": "Continuum" }, { "type": "test", "which": "htmlcs", "what": "HTML CodeSniffer" }, { "type": "test", "which": "ibm", "withItems": true, "what": "IBM Accessibility Checker, with page content and again with URL" }, { "type": "test", "which": "nuVal", "what": "Nu Html Checker" }, { "type": "test", "which": "wave", "reportType": 4, "what": "WAVE, report-type 4" }, { "type": "test", "which": "tenon", "id": "a", "what": "Tenon API version 2 result retrieval" } ] }, "acts": [ { "type": "launch", "which": "webkit", "what": "Webkit browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "Oracle Corporation (100%)", "result": "" }, { "type": "tenonRequest", "id": "a", "withNewContent": true, "what": "Tenon API version 2 test request", "url": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "motion", "what": "motion", "delay": 2500, "interval": 2500, "count": 5, "url": "", "result": { "bytes": [ 704840, 704840, 566849, 566849, 772941 ], "localRatios": [ 1, 1.243, 1, 1.364 ], "meanLocalRatio": 1.152, "maxLocalRatio": 1.364, "globalRatio": 1.364, "pixelChanges": [ 0, 159605, 0, 165950 ], "meanPixelChange": 81388, "maxPixelChange": 165950, "changeFrequency": 0.5 } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "Chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "Oracle Corporation (100%)", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "bulk", "what": "count of visible elements", "url": "", "result": { "visibleElements": 573 } }, { "type": "test", "which": "embAc", "withItems": true, "what": "active elements embedded in links or buttons", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "links": 0, "buttons": 0, "inputs": 0, "selects": 0 }, "items": [] } }, { "type": "test", "which": "focAll", "what": "focusable and Tab-focused elements", "url": "", "result": { "tabFocusables": 122, "tabFocused": 122, "discrepancy": 0 } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focInd", "revealAll": false, "allowedDelay": 250, "withItems": true, "what": "focus indicators", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "total": 121, "types": { "indicatorMissing": { "total": 0, "tagNames": {} }, "nonOutlinePresent": { "total": 1, "tagNames": { "A": 1 } }, "outlinePresent": { "total": 120, "meanDelay": 5, "tagNames": { "A": 101, "BUTTON": 19 } } } }, "items": { "indicatorMissing": [], "nonOutlinePresent": [ { "tagName": "A", "text": "Contact Sales" } ], "outlinePresent": [ { "tagName": "A", "text": "Skip to content", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Click to view our Accessibility Policy", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Products", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Industries", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Resources", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Customers", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Partners", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Developers", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Events", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Search", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "View Accounts", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Register now", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Slide 1", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Slide 2", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Slide 3", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Slide 4", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Slide 5", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Pause", "delay": 101 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Explore cloud apps,Cloud ApplicationsA complete suite of cloud applications delivering consistent pr", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Explore OCI,Cloud InfrastructureAn automated, secure platform for migrating enterprise workloads and", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Read the release", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Learn about deskless worker solutions", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Learn more about the service", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Explore cloud apps", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Enterprise Resource Planning", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": 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"index": 1567, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r3", "ruleSummary": "id attributes have a unique value", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "4.1.1", "title": "Parsing" }, { "uri": "", "name": "H93", "title": "Ensuring that id attributes are unique on a Web page" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "ul", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/ul[1]", "codeLines": [ "<ul class=\"fourclm align-fourclm\" id=\"industries\">", " <li>", " <a href=\"/industries/\" data-lbl=\"industries:all-industries\" target=\"_top\">", " All industries", " </a>", " </li>", " <li>", " <a href=\"/industries/automotive/\" data-lbl=\"industries:automotive\" target=\"_top\">", " Automotive", " </a>", " </li>", " <li>", " <a href=\"/industries/communications/\" data-lbl=\"industries:communications\" target=\"_top\">", " Communications", " </a>", " </li>", " <li>", " <a 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"cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h1[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Cloud" ] } }, { "index": 2212, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h1[1]/b[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Applications" ] } }, { "index": 2213, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "A complete suite of cloud applications delivering consistent processes and data across your busines..." ] } }, { "index": 2214, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h1[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Cloud" ] } }, { "index": 2215, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h1[1]/b[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Infrastructure" ] } }, { "index": 2216, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "An automated, secure platform for migrating enterprise workloads and building new cloud native apps" ] } }, { "index": 2255, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Oracle becomes the first major cloud provider to establish a dedicated cloud region in Mexico, gi...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2256, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " About 80% of the global workforce is deskless and these workers expect more from their employers....", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2257, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " With the new Food and Beverage Payment Cloud Service from Oracle, US restaurants can accept the l...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2258, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p class=\"desc\">", " Our integrated suite of applications with built-in AI capabilities connects your most critical bu...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2259, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[3]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p class=\"desc\">", " Operate your IT predictably, securely, and at a lower cost with cloud infrastructure services des...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2260, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Adopting Oracle Cloud Infrastructure helps Cox Automotive modernize its Oracle back-office platfo...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2261, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Oracle Cloud spans 39 interconnected geographic regions, offering a complete suite of Oracle Clou...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2262, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r74", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have font sizes defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Oracle becomes the first major cloud provider to establish a dedicated cloud region in Mexico, gi...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2263, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r74", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have font sizes defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " About 80% of the global workforce is deskless and these workers expect more from their employers....", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2264, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r74", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have font sizes defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " With the new Food and Beverage Payment Cloud Service from Oracle, US restaurants can accept the l...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2265, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r75", "ruleSummary": "Font sizes are not too small", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "html", "path": "/html[1]", "codeLines": [ "<html lang=\"en\" class=\"js\">", "...", "</html>" ] } }, { "index": 2398, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r78", "ruleSummary": "Headings of same level have text content between them", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "h2", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]", "codeLines": [ "<h2 class=\"rwaccent-4\">", " Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure", "</h2>" ] } }, { "index": 2399, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r78", "ruleSummary": "Headings of same level have text content between them", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "h2", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]", "codeLines": [ "<h2 class=\"rwaccent-4\">", " Gartner® Named Oracle a Leader in the 2022 Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud ERP for Service-Centric Ente...", "</h2>" ] } }, { "index": 2400, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r78", "ruleSummary": "Headings of same level have text content between them", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "h2", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]", "codeLines": [ "<h2 class=\"rwaccent-4\">", " Success starts at CloudWorld", "</h2>" ] } }, { "index": 2401, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r78", "ruleSummary": "Headings of same level have text content between them", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "h2", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]", "codeLines": [ "<h2 class=\"rwaccent-4\">", " Oracle extends AT&T cloud agreement with new five-year deal", "</h2>" ] } }, { "index": 2402, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r78", "ruleSummary": "Headings of same level have text content between them", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "h2", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]", "codeLines": [ "<h2 class=\"rwaccent-4\">", " Try OCI Free Tier", "</h2>" ] } }, { "index": 2416, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r80", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have line heights defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Oracle becomes the first major cloud provider to establish a dedicated cloud region in Mexico, gi...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2417, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r80", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have line heights defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " About 80% of the global workforce is deskless and these workers expect more from their employers....", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2418, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r80", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have line heights defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " With the new Food and Beverage Payment Cloud Service from Oracle, US restaurants can accept the l...", "</p>" ] } } ] } }, { "type": "test", "which": "axe", "detailLevel": 2, "rules": [], "what": "Axe", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "rulesNA": 41, "rulesPassed": 53, "rulesWarned": 4, "rulesViolated": 6, "warnings": { "minor": 99, "moderate": 0, "serious": 70, "critical": 0 }, "violations": { "minor": 0, "moderate": 4, "serious": 31, "critical": 5 } }, "details": { "testEngine": { "name": "axe-core", "version": "4.4.2" }, "testRunner": { "name": "axe" }, "testEnvironment": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/102.0.5005.40 Safari/537.36", "windowWidth": 1280, "windowHeight": 720, "orientationAngle": 90, "orientationType": "landscape-primary" }, "timestamp": "2022-08-13T09:23:19.601Z", "url": "", "toolOptions": { "resultTypes": [ "violations", "incomplete" ], "runOnly": { "type": "tag", "values": [ "experimental", "best-practice", "wcag2a", "wcag2aa", "wcag2aaa", "wcag21a", "wcag21aa", "wcag21aaa" ] }, "reporter": "v1" }, "incomplete": [ { "id": "aria-allowed-role", "impact": "minor", "tags": [ "cat.aria", "best-practice" ], "description": "Ensures role attribute has an appropriate value for the element", "help": "ARIA role should be appropriate for the element", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "aria-allowed-role", "data": [ "none", "presentation" ], "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "target": [ ".u10w2:nth-child(1) > .u10w3 > .u10btn[href=\"#\"][role=\"none presentation\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "aria-allowed-role", "data": [ "none", "presentation" ], "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "target": [ ".u10w2:nth-child(2) > .u10w3 > .u10btn[href=\"#\"][role=\"none presentation\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "aria-allowed-role", "data": [ "none", "presentation" ], "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "target": [ ".u10w2:nth-child(3) > .u10w3 > .u10btn[href=\"#\"][role=\"none presentation\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "aria-allowed-role", "data": [ "none", "presentation" ], "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "target": [ ".u10w2:nth-child(4) > .u10w3 > .u10btn[href=\"#\"][role=\"none presentation\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "aria-allowed-role", "data": [ "none", "presentation" ], "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "target": [ ".u10w2:nth-child(5) > .u10w3 > .u10btn[href=\"#\"][role=\"none presentation\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n ARIA roles none, presentation must be removed when the element is made visible, as they are not allowed for the element" } ] }, { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aaa", "wcag146" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AAA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section id=\"u30\" class=\"u30 u30v3 ws-sticky rw-sticky contentloaded\" data-trackas=\"header\" role=\"banner\">", "target": [ "#u30" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<button data-navtarget=\"products\" aria-controls=\"products\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Products</button>", "target": [ "button[data-navtarget=\"products\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { 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following:\n Element has a 1:1 contrast ratio with the background" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "16.1pt (21.504px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p1 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h1 class=\"rh02-ttl oracleprefix\">Cloud <b>Applications</b></h1>", "target": [ "div[data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-content-area\"] > h1" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "21.5pt (28.672px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, 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"10.8pt (14.336px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<div class=\"rh02-sub\">An automated, secure platform for migrating enterprise workloads and building new cloud native apps</div>", "target": [ "div[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-content-area\"] > .rh02-sub" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme 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pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span class=\"visuallyHidden\">An automated, secure platform for migrating enterprise workloads and building new cloud native apps</span>", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-learn-more\"] > .visuallyHidden:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h4>Oracle announces Mexico's first dedicated cloud region</h4>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-ttl > h4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" 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"Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-cloud-region-mexico\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Read the release<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>", "target": [ " > .rh09-cta > a[data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-cloud-region-mexico\"][rel=\"noreferrer\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h4>Prioritize deskless workers and meet their unique needs</h4>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-ttl > h4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>About 80% of the global workforce is deskless and these workers expect more from their employers. For organizations ready to provide them with the employee experience they deserve, Oracle Cloud HCM can help.</p>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-copy > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"col-item rh09tile rw-neutral-00bg rw-theme-accent-beforebg\">", "target": [ "" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-hcm-deskless-exp\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Learn about deskless worker solutions<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>", "target": [ " > .rh09-cta > a[data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-hcm-deskless-exp\"][rel=\"noreferrer\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h4>Serving up healthier bottom lines for restaurants </h4>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-ttl > h4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>With the new Food and Beverage Payment Cloud Service from Oracle, US restaurants can accept the latest in contactless payment options—but without hidden fees and unpredictable costs.</p>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-copy > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": 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"Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li><span class=\"legend\"><img class=\"\" src=\"\" alt=\"Icon denoting locations coming soon\"></span>Regions coming soon</li>", "target": [ ".rc115legend > ul > li:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node" } ] }, { "id": "color-contrast", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aa", "wcag143" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section id=\"u30\" 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be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section id=\"u30\" class=\"u30 u30v3 ws-sticky rw-sticky contentloaded\" data-trackas=\"header\" role=\"banner\">", "target": [ "#u30" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<button data-navtarget=\"partners\" aria-controls=\"partners\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Partners</button>", "target": [ "button[data-navtarget=\"partners\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section id=\"u30\" class=\"u30 u30v3 ws-sticky rw-sticky contentloaded\" data-trackas=\"header\" role=\"banner\">", "target": [ "#u30" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<button data-navtarget=\"developers\" aria-controls=\"developers\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Developers</button>", "target": [ "button[data-navtarget=\"developers\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section id=\"u30\" class=\"u30 u30v3 ws-sticky rw-sticky contentloaded\" data-trackas=\"header\" role=\"banner\">", "target": [ "#u30" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<button data-navtarget=\"events\" aria-controls=\"events\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Events</button>", "target": [ "button[data-navtarget=\"events\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "10.0pt (13.3333px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section id=\"u30\" class=\"u30 u30v3 ws-sticky rw-sticky contentloaded\" data-trackas=\"header\" role=\"banner\">", "target": [ "#u30" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span class=\"acttxt\" id=\"acctBtnLabel\">View Accounts</span>", "target": [ "#acctBtnLabel" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "10.5pt (14px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section id=\"u30\" class=\"u30 u30v3 ws-sticky rw-sticky contentloaded\" data-trackas=\"header\" role=\"banner\">", "target": [ "#u30" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span>Contact Sales</span>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"contact-us\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#3a3631", "bgColor": "#3a3631", "contrastRatio": 1, "fontSize": "0.0pt (0px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "equalRatio", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span>Slide 1</span>", "target": [ "button[title=\"Slide 1\"] > span" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has a 1:1 contrast ratio with the background" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span>Slide 1</span>", "target": [ "button[title=\"Slide 1\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has a 1:1 contrast ratio with the background" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "16.1pt (21.504px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p1 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h1 class=\"rh02-ttl oracleprefix\">Cloud <b>Applications</b></h1>", "target": [ "div[data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-content-area\"] > h1" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "21.5pt (28.672px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p1 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<b>Applications</b>", "target": [ "div[data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-content-area\"] > h1 > b" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "10.8pt (14.336px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p1 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<div class=\"rh02-sub\">A complete suite of cloud applications delivering consistent processes and data across your business</div>", "target": [ "div[data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-content-area\"] > .rh02-sub" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p1 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<button data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-learn-more\">", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-learn-more\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p1 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span class=\"visuallyHidden\">Cloud <b>Applications</b></span>", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-learn-more\"] > .visuallyHidden:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p1 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<b>Applications</b>", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-learn-more\"] > .visuallyHidden:nth-child(2) > b" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p1 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span class=\"visuallyHidden\">A complete suite of cloud applications delivering consistent processes and data across your business</span>", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-learn-more\"] > .visuallyHidden:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "16.1pt (21.504px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h1 class=\"rh02-ttl oracleprefix\">Cloud <b>Infrastructure</b></h1>", "target": [ "div[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-content-area\"] > h1" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "21.5pt (28.672px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<b>Infrastructure</b>", "target": [ "div[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-content-area\"] > h1 > b" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "10.8pt (14.336px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<div class=\"rh02-sub\">An automated, secure platform for migrating enterprise workloads and building new cloud native apps</div>", "target": [ "div[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-content-area\"] > .rh02-sub" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<button data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-learn-more\">", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-learn-more\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span class=\"visuallyHidden\">Cloud <b>Infrastructure</b></span>", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-learn-more\"] > .visuallyHidden:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<b>Infrastructure</b>", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-learn-more\"] > .visuallyHidden:nth-child(2) > b" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh02w2 darktheme rh02defpanel\">", "target": [ "#rc20p2 > .rh02w2.rh02defpanel.darktheme" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span class=\"visuallyHidden\">An automated, secure platform for migrating enterprise workloads and building new cloud native apps</span>", "target": [ "button[data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-learn-more\"] > .visuallyHidden:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h4>Oracle announces Mexico's first dedicated cloud region</h4>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-ttl > h4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Oracle becomes the first major cloud provider to establish a dedicated cloud region in Mexico, giving organizations access to emerging technologies that will positively impact the country’s ecosystem of innovation.</p>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-copy > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"col-item rh09tile rw-neutral-00bg rw-theme-accent-beforebg\">", "target": [ "" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-cloud-region-mexico\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Read the release<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>", "target": [ " > .rh09-cta > a[data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-cloud-region-mexico\"][rel=\"noreferrer\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h4>Prioritize deskless workers and meet their unique needs</h4>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-ttl > h4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>About 80% of the global workforce is deskless and these workers expect more from their employers. For organizations ready to provide them with the employee experience they deserve, Oracle Cloud HCM can help.</p>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-copy > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"col-item rh09tile rw-neutral-00bg rw-theme-accent-beforebg\">", "target": [ "" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-hcm-deskless-exp\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Learn about deskless worker solutions<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>", "target": [ " > .rh09-cta > a[data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-hcm-deskless-exp\"][rel=\"noreferrer\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h4>Serving up healthier bottom lines for restaurants </h4>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-ttl > h4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rh09 rh09v3 rw-neutral-10bg rw-pattern9 rw-pattern-50p rw-pattern-small rw-pattern-load\" data-trackas=\"rh09\" data-ocomid=\"rh09\" data-a11y=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rh09" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>With the new Food and Beverage Payment Cloud Service from Oracle, US restaurants can accept the latest in contactless payment options—but without hidden fees and unpredictable costs.</p>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-copy > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"col-item rh09tile rw-neutral-00bg rw-theme-accent-beforebg\">", "target": [ "" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-payment-cloud-service\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Learn more about the service<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>", "target": [ " > .rh09-cta > a[data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-payment-cloud-service\"][rel=\"noreferrer\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#161513", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "imgNode", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<img class=\"\" src=\"\" alt=\"Oracle Cloud Datacenter global distribution map, details below\">", "target": [ "figure > img" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li><span class=\"legend\"><img class=\"\" src=\"\" alt=\"Icon denoting current locations\"></span>Current Regions</li>", "target": [ ".rc115legend > ul > li:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#161513", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "imgNode", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<img class=\"\" src=\"\" alt=\"Oracle Cloud Datacenter global distribution map, details below\">", "target": [ "figure > img" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li><span class=\"legend\"><img class=\"\" src=\"\" alt=\"Icon denoting locations coming soon\"></span>Regions coming soon</li>", "target": [ ".rc115legend > ul > li:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node" } ] }, { "id": "hidden-content", "impact": "minor", "tags": [ "cat.structure", "experimental", "review-item", "best-practice" ], "description": "Informs users about hidden content.", "help": "Hidden content on the page should be analyzed", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"u30-oicn-mobile\" xmlns=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"21\" viewBox=\"0 0 32 21\">", "target": [ ".u30-oicn-mobile" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"products\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"products\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "#products" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"u30navw3 four-column-tworow-vertical\">", "target": [ "#products > .four-column-tworow-vertical.u30navw3" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"cloud-infrastructure\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Oracle Cloud Infrastructure</button>", "target": [ "button[aria-controls=\"cloud-infrastructure\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"cloud-applications\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Oracle Cloud Applications</button>", "target": [ "button[aria-controls=\"cloud-applications\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"hardware-software\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Hardware and Software</button>", "target": [ "button[aria-controls=\"hardware-software\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"industries\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"industries\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "div[data-dropdown=\"industries\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"u30navw3 four-column-tworow-vertical\">", "target": [ "div[data-dropdown=\"industries\"] > .four-column-tworow-vertical.u30navw3" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"industry-solutions-resources\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Industry Solutions and Resources</button>", "target": [ "button[aria-controls=\"industry-solutions-resources\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"industries\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Industries</button>", "target": [ ".tworow > li:nth-child(2) > button[aria-controls=\"industries\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"resources\" class=\"u30navw2 vert-scroll\" id=\"resources\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "#resources" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"u30navw3 two-column-scroll-vertical\">", "target": [ ".two-column-scroll-vertical" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Popular Product Documentation</button>", "target": [ "#documentation-panel > .tworow > li:nth-child(2) > button[aria-haspopup=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Popular Developer Downloads</button>", "target": [ "#downloads-panel > .tworow > li:nth-child(2) > button[aria-haspopup=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Support</button>", "target": [ "#support-panel > .tworow > li:nth-child(2) > button[aria-haspopup=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"customers\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"customers\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "#customers" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"u30navw3 four-column-tworow-vertical\">", "target": [ "#customers > .four-column-tworow-vertical.u30navw3" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"customer-programs\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Customer Programs</button>", "target": [ "button[aria-controls=\"customer-programs\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"customer-stories\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Customer Stories</button>", "target": [ "button[aria-controls=\"customer-stories\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"partners\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"partners\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "#partners" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"u30navw3 four-column-tworow-vertical\">", "target": [ "#partners > .four-column-tworow-vertical.u30navw3" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"resources-customers\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Partner Resources for Customers</button>", "target": [ "button[aria-controls=\"resources-customers\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button aria-controls=\"resources-partners\" aria-expanded=\"false\">Resources for Partners</button>", "target": [ "button[aria-controls=\"resources-partners\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"developers\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"developers\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "div[data-dropdown=\"developers\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"u30navw3 four-column-tworow-vertical\">", "target": [ "div[data-dropdown=\"developers\"] > .four-column-tworow-vertical.u30navw3" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"events\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"events\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "div[data-dropdown=\"events\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"u30navw3 four-column-vertical\">", "target": [ ".four-column-vertical" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div id=\"u30searchw2\">", "target": [ "#u30searchw2" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<form name=\"u30searchForm\" id=\"u30searchForm\" data-contentpaths=\"/content/Web/Shared/Auto-Suggest Panel Event\" method=\"get\" action=\"/search\">", "target": [ "#u30searchForm" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Close Search</span>", "target": [ "#u30closesearch > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div id=\"u30noresults\">", "target": [ "#u30noresults" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"u30submit\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class=\"u30searchbttn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Search\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</span>", "target": [ ".u30submit" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Clear Search</span>", "target": [ "#u30clear > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Search</span>", "target": [ "#u30searchBtn > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div id=\"u30-profilew1\" style=\"\">", "target": [ "#u30-profilew1" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<button id=\"u30actbck\" aria-label=\"close account flyout\"><span class=\"u30actbcktxt\">Back</span></button>", "target": [ "#u30actbck" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<ul class=\"u30l-in\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"/corporate/contact/help.html\" data-lbl=\"help\">Help</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"javascript:sso_sign_out();\" id=\"u30pfile-sout\" data-lbl=\"signout\">Sign Out</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t</ul>", "target": [ ".u30l-in" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<a href=\"/global-menu-v2/\" id=\"u30ham\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-controls=\"u30navw1\">", "target": [ "#u30ham" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"learn-more-oracle-azure\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Explore Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a></div></div>", "target": [ ".fadein-text-with-large-Delay > .rh08w6 > .rh08body > .obttns" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ "#rh08-s02 > .rh08w1.cpad > .rh02txt.rh08w2 > .rh08w5 > .rh08w6 > .rh08body > .obttns" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ "#rh08-s03 > .rh08w1.cpad > .rh02txt.rh08w2 > .rh08w5 > .rh08w6 > .rh08body > .obttns" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ "#rh08-s04 > .rh08w1.cpad > .rh02txt.rh08w2 > .rh08w5 > .rh08w6 > .rh08body > .obttns" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Pause</span>", "target": [ ".rh08-pausew1 > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rh09-cta\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-cloud-region-mexico\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Read the release<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a></div>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-copy > .rh09-cta" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rh09-cta\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-hcm-deskless-exp\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Learn about deskless worker solutions<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a></div>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-copy > .rh09-cta" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rh09-cta\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-rh09-payment-cloud-service\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Learn more about the service<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a></div>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-copy > .rh09-cta" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"expore-cloud-apps\" class=\"link mb-link\">Explore cloud apps</a>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"expore-cloud-apps\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"0\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"enterpriseresourceplanning(erp)_0\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"0\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"1\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"supplychainmanagement(scm)_1\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"1\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"2\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"humancapitalmanagement(hcm)_2\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"2\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"3\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"advertisingandcustomerexperience(cx)_3\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"3\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"4\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"industryapplications_4\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"4\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"5\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"isvandcustomapplications_5\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"5\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"explore-cloud-infra\" class=\"link mb-link\">Explore OCI</a>", "target": [ ".mb-link[data-lbl=\"explore-cloud-infra\"][href$=\"cloud/\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"6\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"developerservices_6\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"6\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"7\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"applicationintegrationservices_7\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"7\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"8\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"analyticsandbi_8\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"8\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"9\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"machinelearningandai_9\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"9\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"10\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"digitalmediaservices_10\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"10\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"11\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"datalakehouse_11\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"11\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"12\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"compute_12\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"12\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"13\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"storage_13\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"13\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"14\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"containersandfunctions_14\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"14\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"15\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"networking_15\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"15\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"16\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"oracledatabases_16\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"16\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"17\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"opensourcedatabases_17\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"17\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"19\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"security,observabilityandmanagement,compliance,andcostmanagementandgovernance_18\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"19\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc105w3\" data-parent=\"20\" role=\"region\" aria-labelledby=\"globalclouddatacenterinfrastructure_19\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "target": [ "div[data-parent=\"20\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Cox Automotive</span>", "target": [ ".rc64-clr[aria-hidden=\"false\"]:nth-child(1) > .active[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Cox Automotive\"][aria-current=\"true\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"\" alt=\"Cox Automotive\"></div>", "target": [ ".active[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Cox Automotive\"][aria-current=\"true\"] >" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Experian</span>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Experian\"][href=\"\"][aria-current=\"false\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"\" alt=\"Experian\"></div>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Experian\"][href=\"\"][aria-current=\"false\"] >" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>FedEx</span>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:FedEx\"][href=\"\"][aria-current=\"false\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"\" alt=\"FedEx\"></div>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:FedEx\"][href=\"\"][aria-current=\"false\"] >" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Hormel Foods</span>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Hormel Foods\"][href=\"\"][aria-current=\"false\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"\" alt=\"Hormel Foods\"></div>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Hormel Foods\"][href=\"\"][aria-current=\"false\"] >" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Siemens Healthineers</span>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Siemens Healthineers\"][href=\"\"][aria-current=\"false\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"\" alt=\"Siemens Healthineers\"></div>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Siemens Healthineers\"][href=\"\"][aria-current=\"false\"] >" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"rc64-clr hidden\" aria-hidden=\"true\">", "target": [ ".rc64nav > .hidden.rc64-clr[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>Xerox</span>", "target": [ ".hidden.rc64-clr[aria-hidden=\"true\"] > a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Xerox\"][aria-current=\"false\"][role=\"button\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"\" alt=\"Xerox\"></div>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"ribbon:Xerox\"][aria-current=\"false\"][role=\"button\"] >" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<ul class=\"rc64secondary\">", "target": [ ".rc64secondary" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"rc64-clr hidden\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><a data-lbl=\"ribbon:Cox Automotive\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"true\" class=\"active\"><span>Cox Automotive</span></a></li>", "target": [ ".hidden.rc64-clr[aria-hidden=\"true\"]:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"rc64-clr hidden\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><a data-lbl=\"ribbon:Experian\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span>Experian</span></a></li>", "target": [ ".hidden.rc64-clr[aria-hidden=\"true\"]:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"rc64-clr hidden\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><a data-lbl=\"ribbon:FedEx\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span>FedEx</span></a></li>", "target": [ ".hidden.rc64-clr[aria-hidden=\"true\"]:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"rc64-clr hidden\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><a data-lbl=\"ribbon:Hormel Foods\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span>Hormel Foods</span></a></li>", "target": [ ".hidden.rc64-clr[aria-hidden=\"true\"]:nth-child(4)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"rc64-clr hidden\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><a data-lbl=\"ribbon:Siemens Healthineers\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span>Siemens Healthineers</span></a></li>", "target": [ ".hidden.rc64-clr[aria-hidden=\"true\"]:nth-child(5)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\">", "target": [ ".rc64w3.bgimg:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\">", "target": [ ".rc64w3.bgimg:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\">", "target": [ ".rc64w3.bgimg:nth-child(4)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\">", "target": [ ".rc64w3.bgimg:nth-child(5)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\">", "target": [ ".rc64w3.bgimg:nth-child(6)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<iframe name=\"trustarc_notice\" id=\"trustarcNoticeFrame\" title=\"Trustarc Cross-Domain Consent Frame\" src=\"\" style=\"display: none;\"></iframe>", "target": [ "#trustarcNoticeFrame" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<iframe name=\"__bkframe\" id=\"__bkframe\" title=\"bk\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"border: 0px; width: 0px; height: 0px; display: none; position: absolute; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px);\"></iframe>", "target": [ "#__bkframe" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ] } ], "violations": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aaa", "wcag146" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AAA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#737371", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 4.76, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"rh08w2 rh02txt\" style=\"height: 387px; min-width: 581px;\">", "target": [ "#rh08-s05 > .rh08w1.cpad > .rh02txt.rh08w2" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.76 (foreground color: #737371, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Oracle Cloud Free Tier lets anyone build, test, and deploy applications on Oracle Cloud—for free. Sign up once, get access to two free offers.</p>", "target": [ "#rh08-s05 > .rh08w1.cpad > .rh02txt.rh08w2 > .rh08w5 > .rh08w6 > .rh08body > div:nth-child(1) > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.76 (foreground color: #737371, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#adabaa", "bgColor": "#312d2a", "contrastRatio": 5.95, "fontSize": "9.4pt (12.544px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cta-0520-panelX-free-tier-pn\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Start your trial today<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"cta-0520-panelX-free-tier-pn\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.95 (foreground color: #adabaa, background color: #312d2a, font size: 9.4pt (12.544px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cta-0520-panelX-free-tier-pn\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Start your trial today<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"cta-0520-panelX-free-tier-pn\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.95 (foreground color: #adabaa, background color: #312d2a, font size: 9.4pt (12.544px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#00688c", "bgColor": "#fbf9f8", "contrastRatio": 5.95, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rc105 rc105v0 rw-neutral-10bg cpad\" data-ocomid=\"rc105\" data-trackas=\"rc105\">", "target": [ ".rc105" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.95 (foreground color: #00688c, background color: #fbf9f8, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"explore-cloud-apps\" class=\"link\">Explore cloud apps</a>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"explore-cloud-apps\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.95 (foreground color: #00688c, background color: #fbf9f8, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#00688c", "bgColor": "#fbf9f8", "contrastRatio": 5.95, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rc105 rc105v0 rw-neutral-10bg cpad\" data-ocomid=\"rc105\" data-trackas=\"rc105\">", "target": [ ".rc105" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.95 (foreground color: #00688c, background color: #fbf9f8, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"explore-cloud-infra\" class=\"link a11-fs\">Explore OCI</a>", "target": [ ".a11-fs" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.95 (foreground color: #00688c, background color: #fbf9f8, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<html lang=\"en\" class=\"js\">", "target": [ "html" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a data-lbl=\"explore-all-customers\" href=\"\">Explore all customer stories</a>", "target": [ "a[data-lbl=\"explore-all-customers\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-auto\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-car\">Automotive</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-hover > .col-w1 > .col-item:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-car\">Automotive</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-car" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-comms\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-wi-fi-on\">Communications</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-hover > .col-w1 > .col-item:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-wi-fi-on\">Communications</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-wi-fi-on" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-construct\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-build\">Construction and Engineering</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-hover > .col-w1 > .col-item:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-build\">Construction and Engineering</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-build" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-consumer\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-package\">Consumer Goods</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(4)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-package\">Consumer Goods</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-package" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-energy-water\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-future-ready\">Energy and Water</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(5)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-future-ready\">Energy and Water</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-future-ready" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-finsrvs\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-bank\">Financial Services</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(6)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-bank\">Financial Services</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-bank" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-food\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-dining\">Food and Beverage</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(7)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-dining\">Food and Beverage</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-dining" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-government\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-administration\">Government and Education</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(8)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-administration\">Government and Education</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-administration" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-health\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-medical-kit\">Health</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(9)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-medical-kit\">Health</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-medical-kit" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-high-tech\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-binding-control\">High Technology</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(10)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-binding-control\">High Technology</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-binding-control" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-hospitality\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-bed\">Hospitality</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(11)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-bed\">Hospitality</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-bed" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-manufacturing\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-settings\">Industrial Manufacturing</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(12)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-settings\">Industrial Manufacturing</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-settings" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-life\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-beaker\">Life Sciences</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(13)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-beaker\">Life Sciences</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-beaker" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-media\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-music\">Media and Entertainment</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(14)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-music\">Media and Entertainment</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-music" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-oil-and-gas\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-oil-and-gas\">Oil and Gas</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(15)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-oil-and-gas\">Oil and Gas</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-oil-and-gas" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-professional-services\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-contact-group\">Professional Services</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(16)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-contact-group\">Professional Services</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-contact-group" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-safety\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-shield\">Public Safety</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(17)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-shield\">Public Safety</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-shield" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-retail\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-store\">Retail</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(18)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-store\">Retail</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-store" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-travel-transportation\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-airport\">Travel and Transportation</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(19)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-airport\">Travel and Transportation</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-airport" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 6, "fontSize": "12.1pt (16.128px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"col-item\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-wholesale-distribution\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-warehouse\">Wholesale Distribution</h3></a></li>", "target": [ ".col-item:nth-child(20)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-warehouse\">Wholesale Distribution</h3>", "target": [ ".icn-warehouse" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #ffffff, font size: 12.1pt (16.128px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#006b8f", "bgColor": "#f1efed", "contrastRatio": 5.23, "fontSize": "10.8pt (14.336px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<section class=\"rw-theme-30bg rc115 rc115v1 cpad\" data-trackas=\"rc115\">", "target": [ ".rw-theme-30bg" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.23 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #f1efed, font size: 10.8pt (14.336px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"noreferrer\" data-lbl=\"learn-more-oracle-cloud-regions\">Learn more about Oracle Cloud Regions</a>", "target": [ ".rc115cta > a[rel=\"noreferrer\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.23 (foreground color: #006b8f, background color: #f1efed, font size: 10.8pt (14.336px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#aaa7a6", "bgColor": "#312d2a", "contrastRatio": 5.72, "fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div id=\"u10\" class=\"u10 u10v6\" data-trackas=\"ffooter-pn\" data-ocomid=\"u10\">", "target": [ "#u10" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<div class=\"u10ttl\" id=\"resourcesfor\">Resources for</div>", "target": [ "#resourcesfor" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#aaa7a6", "bgColor": "#312d2a", "contrastRatio": 5.72, "fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div id=\"u10\" class=\"u10 u10v6\" data-trackas=\"ffooter-pn\" data-ocomid=\"u10\">", "target": [ "#u10" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<div class=\"u10ttl\" id=\"whyoracle\">Why Oracle</div>", "target": [ "#whyoracle" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#aaa7a6", "bgColor": "#312d2a", "contrastRatio": 5.72, "fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div id=\"u10\" class=\"u10 u10v6\" data-trackas=\"ffooter-pn\" data-ocomid=\"u10\">", "target": [ "#u10" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<div class=\"u10ttl\" id=\"learn\">Learn</div>", "target": [ "#learn" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#aaa7a6", "bgColor": "#312d2a", "contrastRatio": 5.72, "fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div id=\"u10\" class=\"u10 u10v6\" data-trackas=\"ffooter-pn\" data-ocomid=\"u10\">", "target": [ "#u10" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<div class=\"u10ttl\" id=\"what’snew\">What’s New</div>", "target": [ "#what’snew" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#aaa7a6", "bgColor": "#312d2a", "contrastRatio": 5.72, "fontSize": "13.5pt (18px)", "fontWeight": "bold", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div id=\"u10\" class=\"u10 u10v6\" data-trackas=\"ffooter-pn\" data-ocomid=\"u10\">", "target": [ "#u10" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<div class=\"u10ttl\" id=\"contactus\">Contact Us</div>", "target": [ "#contactus" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.72 (foreground color: #aaa7a6, background color: #312d2a, font size: 13.5pt (18px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ] }, { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "impact": "critical", "tags": [ "cat.parsing", "wcag2a", "wcag411" ], "description": "Ensures every id attribute value used in ARIA and in labels is unique", "help": "IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "industries", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<ul class=\"fourclm align-fourclm\" id=\"industries\">", "target": [ ".fourclm.align-fourclm" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: industries" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"industries\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"industries\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "div[data-dropdown=\"industries\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: industries" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "developers", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span class=\"u30t1\" id=\"developers\">Developers</span>", "target": [ "#developers-nav > .u30t1" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: developers" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"developers\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"developers\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "div[data-dropdown=\"developers\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: developers" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "events", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span class=\"u30t1\" id=\"events\">Events</span>", "target": [ "#events-nav > .u30t1" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: events" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<div data-dropdown=\"events\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"events\" role=\"region\">", "target": [ "div[data-dropdown=\"events\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: events" } ] }, { "id": "heading-order", "impact": "moderate", "tags": [ "cat.semantics", "best-practice" ], "description": "Ensures the order of headings is semantically correct", "help": "Heading levels should only increase by one", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "heading-order", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Heading order invalid" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<h4>Oracle announces Mexico's first dedicated cloud region</h4>", "target": [ " > .rh09-body > .rh09-ttl > h4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Heading order invalid" }, { "any": [ { "id": "heading-order", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Heading order invalid" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<h4>Cloud Applications</h4>", "target": [ ".rc105-subheader:nth-child(2) > .rc105-ttl > h4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Heading order invalid" } ] }, { "id": "landmark-complementary-is-top-level", "impact": "moderate", "tags": [ "cat.semantics", "best-practice" ], "description": "Ensures the complementary landmark or aside is at top level", "help": "Aside should not be contained in another landmark", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "landmark-is-top-level", "data": { "role": "complementary" }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "The complementary landmark is contained in another landmark." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<div id=\"teconsent\" consent=\"undefined\" aria-label=\"Open Cookie Preferences Modal\" class=\"truste_caIcon_display\" role=\"complementary\">", "target": [ "#teconsent" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n The complementary landmark is contained in another landmark." } ] }, { "id": "meta-viewport", "impact": "critical", "tags": [ "cat.sensory-and-visual-cues", "best-practice", "ACT" ], "description": "Ensures <meta name=\"viewport\"> does not disable text scaling and zooming", "help": "Zooming and scaling should not be disabled", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "meta-viewport", "data": "maximum-scale", "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "critical", "message": "maximum-scale on <meta> tag disables zooming on mobile devices" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\">", "target": [ "meta[name=\"viewport\"]:nth-child(6)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n maximum-scale on <meta> tag disables zooming on mobile devices" }, { "any": [ { "id": "meta-viewport", "data": "maximum-scale", "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "critical", "message": "maximum-scale on <meta> tag disables zooming on mobile devices" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\">", "target": [ "meta[name=\"viewport\"]:nth-child(74)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n maximum-scale on <meta> tag disables zooming on mobile devices" } ] }, { "id": "region", "impact": "moderate", "tags": [ "cat.keyboard", "best-practice" ], "description": "Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks", "help": "All page content should be contained by landmarks", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "region", "data": { "isIframe": false }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<li><a id=\"u30acc\" href=\"\">Click to view our Accessibility Policy</a></li>", "target": [ "#u30skip2content > ul > li:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ] } ] } } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "continuum", "what": "Level Access Continuum, community edition", "url": "", "result": [ { "engineTestId": 59, "bestPracticeId": 410, "attribute": "This element has a content attribute set to a value that includes an instruction that sets the viewport's maximum-scale to less than 2", "attributeDetail": "This META has a content attribute set to a value that includes an instruction that sets the viewport's maximum-scale to less than 2", "element": "<meta content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\" name=\"viewport\">", "testResult": 0, "path": "head>meta:nth-of-type(3)", "fixType": { "fixType": 1, "domSpec": false, "helperText": "Select \"Save\" to change the viewport content attribute to \"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\", or \"Cancel\" if the fix should not be applied.", "fix": { "content": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" } }, "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "meta[name=\"viewport\"][content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\"]", "attNo": 2 } }, { "engineTestId": 59, "bestPracticeId": 410, "attribute": "This element has a content attribute set to a value that includes an instruction that sets the viewport's maximum-scale to less than 2", "attributeDetail": "This META has a content attribute set to a value that includes an instruction that sets the viewport's maximum-scale to less than 2", "element": "<meta content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\" name=\"viewport\">", "testResult": 0, "path": "head>meta:nth-of-type(20)", "fixType": { "fixType": 1, "domSpec": false, "helperText": "Select \"Save\" to change the viewport content attribute to \"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\", or \"Cancel\" if the fix should not be applied.", "fix": { "content": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" } }, "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "meta[name=\"viewport\"][content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\"]", "attNo": 2 } }, { "engineTestId": 85, "bestPracticeId": 1626, "attribute": "This element has an aria-controls attribute value that includes one or more invalid or duplicate ids", "attributeDetail": "This BUTTON has an aria-controls attribute value of 'industries', which includes one or more invalid or duplicate ids", "element": "<button class=\"u30navitem\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"industries\" data-navtarget=\"industries\">Industries</button>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "button[data-navtarget=\"industries\"][aria-controls=\"industries\"][aria-expanded=\"false\"][class=\"u30navitem\"]", "attNo": 4 } }, { "engineTestId": 85, "bestPracticeId": 1626, "attribute": "This element has an aria-controls attribute value that includes one or more invalid or duplicate ids", "attributeDetail": "This BUTTON has an aria-controls attribute value of 'developers', which includes one or more invalid or duplicate ids", "element": "<button class=\"u30navitem\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"developers\" data-navtarget=\"developers\">Developers</button>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(6)>*:nth-child(1)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "button[data-navtarget=\"developers\"][aria-controls=\"developers\"][aria-expanded=\"false\"][class=\"u30navitem\"]", "attNo": 4 } }, { "engineTestId": 85, "bestPracticeId": 1626, "attribute": "This element has an aria-controls attribute value that includes one or more invalid or duplicate ids", "attributeDetail": "This BUTTON has an aria-controls attribute value of 'events', which includes one or more invalid or duplicate ids", "element": "<button class=\"u30navitem\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"events\" data-navtarget=\"events\">Events</button>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(7)>*:nth-child(1)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "button[data-navtarget=\"events\"][aria-controls=\"events\"][aria-expanded=\"false\"][class=\"u30navitem\"]", "attNo": 4 } }, { "engineTestId": 94, "bestPracticeId": 1352, "attribute": "This element has an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the same DOM", "attributeDetail": "This DIV has an id attribute of 'industries', which is not unique in the same DOM", "element": "<div role=\"region\" id=\"industries\" class=\"u30navw2\" data-dropdown=\"industries\"><div class=\"u30navw3 ... ces/\">Life Sciences</a></li><li><a target=\"_top\" data-lbl=\"industries:media-and-entertainment\" href=", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(2)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "div[data-dropdown=\"industries\"][class=\"u30navw2\"][id=\"industries\"][role=\"region\"]", "attNo": 4 } }, { "engineTestId": 94, "bestPracticeId": 1352, "attribute": "This element has an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the same DOM", "attributeDetail": "This UL has an id attribute of 'industries', which is not unique in the same DOM", "element": "<ul id=\"industries\" class=\"fourclm align-fourclm\"><li><a target=\"_top\" data-lbl=\"industries:all-indu ... lesale-distribution\" href=\"/industries/wholesale-distribution/\">Wholesale Distribution</a></li></ul>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(3)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "ul[class=\"fourclm align-fourclm\"][id=\"industries\"]", "attNo": 2 } }, { "engineTestId": 94, "bestPracticeId": 1352, "attribute": "This element has an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the same DOM", "attributeDetail": "This DIV has an id attribute of 'developers', which is not unique in the same DOM", "element": "<div role=\"region\" id=\"developers\" class=\"u30navw2\" data-dropdown=\"developers\"><div class=\"u30navw3 ... .org/2000/svg\"><path d=\"M7,7 L17,17\"></path><path d=\"M17,7 L7,17\"></path></svg></button></div></div>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(6)>*:nth-child(2)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "div[data-dropdown=\"developers\"][class=\"u30navw2\"][id=\"developers\"][role=\"region\"]", "attNo": 4 } }, { "engineTestId": 94, "bestPracticeId": 1352, "attribute": "This element has an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the same DOM", "attributeDetail": "This SPAN has an id attribute of 'developers', which is not unique in the same DOM", "element": "<span id=\"developers\" class=\"u30t1\">Developers</span>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(6)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "span[class=\"u30t1\"][id=\"developers\"]", "attNo": 2 } }, { "engineTestId": 94, "bestPracticeId": 1352, "attribute": "This element has an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the same DOM", "attributeDetail": "This DIV has an id attribute of 'events', which is not unique in the same DOM", "element": "<div role=\"region\" id=\"events\" class=\"u30navw2\" data-dropdown=\"events\"><div class=\"u30navw3 four-col ... .org/2000/svg\"><path d=\"M7,7 L17,17\"></path><path d=\"M17,7 L7,17\"></path></svg></button></div></div>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(7)>*:nth-child(2)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "div[data-dropdown=\"events\"][class=\"u30navw2\"][id=\"events\"][role=\"region\"]", "attNo": 4 } }, { "engineTestId": 94, "bestPracticeId": 1352, "attribute": "This element has an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the same DOM", "attributeDetail": "This SPAN has an id attribute of 'events', which is not unique in the same DOM", "element": "<span id=\"events\" class=\"u30t1\">Events</span>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(7)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "span[class=\"u30t1\"][id=\"events\"]", "attNo": 2 } }, { "engineTestId": 123, "bestPracticeId": 362, "attribute": "This svg element does not have a mechanism that allows an accessible name value to be calculated", "attributeDetail": "This svg element does not have a mechanism that allows an accessible name value to be calculated", "element": "<svg preserveaspectratio=\"xMinYMid\" viewbox=\"0 0 231 30\" height=\"30\" width=\"231\" xmlns=\"http://www.w ... 61,0,0,1,9.26-7h16.76l3.35-5.25h-20.5a14.86,14.86,0,0,0,0,29.71h17.63l3.35-5.23h-20.6\"></path></svg>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>div:nth-of-type(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(2)", "fixType": { "fixType": 1, "domSpec": false, "helperText": "Provide text that describes the content conveyed by the SVG.", "fix": { "alt": false, "aria-label": null, "aria-labelledby": false } }, "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "svg[class=\"u30-oicn\"][width=\"231\"][height=\"30\"][viewbox=\"0 0 231 30\"][preserveaspectratio=\"xMinYMid\"]", "attNo": 6 } } ] }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "htmlcs", "what": "HTML CodeSniffer WCAG 2.1 AA ruleset", "url": "", "result": { "Error": { "AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail": { "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1:1. Recommendation: change text colour to #767676.": [ { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button data-navtarget=\"customers\" aria-controls=\"customers\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">...