Accessibility test digest
Page: NetApp (100%)
Score: 1758
Tested by: Testaro, procedure tp15
Scored by: Testilo, procedure sp15c
Digested by: Testilo, procedure dp15a
The Testaro application used its tp15
testing procedure to test the accessibility (barrier-free design and coding) of the NetApp (100%) web page at on 2022/08/13. The procedure performed 1230 tests. Of these, 24 are custom tests defined by Testaro, and the others belong to these seven other packages (programs that perform collections of tests):
- Alfa by Siteimprove
- Axe-core by Deque
- Continuum by Level Access
- HTML CodeSniffer by Squiz Labs
- Equal Access by IBM
- Nu Html Checker
- Tenon by Level Access
- WAVE by WebAIM
Testaro produced a report enumerating the test results.
Testilo processed the report and used the sp15c
scoring procedure to compute partial and total scores for the page. The total score is 1758 (where 0 is the best possible score). The scored report is appended below.
Finally, Testilo used procedure dp15a
to produce this digest, briefly explaining how sp15c
computed the scores.
Score summary
total | 1758 |
log | 365 |
preventions | 100 |
contentBeyondLandmarks | 105 |
titleRedundant | 104 |
fontSmall | 99 |
linkForcesNewWindow | 89 |
linkIndication | 72 |
leadingClipsText | 66 |
targetSize | 62 |
linkElementBad | 54 |
fatalError | 52 |
metaBad | 38 |
focusableOperable | 36 |
fontSizeAbsolute | 36 |
leadingAbsolute | 36 |
buttonNoText | 30 |
tabIndexMissing | 26 |
inconsistentStyles | 25 |
imageNoText | 24 |
navConfusion | 17 |
navNoText | 17 |
hoverSurprise | 14 |
linkTextsSame | 14 |
roleBad | 13 |
zIndexNotZero | 13 |
linkNoText | 12 |
noLeading | 11 |
contrastAAA | 10 |
contrastAA | 10 |
duplicateID | 10 |
svgImageNoText | 10 |
styleParentBad | 10 |
menuItemless | 10 |
focusIndication | 8 |
cssInvalid | 8 |
parseError | 8 |
landmarkConfusion | 7 |
ariaBadAttribute | 6 |
childMissing | 6 |
formFieldNoText | 6 |
focusableDescendants | 6 |
iframeTitleBad | 6 |
decorativeImageRisk | 6 |
titleBad | 6 |
focusableHidden | 6 |
activeEmbedding | 5 |
pageTitle | 5 |
labelEmpty | 5 |
horizontalScrolling | 5 |
labelClash | 4 |
contrastRisk | 4 |
visibleLabelNotName | 4 |
obsolete | 4 |
pseudoLinkRisk | 4 |
pseudoParagraphRisk | 4 |
spontaneousMotion | 3 |
visibleBulk | 3 |
tabFocusability | 3 |
skipRepeatedContent | 3 |
hiddenContentRisk | 3 |
focusableRole | 3 |
footerNot1 | 3 |
mainNot1 | 3 |
headingStructure | 3 |
scrollRisk | 3 |
linkBrokenRisk | 3 |
typeRedundant | 3 |
titleAsLabel | 3 |
linkPair | 3 |
pdfLink | 3 |
Issue summary
Special issues
log: Score 365. This is based on the amount of browser error logging and miscellaneous logging during the tests.
preventions: Score 100. This is based on tests that the page did not allow to be run. That impedes accessibility progress and risks interfering with tools that users with disabilities need.
Classified issues
contentBeyondLandmarks: Score 105. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr57
, score 52 (Perceivable text content is not included in any landmark) - Package
, testregion
, score 82 (Some page content is not contained by landmarks)
titleRedundant: Score 104. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:title_redundant
, score 22 (Title attribute text is the same as text or alternative text) - Package
, test79
, score 93 (Link has a title attribute that is the same as the text inside the link)
fontSmall: Score 99. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:text_small
, score 27 (Text is very small) - Package
, test134
, score 86 (Text is very small)
linkForcesNewWindow: Score 89. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test218
, score 87 (Link opens in a new window without user control)
linkIndication: Score 72. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlinkUl
, score 70 (Non-underlined adjacent links)
leadingClipsText: Score 66. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test144
, score 64 (Line height is insufficent to properly display the computed font size)
targetSize: Score 62. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test152
, score 60 (Actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size)
linkElementBad: Score 54. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testA link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.