</button>" }, { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button data-navtarget=\"developers\" aria-controls=\"developers\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">...</button>" }, { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button data-navtarget=\"events\" aria-controls=\"events\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">...</button>" }, { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button data-navtarget=\"industries\" aria-controls=\"industries\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">...</button>" }, { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button data-navtarget=\"partners\" aria-controls=\"partners\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">...</button>" }, { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button data-navtarget=\"products\" aria-controls=\"products\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">...</button>" }, { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button data-navtarget=\"resources\" aria-controls=\"resources\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem scroll\">...</button>" } ], "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1.05:1. Recommendation: change text colour to #787675.": [ { "tagName": "b", "id": "", "code": "<b>...</b>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span class=\"visuallyHidden\">...</span>" } ], "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1.75:1. Recommendation: change background to #78746f.": [ { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span>...</span>" } ] }, "AA.2_4_1.G1,G123,G124.NoSuchID": { "This link points to a named anchor \"analytics-bi\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#analytics-bi\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:analytics-and-bi\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"application-integration\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#application-integration\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:app-integration\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"compute\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#compute\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"containers-and-functions\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#containers-and-functions\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:containers-and-functions\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"cx\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#cx\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"data-lakehouse\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#data-lakehouse\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"developer-services\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#developer-services\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"digital-media-services\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#digital-media-services\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:digital-media-services\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"erp\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#erp\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"global-cloud-datacenter-infrastructure\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#global-cloud-datacenter-infrastructure\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"hcm\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#hcm\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"industry-apps\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#industry-apps\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"isv-custom-apps\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#isv-custom-apps\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"machine-learning-ai\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#machine-learning-ai\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"networking\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#networking\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"open-source-databases\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#open-source-databases\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:open-source-databases\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"oracle-databases\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#oracle-databases\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"scm\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#scm\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"security-observability-management-compliance\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#security-observability-management-compliance\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ], "This link points to a named anchor \"storage\" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#storage\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage\" role=\"button\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</a>" } ] }, "AA.4_1_1.F77": { "Duplicate id attribute value \"developers\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "span", "id": "#developers", "code": "<span class=\"u30t1\" id=\"developers\">...</span>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"events\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "span", "id": "#events", "code": "<span class=\"u30t1\" id=\"events\">...</span>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"industries\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "ul", "id": "#industries", "code": "<ul class=\"fourclm align-fourclm\" id=\"industries\">...</ul>" } ] }, "AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoContent": { "Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\">...</a>" } ] } }, "Warning": { "AA.1_1_1.H67.2": { "Img element is marked so that it is ignored by Assistive Technology.": [ { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img class=\"\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img class=\"\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img class=\"\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">" } ] }, "AA.1_3_1_A.G141": { "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h2 element appears to be the primary document heading, so should be an h1 element.": [ { "tagName": "h2", "id": "", "code": "<h2 class=\"rwaccent-4\">...</h2>" } ], "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h2 element should be an h1 to be properly nested.": [ { "tagName": "h2", "id": "", "code": "<h2 class=\"rwaccent-4\">...</h2>" } ], "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h4 element should be an h2 to be properly nested.": [ { "tagName": "h4", "id": "", "code": "<h4>...</h4>" } ], "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h4 element should be an h3 to be properly nested.": [ { "tagName": "h4", "id": "", "code": "<h4>...</h4>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206": { "This element has \"position: fixed\". This may require scrolling in two dimensions, which is considered a failure of this Success Criterion.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "#u30skip2content", "code": "<div id=\"u30skip2content\">...</div>" } ], "Interfering with a user agent's ability to zoom may be a failure of this Success Criterion.": [ { "tagName": "meta", "id": "", "code": "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\">" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G145.BgImage": { "This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.": [ { "tagName": "b", "id": "", "code": "<b>...</b>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G18.Abs": { "This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.": [ { "tagName": "caption", "id": "", "code": "<caption>...</caption>" }, { "tagName": "p", "id": "", "code": "<p>...</p>" }, { "tagName": "td", "id": "", "code": "<td>...</td>" }, { "tagName": "th", "id": "", "code": "<th scope=\"col\">...</th>" }, { "tagName": "th", "id": "", "code": "<th scope=\"row\">...</th>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage": { "This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div class=\"rh02-sub\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": "h1", "id": "", "code": "<h1 class=\"rh02-ttl oracleprefix\">...</h1>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span>...</span>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3_F24.F24.BGColour": { "Check that this element has an inherited foreground colour to complement the corresponding inline background colour or image.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div class=\"rc20blankcover\" style=\"right:0%;width:50%;background:#161513\">...</div>" } ] }, "AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoHref": { "Anchor elements should not be used for defining in-page link targets. If not using the ID for other purposes (such as CSS or scripting), consider moving it to a parent element.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "#icon-id049221149267482156", "code": "<a role=\"link\" id=\"icon-id049221149267482156\" tabindex=\"0\" lang=\"en\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-label=\"Cookie Preferences\" class=\"truste_cursor_pointer\">...</a>" } ] } } } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "ibm", "withItems": true, "what": "IBM Accessibility Checker", "url": "", "result": { "content": { "totals": { "violation": 13, "recommendation": 1, "ignored": 0 }, "items": [ { "ruleId": "WCAG20_A_HasText", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[5]" }, "message": "Hyperlink has no link text, label or image with a text alternative", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5990, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "WCAG20_A_HasText", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[4]" }, "message": "Hyperlink has no link text, label or image with a text alternative", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5941, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "WCAG20_A_HasText", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[3]" }, "message": "Hyperlink has no link text, label or image with a text alternative", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5893, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "WCAG20_A_HasText", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[2]" }, "message": "Hyperlink has no link text, label or image with a text alternative", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5844, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "WCAG20_A_HasText", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[1]" }, "message": "Hyperlink has no link text, label or image with a text alternative", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5795, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "RPT_Elem_UniqueId", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/head[1]/script[32]", "aria": "/document[1]" }, "message": "The <script> element has the id \"boomr-scr-as\" that is already in use", "bounds": { "left": 0, "top": 0, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "snippet": "<script async=\"\" src=\"\" id=\"boomr-scr-as\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "Rpt_Aria_OrphanedContent_Native_Host_Sematics", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/ul[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/list[1]" }, "message": "Content is not within a landmark element", "bounds": { "left": 16, "top": -41, "height": 0, "width": 407 }, "snippet": "<ul>", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "HAAC_Figure_label", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[6]/div[1]/figure[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]/figure[1]" }, "message": "The <figure> element does not have an associated label", "bounds": { "left": 24, "top": 5322, "height": 368, "width": 752 }, "snippet": "<figure>", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_semantics_role", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[5]" }, "message": "The ARIA role 'none, presentation' is not valid for the element <a> and may be ignored by the browser since the element is focusable", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5990, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_semantics_role", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[4]" }, "message": "The ARIA role 'none, presentation' is not valid for the element <a> and may be ignored by the browser since the element is focusable", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5941, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_semantics_role", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[3]" }, "message": "The ARIA role 'none, presentation' is not valid for the element <a> and may be ignored by the browser since the element is focusable", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5893, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_semantics_role", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[2]" }, "message": "The ARIA role 'none, presentation' is not valid for the element <a> and may be ignored by the browser since the element is focusable", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5844, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_semantics_role", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/link[1]" }, "message": "The ARIA role 'none, presentation' is not valid for the element <a> and may be ignored by the browser since the element is focusable", "bounds": { "left": 756, "top": 5795, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "snippet": "<a role=\"none presentation\" href=\"#\" class=\"u10btn\">", "level": "violation" }, { "ruleId": "Rpt_Aria_ComplementaryLandmarkLabel_Implicit", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[4]/div[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[7]/listitem[4]/complementary[1]" }, "message": "The element with \"complementary\" role does not have a visible label", "bounds": { "left": 427, "top": 6143, "height": 15, "width": 120 }, "snippet": "<div role=\"complementary\" class=\"truste_caIcon_display\" aria-label=\"Open Cookie Preferences Modal\" consent=\"undefined\" id=\"teconsent\">", "level": "recommendation" } ] }, "url": { "prevented": true, "error": "ERROR: getting ibm test report took too long" }, "prevented": true } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "nuVal", "what": "failures to pass the Nu Html Checker", "url": "", "result": { "messages": [ { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1, "lastColumn": 71, "firstColumn": 49, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted.", "extract": "js\"><head><style type=\"text/css\">.trust", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 23 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1, "lastColumn": 153, "firstColumn": 131, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted.", "extract": ";}</style><style type=\"text/css\">.trust", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 23 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1, "lastColumn": 468, "firstColumn": 380, "subType": "warning", "message": "Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.", "extract": "owngrade\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\"><meta ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 89 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1, "lastColumn": 5626, "firstColumn": 5596, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "dex.html\"><script type=\"text/javascript\">var mp", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 31 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1, "lastColumn": 5724, "firstColumn": 5694, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": ";</script><script type=\"text/javascript\">var s_", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 31 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1, "lastColumn": 5788, "message": "A charset attribute on a meta element found after the first 1024 bytes.", "extract": " charset=\"utf-8\"><meta name=\"r", "hiliteStart": 15, "hiliteLength": 1 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1, "lastColumn": 5789, "firstColumn": 5768, "message": "A document must not include more than one meta element with a charset attribute.", "extract": ";</script><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><meta ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 22 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1, "lastColumn": 5937, "firstColumn": 5849, "subType": "warning", "message": "Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.", "extract": "owngrade\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\"><meta ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 89 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 4680, "firstColumn": 4513, "subType": "warning", "message": "The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" async=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\" id=\"tiqapp\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 168 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 4680, "firstColumn": 4513, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" async=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\" id=\"tiqapp\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 168 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 4838, "firstColumn": 4690, "subType": "warning", "message": "The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" async=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\" id=\"utag_oracle.main_55\" src=\"//\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 149 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 4838, "firstColumn": 4690, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" async=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\" id=\"utag_oracle.main_55\" src=\"//\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 149 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 4994, "firstColumn": 4848, "subType": "warning", "message": "The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" async=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\" id=\"utag_oracle.main_5\" src=\"//\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 147 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 4994, "firstColumn": 4848, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" async=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\" id=\"utag_oracle.main_5\" src=\"//\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 147 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5152, "firstColumn": 5004, "subType": "warning", "message": "The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" async=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\" id=\"utag_oracle.main_64\" src=\"//\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 149 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5152, "firstColumn": 5004, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" async=\"\" charset=\"utf-8\" id=\"utag_oracle.main_64\" src=\"//\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 149 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5288, "firstColumn": 5162, "message": "Bad value true for attribute async on element script.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\" async=\"true\" defer=\"true\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 127 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5288, "firstColumn": 5162, "message": "Bad value true for attribute defer on element script.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\" async=\"true\" defer=\"true\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 127 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5288, "firstColumn": 5162, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\" async=\"true\" defer=\"true\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 127 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5460, "firstColumn": 5298, "message": "Bad value true for attribute async on element script.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\" async=\"true\" defer=\"true\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 163 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5460, "firstColumn": 5298, "message": "Bad value true for attribute defer on element script.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\" async=\"true\" defer=\"true\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 163 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5460, "firstColumn": 5298, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\" async=\"true\" defer=\"true\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 163 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 116, "lastColumn": 50, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Duplicate ID industries.", "extract": "</button>\n<ul class=\"fourclm align-fourclm\" id=\"industries\">\n<li><", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 50 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 101, "lastColumn": 210, "firstColumn": 132, "subType": "warning", "message": "The first occurrence of ID industries was here.", "extract": "s</button><div data-dropdown=\"industries\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"industries\" role=\"region\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 79 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 397, "lastColumn": 36, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Duplicate ID developers.", "extract": "ertical\">\n<span class=\"u30t1\" id=\"developers\">Develo", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 36 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 396, "lastColumn": 210, "firstColumn": 132, "subType": "warning", "message": "The first occurrence of ID developers was here.", "extract": "s</button><div data-dropdown=\"developers\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"developers\" role=\"region\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 79 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 418, "lastColumn": 32, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Duplicate ID events.", "extract": "ertical\">\n<span class=\"u30t1\" id=\"events\">Events", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 32 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 417, "lastColumn": 190, "firstColumn": 120, "subType": "warning", "message": "The first occurrence of ID events was here.", "extract": "s</button><div data-dropdown=\"events\" class=\"u30navw2\" id=\"events\" role=\"region\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 71 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 462, "lastColumn": 33, "firstColumn": 10, "message": "Element div not allowed as child of element span in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)", "extract": "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"u30inputw1\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 24 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 466, "lastColumn": 105, "firstColumn": 10, "message": "Element div not allowed as child of element span in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)", "extract": "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id=\"u30searchw3\" style=\"margin-left: -198px; width: calc(100vw - 0px); max-width: 1280px;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 96 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 5906, "firstColumn": 5801, "subType": "warning", "message": "Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed.", "extract": "s=\"f20w1\"><section id=\"u30\" class=\"u30 u30v3 ws-sticky rw-sticky contentloaded\" data-trackas=\"header\" role=\"banner\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 106 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1161, "lastColumn": 5492, "firstColumn": 5301, "message": "CSS: background-image: Parse Error.", "extract": "=\"rc64w2\"><div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg active\" style=\"background-image:url(\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 192 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1162, "lastColumn": 379, "firstColumn": 190, "message": "CSS: background-image: Parse Error.", "extract": "div></div><div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 190 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1163, "lastColumn": 343, "firstColumn": 156, "message": "CSS: background-image: Parse Error.", "extract": "div></div><div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 188 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1164, "lastColumn": 331, "firstColumn": 147, "message": "CSS: background-image: Parse Error.", "extract": "div></div><div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 185 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1165, "lastColumn": 362, "firstColumn": 167, "message": "CSS: background-image: Parse Error.", "extract": "div></div><div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 196 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1166, "lastColumn": 378, "firstColumn": 191, "message": "CSS: background-image: Parse Error.", "extract": "div></div><div class=\"rc64w3 bgimg \" style=\"background-image:url(\"><div c", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 188 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1184, "lastColumn": 52, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Attribute href not allowed on element a at this point.", "extract": "li>\n</ul>\n<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a></", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 52 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1198, "lastColumn": 52, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Attribute href not allowed on element a at this point.", "extract": "li>\n</ul>\n<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a></", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 52 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1212, "lastColumn": 52, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Attribute href not allowed on element a at this point.", "extract": "li>\n</ul>\n<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a></", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 52 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1226, "lastColumn": 52, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Attribute href not allowed on element a at this point.", "extract": "li>\n</ul>\n<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a></", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 52 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1241, "lastColumn": 52, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Attribute href not allowed on element a at this point.", "extract": "li>\n</ul>\n<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a></", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 52 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1259, "lastColumn": 138, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute consent not allowed on element div at this point.", "extract": "</li>\n<li><div id=\"teconsent\" consent=\"undefined\" aria-label=\"Open Cookie Preferences Modal\" class=\"truste_caIcon_display\" role=\"complementary\"><scrip", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 134 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1259, "lastColumn": 279, "firstColumn": 139, "message": "Attribute importance not allowed on element script at this point.", "extract": "ementary\"><script async=\"async\" type=\"text/javascript\" crossorigin=\"\" importance=\"high\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 141 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1259, "lastColumn": 279, "firstColumn": 139, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "ementary\"><script async=\"async\" type=\"text/javascript\" crossorigin=\"\" importance=\"high\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 141 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1273, "lastColumn": 124, "firstColumn": 23, "subType": "warning", "message": "The language attribute on the script element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.", "extract": "ion></div><script language=\"JavaScript\" async=\"\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 102 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1273, "lastColumn": 269247, "firstColumn": 269158, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "announcer><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 90 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 1273, "lastColumn": 269435, "firstColumn": 269257, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"//\" id=\"truste_0.25620521306016797\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 179 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 1273, "lastColumn": 269937, "firstColumn": 269756, "message": "Bad value __bkframe for attribute name on element iframe: Browsing context name started with the underscore.", "extract": "></iframe><iframe name=\"__bkframe\" id=\"__bkframe\" title=\"bk\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"border: 0px; width: 0px; height: 0px; display: none; position: absolute; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px);\"></ifra", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 182 } ], "language": "en" } }, { "type": "test", "which": "wave", "reportType": 4, "what": "WAVE", "url": "", "result": { "status": { "success": true, "httpstatuscode": 200 }, "statistics": { "pagetitle": "Oracle | Cloud Applications and Cloud Platform", "pageurl": "", "time": 4.73, "creditsremaining": 7, "allitemcount": 846, "totalelements": 2048, "waveurl": "" }, "categories": { "error": { "description": "Errors", "count": 25, "items": { "button_empty": { "id": "button_empty", "description": "Empty button", "count": 20, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > 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> A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > 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DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + DIV + BUTTON", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + BUTTON" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)", "link": "" }, { "name": "2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)", "link": "" } ] }, "link_empty": { "id": "link_empty", "description": "Empty link", "count": 5, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN + SECTION > DIV#u10 > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + UL + A", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN + SECTION > DIV#u10 > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + UL + A", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN + SECTION > DIV#u10 > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + UL + A", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN + SECTION > DIV#u10 > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + UL + A", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN + SECTION > DIV#u10 > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + UL + A" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)", "link": "" } ] } } }, "contrast": { "description": "Contrast Errors", "count": 3, "items": { "contrast": { "id": "contrast", "description": "Very low contrast", "count": 3, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI > BUTTON:first-child > SPAN:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > 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"selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV#rh08rh08sliderw1 > DIV#rh08rh08sliderw2 > DIV#rh08-s03 > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > IMG:first-child" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)", "link": "" } ] }, "alt_duplicate": { "id": "alt_duplicate", "description": "A nearby image has the same alternative text", "count": 5, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child > SPAN:first-child + DIV + DIV > IMG:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child > SPAN:first-child + DIV + DIV > IMG:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child > SPAN:first-child + DIV + DIV > IMG:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child > SPAN:first-child + DIV + DIV > IMG:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child > SPAN:first-child + DIV + DIV > IMG:first-child" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)", "link": "" } ] }, "heading_skipped": { "id": "heading_skipped", "description": "Skipped heading level", "count": 2, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > H4:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > H4:first-child" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)", "link": "" }, { "name": "2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A)", "link": "" }, { "name": "2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA)", "link": "" } ] }, "link_internal_broken": { "id": 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+ SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > A:first-child" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A)", "link": "" } ] }, "link_suspicious": { "id": "link_suspicious", "description": "Suspicious link text", "count": 1, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#u30skip2content > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI > A#u30acc" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)", "link": "" } ] }, "link_redundant": { "id": "link_redundant", "description": "Redundant link", "count": 7, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + P + A", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + P + A", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > UL:first-child > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)", "link": "" } ] }, "link_pdf": { "id": "link_pdf", "description": "Link to PDF document", "count": 1, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV:first-child + SECTION + SECTION + SECTION > DIV:first-child > HEADER:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > A:first-child + DIV > H3:first-child + P + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV > H4:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child" ], "wcag": [] }, "noscript": { "id": "noscript", "description": "Noscript element", "count": 2, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child > STYLE:first-child + STYLE + META + TITLE + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + META + LINK + SCRIPT + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + LINK + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + META + META + META + META + META + META + META + LINK + LINK + NOSCRIPT", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV:first-child + DIV + SCRIPT + NOSCRIPT" ], "wcag": [] }, "text_small": { "id": "text_small", "description": "Very small text", "count": 5, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child > BUTTON:first-child > SPAN:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > 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"wcag": [] }, "title_redundant": { "id": "title_redundant", "description": "Redundant title text", "count": 7, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION#u30 > DIV#u30w1 > DIV#u30tools > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child > BUTTON:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI > BUTTON:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI > BUTTON:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > BUTTON:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > BUTTON:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#__next > DIV:first-child > SECTION:first-child + DIV + MAIN > DIV#parentwrap > SECTION:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV#rh08 > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child + DIV > BUTTON:first-child" ], "wcag": [] } } } } } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "tenon", "id": "a", "what": "Tenon", "url": "", "result": { "status": 200, "message": "OK", "code": "success", "info": "Success", "moreInfo": "", "responseExecTime": "0.110", "responseTime": "2022-08-13T09:24:20.922Z", "data": { "apiErrors": [], "documentSize": 1363008, "metadata": null, "resultSummary": { "tests": { "total": 180, "passing": 166, "failing": 14 }, "issues": { "totalErrors": 421, "totalWarnings": 1, "totalIssues": 422 }, "issuesByLevel": { "A": { "count": 374, "pct": 88.63 }, "AA": { "count": 72, "pct": 17.06 }, "AAA": { "count": 422, "pct": 100 } }, "density": { "errorDensity": 32, "warningDensity": 0, "allDensity": 32 } }, "projectID": "E4B12DC9-2F67-8DB7-26C9-E50C8490", "responseID": "da31fae6-de8a-4e8b-803f-961afac8da33", "docID": "84d929c4-ba6c-482e-c351-dcb16acbb4f7", "sourceHash": "db77efd99205a6f1beca97822b874c76", "urlHttpCode": 200, "clientScriptErrors": [], "remainingApiCalls": { "planCalls": 0, "boosts": 19 }, "globalStats": { "errorDensity": "N/A", "warningDensity": "N/A", "allDensity": "N/A", "stdDev": "N/A" }, "resultUrl": "http://ngnix/history.php?responseID=da31fae6-de8a-4e8b-803f-961afac8da33", "resultSet": [ { "tID": 28, "bpID": 3, "priority": 100, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "The layout or sizing of this page causes horizontal scrolling.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid layouts that result in horizontal scroll", "errorDescription": "This page is too wide, causing horizontal scrolling (at the tested viewport size). Horizontal scrolling will cause difficulties for users with low vision, especially if they have their monitor set to a low resolution. Review HTML, CSS and page element sizes to ensure 100% width is not exceeded.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 1024, "y": 768 }, "height": 768, "width": 1024 }, "position": { "line": 2322, "column": 60 }, "errorSnippet": "<body class=\"rwtheme-oci f20 f20v0 ready\"><div id=\"u30skip2content\"><ul><li><a id=\"u30skip2c\" href=\"#maincontent\">Skip to content</a></li><li><a id=\"u30acc\" href=\"", "xpath": "/html/body", "issueID": "7d4b1339a9bd23e5805d5dbfdbd17233", "signature": "6198abff28ac605258c7b71446aecc9d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 57, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has no text inside it.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The text inside of a link informs the user of the purpose or destination of the link. Because this link has no text, users will not know what the link does or where it takes them when they activate the link. This poses problems for users of screenreaders and voice dictation. Add text within this link to make it usable and understandable for all users", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9058, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "6659434cb7280537bc132a0eefdaa93a", "signature": "85d6d6f3914a2f10bddb8ccbfeb8816e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 57, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has no text inside it.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The text inside of a link informs the user of the purpose or destination of the link. Because this link has no text, users will not know what the link does or where it takes them when they activate the link. This poses problems for users of screenreaders and voice dictation. Add text within this link to make it usable and understandable for all users", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9070, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "fe57d226aaea14dbe63aec306e9114a9", "signature": "f70b9d971835440c4c5e3f894db68a06", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 57, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has no text inside it.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The text inside of a link informs the user of the purpose or destination of the link. Because this link has no text, users will not know what the link does or where it takes them when they activate the link. This poses problems for users of screenreaders and voice dictation. Add text within this link to make it usable and understandable for all users", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9077, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "9f64967b8931e97009af80ab3424cdcd", "signature": "fe66afe67e20a404d47f8f223dadf3c4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 57, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has no text inside it.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The text inside of a link informs the user of the purpose or destination of the link. Because this link has no text, users will not know what the link does or where it takes them when they activate the link. This poses problems for users of screenreaders and voice dictation. Add text within this link to make it usable and understandable for all users", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9094, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "38093ac6cdbc8abe0bc6da2b5dca9406", "signature": "4fb4814d02cd7d54ceb8ff21b9981167", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 57, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has no text inside it.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The text inside of a link informs the user of the purpose or destination of the link. Because this link has no text, users will not know what the link does or where it takes them when they activate the link. This poses problems for users of screenreaders and voice dictation. Add text within this link to make it usable and understandable for all users", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9129, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "2f58bdec756cf496b886a9f4db57a4e9", "signature": "9a068d225f7861fa008d841182bfbab1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 845, "y": 52 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 1000, "y": 96 }, "height": 44, "width": 155 }, "position": { "line": 8246, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/corporate/contact/\" data-lbl=\"contact-us\" title=\"Contact Sales\" tabindex=\"0\"><span>Contact Sales</span></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "32ab30b7d1593c978a0e7b3ac9661b76", "signature": "d8859e0f3216a59542ca6d359f94ff3d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 297.5, "y": 18.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 360.5, "y": 38.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 63 }, "position": { "line": 7993, "column": 9 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-navtarget=\"products\" aria-controls=\"products\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Products</button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "e3799394fa9eb1234668db7c50d78d3b", "signature": "b63278a1260a6197555da3d16a27d50c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 376.5, "y": 18.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 446.5, "y": 38.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8088, "column": 9 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-navtarget=\"industries\" aria-controls=\"industries\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Industries</button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/button[1]", "issueID": "1394f44b0f884c48ec633c0b6461b32b", "signature": "25e96f794c3d6f6348bd5093135d0de0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 462.5, "y": 18.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 536.5, "y": 38.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 74 }, "position": { "line": 8135, "column": 9 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-navtarget=\"resources\" aria-controls=\"resources\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem scroll\">Resources</button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/button[1]", "issueID": "a8969e6fdc9cb94a88623220984ba612", "signature": "314b3ecc4d4f1a86a194cbe0465f5522", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 552.5, "y": 18.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 628.5, "y": 38.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 76 }, "position": { "line": 8313, "column": 9 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-navtarget=\"customers\" aria-controls=\"customers\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Customers</button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/button[1]", "issueID": "0e957692222a03ba8a853b12b2d5d72b", "signature": "f5becd2d2f9a57c9844cbe13547572ef", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 644.5, "y": 18.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 706.5, "y": 38.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 62 }, "position": { "line": 8350, "column": 9 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-navtarget=\"partners\" aria-controls=\"partners\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Partners</button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/button[1]", "issueID": "c7cb85a82bdae85bff7623e63c3d1853", "signature": "3b275f29240fc9ddca6122f3d636fa16", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 722.5, "y": 18.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 803.5, "y": 38.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 81 }, "position": { "line": 8383, "column": 9 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-navtarget=\"developers\" aria-controls=\"developers\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Developers</button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/button[1]", "issueID": "2b34272af32102595323e65163fe2064", "signature": "349281a375bf46b2545e2836e774ea2d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 819.5, "y": 18.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 867.5, "y": 38.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 48 }, "position": { "line": 8404, "column": 9 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-navtarget=\"events\" aria-controls=\"events\" aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"u30navitem\">Events</button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/button[1]", "issueID": "a5791029e4de8c40ee1c27cd4eb8feb8", "signature": "114c74c0699e6ec582913920d0828b94", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 261.99399999999997, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 261.99399999999997 }, "position": { "line": 8248, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"learn-more-oracle-azure\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Explore Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure<span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "a6e96f9b9b658089c8e7d56e0a4d38af", "signature": "e70cd59b8c73233ca9d8e016cfbe85f2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 1, "y": 18 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 71, "y": 22 }, "height": 4, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<span>Slide 1</span>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[1]/button[1]/span[1]", "issueID": "c9bbfe869eb61dcfeff2a91ad7cc352c", "signature": "101e62de6715463259ddff33e98b3e99", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 7999, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"resources:documentation/java\">Java</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "866a8a3e237b5d44bcab8e571ab44fe1", "signature": "19933c064c626d740c8e89fa78d1ef86", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8009, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"resources:documentation/on-premise-apps\">On-Premises Applications</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/ul[1]/li[12]/a[1]", "issueID": "7dd8191ca6230c7e151e482c782795e7", "signature": "305dda171ab85e72ef8db0ad97ebc70b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8014, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/java/technologies/downloads/\" data-lbl=\"resources:downloads/java\">Java</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "d5589f1819a44b97aab788608a1f5cd3", "signature": "4e8d42ec73e439cfc79be65d3c4df522", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8019, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"resources:downloads/database\">Oracle Database</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "443c6b3a30190825043b756bf9896ad1", "signature": "b5f81d8482df74140f9f8438c4520f8c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8027, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"resources:downloads/mysql\">MySQL</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "8dc9fa446a367c9ac318ce2a940a64ac", "signature": "3a63a42bb2ce4e76d3b29d7ca8f30950", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8156, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"customers:programs/join-community\" target=\"_top\">Join the community</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "604def0cae3821c7897a336c28c0bf6f", "signature": "1a46db31e6c6bc723003014b9b5d8393", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8222, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\";intcmp=:ow:o:h:nav::DevLiveSeries_OcomHomepageEventsDropdown\" data-lbl=\"events:developer-live\" target=\"_top\">Developer Live&l", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "5ea908a9ea9a324dd9c1aa139b71c6d9", "signature": "cda105ffdfb438fddedabc02dd406e69", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 137.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 175.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8272, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:project-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Project Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "d44f1079466de7337adedce3f695aa77", "signature": "9c319ef8b4915101ce73470d7fa0e523", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 183.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 90, "y": 202.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 90 }, "position": { "line": 8273, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:procurement\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Procurement</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "cdaa479dfb7881feadaa672515041b5e", "signature": "f86b70a7b8fdf8669dd5cfdc20256fe8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 210.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 248.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8274, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:risk-management-compliance\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Risk Management and Compliance</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "15bf9d168c0e138f3aeef55230a68d73", "signature": "da319fdb0d6bcd37ef669c2ccec43281", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 110.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 167.546875 }, "height": 57, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8275, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:enterprise-performance-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Enterprise Performance Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "a37592eeb3d77ff01213dc734a46337b", "signature": "0c86c0f3c13bf36779375a2fb8c22b50", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 168.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8287, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:supply-chain-planning\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Supply Chain Planning</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "cbddf7a2b4c0fe3f25d242da93af9364", "signature": "6ba4ca9cf9a87c8e406bc8f6e7748be7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 176.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 214.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8288, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:inventory-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Inventory Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "cfb5d6e51b0979efaf47dddb8ae391e0", "signature": "782ed93bf69dd0d28c608a5233dd3d13", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 222.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 101, "y": 241.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 101 }, "position": { "line": 8289, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:manufacturing\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Manufacturing</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "30506444a4dad22eb7ac5df3cdb019b5", "signature": "b99a6fde3e27521d98b0948c5154b66c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. 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If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 249.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 88, "y": 268.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 88 }, "position": { "line": 8290, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:maintenance\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Maintenance</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "84776826b8439e4c925ff1ab468bed37", "signature": "6474a8a9095fbb3feee6b9badeb4eb41", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. 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If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 203.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 240.265625, "y": 222.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 90 }, "position": { "line": 8294, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:procurement\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Procurement</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "7bed1bfe79907b5c49287fe813277037", "signature": "5825face79bfefdb7c64795bb573ad5b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. 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If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 125, "y": 149.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 125 }, "position": { "line": 8299, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:human-resources\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Human Resources</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "ecf3addefa5cb8af9b8ab8f0e34c9e53", "signature": "6845dccf6ac471e4ac6a63a1e91448ba", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. 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If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 157.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 195.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8300, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:talent-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Talent Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "ddcba8232d0e038ae43856d435378f4e", "signature": "c68dad3fd4c1b186c3a3a3fe02e9e93e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. 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If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 189.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 79, "y": 208.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 79 }, "position": { "line": 8331, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:advertising\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Advertising</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "61e4a17a5b7bdddc3fa9af4a0aae7101", "signature": "caa0a54a366e8be8c18ab02438ca51c2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. 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If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 216.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 70, "y": 235.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8332, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:marketing\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Marketing</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "320f1891a8035ad6602b46a8c02d430f", "signature": "64e596ea095b2906956aa01fd070592f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 243.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 36, "y": 262.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 36 }, "position": { "line": 8333, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:sales\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Sales</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "51651558eb6550e35e32041cb170e243", "signature": "201f668c22b56e2f77b754cf81bce34c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. 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If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 216.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 200.265625, "y": 235.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 50 }, "position": { "line": 8335, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Service</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "f3de503405b325fb1c70df7f520ba4db", "signature": "b44f5c9ad11a6146eb2f2b476d4e00e7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 81, "y": 149.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 81 }, "position": { "line": 8338, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:automotive\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Automotive</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "0ae60ef2791e35454b0f88ee39f6e157", "signature": "2dfb0e0b68aa6c8962c0ad8003734598", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 157.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 117, "y": 176.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 117 }, "position": { "line": 8356, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:communications\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Communications</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "8138cd1ca52be650867e7b2bfb732d71", "signature": "80677cc49c694a750045b3e27e75e352", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 184.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 222.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8357, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:construction-engineering\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Construction and Engineering</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "c1767e5f9c4c4d0d78144212d8d4bb07", "signature": "310919479f23b13f1b1a82142320234f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 230.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 119, "y": 249.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 119 }, "position": { "line": 8358, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:consumer-goods\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Consumer Goods</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "ff6c514edd3559372463eea8587980ba", "signature": "91de5eb093c8f7e50a0579810db86576", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 257.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 124, "y": 276.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 124 }, "position": { "line": 8359, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:energy\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Energy and Water</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "860b02c864ed857ff3f9af4d8d6c4711", "signature": "37090e041ea685961b04ce49039c6b52", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 284.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 122, "y": 303.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 122 }, "position": { "line": 8366, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:financial-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Financial Services</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "b8f90f5137c55bc5d1addaa158020609", "signature": "b8539fd7759c044b37ca26a9cee34679", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 311.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 133, "y": 330.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 133 }, "position": { "line": 8367, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:food-beverage\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Food and Beverage</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "ac8ea804351734d0616db9585fc88750", "signature": "fdeaf2310f64db9629f0080aeb677d95", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 338.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 376.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8368, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:gov-edu\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Government and Education</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "47f22703f72ba98c418e28183a770ef2", "signature": "f4b03cff98645d8a0b248247306b134a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 411.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 116, "y": 430.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 116 }, "position": { "line": 8370, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:high-technology\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">High Technology</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "aa8a657efe5a8772b60dbcd34e090ebd", "signature": "37059e175a302e82aad9ac973502058d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 224.265625, "y": 149.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 74 }, "position": { "line": 8371, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:hospitality\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Hospitality</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[11]/a[1]", "issueID": "5eb8ef420e31b9b206cb44e7ecfc04c2", "signature": "65fa6d42dd8592d7d09b23103ec31b3e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 157.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 195.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8388, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:industrial-manufacturing\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Industrial Manufacturing</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[12]/a[1]", "issueID": "8385df3a4fb3e2151282a08960593b54", "signature": "0955babaf6632becdb0ecae985f8aa7c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 203.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 238.265625, "y": 222.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 88 }, "position": { "line": 8389, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:life-sciences\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Life Sciences</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[13]/a[1]", "issueID": "30ad975258b31fc4841ee612595f255f", "signature": "4758037b7ecfda3cf8ecd2d47d1014ce", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 230.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 268.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8390, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:media-entertainment\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Media and Entertainment</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[14]/a[1]", "issueID": "07e4ce7cd77ebb58dcdbec4fceaccbab", "signature": "9939a51182d40636c4111b1751697c61", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 276.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 228.265625, "y": 295.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 78 }, "position": { "line": 8391, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:oil-gas\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oil and Gas</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[15]/a[1]", "issueID": "4704158a80179b527955ab14b7cfa120", "signature": "1419e00b015472bd772f25320abe62fd", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 303.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 341.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8392, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:professional-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Professional Services</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[16]/a[1]", "issueID": "a340032fe2b7d1598ccbc8eaf2711969", "signature": "765e553d7eb9d083350d2495a0cd0f8e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 349.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 188.265625, "y": 368.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 38 }, "position": { "line": 8407, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:retail\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Retail</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[17]/a[1]", "issueID": "a395570a27840c5db9e9e00cbec9bfd2", "signature": "762b4242197822d99bed2e7d3664b40e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 376.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 414.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8408, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:travel\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Travel and Transportation</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[18]/a[1]", "issueID": "450e01bb462b3b5a7d6cc0f58376ac06", "signature": "cbf02cda7970b114197b2daa8742f7e7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 268.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 54, "y": 287.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 54 }, "position": { "line": 8533, "column": 4 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:devops\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">DevOps</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "08ea8edd7627a2f5e983e8f2470cd8d1", "signature": "2d4956e0265441a18829da2225c0b0f4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 295.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 46, "y": 314.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 46 }, "position": { "line": 8546, "column": 69 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:events\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Events</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "faa1e9537ff208d0b03b18260ef797b4", "signature": "a637f6a41f59067479a79e54fbeb9bbb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 72.921875, "y": 130.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 103.921875, "y": 149.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 31 }, "position": { "line": 8547, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:java\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Java</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "cb1dfe7dbd4fdc4043ff87387cabdd1b", "signature": "002561fcecd9fe8261aaaed3c80f74ca", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 231.984375, "y": 176.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 322.984375, "y": 214.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 91 }, "position": { "line": 8551, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:extend:content-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Content Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "1ea1f30ca4fcdd7d30cc7cb5ad5cd07f", "signature": "f05c17aa26001460d818c1b96deae8cb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 333.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 164.59375, "y": 352.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 56 }, "position": { "line": 8659, "column": 133 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:vmware\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">VMware</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "090418805b9c8d61485e4217844ffef7", "signature": "5e585e9a09bed0db2b19c3b2279b7510", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 250.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 123, "y": 269.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 123 }, "position": { "line": 8761, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:open-source-databases:mysql\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">MySQL HeatWave</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[12]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "b79cb8ebecfd3a0faf4157c3cb43c384", "signature": "702ca1d8bc9a3ef6471b12e4d9389b1f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 732, "y": 274.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 952, "y": 312.3125 }, "height": 38, "width": 220 }, "position": { "line": 8833, "column": 107 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-app-security:id-cloud-service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Identity and Access Management</a&g", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "1b648d3e0436d306ff4cab27d8202626", "signature": "6cd24b0f17668702a50b1e680efc78f7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 552.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 367.59375, "y": 571.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 128 }, "position": { "line": 8863, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:resource-manager\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Resource Manager</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "843073e8d57d6c3f03a8700b75dcda59", "signature": "0e247a68f8750ab08eb0af2a07b42e3c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 150.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 853, "y": 169.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 365 }, "position": { "line": 8926, "column": 30 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:hybrid-cloud:adb-on-exadata-c@c\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Custom", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "2391c7d5ae18e7d24340e5ff8156d07e", "signature": "ef9a22d830bbd9727fd6fa69eeb1fd0f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 8990, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-auto\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-car\">Automotive</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "0d056c0e7ef7af4c2205573bd47e6af7", "signature": "7fd27f91d7a9e71d107c1c1e7bf40165", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 8991, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-comms\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-wi-fi-on\">Communications</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "ddc16d09a6a36c6e3a152d1bc2c10ee3", "signature": "b44805121c82eab223af1928cbeecfe2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 8992, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-construct\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-build\">Construction and Engineering</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "29413ded8895f712eab9b8cf4d6b80a5", "signature": "5af9a5ada06895c2954df96d7932ab3f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 8993, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-consumer\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-package\">Consumer Goods</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "c96000460b2e068ac5998ccee387d8f2", "signature": "06f9fec1776f247bd595f1a011212c20", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 8994, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-energy-water\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-future-ready\">Energy and Water</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "1c42acfb7059f9327b98a22e16ef53f9", "signature": "3964c3cb7396b0ccf7b876e9183d242d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9000, "column": 107 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-finsrvs\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-bank\">Financial Services</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "5274a3dc5b8839628913ca4ee8a93ed7", "signature": "05e1f76b63338ae00a1c40efb24608d4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9007, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-food\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-dining\">Food and Beverage</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "a9be9baa3420908f86f2516ccc276ab3", "signature": "cbbb5409ef01cf6c29fb724df4c7aa72", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9008, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-government\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-administration\">Government and Education</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "ed48114c1edbe160ee03de6ad9529a37", "signature": "1b3c64201fb3f157e9d421bab5554435", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9015, "column": 105 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-health\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-medical-kit\">Health</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/a[1]", "issueID": "0a41b70001769ee5d8f0aed181b4aa7a", "signature": "69aefcfe1bcdf9154fb46eb3a1913447", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9017, "column": 90 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-high-tech\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-binding-control\">High Technology</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "985135c6f4b80311ff9b43d56ac5c858", "signature": "51ddd11038afdf44aded8295a72f6b37", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9023, "column": 30 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-hospitality\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-bed\">Hospitality</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[11]/a[1]", "issueID": "2966c63137f9702d417810007e811efe", "signature": "169bd4133a9737303372bf9c002f9268", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9029, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-manufacturing\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-settings\">Industrial Manufacturing</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[12]/a[1]", "issueID": "d0a9318e5998a01fcb0880e903789ff2", "signature": "43d489c720343200c971292e8cc8bc35", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9030, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-life\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-beaker\">Life Sciences</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[13]/a[1]", "issueID": "3d4b65b864ff66d61fbfb45bf8a743db", "signature": "d064df7bf7a499952c5b7c2f58b8b930", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9031, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-media\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-music\">Media and Entertainment</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[14]/a[1]", "issueID": "bcb727fa06dc801e601a5592ae3027d4", "signature": "bcabfdd70e39264a60aae2b8e871c9f0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9032, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-oil-and-gas\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-oil-and-gas\">Oil and Gas</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[15]/a[1]", "issueID": "23313b0f4df235860ddbab3795f726ba", "signature": "1846bbe78e79c9d856ac0bbf615bd42b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9033, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-professional-services\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-contact-group\">Professional Services</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[16]/a[1]", "issueID": "30814657eefa3a97ad7b5aaec9360ea2", "signature": "ee95acc3af4915c8ee7adadf9a10ac45", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9038, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-retail\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-store\">Retail</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[18]/a[1]", "issueID": "4b6d593dd68ac3618a5e0c2205701c53", "signature": "88322991f0ea832c6b735b772dca2a31", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9039, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-travel-transportation\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-airport\">Travel and Transportation</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[19]/a[1]", "issueID": "b4c660384e141d8b8fdbd31b5affb175", "signature": "548c5c82ab0ae0cc371587bf60678ac1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 279.984, "y": 21 }, "height": 21, "width": 279.984 }, "position": { "line": 9040, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"hp-industries-wholesale-distribution\"><h3 role=\"presentation\" class=\"icn-img icn-warehouse\">Wholesale Distribution</h3></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[20]/a[1]", "issueID": "ed9672bb5efff7deb1dbf274c48f2059", "signature": "ba8dad5a949669537e37e748ff632b78", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 345.53125, "y": 5074.