, score 52 (link element with a body ancestor has no itemprop or valid rel attribute)
fatalError: Score 52. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testCannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.
, score 50 (Testing was interrupted by a fatal error)
metaBad: Score 38. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test^Attribute .+ not allowed on element meta at this point.*$
, score 3 (Attribute is not allowed on a meta element here) - Package
, test^Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: .+$
, score 33 (meta element is missing a required attribute)
focusableOperable: Score 36. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testfocOp
, score 34 (Operable elements that cannot be Tab-focused and vice versa)
fontSizeAbsolute: Score 36. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr74
, score 34 (Paragraph text has an absolute font size)
leadingAbsolute: Score 36. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr80
, score 34 (Paragraph text has an absolute line height)
buttonNoText: Score 30. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr12
, score 12 (Button has no accessible name) - Package
, testbutton-name
, score 12 (Button has no discernible text) - Package
, test224
, score 12 (button element has no mechanism that allows an accessible name to be calculated) - Package
, teste:AA.4_1_2.H91.Button.Name
, score 8 (Button element has no accessible name) - Package
, teste:button_empty
, score 8 (Button is empty or has no value text)
tabIndexMissing: Score 26. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test190
, score 24 (Interactive item is not natively actionable, but has no tabindex=0 attribute)
inconsistentStyles: Score 25. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teststyleDiff
, score 23 (Heading, link, and button style inconsistencies)
imageNoText: Score 24. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teste:AA.1_1_1.H37
, score 16 (img element has no alt attribute) - Package
, teste:alt_missing
, score 16 (Text alternative is missing)
navConfusion: Score 17. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test531
, score 15 (nav element has an accessible name that is non-unique among the nav elements)
navNoText: Score 17. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test533
, score 15 (nav element is not the only nav element but has no accessible name)
hoverSurprise: Score 14. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testhover
, score 12 (Content changes caused by hovering)
linkTextsSame: Score 14. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test98
, score 12 (Links have the same text but different destinations)
roleBad: Score 13. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testrole
, score 11 (Nonexistent or implicit-overriding role)
zIndexNotZero: Score 13. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testzIndex
, score 11 (Layering with nondefault z-index values)
linkNoText: Score 12. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlink-name
, score 3 (Link has no discernible text) - Package
, test237
, score 4 (a element has no mechanism that allows an accessible name value to be calculated) - Package
, teste:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoContent
, score 4 (Link has an href attribute but no text) - Package
, teste:link_empty
, score 4 (Link contains no text) - Package
, test57
, score 4 (Link has no text inside it)
noLeading: Score 11. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr73
, score 9 (Paragraph of text has insufficient line height)
contrastAAA: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr66
, score 4 (Text contrast less than AAA requires) - Package
, testcolor-contrast-enhanced
, score 5 (Element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA)) - Package
, test95
, score 4 (Element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA))
contrastAA: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr69
, score 2 (Text outside widget has subminimum contrast) - Package
, testcolor-contrast
, score 4 (Element has insufficient color contrast) - Package
, teste:AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail
, score 4 (Contrast between the text and its background is less than 4.5:1) - Package
, testc:contrast
, score 3 (Very low contrast)
duplicateID: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testduplicate-id
, score 1 (id attribute value is not unique) - Package
, test94
, score 6 (Elements contains an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the DOM) - Package
, teste:AA.4_1_1.F77
, score 3 (Duplicate id attribute value) - Package
, test^Duplicate ID .+$|^The first occurrence of ID .* was here.*$
, score 1 (Duplicate id)
svgImageNoText: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test123
, score 8 (svg element has no mechanism that allows an accessible name to be calculated)
styleParentBad: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testElement style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
, score 8 (style element not allowed as a child of the body element)
menuItemless: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teste:aria_menu_broken
, score 8 (ARIA menu does not contain required menu items)
focusIndication: Score 8. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testfocInd
, score 6 (Focused element displaying no or nostandard focus indicator)
cssInvalid: Score 8. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test^CSS: .+: Property .+ doesn't exist.*$
, score 6 (Invalid property in CSS)
parseError: Score 8. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test^Stray end tag .+$
, score 3 (Invalid closing tag) - Package
, test^Start tag .+ seen but an element of the same type was already open.*$
, score 3 (Element is invalidly a descendant of another such element)
landmarkConfusion: Score 7. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlandmark-unique
, score 5 (Landmark has a role and an accessible name that are identical to another)
ariaBadAttribute: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr18
, score 4 (ARIA state or property is not allowed for the element on which it is specified)
childMissing: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr68
, score 4 (Element does not own an element required by its semantic role)
formFieldNoText: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr8
, score 4 (Form field has no accessible name)
focusableDescendants: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr90
, score 4 (Element has a role making its children presentational but contains a focusable element)
iframeTitleBad: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teste:AA.2_4_1.H64.1
, score 4 (iframe element has no non-empty title attribute)
decorativeImageRisk: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_1_1.H67.2
, score 4 (Image marked as decorative may be informative)
titleBad: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testElement title not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
, score 4 (title element is a child of the body element)
focusableHidden: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test194
, score 4 (Visible element is focusable but has a presentation role or aria-hidden=true attribute)
activeEmbedding: Score 5. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testembAc
, score 2 (Active element is embedded in a link or button) - Package
, testnested-interactive
, score 2 (Interactive controls are nested)
pageTitle: Score 5. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testElement head is missing a required instance of child element title.
, score 3 (head element has no child title element)
labelEmpty: Score 5. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teste:label_empty
, score 3 (Empty form label)
horizontalScrolling: Score 5. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test28
, score 3 (Layout or sizing of the page causes horizontal scrolling)
labelClash: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlabClash
, score 2 (Incompatible label types)
contrastRisk: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3.G145.BgImage
, score 1 (Contrast between the text and its background image may be less than 3:1) - Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage
, score 1 (Contrast between the text and its background image may be less than 4.5:1)
visibleLabelNotName: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.2_5_3.F96
, score 2 (Visible label is not in the accessible name)
obsolete: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test^The .+ attribute on the .+ element is obsolete.+$
, score 2 (Attribute is obsolete on its element)
pseudoLinkRisk: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test129
, score 2 (CSS underline on text that is not a link)
pseudoParagraphRisk: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test242
, score 2 (Multiple consecutive br elements may simulate paragraphs)
spontaneousMotion: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testmotion
, score 1 (Change of visible content not requested by user)
visibleBulk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testbulk
, score 1 (Page contains many visible elements)
tabFocusability: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testfocAll
, score 1 (Discrepancy between elements that should be and that are Tab-focusable)
skipRepeatedContent: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr87
, score 1 (First focusable element is not a link to the main content)
hiddenContentRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testhidden-content
, score 1 (Some content is hidden and therefore may not be testable for accessibility)
focusableRole: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testfocus-order-semantics
, score 1 (Focusable element has no active role)
footerNot1: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlandmark-no-duplicate-contentinfo
, score 1 (Page has more than 1 contentinfo landmark (footer))
mainNot1: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlandmark-one-main
, score 1 (page has no main landmark)
headingStructure: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_3_1_A.G141
, score 1 (Heading level is incorrect) - Package
, test155
, score 1 (Headings are not structured in a hierarchical manner)
scrollRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206
, score 1 (Fixed-position element may force bidirectional scrolling)
linkBrokenRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.Placeholder
, score 1 (Link has text but no href, id, or name attribute)
typeRedundant: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testThe type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.
, score 1 (type attribute is unnecessary for a JavaScript resource)
titleAsLabel: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:label_title
, score 1 (Form control has a title but no label)
linkPair: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:link_redundant
, score 1 (Adjacent links go to the same URL)
pdfLink: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:link_pdf
, score 1 (Link to PDF document)
Although there are widely accepted accessibility standards, there is no unanimity about how to define, test, and quantify accessibility. The failures reported in this digest merit investigation as potential opportunities for improved accessibility. Investigation may lead you to conclude that some of the reported failures do not actually harm accessibility. Conversely, some substantial accessibility faults can escape detection by any of these tests. You may question the attempt to assign an accessibility score to a web page, or you may prefer weightings and formulas different from those used by sp15c
. You can modify and extend Testaro and Testilo to fit other theories and priorities.
Here, in brief, is how sp15c
computes a score for a page.
- It finds all the defects and warnings (let’s call them
) recorded in the report. - It classifies them according to type. For example, a link that looks like the text around it is one issue category, while a video that has no captions is another issue category.