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 382.52435, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 14, "width": 36.9931 }, "position": { "line": 9138, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"privacy\" href=\"/legal/privacy/\">Privacy</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "b9033e98bae13233965eb209bdf913ed", "signature": "a686c10c3b0528ced013bacdfdaa9972", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 461.90625, "y": 372.796875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 845.1722500000001, "y": 419.984375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 383.266 }, "position": { "line": 8545, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"learn-more-oracle-azure\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Explore Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure<span class=\"sr-only\"&", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "issueID": "bd0407086a8fc6c8ee2cfc65266d8e2d", "signature": "a9925d1cbe3ab0525d2d310c0945f4d2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 976, "y": 94.375 }, "height": 94.375, "width": 976 }, "position": { "line": 8546, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cta-072622-panelx-gartner-cloud-erp-report\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Read the service-centric ERP report<spa", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "issueID": "030dca15d4693c2cec18a06f0650bd61", "signature": "182593d742ec9ea03576ac31591e3b08", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 976, "y": 47.1875 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 976 }, "position": { "line": 8547, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a href=\";intcmp=:ow:o:h:feb:::RC_WWMK", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]", "issueID": "30cb742719e67a8adff8e6e4aca59936", "signature": "4bf80dd3b363cdbc9138099d5e2ff961", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 976, "y": 47.1875 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 976 }, "position": { "line": 8548, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cta-0810-panelx-pn-att-press-release-lf\" rel=", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "issueID": "39d03eb664f9547a1ad0e84219aedeb5", "signature": "21ea88e36eaef06aafb00e429ce7ec27", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 976, "y": 47.1875 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 976 }, "position": { "line": 8549, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cta-0520-panelX-free-tier-pn\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Start your trial today<span class=\"sr-only\">", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "issueID": "7f48b1b0e6d1a6acf0585ce4b1165afe", "signature": "bf2d6668a0c30f780703eabf07f8618f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 70, "y": 21 }, "height": 4, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rh08-pillbtn\" type=\"button\" title=\"Slide 1\" data-lbl=\"view-slide-1\" aria-current=\"true\"><span>Slide 1</span></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "73bb8513e4f334452d72d213593faaac", "signature": "69b206ddc1f6c0d349d4600dc539a181", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 70, "y": 21 }, "height": 4, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rh08-pillbtn\" type=\"button\" title=\"Slide 2\" data-lbl=\"view-slide-2\"><span>Slide 2</span></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[2]/button[1]", "issueID": "a0c364f85f6252838ad7c25d9462a637", "signature": "124e30ca6d32636700d5cb3020a3475e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 70, "y": 21 }, "height": 4, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rh08-pillbtn\" type=\"button\" title=\"Slide 3\" data-lbl=\"view-slide-3\"><span>Slide 3</span></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[3]/button[1]", "issueID": "92775d04ff4f9907c36a26273b70145e", "signature": "6dc75468334ee018bc6b71aaa4d66b01", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 70, "y": 21 }, "height": 4, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rh08-pillbtn\" type=\"button\" title=\"Slide 4\" data-lbl=\"view-slide-4\"><span>Slide 4</span></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[4]/button[1]", "issueID": "b766515006b5dd4ecec0434eea4d10fa", "signature": "5b23f4308cbe00b3d2db09fb9dd2ef40", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 70, "y": 21 }, "height": 4, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rh08-pillbtn\" type=\"button\" title=\"Slide 5\" data-lbl=\"view-slide-5\"><span>Slide 5</span></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[5]/button[1]", "issueID": "a50490700bb8d70a4783f04ec81602a6", "signature": "9434501877f1a8059c694cb12d013a0b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 122.90625, "y": 199.34375 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 240.50025, "y": 246.53125 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 117.594 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"><div><button data-lbl=\"panel1-home-apps-learn-more\">Explore cloud apps<span class=\"visuallyHidden\">,</span><span class=\"visuallyHidden\">Cloud <b>Applications</b></span><span cla", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "03336d5ff5ba3f3f99f656e7b08a6572", "signature": "153990922833dc956884ae0f5b97b09b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 100.796875, "y": 199.34375 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 341.296875, "y": 246.53125 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 240.5 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"><div><button data-lbl=\"panel2-home-oci-learn-more\">Explore OCI<span class=\"visuallyHidden\">,</span><span class=\"visuallyHidden\">Cloud <b>Infrastructure</b></span><span class=\"vi", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "238c894790121d0172c129761d624694", "signature": "6cdf4e442aa066c15914ac6e2813244e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 121.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.328, "y": 168.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 285.328 }, "position": { "line": 8733, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:app-integration:explore-app-integration\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Application Integration</a></div> </div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "aba4b22b8dd9d7e3d511aa7274676bf3", "signature": "4371c6432a9d31cfd48c9d926176c03e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 121.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.328, "y": 168.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 285.328 }, "position": { "line": 8772, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:analytics-and-bi:explore-analytics-and-bi\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Analytics and BI</a></div> </div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "6c0f5edb174d9bd231570c5bca5fccad", "signature": "31d009ab344af33f4db0b02df022cf9a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 161.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.328, "y": 208.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 285.328 }, "position": { "line": 8790, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:explore-ml-and-ai\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore ML and AI</a></div> </div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "90e0bd5f02cc64988aa8e4990e94cb00", "signature": "3cf6fe374a734a1ac26c14dee8003d6c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 181.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202, "y": 228.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 202 }, "position": { "line": 8838, "column": 25 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:explore-compute-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Compute services</a></div> </div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "e7c22854557cd04a7a17d232f437fc9b", "signature": "3d611574d4f75f4b3361071bb8576e9c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 101.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202, "y": 148.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 202 }, "position": { "line": 8878, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage:explore-storage-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Storage services</a></div> </div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "1f613a293741e95f1b725a113e006198", "signature": "0b3a3b857b248dbb3f083537cd441334", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 161.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202, "y": 208.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 202 }, "position": { "line": 8899, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:containers-and-functions:explore-cloud-native\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Cloud Native</a></div> </div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[9]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "1f64effa8f694ac9f0208dcc77f662f7", "signature": "b8f913295a6c4ea7aa84eeb9aac6280f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 181.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202, "y": 228.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 202 }, "position": { "line": 8922, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:explore-networking-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Networking services</a></div> </div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "4e3ed0aed40c4b4fbc8da3206a113d44", "signature": "3e362ebfee6643e2ba5fbfa63516645f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 141.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.328, "y": 188.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 285.328 }, "position": { "line": 8948, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:explore-databases\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Databases</a></div> </div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "2049b6741bcec63af7d2a696db6d811a", "signature": "a46091099cefa93234eccc82f9dbaa46", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 121.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 952, "y": 168.84375 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 952 }, "position": { "line": 9000, "column": 13 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"> <div><a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:explore-cloud-security\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore cloud security</a></div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "1bc7dff32e7b58a5b29a26ba533fceb8", "signature": "71c111ad9c458df440696bd75631ae54", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 24, "y": 188.390625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464, "y": 235.578125 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 440 }, "position": { "line": 9152, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a data-lbl=\"cta-cox-automotive-revs-up\" href=\"/customers/cox-automotive-revs-up/\">Read Cox Automotive's story</a></div></div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]", "issueID": "65c2d03622fc053b7f1d5d8e9afe97b8", "signature": "e835a48a0671424dea9eed2de68d0536", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 24, "y": 207.390625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464, "y": 254.578125 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 440 }, "position": { "line": 9153, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a data-lbl=\"cta-experian\" href=\"/customers/experian/\">Read Experian's story</a></div></div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]", "issueID": "ee8415c04f0fac8cb8be70db830cd8f4", "signature": "527962beaf0b3dbddb5563ecb78f02d3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 24, "y": 240.390625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464, "y": 287.578125 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 440 }, "position": { "line": 9154, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a data-lbl=\"cta-fedex\" href=\"/customers/fedex/\">Read FedEx's story</a></div></div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]", "issueID": "c0c880774041b2c9bfe8c0eaaef8c02c", "signature": "9331c0684fbc9de01cb103f1e13a30c3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 24, "y": 240.390625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464, "y": 287.578125 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 440 }, "position": { "line": 9155, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a data-lbl=\"cta-hormel-foods\" href=\"/customers/hormel-foods/\">Read Hormel Foods' story</a></div></div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]", "issueID": "1986618d5fba99debcded142aeb7656e", "signature": "671a2adb3592ea7b56a3c73a3f28803f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 24, "y": 221.390625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464, "y": 268.578125 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 440 }, "position": { "line": 9156, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a data-lbl=\"cta-siemens-healthineers\" href=\"/customers/siemens-healthineers/\">Read Siemens Healthineers' story</a></div></div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]", "issueID": "4c0789bfdeee0ca487b1fd29a1d6b4ea", "signature": "17b5dfe8f2eaabaeb2069b95e22d161c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 24, "y": 188.390625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464, "y": 235.578125 }, "height": 47.1875, "width": 440 }, "position": { "line": 9157, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"obttns\"><div class=\"obttn\"><a data-lbl=\"cta-xerox\" href=\"/customers/xerox/\">Read Xerox's story</a></div></div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]", "issueID": "735a41cffeb7734da871d8e5638d5409", "signature": "97c7cb476e1f7e3a2e3b836fda41e5c1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -1 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 80, "y": 14 }, "height": 15, "width": 80 }, "position": { "line": 9130, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"country-region\" class=\"u10ticon u10regn\" href=\"/universal-menu/#u10countrymenu\">Country/Region</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "a373a87458c24157d6644fde2253e867", "signature": "31217d8cbfdf2096bd557057a066a958", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 187.53125, "y": 5074.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 260.53125, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 14, "width": 73 }, "position": { "line": 9131, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"copyright\" href=\"/legal/copyright.html\">© 2022 Oracle</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "722c0de0bf125e11d41245a45225c4c2", "signature": "4d638b0f0f2c4f97daf558ecdd3cdf25", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 281.53125, "y": 5074.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 325.53125, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 14, "width": 44 }, "position": { "line": 9137, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"site-map\" href=\"/sitemap.html\">Site Map</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "949e69aea31ca1ef4efce6f8678110b7", "signature": "8e07eed8926aa79532b44049d70d9a98", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 345.53125, "y": 5074.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 382.52435, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 14, "width": 36.9931 }, "position": { "line": 9138, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"privacy\" href=\"/legal/privacy/\">Privacy</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "d66e70360733951410b19bcfced96121", "signature": "e05b88e55396e37e2d285c655eb750d8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 408.484375, "y": 5074.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 414.484375, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 14, "width": 6 }, "position": { "line": 9249, "column": 61 }, "errorSnippet": "<span>/</span>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[3]/span[1]", "issueID": "c45c28884f13d1f118ed8c4cde21c426", "signature": "35ff0d2c70c1cb70db6ab0ac385b2506", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 409.484375, "y": 5074.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 507.477375, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 14, "width": 97.993 }, "position": { "line": 9139, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"do-not-sell-my-info\" href=\"/legal/privacy/privacy-choices.html\">Do Not Sell My Info</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[3]/a[2]", "issueID": "f397c05286dd28d5cf1f77cb9bbadc21", "signature": "d1c6d40b530b4263f3d5e542067a0353", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 520.4375, "y": 5073.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 617.7574999999999, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 15, "width": 97.32 }, "position": { "line": 9140, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a role=\"link\" id=\"icon-id06143517555730948\" tabindex=\"0\" lang=\"en\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-label=\"Cookie Preferences\" class=\"truste_cursor_pointer\">Cookie Preferences</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[4]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "0551e5e9e981d823a9e05126516a64ac", "signature": "1caf3a913e352d41e61954d265f9a828", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 633.109375, "y": 5074.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 688.101275, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 14, "width": 54.991899999999994 }, "position": { "line": 9141, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"ad-choices\" href=\"/legal/privacy/marketing-cloud-data-cloud-privacy-policy.html#adchoices\">Ad Choices</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "51813d077ff68eabc36d4634efa3dc60", "signature": "cd7542662fd7854492a36635ee7c2000", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 703.78125, "y": 5074.28125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 741.77315, "y": 5088.28125 }, "height": 14, "width": 37.9919 }, "position": { "line": 9142, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"careers\" href=\"/corporate/careers/\">Careers</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[2]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "6a4df21dcf46fda265f2ac5908a9a7ae", "signature": "abb3d0090371c237361d7886f39313d1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 138, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Image link alternative text repeats text in the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The `alt` attribute value for this image is identical to the other text within the link. Users of assistive technology may hear the same text twice, which can be confusing or inconvenient. To reduce duplicate announcements, remove the text value of the `alt` attribute, providing a blank value (`alt=\"\"`). Note that this is a special case where the alternative text is provided through other means than the `alt` attribute.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 172, "y": 36 }, "height": 36, "width": 172 }, "position": { "line": 8957, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a role=\"button\" data-lbl=\"ribbon:Cox Automotive\" aria-current=\"true\" href=\"\" class=\"active\"><span style=\"\">Cox Automotive</span><div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "c7ee18028558c6e6901894c9c3615d31", "signature": "74430830aa1727a2b616ff156a4681d2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 138, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Image link alternative text repeats text in the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The `alt` attribute value for this image is identical to the other text within the link. Users of assistive technology may hear the same text twice, which can be confusing or inconvenient. To reduce duplicate announcements, remove the text value of the `alt` attribute, providing a blank value (`alt=\"\"`). Note that this is a special case where the alternative text is provided through other means than the `alt` attribute.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 200, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 372, "y": 36 }, "height": 36, "width": 172 }, "position": { "line": 8958, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a role=\"button\" data-lbl=\"ribbon:Experian\" aria-current=\"false\" href=\"\" class=\"\"><span style=\"\">Experian</span><div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "b942cc8adc166ff2bbd958da4e8ce910", "signature": "aa11feb65768d1a127c733a5c5c49452", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 138, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Image link alternative text repeats text in the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The `alt` attribute value for this image is identical to the other text within the link. 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Note that this is a special case where the alternative text is provided through other means than the `alt` attribute.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 600, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 772, "y": 36 }, "height": 36, "width": 172 }, "position": { "line": 8960, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a role=\"button\" data-lbl=\"ribbon:Hormel Foods\" aria-current=\"false\" href=\"\" class=\"\"><span style=\"\">Hormel Foods</span><div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "8ff978bcc29cad0e0248cc5110da5c27", "signature": "4f0f3d0e80f3e8d8a6d76311d892d0ea", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Register by August 14 to save $200 on the standard pass pri", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "issueID": "f1587be706efbf7a583f5c65cf8baea0", "signature": "b8f383f97ffbcffd36144b60392c5f0a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Register by August 14 to save $200 on the standard pass price.</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/p[1]", "issueID": "4dfeade3dc83e1c4692f825b1a59c962", "signature": "b81c7f0ca26c2a7f54124ad75855ebdb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Using a proportional, unitless value like 1.5 or 150% will ensure that the line-height scales if the user zooms the browser window.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 461.90625, "y": 296 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 845.1722500000001, "y": 386 }, "height": 90, "width": 383.266 }, "position": { "line": 8548, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"rh08body\"><div><p>Leading telecommunications provider AT&amp;T accelerates their cloud transition with Oracle apps and infrastructure.</p>\n</div><div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: none;\"><div class=", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "7605f7dec04134055ad289e61f201138", "signature": "826bc998a90757049c3927d26215b126", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Using a proportional, unitless value like 1.5 or 150% will ensure that the line-height scales if the user zooms the browser window.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 461.90625, "y": 296 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 845.1722500000001, "y": 362 }, "height": 66, "width": 383.266 }, "position": { "line": 7991, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<p>Leading telecommunications provider AT&amp;T accelerates their cloud transition with Oracle apps and infrastructure.</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]", "issueID": "17b01adc649eaae94380bce2ff066320", "signature": "07279228f2fe8a74497eab5c61fd04ae", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Sign up once, get access to two free offers.</p>\n</div><div class=\"obttns\" style=\"display: no", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "b000775af15ef873b3400266cc187d62", "signature": "050eb2204a6711c15bfbad5a9d923fc8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Sign up once, get access to two free offers.</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]", "issueID": "09f57e05bf7b293989beb7818b58c6a2", "signature": "b834a84101b667731ad2a24973ac7bfe", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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For organizations ready to provide them with the employee experience they deserve, Oracle Cloud HCM can help.</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "issueID": "d8a7fd19d8f507fc2fffad5a43947845", "signature": "4e05f487340e7f90159abfa6efe4b982", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Using a proportional, unitless value like 1.5 or 150% will ensure that the line-height scales if the user zooms the browser window.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 24, "y": 30 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464, "y": 195 }, "height": 165, "width": 440 }, "position": { "line": 9155, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"rc64sub\"><p>The diagnostic medical imaging leader frees sales reps from routine tasks by equipping them with real-time mobile data entry—anywhere and anytime.</p>\n</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "issueID": "b5133576cd23c8dd3ac19bb0fb02c363", "signature": "9bf921bf56eaf2538018e8c62be51ef4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Using a proportional, unitless value like 1.5 or 150% will ensure that the line-height scales if the user zooms the browser window.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 24, "y": 30 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464, "y": 162 }, "height": 132, "width": 440 }, "position": { "line": 9156, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"rc64sub\"><p>The company that redefined 20th-century office work redefines work for the future with Internet of Things, 3D printing, and augmented reality.</p>\n</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "issueID": "04fe63363137cc6f08d0bd38b4ffb08a", "signature": "5a02ac921d70765ab7bfff155f9b34b7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -6 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8017, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/java/technologies/downloads/\" data-lbl=\"resources:downloads/jdk\">JDK</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "2608587026fd6d7820070d29fbe19da5", "signature": "b1a33efdf065be0e8198a625c3940d9e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 6217, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<input id=\"u30input\" name=\"Ntt\" value=\"\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Search\" autocomplete=\"off\" aria-autocomplete=\"both\" aria-activedescendant=\"\" aria-label=\"Search\" role=\"combobox\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-owns=\"u30autosuggest\" aria-haspopu", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/form[1]/div[1]/span[1]/div[1]/input[1]", "issueID": "bb5fa4878e1b624cdc0b0885daa827d7", "signature": "9c1616e86b7a3b431746513a073446de", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -4, "y": -4 }, "height": -4, "width": -4 }, "position": { "line": 8435, "column": 8 }, "errorSnippet": "<input class=\"u30searchbttn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Search\">", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/form[1]/div[1]/span[1]/span[1]/input[1]", "issueID": "a7fccd80f4ce010ad0faa5cfd5f66521", "signature": "18f1ac896aa3ffbf11ad84359f6c4836", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": -4.55634880065918, "y": 269.44366455078125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 9.44365119934082, "y": 283.44366455078125 }, "height": 14, "width": 14 }, "position": { "line": 8545, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-lbl=\"scroll-left\" class=\"rh08-arrow rh08-prevarrow\" aria-label=\"previous slide\" type=\"button\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "4b83e57f1cd83752353cd376fa4497ef", "signature": "03a47a5dc052b15edf2276c296ca4748", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 949.4436645507812, "y": 269.44366455078125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 963.4436645507812, "y": 283.44366455078125 }, "height": 14, "width": 14 }, "position": { "line": 8545, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-lbl=\"scroll-right\" class=\"rh08-arrow rh08-nextarrow\" aria-label=\"next slide\" type=\"button\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/button[2]", "issueID": "ff69dc4ad0fac42a09a59829ae9d5c08", "signature": "8f5af4af2e2640813c89483f0b813326", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 256.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 256.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8592, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "9f5005b5d2084d4529d5e55ba3dca191", "signature": "6f5a0f1cc3264d084be22f46a2927757", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 257.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 172.265625, "y": 276.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 22 }, "position": { "line": 8296, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:iot\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">IoT</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "3189711797210c17d75b9f79ec687ad5", "signature": "d33d394a652f0f32249f4a38b2894154", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 257.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 257.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8637, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "b374611880793c6168c21e6d48aa6f54", "signature": "b3cddc15098b2cd683a68be7a635e3b9", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 270.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 270.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8656, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "c9dfbda0972808f64243b095d19ed69b", "signature": "2cbca361c7bf9af914413a1c76fbf3df", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 438.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 438.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8687, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "c7ce229d74fa80af8838f5fd7e0976e9", "signature": "387b4f3a879f2c7d2c7feceb2858ad8d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 299.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 299.65625 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8717, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "1572267818e4979ea57845cc1532b049", "signature": "4b490c517d1f1a39e07fdb867e94b6f3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 322.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 322.65625 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8766, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "3040f3eda910a72a5f8f2778322d1e4d", "signature": "0ec3d08a89387ed5222192fc02bb13b2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 262.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 262.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8787, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "3fee7eeb5e7e5157285cfea3b7b39419", "signature": "eebc1d508ee12a025a0f9305828b1a5a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 289.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 289.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8806, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "834e86f3f721fcfaf220617310b024f7", "signature": "3f1e536ddec97f458d1600ed7413b794", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 348.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 348.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8830, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "a52f51c231ff94bfe43d61906775d091", "signature": "bbf17a9898719805b901e1ba74e6b392", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 324.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 324.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8845, "column": 16 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[5]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "ef11af512dc62081fb9391397c67dc0e", "signature": "75e04d833e713ad192f31b02b26037ec", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 317.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 317.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8867, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "ee7025f0d52fae4354fb417febb266b0", "signature": "8255ee07cffad5e95d9e4d22a998b994", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 398.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 398.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8896, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "274845088bb97a99588863cb6440eb89", "signature": "5e890d8a83e06418f1d275b305363cbb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 299.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 299.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8917, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "54d8584b158aaad8c2752467b2ad295b", "signature": "6cb89260b3b312c57a08a3f0c60d8f96", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 329.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 329.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8938, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[9]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "a0274a5efd39f8da83fe248d1fe1e023", "signature": "f8a2b0d5de147dc7daf616cc9bd0ff94", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 444.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 444.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8968, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "981b5b9cec2b2978d083d68c966ec97d", "signature": "b0486aa9683a714f3f83d60e936707cd", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 504.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 504.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8998, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "4f4eb51fc9606224b6382372c8ba3c49", "signature": "e71b44becb141a60245ab18259f810f0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 304.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 304.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 9012, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[12]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "ba99426a9193502a8397fcc79e54de50", "signature": "3b777d0d8f1dbef96df13e9ed0a4a8df", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 633.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 633.21875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 9106, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "121d417013b4d927f01e20612652818d", "signature": "02a1137002f003c69843d93e5f817037", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 312.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 312.65625 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 9146, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "1e543fb590489e45af03e99b5e037e00", "signature": "d01e77aa8623e285eb7b4e16a429da30", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9058, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "885cd99595d8076b5d760a87cfafa84d", "signature": "f5123d4796311448619e34ddf9e2094d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9070, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "2a4a214606de827fc569ca2250c9fc8b", "signature": "e4b29a42c4d4349cc6f0e84689edbefe", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9077, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "1d71189c378f4af676f8bb305e94cb82", "signature": "77e1e8cca762b863f627c073e2aa83da", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9094, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "ece79b38125c09ba270e3357b3da1ba1", "signature": "8a27ce36e759b9cb10cac71788f3436c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 952, "y": 17 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 33 }, "height": 16, "width": 16 }, "position": { "line": 9129, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"u10btn\" href=\"#\" role=\"none presentation\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "8daefcf28c45361949d858afbe75b4f0", "signature": "00ab4c740a17a80e3994dc36b1e3fa9b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 797.453125, "y": 5083.625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 829.453125, "y": 5115.625 }, "height": 32, "width": 32 }, "position": { "line": 9152, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"scl-icon:facebook\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Oracle on Facebook\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[3]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "3671114f6ed085e1925aee6d876e01a4", "signature": "0a93078118c78b5c2fab8dcfd431eaf8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 843.453125, "y": 5083.625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 875.453125, "y": 5115.625 }, "height": 32, "width": 32 }, "position": { "line": 9152, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"scl-icon:twitter\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Follow Oracle on Twitter\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[3]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "c63a636b04a8e2884789e77808085ba9", "signature": "a717f3401c32b1127e23a26356f3570b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 889.453125, "y": 5083.625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 921.453125, "y": 5115.625 }, "height": 32, "width": 32 }, "position": { "line": 9152, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"scl-icon:linkedin\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Oracle on LinkedIn\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[3]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "79d44b676ef8c97df7d1b861ec468724", "signature": "54484fcfecd01055b9e8adcb290840b6", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 935.453125, "y": 5083.625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 967.453125, "y": 5115.625 }, "height": 32, "width": 32 }, "position": { "line": 9152, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"scl-icon:you-tube\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Watch Oracle on YouTube\"></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/ul[3]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "1a57762f619241fa6d994cca789b835d", "signature": "199ff95a2e5c76030e2362692aa241b3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 155, "bpID": 143, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 60, "errorTitle": "These headings are not structured in a hierarchical manner.