- It also classifies the issues according to severity. For example, an issue that prevents a transaction is more severe than an issue that only complicates the transaction, and a warning about a possible issue is less severe than a definite finding of an issue. (Some packages rate the severity of each issue; for the other packages,
assigns a severity weight to the issue type and uses that weight.) - It assigns quality ratings to particular tests that are judged abnormally reliable or unreliable.
- It assigns a score to each issue reported by each test of each package.
- It aggregates the issue scores, weighting them by severity, test quality, and redundancy. Redundancy occurs, and causes downweighting, when two or more packages contain tests that are designed to discover the same or mostly the same issues. So the score for a category is not simply the sum of the scores of the tests in that category.
- It assigns a score for issues in the page logged by the browser.
- It assigns an estimated score each time the page prevents one of the packages or one of the Testaro tests from being run on the page.
- It adds the scores together to obtain a total score.
The precise rules of sp15b
are found in the code itself.
{ "id": "4yiew-netapp", "host": { "id": "netapp", "which": "", "what": "NetApp (100%)" }, "log": [ { "event": "startTime", "value": "2022-08-13T08:52:44" }, { "event": "endTime", "value": "2022-08-13T08:57:16" } ], "script": { "id": "tp15", "what": "Alfa, Axe, Continuum, HTML CodeSniffer, IBM, Nu Html Checker, Tenon, WAVE, and 22 custom tests", "strict": true, "timeLimit": 500, "commands": [ { "type": "launch", "which": "webkit", "what": "Webkit browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "NetApp (100%)" }, { "type": "tenonRequest", "id": "a", "withNewContent": true, "what": "Tenon API version 2 test request" }, { "type": "test", "which": "motion", "what": "spontaneous change of content; requires webkit", "delay": 2500, "interval": 2500, "count": 5 }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "Chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "NetApp (100%)" }, { "type": "test", "which": "bulk", "what": "count of visible elements" }, { "type": "test", "which": "embAc", "withItems": true, "what": "active elements incorrectly embedded in each other" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focAll", "what": "Tab-focusability" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focInd", "revealAll": false, "allowedDelay": 250, "withItems": true, "what": "focus indicators" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focOp", "withItems": true, "what": "focusability and operability of elements" }, { "type": "test", "which": "hover", "headSize": 40, "headSampleSize": 20, "tailSampleSize": 15, "withItems": true, "what": "hover impacts" }, { "type": "test", "which": "labClash", "withItems": true, "what": "unlabeled and mislabeled form controls" }, { "type": "test", "which": "linkUl", "withItems": true, "what": "underlining of inline links" }, { "type": "test", "which": "menuNav", "withItems": true, "what": "keyboard navigation within true-focus menus" }, { "type": "test", "which": "radioSet", "withItems": true, "what": "grouping of radio buttons in fieldsets" }, { "type": "test", "which": "role", "what": "validity and necessity of role assignments" }, { "type": "test", "which": "styleDiff", "withItems": true, "what": "style consistency of headings, buttons, and links" }, { "type": "test", "which": "tabNav", "withItems": true, "what": "keyboard navigation within tab lists" }, { "type": "test", "which": "zIndex", "withItems": true, "what": "elements with non-auto z indexes" }, { "type": "test", "which": "alfa", "what": "Siteimprove alfa" }, { "type": "test", "which": "axe", "detailLevel": 2, "rules": [], "what": "Axe core, all rules" }, { "type": "test", "which": "continuum", "what": "Continuum" }, { "type": "test", "which": "htmlcs", "what": "HTML CodeSniffer" }, { "type": "test", "which": "ibm", "withItems": true, "what": "IBM Accessibility Checker, with page content and again with URL" }, { "type": "test", "which": "nuVal", "what": "Nu Html Checker" }, { "type": "test", "which": "wave", "reportType": 4, "what": "WAVE, report-type 4" }, { "type": "test", "which": "tenon", "id": "a", "what": "Tenon API version 2 result retrieval" } ] }, "acts": [ { "type": "launch", "which": "webkit", "what": "Webkit browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "NetApp (100%)", "result": "" }, { "type": "tenonRequest", "id": "a", "withNewContent": true, "what": "Tenon API version 2 test request", "url": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "motion", "what": "motion", "delay": 2500, "interval": 2500, "count": 5, "url": "", "result": { "bytes": [ 546276, 546276, 546276, 547878, 547878 ], "localRatios": [ 1, 1, 1.003, 1 ], "meanLocalRatio": 1.001, "maxLocalRatio": 1.003, "globalRatio": 1.003, "pixelChanges": [ 0, 0, 3403, 0 ], "meanPixelChange": 850, "maxPixelChange": 3403, "changeFrequency": 0.25 } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "Chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "NetApp (100%)", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "bulk", "what": "count of visible elements", "url": "", "result": { "visibleElements": 580 } }, { "type": "test", "which": "embAc", "withItems": true, "what": "active elements embedded in links or buttons", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "links": 1, "buttons": 0, "inputs": 0, "selects": 0 }, "items": [ "<a href=\"\"> <svg class=\"icon--person\" aria-hidden=\"true\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#person\"></use> </svg> </a>" ] } }, { "type": "test", "which": "focAll", "what": "focusable and Tab-focused elements", "url": "", "result": { "tabFocusables": 110, "tabFocused": 109, "discrepancy": -1 } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focInd", "revealAll": false, "allowedDelay": 250, "withItems": true, "what": "focus indicators", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "total": 110, "types": { "indicatorMissing": { "total": 1, "tagNames": { "A": 1 } }, "nonOutlinePresent": { "total": 3, "tagNames": { "BUTTON": 2, "INPUT": 1 } }, "outlinePresent": { "total": 106, "meanDelay": 0, "tagNames": { "A": 99, "BUTTON": 6, "DIV": 1 } } } }, "items": { "indicatorMissing": [ { "tagName": "A", "text": "Cookie settings" } ], "nonOutlinePresent": [ { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "INPUT", "text": "" } ], "outlinePresent": [ { "tagName": "A", "text": "NetApp TV", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Contact", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Blog", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Cloud Central", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Menu", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Innovate with NetApp AI arrow_forward", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Get the best in cloud arrow_forward", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Start 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See which industries use NetApp pro", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Customer stories NetApp works in major industries from auto to entertainment, learn how we can build", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Education Learn how to make the most of your cloud- and data-driven solutions with expertly-designed", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Read their data story arrow_forward", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "See what’s new arrow_forward", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Check out DGX SuperPOD arrow_forward", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Read the blog arrow_forward", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Get prepped now arrow_forward", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Pick a time arrow_forward", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Product demos 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See which industries use NetApp products." ] } }, { "index": 1168, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r57", "ruleSummary": "Perceivable text content is included in a landmark", "scope": "page", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/n-hp-toggle-tabs[1]/div[1]/article[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-card[1]/a[1]/h3[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Customer stories" ] } }, { "index": 1169, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r57", "ruleSummary": "Perceivable text content is included in a landmark", "scope": "page", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/n-hp-toggle-tabs[1]/div[1]/article[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-card[1]/a[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "NetApp works in major industries from auto to entertainment, learn how we can build with you." ] } }, { "index": 1170, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r57", "ruleSummary": "Perceivable text content is included in a landmark", "scope": "page", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/n-hp-toggle-tabs[1]/div[1]/article[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-card[1]/a[1]/n-button-group[1]/span[1]/n-xpm-text[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Browse stories" ] } }, { "index": 1171, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r57", "ruleSummary": "Perceivable text content is included in a landmark", "scope": "page", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/n-hp-toggle-tabs[1]/div[1]/article[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-card[2]/a[1]/h3[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Education" ] } }, { "index": 1172, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r57", "ruleSummary": "Perceivable text content is included in a landmark", "scope": "page", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/n-hp-toggle-tabs[1]/div[1]/article[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-card[2]/a[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Learn how to make the most of your cloud- and data-driven solutions with expertly-designed, focused..." ] } }, { "index": 1173, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r57", "ruleSummary": "Perceivable text content is included in a landmark", "scope": "page", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/n-hp-toggle-tabs[1]/div[1]/article[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-card[2]/a[1]/n-button-group[1]/span[1]/n-xpm-text[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Plan to grow" ] } }, { "index": 1220, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r57", "ruleSummary": "Perceivable text content is included in a landmark", "scope": "page", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/a[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Back up" ] } }, { "index": 1423, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/n-hp-big-intro[1]/n-primary[1]/n-content[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Companies thrive with data" ] } }, { "index": 1424, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/n-hp-big-intro[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-content[1]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "For nearly three decades, NetApp has helped customers like DreamWorks, AstraZeneca, and Dow Jones o..." ] } }, { "index": 1467, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/footer[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ol[2]/li[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Gartner Magic Quadrant for Primary Storage, 11 October 2021, Jeff Vogel, Roger W. Cox, Joseph Unswo..." ] } }, { "index": 1468, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/footer[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ol[2]/li[1]/text()[3]", "codeLines": [ "Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and ..." ] } }, { "index": 1469, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/footer[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ol[2]/li[1]/text()[5]", "codeLines": [ "GARTNER and Magic Quadrant are registered trademarks and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its a..." ] } }, { "index": 1504, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r68", "ruleSummary": "Elements with a role have required children", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.3.1", "title": "Info and Relationships" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "ol", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/footer[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ol[1]", "codeLines": [ "<ol class=\"n-page-level-footnotes-list\"></ol>" ] } }, { "index": 1516, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/n-hp-big-intro[1]/n-primary[1]/n-content[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Companies thrive with data" ] } }, { "index": 1517, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/n-hp-big-intro[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-content[1]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "For nearly three decades, NetApp has helped customers like DreamWorks, AstraZeneca, and Dow Jones o..." ] } }, { "index": 1620, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-hp-short-slider[1]/n-reveal-content[1]/n-content-item[1]/n-content[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Transform your organization with a partner who understands the cloud. NetApp helps you modernize ...