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.10 Section Headings" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that headings are in the right order for the content.", "errorDescription": "The heading structure of this page does not effectively communicate the structure of the content on it. Heading elements provide important benefits: they act as wayfinding cues for in-page navigation, they contribute to page content summaries, and they provide context to the content below them. To do so effectively, headings should follow the `<h1>` to `<h6>` hierarchy and they should not skip levels. Restructure the document's heading order so it uses a clear, ordered, and intuitive hierarchy. Ensure there are no gaps between each numbered heading level and the next.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 1024, "y": 768 }, "height": 768, "width": 1024 }, "position": { "line": 2322, "column": 60 }, "errorSnippet": "<body class=\"rwtheme-oci f20 f20v0 ready\"><div id=\"u30skip2content\"><ul><li><a id=\"u30skip2c\" href=\"#maincontent\">Skip to content</a></li><li><a id=\"u30acc\" href=\"", "xpath": "/html/body", "issueID": "08156c5226669698579cb3db2aa0a0bf", "signature": "d44524431ad13dce2eb5edde7a92f3b8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 5, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -56 }, "height": -56, "width": -5 }, "position": { "line": 7993, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div id=\"resources-nav\" data-navcontent=\"resources\" data-navtype=\"two-column-scroll-vertical\" role=\"tablist\" aria-orientation=\"vertical\">\n<span class=\"u30t1\">Resources</span>\n<ul role=\"none\">\n<li role=\"none\">\n<button id=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "8c1382a30c99d69d54b14cf74bf313eb", "signature": "f70eba7d5ee1a7306cfc9a8e4afbb750", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 172, "y": -28 }, "height": -28, "width": 172 }, "position": { "line": 8961, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a role=\"button\" data-lbl=\"ribbon:Siemens Healthineers\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span style=\"\">Siemens Healthineers</span><div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "01ed480087d6bad5ba84d5bbabe4b6e9", "signature": "85fa9c549da87cd5a35b1129d4416648", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 172, "y": -28 }, "height": -28, "width": 172 }, "position": { "line": 8962, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a role=\"button\" data-lbl=\"ribbon:Xerox\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span style=\"\">Xerox</span><div class=\"rw-logo rw-logo-centered\"><img class=\"srcloaded imgW\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "e8b234c746bb8abff78e4bb24e3c87cd", "signature": "d5871603bed50a7f48bd1e7284f004e7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -19.536, "y": -19.536 }, "height": -19.536, "width": -19.536 }, "position": { "line": 8964, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"ribbon:Cox Automotive\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"true\" class=\"active\"><span>Cox Automotive</span></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "41b852439931bd4731af3e806b308524", "signature": "cdcf7ad38d37357af51d3d6c2b849ad6", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -19.536, "y": -19.536 }, "height": -19.536, "width": -19.536 }, "position": { "line": 8970, "column": 107 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"ribbon:Experian\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span>Experian</span></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "e39272339f954a45064eb1ee3b83079b", "signature": "4eca6202f82a336d2b31c43869664637", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -19.536, "y": -19.536 }, "height": -19.536, "width": -19.536 }, "position": { "line": 8975, "column": 30 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"ribbon:FedEx\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span>FedEx</span></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "ca2625daae69ae88f694134285489af5", "signature": "ec7239cd2864b59f09f9ec1232769ca2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -19.536, "y": -19.536 }, "height": -19.536, "width": -19.536 }, "position": { "line": 8980, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"ribbon:Hormel Foods\" role=\"button\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"\"><span>Hormel Foods</span></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[4]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "54f554b8a0901513590bf153185260ac", "signature": "5b349171a81971077769afbfe105061d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 110.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 68, "y": 129.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 68 }, "position": { "line": 8271, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:financials\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Financials</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "4f36306e20d30f284a00d50bd0227a9e", "signature": "8b4bb93b41f9751706cfb57961ac4400", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 137.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 175.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8272, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:project-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Project Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "63ccfe96989aad69fef9da8356400bf8", "signature": "64ba70227dbfc82d43593c68d4c245bd", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 183.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 90, "y": 202.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 90 }, "position": { "line": 8273, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:procurement\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Procurement</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "b88bd2281be54c3f54fa78e189628896", "signature": "169629995c1a8dddcee38d5744b91fc1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 210.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 248.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8274, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:risk-management-compliance\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Risk Management and Compliance</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "c209e6410839bd375972f08dc64b0506", "signature": "8b8cc5acd1c6e369721be6fcc058fda0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 110.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 167.546875 }, "height": 57, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8275, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:enterprise-performance-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Enterprise Performance Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "53ce232a99abed74b5415153c57f8856", "signature": "5360a603dfb7d23452d2a2edcc553966", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 175.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 213.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8284, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:scm\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Supply Chain and Manufacturing</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "e33b4820653eeb23826f33efb84d7f24", "signature": "a8033a1516ee0bcabe841fb37ded8f4e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 221.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 243.265625, "y": 240.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 93 }, "position": { "line": 8285, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:erp:erp-analytics\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">ERP Analytics</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "9b50786594dc34318d5e8d75fc746eb6", "signature": "448e2cbd91bc9edf75c9f315a7f6eb7c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 256.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 256.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8592, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "a4533bc962288fd0b6979216194ea43a", "signature": "26685634eb2afdab012ad7989a10d07d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 168.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8287, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:supply-chain-planning\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Supply Chain Planning</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "7fa263e5917522133bb3266f292b6ab1", "signature": "28e7fb9627fb1c39668f26d0763d5cda", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 176.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 214.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8288, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:inventory-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Inventory Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "236a97fd2788550c640040a7a71c97e6", "signature": "fcce4fcdcba6a8b9638d69c5d810a608", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 222.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 101, "y": 241.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 101 }, "position": { "line": 8289, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:manufacturing\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Manufacturing</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "b379f73c593f38a2f4d2cd535cfc4f3b", "signature": "f15053f5c8a85f9cfbd6e3b2c7211d84", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 249.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 88, "y": 268.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 88 }, "position": { "line": 8290, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:maintenance\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Maintenance</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "c456fa9b7f08ef89115a948d825fc7b6", "signature": "215116cb92a1baa9c4d2a1a0b733a5a3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 276.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135, "y": 295.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 135 }, "position": { "line": 8291, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:order-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Order Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "10ccdcccb676c8a7bc30e9a86edccb88", "signature": "9b7fc6034ec925e693c00f2ba7401551", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 210.265625, "y": 149.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 60 }, "position": { "line": 8292, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:logistics\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Logistics</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "aecabe4bd5923837df4859ebac7c0799", "signature": "e3fa09d8125149dea16c86d71570066a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 157.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 195.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8293, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:plm\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "eed7ca645ae5c41bb54c0ffce3199c4c", "signature": "4ee8df396c072c9dbc417197f8ce83ce", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 203.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 240.265625, "y": 222.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 90 }, "position": { "line": 8294, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:procurement\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Procurement</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "d5aada5de387f346bb5eb833bc326a0a", "signature": "4363e5780de118f55cc372cdea6a9f8d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 230.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 224.265625, "y": 249.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 74 }, "position": { "line": 8295, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:blockchain\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Blockchain</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/a[1]", "issueID": "fc0e73914fabbcb49542a982686995b8", "signature": "5bd2d342a83359688b07be0746624152", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 257.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 172.265625, "y": 276.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 22 }, "position": { "line": 8296, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:iot\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">IoT</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "8bccc55f79f936b1875293b90f6d4569", "signature": "aaecb5edba67be604ddb98d64fe3d94a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 284.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 258.265625, "y": 303.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 108 }, "position": { "line": 8297, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:scm:track-and-trace\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Track and Trace</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[11]/a[1]", "issueID": "5f626fa4dcafb1c0b895b395b14f05f9", "signature": "d68fca1e79c1b9416b03d80cff7ff591", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 311.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 311.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8617, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "555fd5726b61e32129a1c3cabe893197", "signature": "b730075fea2179f93ea966f4a9ec53a0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 125, "y": 149.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 125 }, "position": { "line": 8299, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:human-resources\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Human Resources</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "c5b8f324490eecd03a9bd097147c38e8", "signature": "6baebd7c3f722c04649a3a9e6b452ea4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 157.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 195.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8300, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:talent-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Talent Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "cb67357a8ac3e0df3ec200b1d548b6ee", "signature": "57615bf5d9197c53d8613b32c33e589a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 203.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 61, "y": 222.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 61 }, "position": { "line": 8319, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:learning\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Learning</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "d37ff2bec0a510710d9e3ee6662ac2e0", "signature": "9c9739236c71f51c6e2b6f7c5c503c8a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 230.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 70, "y": 249.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8320, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:recruiting\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Recruiting</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "5d429f9883bba408185eb1c6add31aa3", "signature": "2e71ee77aacc04eadd2327047d6a053f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 168.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8321, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:workforce-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Workforce Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "9e4bf10cddd5c542462666d49f9e0562", "signature": "575b1e92e99a3e06da424b1e9e1b4afd", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 176.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 198.265625, "y": 195.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 48 }, "position": { "line": 8322, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:payroll\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Payroll</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "e3581e49db802adb85fce43c61345af6", "signature": "0381d8eef548cd79b7260a063f2c41bc", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 203.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 236.265625, "y": 222.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 86 }, "position": { "line": 8323, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:hcm:hr-analytics\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">HR Analytics</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "b685630b3a7e1d025dbbff6ca3e9fc7b", "signature": "3b382358a43c9b7a35c985c39be3af3b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 257.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 257.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8637, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "10e8f3fee6257f37f30eb3212156178b", "signature": "eeecaaadca330811ec57d0dbf727104a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 189.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 79, "y": 208.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 79 }, "position": { "line": 8331, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:advertising\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Advertising</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "27b80e6faa905ced28b40b8076fb3f28", "signature": "662d9c44eb2f8f8a1e5f4cdd711671f2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 216.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 70, "y": 235.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 70 }, "position": { "line": 8332, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:marketing\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Marketing</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "2b19206ae3657d1b16163b9448002102", "signature": "76a1bdb0d37d17b5ca4cf55a3dc35928", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 243.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 36, "y": 262.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 36 }, "position": { "line": 8333, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:sales\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Sales</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "c98fe9c0ea8e9b9f193df39df1015dcc", "signature": "8e75df18065d846175eb853efe3b85ae", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 189.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 225.265625, "y": 208.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 75 }, "position": { "line": 8334, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:commerce\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Commerce</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "6e4d50c014f881c2d5a660e7b305b4b0", "signature": "5234cc386f4c04e5a37f05ac594c6123", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 216.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 200.265625, "y": 235.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 50 }, "position": { "line": 8335, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Service</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "989de67c35d74f165a3e6a060b775737", "signature": "ce36d3c1a40ee89f7f6710145e7134ea", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 243.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 232.265625, "y": 262.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 82 }, "position": { "line": 8336, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:cx:cx-platform\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">CX Platform</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "1d3849e3a29c7385f29cf91d8d8a09ef", "signature": "8cce5859f3e8f22a41d3f76283ea8c49", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 270.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 270.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8656, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "542ae615012aa9b14065636706ad95d6", "signature": "6643201ee2cf9726434ccc6420b6efd4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 81, "y": 149.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 81 }, "position": { "line": 8338, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:automotive\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Automotive</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "bbd361a7d8aa5ff69412b7dcd7f88edd", "signature": "32e386112bd1d7035575f5f917249179", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 157.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 117, "y": 176.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 117 }, "position": { "line": 8356, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:communications\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Communications</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "a27e7ce4a8d6052b410063ada3358ff2", "signature": "910ee23553815a2b23bda1a4268e1f8a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 184.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 222.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8357, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:construction-engineering\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Construction and Engineering</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "8d22aace93008a4ff95bf5051ac7b7ca", "signature": "8f9eb87f2f748d9493465ed392d99476", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 230.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 119, "y": 249.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 119 }, "position": { "line": 8358, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:consumer-goods\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Consumer Goods</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "036086e914129fc10a59fada0351448a", "signature": "9dded0c7f807b445285c3e5ed9c520f1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 257.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 124, "y": 276.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 124 }, "position": { "line": 8359, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:energy\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Energy and Water</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "686ff71714785ad6545a96b9f71f6343", "signature": "5e0bb1ba026be19871af90856baf4e8c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 284.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 122, "y": 303.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 122 }, "position": { "line": 8366, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:financial-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Financial Services</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "21ba819e23c4d9ff55f2f9ab5a1b8315", "signature": "8d55c273659de601667bea49e46b44f9", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 311.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 133, "y": 330.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 133 }, "position": { "line": 8367, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:food-beverage\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Food and Beverage</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "50fef9649f2968e252447ae5d838f4ef", "signature": "e69368fb3ce0f8d12af0d0bb3aae2ec0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 338.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 376.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8368, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:gov-edu\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Government and Education</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "3df625f1b7c8d99c5b7259a6cb1fa6c2", "signature": "3efcff08d45138965254c6abb8672df1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 384.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 74, "y": 403.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 74 }, "position": { "line": 8369, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:healthcare\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Healthcare</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/a[1]", "issueID": "5d3f82fdcf093fed0384ebddfac2bd06", "signature": "aa2213be8f3e9262e29df1be3e349fbf", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 411.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 116, "y": 430.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 116 }, "position": { "line": 8370, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:high-technology\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">High Technology</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "718f01b909da8c0227d21f524fae82b1", "signature": "8794a2b53c08bd6bc23d973b4f5e08d5", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 130.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 224.265625, "y": 149.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 74 }, "position": { "line": 8371, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:hospitality\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Hospitality</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[11]/a[1]", "issueID": "0d82a678f2d56325a252ad9fd32a7508", "signature": "35a170f6bfc2f4c388e992423b9294cf", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 157.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 195.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8388, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:industrial-manufacturing\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Industrial Manufacturing</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[12]/a[1]", "issueID": "2711762d2045b53b7d217c30b1788eff", "signature": "a2f808baa3d1a0d85628ac1ad36564c7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 203.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 238.265625, "y": 222.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 88 }, "position": { "line": 8389, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:life-sciences\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Life Sciences</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[13]/a[1]", "issueID": "b3eb0e7db3b321b0dcb9be7b3ec40117", "signature": "bef63c6feec1e3410dd45883dc661a2b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 230.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 268.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8390, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:media-entertainment\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Media and Entertainment</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[14]/a[1]", "issueID": "0a27f4db909f091769a4e4046984b82d", "signature": "1eb568f20437cc1f901565b91bb51f3c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 276.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 228.265625, "y": 295.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 78 }, "position": { "line": 8391, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:oil-gas\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oil and Gas</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[15]/a[1]", "issueID": "0799c3d7491e8b28a7c8efadd52d121e", "signature": "590eb91dc7c44ec6781a835c87684534", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 303.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 341.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8392, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:professional-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Professional Services</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[16]/a[1]", "issueID": "1333b2eb931dbfd620d4d0a5d2934134", "signature": "c66b7bab080a71f33073ca278d09ef4d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 349.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 188.265625, "y": 368.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 38 }, "position": { "line": 8407, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:retail\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Retail</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[17]/a[1]", "issueID": "89d1e62b7285ae384fbc88c28ca9863d", "signature": "a6f4946aa39899243f5238e0d7b961ed", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 376.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 414.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8408, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:industry-apps:travel\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Travel and Transportation</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[18]/a[1]", "issueID": "070b38e2eeba774eee866b3cb126cfa5", "signature": "7f322de55f3526680c0a99a775775d4c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 438.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 438.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8687, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "20e074a3469affb47c2a6bc587069ce5", "signature": "2f3c318488c55d299687ed6976c3b30c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 150.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 57.9219, "y": 188.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 57.9219 }, "position": { "line": 8410, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps:isv-apps:oracle-isv\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle ISV</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "c703790e61c26ff6ab0fcefff99ec88b", "signature": "7705b73e7bf7121f84a99d7d1c3c880a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 196.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 85, "y": 253.65625 }, "height": 57, "width": 85 }, "position": { "line": 8411, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps:isv-apps:migrate-isv-apps-to-oci\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Migrate ISV Applications to OCI</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "3d3efd1519746db4beac9f2b0b8e68b9", "signature": "0863f5dbdcec8e82ed211ccb11e8f124", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 72.921875, "y": 150.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 150.921875, "y": 188.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 78 }, "position": { "line": 8412, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps:isv-apps:isv-accelerator\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">ISV Accelerator</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "38080dce4a823326d6aac111373b2f17", "signature": "cae32354b41b220bb2480e8dba112eb9", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 72.921875, "y": 196.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 130.921875, "y": 253.65625 }, "height": 57, "width": 58 }, "position": { "line": 8413, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps:isv-apps:oracle-partner-network\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Partner Network</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "b0be2587ef9849c244a1d857d18601a1", "signature": "84ef006aaf057f3afe9ba231789e8fec", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 154.65625, "y": 150.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 239.65625, "y": 226.65625 }, "height": 76, "width": 85 }, "position": { "line": 8414, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps:custom-apps:migrate-custom-apps-to-oci\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Migrate Custom Applications to OCI</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "f2c755aa4843a9188e8e70e4a4dc009f", "signature": "067c983a35f377ba3b3d12df42b5bc51", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 154.65625, "y": 234.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 215.65625, "y": 291.65625 }, "height": 57, "width": 61 }, "position": { "line": 8415, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps:custom-apps:cloud-lift-program\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Cloud Lift Program</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "a0b73c45594251d6a3ba8bf3e9fdaac1", "signature": "2ba28350afeb394ab9101834dda5b8d0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 227.578125, "y": 150.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 320.578125, "y": 207.65625 }, "height": 57, "width": 93 }, "position": { "line": 8416, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps:custom-apps:oracle-app-development\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Application Development</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "300da53b0e3e5e6a2239b7e96d3416bd", "signature": "25e9a29212cb0797187430209cca8ecf", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 227.578125, "y": 215.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 298.578125, "y": 291.65625 }, "height": 76, "width": 71 }, "position": { "line": 8417, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-apps:isv-custom-apps:custom-apps:developer\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Developer Resource Center</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "778b9ae757cbb35c61a3af7d3b152fda", "signature": "1bcc86aed2ca7eb5c53884670b1175cd", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 299.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 299.65625 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8717, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "ebfe9b73be119cb5f8c465912ba9423f", "signature": "728959b5516bd7dfdfd26137782feb34", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 130.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 58, "y": 168.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 58 }, "position": { "line": 8520, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:api-gateway\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">API Gateway</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "6cb53a8d9e82d41a3a63487582088792", "signature": "9a7e2c188e6e69b5234c93ef92bc8a4a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 176.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 91, "y": 214.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 91 }, "position": { "line": 8521, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:api-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">API Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "1a8d6294d7c69c5133cbf318fb03de21", "signature": "2428fd95e7a92711b3ac81785096f8a2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 222.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 74, "y": 260.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 74 }, "position": { "line": 8530, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:blockchain-platform\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Blockchain Platform</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "fac8dd9ed03453394a3c17f395ad5a9f", "signature": "3d366e0da4654416e5eb65eb99f6af76", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 268.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 54, "y": 287.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 54 }, "position": { "line": 8533, "column": 4 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:devops\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">DevOps</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "b8218015a24acca141cbcd9fd6e6ae73", "signature": "b607f5558c0cd9b0a6c5d25eb567076c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 295.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 46, "y": 314.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 46 }, "position": { "line": 8546, "column": 69 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:events\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Events</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "65040f9b2b99d5a684e360812d450dde", "signature": "765aa4d74c693901c7d14e15369e264d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 72.921875, "y": 130.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 103.921875, "y": 149.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 31 }, "position": { "line": 8547, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:java\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Java</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "d00933ae99c10678ff4dacb635f905a5", "signature": "3cb1ede90ed83a1c77d5da49a159906a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 72.921875, "y": 157.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 159.921875, "y": 176.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 87 }, "position": { "line": 8547, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:notifications\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Notifications</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "e5cb774a28c0180fd540138531656417", "signature": "dfa570537e074d3362a43f3de5d87d58", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 72.921875, "y": 184.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.921875, "y": 222.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 63 }, "position": { "line": 8548, "column": 69 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:resource-manager\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Resource Manager</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "f29bd5ea360e2f71b79f4d05f5136bc2", "signature": "d3927928a18b8745e164b024e0968ba8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 72.921875, "y": 230.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 130.843775, "y": 287.65625 }, "height": 57, "width": 57.9219 }, "position": { "line": 8549, "column": 69 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:build-and-run:visual-builder-studio\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Visual Builder Studio</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/a[1]", "issueID": "8ae3829462a0d391eef51d148b6a5bdf", "signature": "c2373f94879766b8955fb25beaea0c81", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 154.65625, "y": 145.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 191.65625, "y": 164.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 37 }, "position": { "line": 8550, "column": 69 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:low-cde:apex\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">APEX</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "57fce1eac8b0266aacf8d0528f2fcbbd", "signature": "8c69cad6cc8d14c4576f24c8e6423e1b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 231.984375, "y": 130.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 309.984375, "y": 168.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 78 }, "position": { "line": 8551, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:extend:app-integration\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Application Integration</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "d730ed96cf286261108578416a40c1a4", "signature": "15f8ca5a720b48b5de4c570e7e47505b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 231.984375, "y": 176.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 322.984375, "y": 214.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 91 }, "position": { "line": 8551, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:extend:content-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Content Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "0fe9c48b394b91de894a2f2f0a715a09", "signature": "f4fd4ac59c821e1866446fde91798f49", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 231.984375, "y": 222.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 293.984375, "y": 260.65625 }, "height": 38, "width": 62 }, "position": { "line": 8552, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:developer-services:extend:digital-assistant\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Digital Assistant</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "4ce8a22b42eac8b236e5ac1e88783c6b", "signature": "e0042ea5815ad4fc3264cd47cb463b61", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 322.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 322.65625 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8766, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "0cff638e95fa1dbc6037532c0c3a0933", "signature": "54984a150f1905ff74478f3d70f2c37a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 158.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 158.994 }, "position": { "line": 8553, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:app-integration:explore-app-integration\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Application Integration</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "da82cb0a420d0768d8c37ca6948206c8", "signature": "4fd623947259f34be256d5102cfc800a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 181.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 118, "y": 200.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 118 }, "position": { "line": 8553, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:app-integration:api-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">API Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "cdc2a48a09db37be6711380462dc2fae", "signature": "beb9839a3f8171aa13e2118451b4813f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 208.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 158, "y": 227.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 158 }, "position": { "line": 8566, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:app-integration:app-integration\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Application Integration</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "61d355d318be717864a48b1a1859e17f", "signature": "52b3c37f96331dee6dc034c5e21b2b32", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 235.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 248, "y": 254.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 248 }, "position": { "line": 8569, "column": 4 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:app-integration:oracle-soa\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) </a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "47f8afd438adc1a0992c6444cc1c1d75", "signature": "25ea43fccdd986bd3aadf8f45314df3c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 262.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 262.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8787, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "a89d7f31114cc204b88e80efd212b3d9", "signature": "ff433b26431dd132401d0f37cc5bafec", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 123.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 123.994 }, "position": { "line": 8582, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:analytics-and-bi:explore-analytics-and-bi\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Analytics and BI</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "9e5f8c504274635a45673dec93eddb96", "signature": "8e83ef00966e980b64096f57f4671796", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 181.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 174, "y": 200.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 174 }, "position": { "line": 8583, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:analytics-and-bi:analytics-platform\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Analytics Platform</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "5df8e0de73bc4455886bc44483a548ca", "signature": "9ff8e6a658c8fe9df7d8faf717524fb3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 208.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 191, "y": 227.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 191 }, "position": { "line": 8584, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:analytics-and-bi:fusion-erp-analytics\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "4048fff01ce4ec8faeaaee379a6e88a6", "signature": "948ff942cfa54e1a11ed46f80fd01c7e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 235.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 197, "y": 254.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 197 }, "position": { "line": 8585, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:analytics-and-bi:fusion-hcm-analytics\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "e92a1a3acfcc65f49c64b62050b73aab", "signature": "2face4c4af17ad703c99ccf91f64c819", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 262.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 193, "y": 281.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 193 }, "position": { "line": 8586, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:analytics-and-bi:analytics-mobile-app\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Analytics Mobile App</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "aa8c7cf7dc4d90908926d590abb726b8", "signature": "a360d92f9b1fa9f84de6a90211e6c289", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 289.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 289.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8806, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "d2c0f10627e255df1798daafe7439973", "signature": "ca362a414c2cf199b60aa8525a3465b2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 93.994 }, "position": { "line": 8588, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:explore-ml-and-ai\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore ML and AI</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "c94bf617151af07387ca3f6311286386", "signature": "35c9dd5941ee5299cbfbae3d66703dd3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 221.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 75, "y": 240.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 75 }, "position": { "line": 8595, "column": 133 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:ai-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">AI Services</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "bcbd4b4cb4ad2ed073ee4473bdb36a2b", "signature": "05e8665d3f2a23fdf02506f33c7ac71b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 248.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 132, "y": 267.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 132 }, "position": { "line": 8603, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:anomaly-detection\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Anomaly Detection</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "1b788dd4b787aa5ff79861f9b14c5e4a", "signature": "dd5bec12ef6d0e89200f11c13585c373", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 275.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 88, "y": 294.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 88 }, "position": { "line": 8604, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:data-science\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Data Science</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "9d9416af1a425445c310bb5342642b0a", "signature": "8955e9947ae90ca7d37fa5d87f642087", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 302.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 111, "y": 321.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 111 }, "position": { "line": 8605, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:digital-assistant\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Digital Assistant</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "0e36fa0470d832e2b303d373647ff8bf", "signature": "47b12a67893af34032a82c1e6e2b4911", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 221.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 259.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8606, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:in-database-ml\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">In-Database Machine Learning</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "51177cd1d357341cad1d1765c7611924", "signature": "16155dd75f0160c910e34cbfb219aa17", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 267.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 218.265625, "y": 286.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 68 }, "position": { "line": 8607, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:language\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Language</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "aedd7ad82ed04dd627838e0044bd4eb9", "signature": "565925240effc732f3952c5519b4b338", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 294.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 200.265625, "y": 313.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 50 }, "position": { "line": 8608, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:speech\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Speech</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "1affe4534d721db39409ac6f395f3931", "signature": "4ef8f52d2b5cb9512eb05d27914f915e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 321.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 193.265625, "y": 340.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 43 }, "position": { "line": 8609, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:machine-learning-and-ai:vision\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Vision</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "b7fe0c737c9ab34e9fb2880e20302707", "signature": "78512e06cab007926f06b2602b1a5246", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 348.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 348.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8830, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "3a36f72010cceb56baee97b2ae22218b", "signature": "8d89e83b32fc0d5145d6bfd51fa2db09", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 270.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 78, "y": 289.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 78 }, "position": { "line": 8611, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:media-flow\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Media Flow</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "82361ec1137171bd0000180cd909be93", "signature": "bf0213b8494214d673c8af73675e7650", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 297.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 103, "y": 316.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 103 }, "position": { "line": 8612, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:media-streams\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Media Streams</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "9c3ef0929f26b7a010827740a7cfcb76", "signature": "4cbb40dbc4225cbdeb1d61a4b85f72ee", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 324.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 324.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8845, "column": 16 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[5]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "df86d1ec33c58063bd3060a06734b45d", "signature": "d7ba4a1823c2d8d3ce7c00245ea9d12c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 190.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 228.546875 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8620, "column": 133 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse:autonomous-data-warehouse\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Autonomous Data Warehouse</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "6c45dfe907efe5acb24bbe7491cd4a4d", "signature": "3e572e8ff61c514e6d738184fce13289", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 236.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 112, "y": 255.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 112 }, "position": { "line": 8627, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse:big-data-service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Big Data Service</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "86acb414ed105c93d363df945ebd4378", "signature": "e365e967eefe315fa4f127d362031da7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 263.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 88, "y": 282.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 88 }, "position": { "line": 8628, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse:data-catalog\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Data Catalog</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "5505192862a15fecbcd3b57bb320dfb7", "signature": "c992f25a72d1e82b8fc1514140b332e8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 290.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 68, "y": 309.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 68 }, "position": { "line": 8629, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse:data-flow\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Data Flow</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "57ad0fd27185daf3f060724149587b18", "signature": "5196b02e034346b7251ffb450d2c5ae1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 190.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 262.265625, "y": 209.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 112 }, "position": { "line": 8630, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse:data-integration\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Data Integration</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "a967fc59c661dcf3a90e338ed7fb9719", "signature": "4c685c47ebe06832c855f635d0495fc8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 217.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 230.265625, "y": 236.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 80 }, "position": { "line": 8631, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse:goldengate\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">GoldenGate</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "cbc7cec257ddd2acbbf48e244b6bd9e4", "signature": "5f4aa1f48524e01a68feda53f6490133", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 244.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 273.265625, "y": 263.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 123 }, "position": { "line": 8632, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse:mysql-heatwave\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">MySQL HeatWave</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "786fb151b8a1c8e09af3a8237d3db18e", "signature": "8933170b5f1cb967ce060b3cd56d94f1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 271.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 222.265625, "y": 290.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 72 }, "position": { "line": 8633, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:data-lakehouse:streaming\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Streaming</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "2bd749ebd1b3620299d3ea90ba7c078b", "signature": "3dd02639aa5c5436c840218617f46b87", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 317.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 317.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8867, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[6]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "95ec8137edf96c94ee2c7bc280b289bb", "signature": "b397be66c73dff7b22519a5d449b80d4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 130.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 130.994 }, "position": { "line": 8647, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:explore-compute-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Compute services</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "563bc53c1d307cd2b6e11fec07952234", "signature": "5f30e96215a2ceb8c96cd1ced00cd62a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 241.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 279.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8648, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:arm-based-compute\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Arm-based Compute</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "f26346fa8689d46e11ed8719c2552b99", "signature": "c06e2f64abe1689252e85363cf5576c0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 287.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 325.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8649, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:bare-metal\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Bare Metal Servers</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "b871a381c0f2ff9b41e505f363b602bb", "signature": "dba07afefa1dafed4fcb42fda43b355b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 333.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 390.203125 }, "height": 57, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8650, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:gpu-accelerated-compute\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">GPU-Accelerated Compute</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "8a7609aae45e7735d7a2320ab82ec426", "signature": "df9b7030cf093d51e82d5e6bd0795093", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 241.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202.18755, "y": 279.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8651, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:hpc-compute\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">HPC Compute</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "0a01783b7f212c74457bd9c2c78957cf", "signature": "4a377dd86b50e36c74f68a38e5a90346", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 287.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202.18755, "y": 325.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8652, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:virtual-machines\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Virtual Machines</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "2475a3376f71b84af7301e567a6e3f08", "signature": "1ecbaf53a5300a3f7f4729e2d5434259", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 333.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 164.59375, "y": 352.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 56 }, "position": { "line": 8659, "column": 133 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:compute:vmware\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">VMware</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "8a98623cff2570b0af46abdb9ba55261", "signature": "7b10cbd4cada239e85eb531f0c55d6e3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 398.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 398.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8896, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[7]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "1b535898f35d68e57d93113ccf1bfd42", "signature": "d347ccc3bc9ea65fd70e02ffd1a7aee0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 121.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 121.994 }, "position": { "line": 8667, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage:explore-storage-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Storage services</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "c67dd787847a0ef99bec09c3eb12038a", "signature": "cd311d612d2dade1c547a1a19acd1f64", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 161.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 199.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8668, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage:archive-storage\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Archive Storage</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "fbf2abd6071d5414dc679bc12b0f9773", "signature": "c9dc94ac2b075d73f948433d1819ce86", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 207.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 245.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8669, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage:block-volumes\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Block Volumes</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "b7ab324a675248af367e5c98aecf1031", "signature": "f78b955e8c3f11e0b0620d6374928500", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 253.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 291.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8670, "column": 14 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage:data-transfer-service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Data Transfer Service</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "f54585e9b1742b97c1614351093b2628", "signature": "dceb5d3cac0b690a02a1f046be1051ba", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 161.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 190.59375, "y": 180.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 82 }, "position": { "line": 8671, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage:file-storage\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">File Storage</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "23c74f84a23522970739f8b2d4b3482d", "signature": "21735695962da3c85304425222ee28c7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 188.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202.18755, "y": 226.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8672, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage:object-storage\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Object Storage</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "980e20720a649f88f5f7979ba2fa17f6", "signature": "98160bcfd2b4de1debefa71ca899ba68", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 234.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202.18755, "y": 272.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8673, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:storage:storage-gateway\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Storage Gateway</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "5633de09e177bcf54224ef87f07b2f70", "signature": "524510921a965ee86e9117fa0818bd2b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 299.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 299.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8917, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[8]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "d79e4b7fd2674bdc5961bef454cfbb07", "signature": "82f057ab1c5306f2f7e22885b9371035", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 106.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 106.994 }, "position": { "line": 8675, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:containers-and-functions:explore-cloud-native\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Cloud Native</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[9]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "1d9ce238f49bbce3b1ce9b19870a208d", "signature": "fff6dbf30add72922f5a4de253851268", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 221.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 67, "y": 240.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 67 }, "position": { "line": 8676, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:containers-and-functions:functions\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Functions</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[9]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "4f4d33e04c09f3fcad06ebd60454d236", "signature": "e10457874bf12f53d1f3224a97585f9b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 248.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 131, "y": 267.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 131 }, "position": { "line": 8677, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:containers-and-functions:kubernetes-engine\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Kubernetes Engine</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[9]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "e303831281574bf27de0fbbddf2d767e", "signature": "f75585b09afea75ef2c8d03fa2e1af78", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 275.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 56, "y": 294.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 56 }, "position": { "line": 8678, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:containers-and-functions:registry\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Registry</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[9]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "4c4652631ab7784e986cb8e9e1d8105b", "signature": "15680d1154ba6244f223435d004636b6", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 302.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 91, "y": 321.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 91 }, "position": { "line": 8679, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:containers-and-functions:service-mesh\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Service Mesh</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[9]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "4b22b4de01d0a4b1c32b255a3e4e2ba4", "signature": "a247b1f3ede28a053ca0814d15d50c1a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 329.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 329.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8938, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[9]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "38a4ab856376d33b05b46c5d58a9a69a", "signature": "bec4486eb7aafc69f8a039eba4c3532f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 141.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 141.994 }, "position": { "line": 8681, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:explore-networking-services\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Networking services</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "1103c73f29fb749d76de853ac4b1b112", "signature": "029a8c02230bff674c7f512fef65fa11", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 241.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 298.203125 }, "height": 57, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8682, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:clientvpn\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Client-to-Site VPN (ClientVPN)</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "787e00f0bf1171a76793cec414e8b896", "signature": "ca741baf4720023aad807493cc92f374", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 306.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 363.203125 }, "height": 57, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8683, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:customer-premises-equipment\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Customer-Premises Equipment</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "c255dfa26543630a1f1b73fde6fd40a0", "signature": "d7b29fa9c16595fecd18149ce996c339", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 371.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 93.5938, "y": 409.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8690, "column": 133 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:dns-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">DNS Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "c5c664b592f5ceeec1081e0137fd1166", "signature": "0b2d399cf5a8fb96844c17a0b9f5042e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 417.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 84, "y": 436.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 84 }, "position": { "line": 8699, "column": 38 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:fastconnect\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">FastConnect</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "8fe9ee7d1efe4dbf8d4b41b2dcc3e152", "signature": "85ab25aa19c7ece8d15070288378e92d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 241.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202.18755, "y": 279.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8700, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:load-balancers\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Load Balancers</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "6138a20d0830c053cf218b35bd8f0262", "signature": "ce5f4601906635c6aa2b2e3fb864867f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 287.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202.18755, "y": 325.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8701, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:networking-gateways\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Networking Gateways</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "f857199bc7cd2cbd3ff2659365b3cc75", "signature": "8dda28bfff64c7f12fcedb6b9810be58", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 333.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202.18755, "y": 371.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8702, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:ipsec\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Site-to-site VPN (IPSec)</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "296fe19f19d97c97dbccc5a9a1d93ebf", "signature": "259045c12930f330ff63d34670466559", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 108.59375, "y": 379.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 202.18755, "y": 417.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 93.5938 }, "position": { "line": 8709, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:networking:virtual-cloud-networks\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Virtual Cloud Networks</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "a4eae75ff5050e7876c8ff43809e73cd", "signature": "4ca9e7fb555efe9800cd8af2a070d348", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 444.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 444.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8968, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[10]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "d8f3a54486c77785610ce12808c774ed", "signature": "0c43a618cb523220e37ec09ab1e4f04b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 92.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 92.994 }, "position": { "line": 8711, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:explore-databases\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore Databases</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "fcee7eeae08bd8eec60f151a075b02ff", "signature": "f307e1f31562fd252dad4a720a981005", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 201.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 239.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8712, "column": 41 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:adb\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Autonomous Database</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "56e59155a4c3b850ce1fa713fb9bdffd", "signature": "f98d7c844bc843c0c99f94964851599f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 247.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 323.203125 }, "height": 76, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8725, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:adb-on-exadata-c@c\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer</a&g", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "e21a3c9cd40542a7dc3b25bca9839188", "signature": "1d07b19345a7712c51fcaf03c57e86c0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 331.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 105, "y": 350.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 105 }, "position": { "line": 8728, "column": 4 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:data-integrator\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Data Integrator</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "9ba6a00b51d2efe41bb3d6116f4d9d26", "signature": "1dcac475065c50bb9d67985c18958510", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 358.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 66, "y": 377.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 66 }, "position": { "line": 8732, "column": 106 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:data-safe\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Data Safe</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "c89b0c39a83b765e2a4fe201784e1d98", "signature": "0c3f67e8ea91210d6a3d95cba07118d9", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 385.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 423.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8740, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:database-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Database Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "7b7a24c5c2a50748ead87acf1c5a9a55", "signature": "e319687130316b71d755a443c8afd50f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 431.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135, "y": 450.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 135 }, "position": { "line": 8741, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:database-migration\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Database Migration</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "eb275afe18fb080cb99831926bca50d2", "signature": "9f552c6b5921d9bac1ed865a0c18582a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 458.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 135.266, "y": 496.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8742, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:database-service-for-azure\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Database Service for Azure</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "52678fca0d3fe4150b4aeb3fd39629cd", "signature": "77938e569e6939a8f10d29d6422d0ddb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 201.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 239.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8743, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:enterprise-database-service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Enterprise Database Service</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "22292046671c50856b5328b9fa3c9896", "signature": "1299969f9a7d307f338c78d601d5c0da", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 293.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 331.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8745, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:exadata-database-service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Exadata Database Service</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "4df50422a73b962b9e18194b1b88ba81", "signature": "d64e05d18ac0ed57258b614ddce5b39c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 339.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 230.265625, "y": 358.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 80 }, "position": { "line": 8746, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:goldengate\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">GoldenGate</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[11]/a[1]", "issueID": "c2eaae329bf29d02a39b6ec73093c7a6", "signature": "72d1be54c17d0a4ac48808170866c6fb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 366.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 198.265625, "y": 385.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 48 }, "position": { "line": 8747, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:nosql\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">NoSQL</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[12]/a[1]", "issueID": "69bfd8510657879998a9258098e48c95", "signature": "7c6c5c7275b0a96d7fda73c100de3c07", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 393.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 284.265625, "y": 412.203125 }, "height": 19, "width": 134 }, "position": { "line": 8748, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:operations-insights\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Operations Insights</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[13]/a[1]", "issueID": "bff4d1329409ab62d4935d6d3f60b9a5", "signature": "daa464f602f537c93cb47bfd4dd4fb53", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 150.265625, "y": 420.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 285.53162499999996, "y": 458.203125 }, "height": 38, "width": 135.266 }, "position": { "line": 8754, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:oracle-databases:standard-database-service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Standard Database Service</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[14]/a[1]", "issueID": "76741a63fe9719e68dd0bcb6f10cadf3", "signature": "86d6ec9f2fee9e46afa8da1d56316682", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 504.203125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 504.203125 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8998, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[11]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "b7132b5958cb4a67b2cda648b15436b3", "signature": "531c6533e6d1d4295c0b7712d40bf916", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 250.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 123, "y": 269.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 123 }, "position": { "line": 8761, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:open-source-databases:mysql\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">MySQL HeatWave</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[12]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "9053b3895b034a8d544c9f469926cef7", "signature": "3cb3f08587bddcd1cbef75274d54dfa5", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 277.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 222, "y": 296.546875 }, "height": 19, "width": 222 }, "position": { "line": 8762, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:open-source-databases:search-service-opensearch\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Search Service with OpenSearch</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[12]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "590aa3015008d54028095790ea9ce1d1", "signature": "7d701daad3130efea9f3875b4b8836a8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 304.546875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 304.546875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 9012, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[12]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "7bd38b1412ddf15a6c6103caf4de63f9", "signature": "17b316281ae54909626a340f3f85082d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 111.994, "y": 15.1906 }, "height": 15.1906, "width": 111.994 }, "position": { "line": 8781, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:explore-cloud-security\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Explore cloud security</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "13bd054b3b2fe3dd5ad6002d664fbc9c", "signature": "0fea759753ba5a9e6e280f22fae21806", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 201.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 132, "y": 220.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 132 }, "position": { "line": 8782, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:access-governance\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Access Governance</a", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "32a7d958b6b0ab0f77db4c7cf00ae353", "signature": "3281940e328b07427468d9aafaf2ba89", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 228.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 132, "y": 247.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 132 }, "position": { "line": 8783, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:autonomous-linux\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Autonomous Linux</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "84e2cc0cff5453a9cb109ba3da607e9e", "signature": "f65d1bd589759cb924901870438056a2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 255.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 51, "y": 274.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 51 }, "position": { "line": 8789, "column": 106 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:bastion\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Bastion</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "25e743d2ee4230bb00ca22d122adf2eb", "signature": "6ff65f95772db03b3ed02f947fb05ba1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 282.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 76, "y": 301.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 76 }, "position": { "line": 8794, "column": 30 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:certificates\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Certificates</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "91f81d92d036d6fb1f77a7083303856f", "signature": "58055777949727e36bfc2dd2762fb72f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 309.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 86, "y": 328.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 86 }, "position": { "line": 8799, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:cloud-guard\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Cloud Guard</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "2a4b62fd0f3a8d776f508ec0c206242e", "signature": "bb0cdf8856715b31bf7219de3f3f03b0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 336.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 100, "y": 355.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 100 }, "position": { "line": 8800, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:cloud-security\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Cloud Security</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "5c707fe56bf02551619a78da39c910e0", "signature": "261bb2a0149630d3b5636a0b35f62430", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 363.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 160, "y": 382.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 160 }, "position": { "line": 8801, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:hardware-root-of-trust\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Hardware Root", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "3fca41c735ecc39e6fecc86f42fafbac", "signature": "82e5703d2ad32f69fc5b3daa0ad8eb4d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 201.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 464.18775, "y": 239.3125 }, "height": 38, "width": 224.594 }, "position": { "line": 8802, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:id-and-access-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Identity and", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "5bc914923b6999311e3f662817b114ae", "signature": "a5700f636369b95aff71e55aafa000b1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 247.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 451.59375, "y": 266.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 212 }, "position": { "line": 8808, "column": 106 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:isolated-network-virtualization\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/a[1]", "issueID": "ab91ad56cee79fb79380778f57d695a7", "signature": "6948a872f7bf3fea0e783caf4fc6cfd3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 274.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 360.59375, "y": 293.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 121 }, "position": { "line": 8813, "column": 30 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:key-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Key Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "9f80041a0a1e15582c737b3c11dc1115", "signature": "7b99b6ee2012e8c367242558cce78c7b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 301.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 354.59375, "y": 320.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 115 }, "position": { "line": 8818, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:network-firewall\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Network Firewall</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[11]/a[1]", "issueID": "c9090e44475ff6d866a1226caba070dd", "signature": "6693bc629427fe7fd123ae33226b1f36", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 328.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 341.59375, "y": 347.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 102 }, "position": { "line": 8819, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:security-zones\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Security Zones</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[12]/a[1]", "issueID": "54a9c95d61b2a04b37b4f1f2b1722f00", "signature": "89031db4c2e833f3a3e3d1448679251e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 355.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 367.59375, "y": 374.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 128 }, "position": { "line": 8820, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:threat-intelligence\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Threat Inte", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[13]/a[1]", "issueID": "a8998140c4b9df569cfca96393c6a038", "signature": "6b4daa957eaf827c92f86cc3e592b147", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 382.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 395.59375, "y": 401.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 156 }, "position": { "line": 8821, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-infrastructure-security:vulnerability-scanning\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Vulne", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[14]/a[1]", "issueID": "d5234f45a864d371982db8f533ba754f", "signature": "c3f60a2b5736209e6522c58883bb23f0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 201.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 554, "y": 220.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 66 }, "position": { "line": 8822, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-db-security:data-safe\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Data Safe</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "523e79f0f6fd6b0b9545f100967d39e5", "signature": "954c1c3a9bc3d49ddc9cf87f74d51778", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 228.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 708, "y": 266.3125 }, "height": 38, "width": 220 }, "position": { "line": 8823, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-db-security:adb-security\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Auton", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "31d0da1d3321c46d4abbeacd3133ab6d", "signature": "3d2526ae17b3f8417593888094361b4b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 732, "y": 201.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 864, "y": 220.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 132 }, "position": { "line": 8824, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-app-security:access-governance\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Access Governance</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "7f56a17ba2b44e5a586556ee7f2e155b", "signature": "c768122dbf962c92406960181e9bb155", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 732, "y": 274.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 952, "y": 312.3125 }, "height": 38, "width": 220 }, "position": { "line": 8833, "column": 107 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-app-security:id-cloud-service\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Identity and Access Management</a&g", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "9f1352ca6709875baa4ad6d8c13a237f", "signature": "d796a8ec08b9e98277c8c45b7d4c0413", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 732, "y": 320.3125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 901, "y": 339.3125 }, "height": 19, "width": 169 }, "position": { "line": 8840, "column": 38 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cloud-app-security:web-application-firewall\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Web Application Fire", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "32ef5aafd80df8ef071a07026f20bebe", "signature": "d67e82eefde846eda43b9887f804cb29", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 444.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 224.594, "y": 482.21875 }, "height": 38, "width": 224.594 }, "position": { "line": 8841, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:application-performance-monitoring\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "9b5c16d9bf627532f049cad1fc228b8e", "signature": "2b3fda6abeee15e303173355989dd358", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 490.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 159, "y": 509.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 159 }, "position": { "line": 8849, "column": 107 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:database-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Database Management</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "6dc78a64aa0cb9be82c9e2c7f9a82da0", "signature": "280778b779c95a1258b96a6c674fc507", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 517.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 126, "y": 536.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 126 }, "position": { "line": 8856, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:java-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Java", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "bd0a259baaed788f49d18dc6cb71d52b", "signature": "02da619dd3fbb0b8748af285e74e10d7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 544.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 57, "y": 563.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 57 }, "position": { "line": 8857, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:logging\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Logging</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "7635c01447f27215ce51bae305deabcc", "signature": "e2413cb6cdfed39c3d1c078f39b7bf74", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 571.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 123, "y": 590.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 123 }, "position": { "line": 8858, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:logging-analytics\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Logging Analytics</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "9332b8b84f9cfc773bac41116a925ed0", "signature": "62ce54e54578f18a43c720ae8b38696e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 444.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 316.59375, "y": 463.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 77 }, "position": { "line": 8859, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:monitoring\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Monitoring</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "a749eb93e620e21c6275b0d72fb44023", "signature": "3097ab1bb6ecceefcdf12ec4af1cb3ed", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 471.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 326.59375, "y": 490.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 87 }, "position": { "line": 8860, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:notifications\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Notifications</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "f0b3d7c965c92b81b46c168b9b9af089", "signature": "3babdca5eac139799683b6efd1dafe71", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 498.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 373.59375, "y": 517.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 134 }, "position": { "line": 8861, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:operations-insights\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Operations Insights</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "66e63ae0fa2e07cc328210db62da428a", "signature": "02406bbbd9a02db166b7c6c7fda80eaf", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 525.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 408.59375, "y": 544.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 169 }, "position": { "line": 8862, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:os-management\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">OS Management Service</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[9]/a[1]", "issueID": "b364cf17c085afac7ffa580e009d1661", "signature": "acdc335687140bfc6529256e4e65880c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 552.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 367.59375, "y": 571.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 128 }, "position": { "line": 8863, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:resource-manager\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Resource Manager</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "fda60124dc207dfe120ac4d6554fb2ef", "signature": "abdf39f3476882495f1fc2a518de3f03", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 239.59375, "y": 579.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 397.59375, "y": 598.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 158 }, "position": { "line": 8877, "column": 107 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:service-connector-hub\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Service Connector Hub</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[11]/a[1]", "issueID": "19b0634b3dddd4803edd68775f361837", "signature": "0028e3760a1ab263750c1021620bf57e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 498.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 579, "y": 517.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 91 }, "position": { "line": 8888, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cost-management-governance:cost-analysis\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabin", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "af759458eab7354f45cce6942ec6e70a", "signature": "98841367830c5fb377ffb62fc26d9fba", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 525.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 604, "y": 544.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 116 }, "position": { "line": 8889, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cost-management-governance:license-manager\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "9c4cea13aba50a4000c15a87b376baed", "signature": "f26ff910d219699388f8b71b5ab837b3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 552.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 672, "y": 571.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 184 }, "position": { "line": 8890, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cost-management-governance:organization-mana", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "9363f73c71d4b7b1a8e3b6b58731c4d6", "signature": "48e95887399a35ddfc27ce2df8f163ab", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 579.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 537, "y": 598.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 49 }, "position": { "line": 8891, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cost-management-governance:quotas\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Quotas</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "f60a179c50e8616a9170a09304fed7ce", "signature": "5b772c20a404516db9cb134b5ddb3dfe", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 606.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 606, "y": 625.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 118 }, "position": { "line": 8892, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:cost-management-governance:support-rewards\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Support", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[5]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "6fa9d4852291db4f6bda2bd4b68721ff", "signature": "24b4fb40d3e36cc1d5af7e2bc38c487f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 732, "y": 444.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 905, "y": 463.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 173 }, "position": { "line": 8898, "column": 107 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:compliance:cloud-compliance\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Cloud Compliance</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "b300a50363f7c88f34cbd2cd8f5e69f2", "signature": "6fb2681886fc0bc4fb4ac0eacb4da150", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 732, "y": 471.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 909, "y": 490.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 177 }, "position": { "line": 8903, "column": 30 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:corporate-security\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Corporate Security</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "2e1c5a24ef1652c00e57c6a217446d94", "signature": "e943840e67592d6e79023c3a255450fc", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 732, "y": 498.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 782, "y": 517.21875 }, "height": 19, "width": 50 }, "position": { "line": 8908, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:security-observability-management-compliance:observability-and-management:privacy\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Privacy</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/div[2]/div[6]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "2db36733796b1db525f0ea0b31259654", "signature": "92605923f60d68e637812f4a65203744", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 633.21875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 633.21875 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 9106, "column": 17 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"rc105exit\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[4]/div[14]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "aa07a58f972960d6db86c6bac1ba5373", "signature": "0e6f5d0698123d034d863d9d8e03c269", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 150.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 142, "y": 169.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 142 }, "position": { "line": 8910, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:commercial-and-gov-cloud-regions:global-cloud-regions\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Global cloud regions</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "fbb299c7031508b0cf6068654b73bd90", "signature": "6b3e3519719e4466ba0900a092579ca1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 177.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 166, "y": 196.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 166 }, "position": { "line": 8911, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:commercial-and-gov-cloud-regions:uk-gov-regions\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">UK government regions</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "09ebcf7b38ca5d5d62464d4d1ec3ab5d", "signature": "7d9bbc263bc3e9ec6f90679dd27b2a58", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 204.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 249, "y": 223.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 249 }, "position": { "line": 8912, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:commercial-and-gov-cloud-regions:us-dod-regions\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">U.S. Department of Defense regions</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "e850974046d54495de3c51c447fbe3a7", "signature": "a87760f2398bcfcd3b00a311b83dec36", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 150.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 853, "y": 169.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 365 }, "position": { "line": 8926, "column": 30 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:hybrid-cloud:adb-on-exadata-c@c\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Custom", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "e35a8411b38e0b5ab323c942b05bc723", "signature": "fcc43ab14d7b174ba351048359b2c85b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 177.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 618, "y": 196.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 130 }, "position": { "line": 8931, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:hybrid-cloud:azure-interconnect\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Azure Interconnect</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "99d0a00948e38df0ef0f4c6b9ea43e82", "signature": "a15cb22927f19166a8d67f7bb9f3dcbd", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 204.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 616, "y": 223.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 128 }, "position": { "line": 8932, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:hybrid-cloud:dedicated-regions\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Dedicated Regions</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "9da638d8ac6b1644dd1f8ffb3ec29fe9", "signature": "0643e1eebbadd95279b1238ff1bc1486", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 231.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 669, "y": 250.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 181 }, "position": { "line": 8933, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:hybrid-cloud:exadata-c@c\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Exadata Cloud@Customer</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "b8239d4b4f25ad2b082d3eb15a4535d8", "signature": "656e25f9324331230dc4103a07cdd1af", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 258.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 698, "y": 277.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 210 }, "position": { "line": 8934, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:hybrid-cloud:cloud-vmware-solution\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Oracle Cloud VMware Solution</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "ba02254a89e3574c467f61368b6a791b", "signature": "0684c750ecfbeb0a063e6e85d1cc9998", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488, "y": 285.65625 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 673, "y": 304.65625 }, "height": 19, "width": 185 }, "position": { "line": 8947, "column": 107 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" data-lbl=\"cloud-infra:global-cloud-data-center:hybrid-cloud:roving-edge-infrastructure\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\">Roving Edge Infrastructure</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/section[3]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "dd47156a7ff8f41903a7ecd7a4727e97", "signature": "bb416188eb00c2e0c2f96d88965cea9d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. 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If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 235.796875 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 968, "y": 256.796875 }, "height": 21, "width": 968 }, "position": { "line": 9128, "column": 37 }, "errorSnippet": "<a data-lbl=\"contact-us:feedback\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Give feedback</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/section[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "615ec2df77478468f942cd396fcf1dd1", "signature": "ab0619be705d0f6e8192335553f7dafa", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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Don't rotate text beyond 60 degrees from the horiziontal.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": -4.55634880065918, "y": 269.44366455078125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 9.44365119934082, "y": 283.44366455078125 }, "height": 14, "width": 14 }, "position": { "line": 8545, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button data-lbl=\"scroll-left\" class=\"rh08-arrow rh08-prevarrow\" aria-label=\"previous slide\" type=\"button\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "d8185f986086d15377fcd3f504ed3a75", "signature": "ad2da1755500a5a261098a9bf62dac81", "ref": "" } ], "log": [] } } } ], "timeStamp": "4yiew", "startTime": "2022-08-13T09:21:12", "presses": 0, "amountRead": 0, "testTimes": [ [ "hover", 57 ], [ "ibm", 31 ], [ "alfa", 19 ], [ "motion", 14 ], [ "wave", 6 ], [ "axe", 3 ], [ "bulk", 1 ], [ "focAll", 1 ], [ "focOp", 1 ], [ "continuum", 1 ], [ "htmlcs", 1 ], [ "tenon", 1 ], [ "embAc", 0 ], [ "focInd", 0 ], [ "labClash", 0 ], [ "linkUl", 0 ], [ "menuNav", 0 ], [ "radioSet", 0 ], [ "role", 0 ], [ "styleDiff", 0 ], [ "tabNav", 0 ], [ "zIndex", 0 ], [ "nuVal", 0 ] ], "logCount": 65, "logSize": 2623, "errorLogCount": 12, "errorLogSize": 612, "prohibitedCount": 0, "visitTimeoutCount": 0, "visitRejectionCount": 0, "visitLatency": 39, "endTime": "2022-08-13T09:24:20", "elapsedSeconds": 188, "score": { "scoreProcID": "sp15c", "logWeights": { "logCount": 0.5, "logSize": 0.01, "errorLogCount": 1, "errorLogSize": 0.02, "prohibitedCount": 15, "visitTimeoutCount": 10, "visitRejectionCount": 10, "visitLatency": 1 }, "soloWeight": 2, "groupWeights": { "absolute": 2, "largest": 1, "smaller": 0.4 }, "preventionWeights": { "testaro": 50, "other": 100 }, "packageDetails": { "testaro": { "motion": 17, "bulk": 1, "focInd": 1, "focOp": 408, "hover": 73, "linkUl": 172, "role": 89, "styleDiff": 112, "zIndex": 84 }, "alfa": { "r3": 24, "r47": 8, "r53": 8, "r57": 4, "r61": 4, "r65": 1, "r66": 26, "r69": 6, "r73": 28, "r74": 12, "r75": 4, "r78": 20, "r80": 12 }, "axe": { "aria-allowed-role": 0, "color-contrast-enhanced": 128, "color-contrast": 35, "hidden-content": 0, "duplicate-id-aria": 12, "heading-order": 4, "landmark-complementary-is-top-level": 2, "meta-viewport": 8, "region": 2 }, "continuum": { "59": 8, "85": 12, "94": 24, "123": 4 }, "htmlcs": { "e:AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail": 40, "e:AA.2_4_1.G1,G123,G124.NoSuchID": 80, "e:AA.4_1_1.F77": 12, "e:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoContent": 4, "w:AA.1_1_1.H67.2": 3, "w:AA.1_3_1_A.G141": 4, "w:AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206": 2, "w:AA.1_4_3.G145.BgImage": 1, "w:AA.1_4_3.G18.Abs": 5, "w:AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage": 3, "w:AA.1_4_3_F24.F24.BGColour": 1, "w:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoHref": 1 }, "ibm": { "WCAG20_A_HasText": 20, "RPT_Elem_UniqueId": 4, "Rpt_Aria_OrphanedContent_Native_Host_Sematics": 4, "HAAC_Figure_label": 4, "aria_semantics_role": 20, "Rpt_Aria_ComplementaryLandmarkLabel_Implicit": 1 }, "nuVal": { "The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted.": 2, "Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.": 2, "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.": 11, "A charset attribute on a meta element found after the first 1024 bytes.": 4, "A document must not include more than one meta element with a charset attribute.": 4, "The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete.": 4, "Bad value true for attribute async on element script.": 8, "Bad value true for attribute defer on element script.": 8, "Duplicate ID industries.": 4, "The first occurrence of ID industries was here.": 1, "Duplicate ID developers.": 4, "The first occurrence of ID developers was here.": 1, "Duplicate ID events.": 4, "The first occurrence of ID events was here.": 1, "Element div not allowed as child of element span in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)": 8, "Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed.": 1, "CSS: background-image: Parse Error.": 24, "Attribute href not allowed on element a at this point.": 20, "Attribute consent not allowed on element div at this point.": 4, "Attribute importance not allowed on element script at this point.": 4, "The language attribute on the script element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.": 1, "Bad value __bkframe for attribute name on element iframe: Browsing context name started with the underscore.": 4 }, "wave": { "e:button_empty": 80, "e:link_empty": 20, "c:contrast": 9, "a:alt_suspicious": 1, "a:alt_duplicate": 5, "a:heading_skipped": 2, "a:link_internal_broken": 20, "a:link_suspicious": 1, "a:link_redundant": 7, "a:link_pdf": 1, "a:noscript": 2, "a:text_small": 5, "a:title_redundant": 7 }, "tenon": { "28": 4, "57": 20, "79": 4, "95": 36, "98": 272, "134": 108, "138": 16, "144": 128, "152": 140, "155": 2, "190": 28, "194": 864, "218": 24, "271": 4 } }, "groupDetails": { "groups": { "spontaneousMotion": { "testaro": { "motion": { "score": 9, "what": "Change of visible content not requested by user" } } }, "visibleBulk": { "testaro": { "bulk": { "score": 1, "what": "Page contains many visible elements" } } }, "focusIndication": { "testaro": { "focInd": { "score": 1, "what": "Focused element displaying no or nostandard focus indicator" } }, 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"nuVal": { "^Bad value .* for attribute .+ on element .+$": { "score": 4, "what": "attribute on this element has an invalid value" }, "^Attribute .+ not allowed on element .+ at this point.*$": { "score": 4, "what": "attribute not allowed on this element" } } }, "parseError": { "nuVal": { "^Element .+ not allowed as child of element .+ in this context.*$": { "score": 6, "what": "Element not allowed as a child of its parent here" } } }, "sectionHeadingless": { "nuVal": { "Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a div element instead for any cases where no heading is needed.": { "score": 1, "what": "section has no heading" } } }, "cssInvalid": { "nuVal": { "^CSS: .+: Parse Error.*$": { "score": 18, "what": "Invalid CSS" } } }, "buttonNoText": { "wave": { "e:button_empty": { "score": 80, "what": "Button is empty or has no value text" } } }, "imageTextRisk": { "wave": { "a:alt_suspicious": { "score": 1, "what": "Image text alternative is suspicious" } } }, "imagesSameAlt": { "wave": { "a:alt_duplicate": { "score": 1, "what": "Two images near each other have the same text alternative" } } }, "linkComprehensionRisk": { "wave": { "a:link_suspicious": { "score": 1, "what": "Suspicious link text" } } }, "linkPair": { "wave": { "a:link_redundant": { "score": 4, "what": "Adjacent links go to the same URL" } } }, "pdfLink": { "wave": { "a:link_pdf": { "score": 1, "what": "Link to PDF document" } } }, "noScriptRisk": { "wave": { "a:noscript": { "score": 1, "what": "noscript element may fail to contain an accessible equivalent or alternative" } } }, "titleRedundant": { "wave": { "a:title_redundant": { "score": 2, "what": "Title attribute text is the same as text or alternative text" } }, "tenon": { "79": { "score": 1, "what": "Link has a title attribute that is the same as the text inside the link" } } }, "horizontalScrolling": { "tenon": { "28": { "score": 3, "what": "Layout or sizing of the page causes horizontal scrolling" } } }, "linkTextsSame": { "tenon": { "98": { "score": 136, "what": "Links have the same text but different destinations" } } }, "imageTextRedundant": { "tenon": { "138": { "score": 4, "what": "Image link alternative text repeats text in the link" } } }, "leadingClipsText": { "tenon": { "144": { "score": 128, "what": "Line height is insufficent to properly display the computed font size" } } }, "targetSize": { "tenon": { "152": { "score": 105, "what": "Actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size" } } }, "tabIndexMissing": { "tenon": { "190": { "score": 28, "what": "Interactive item is not natively actionable, but has no tabindex=0 attribute" } } }, "focusableHidden": { "tenon": { "194": { "score": 864, "what": "Visible element is focusable but has a presentation role or aria-hidden=true attribute" } } }, "linkForcesNewWindow": { "tenon": { "218": { "score": 18, "what": "Link opens in a new window without user control" } } }, "textRotated": { "tenon": { "271": { "score": 2, "what": "Text is needlessly rotated 60+ degrees or more, hurting comprehension" } } } }, "solos": {} }, "preventionScores": { "ibm": 100 }, "summary": { "total": 2730, "log": 109, "preventions": 100, "solos": 0, "groups": [ { "groupName": "focusableHidden", "score": 866 }, { "groupName": "focusableOperable", "score": 308 }, { "groupName": "linkTextsSame", "score": 138 }, { "groupName": "leadingClipsText", "score": 130 }, { "groupName": "targetSize", "score": 107 }, { 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"headingStructure", "score": 8 }, { "groupName": "fontSizeAbsolute", "score": 8 }, { "groupName": "leadingAbsolute", "score": 8 }, { "groupName": "metaBad", "score": 8 }, { "groupName": "parseError", "score": 8 }, { "groupName": "svgImageNoText", "score": 6 }, { "groupName": "contrastRisk", "score": 6 }, { "groupName": "figureNoText", "score": 6 }, { "groupName": "typeRedundant", "score": 6 }, { "groupName": "linkPair", "score": 6 }, { "groupName": "imageTextRedundant", "score": 6 }, { "groupName": "contentBeyondLandmarks", "score": 5 }, { "groupName": "horizontalScrolling", "score": 5 }, { "groupName": "h1Missing", "score": 4 }, { "groupName": "titleRedundant", "score": 4 }, { "groupName": "textRotated", "score": 4 }, { "groupName": "visibleBulk", "score": 3 }, { "groupName": "focusIndication", "score": 3 }, { "groupName": "hiddenContentRisk", "score": 3 }, { "groupName": "asideNotTop", "score": 3 }, { "groupName": "decorativeImageRisk", "score": 3 }, { "groupName": "scrollRisk", 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