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1629, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/n-hp-toggle-tabs[1]/div[1]/article[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-card[1]/a[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " NetApp works in major industries from auto to entertainment, learn how we can build with you.", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1630, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/n-hp-toggle-tabs[1]/div[1]/article[1]/n-secondary[1]/n-card[2]/a[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Learn how to make the most of your cloud- and data-driven solutions with expertly-designed, focus...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1645, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r74", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have font sizes defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-hero-region[1]/section[1]/n-side-x-side[1]/n-primary[1]/n-content[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " It's no secret—AI requires a ton of data. 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NetApp helps you modernize ...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1648, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r74", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have font sizes defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/section[1]/n-card-band-images[1]/div[1]/n-content[1]/div[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Scale cloud operations while avoiding the waste, inefficiency, and other pitfalls that make your ...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1649, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r74", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have font sizes defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": 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Without a robust data infrastructure, that data simply ...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2008, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r80", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have line heights defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-hp-short-slider[1]/n-reveal-content[1]/n-content-item[1]/n-content[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Transform your organization with a partner who understands the cloud. 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"/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/section[3]/section[2]/n-card-band[1]/div[2]/n-content[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Technical product documentation for all of NetApp’s offerings, from data storage to cloud.", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2021, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r80", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have line heights defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/section[3]/section[2]/n-card-band[1]/div[3]/n-content[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Having trouble with a NetApp product? Browse articles that may help your problem-solving.", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2022, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r80", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have line heights defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/section[3]/section[2]/n-card-band[1]/div[4]/n-content[1]/n-xpm-richtext[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Certifications and career advancements for data and IT professionals.", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2023, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r80", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text do not have line heights defined in absolute units", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/footer[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Footnotes", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 2217, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r87", "ruleSummary": "First focusable element is link to main content", "scope": "page", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "name": "G1", "title": "Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area" } ] }, "target": { "type": "document", "tagName": "", "path": "/", "codeLines": [ "#document", " <!doctype html>", "...", " </html>" ] } }, { "index": 2219, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r90", "ruleSummary": "Element with presentational children has no focusable content", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.3.1", "title": "Info and Relationships" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "4.1.2", "title": "Name, Role, Value" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "button", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/button[1]", "codeLines": [ "<button class=\"nav-icon-button\">", " <a href=\"\">", " <svg class=\"icon--person\" aria-hidden=\"true\">", " <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#person\"></use>", " </svg>", " </a>", "</button>" ] } } ] } }, { "type": "test", "which": "axe", "detailLevel": 2, "rules": [], "what": "Axe", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "rulesNA": 47, "rulesPassed": 45, "rulesWarned": 3, "rulesViolated": 10, "warnings": { "minor": 88, "moderate": 0, "serious": 8, "critical": 0 }, "violations": { "minor": 2, "moderate": 87, "serious": 7, "critical": 3 } }, "details": { "testEngine": { "name": "axe-core", "version": "4.4.2" }, "testRunner": { "name": "axe" }, "testEnvironment": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/102.0.5005.40 Safari/537.36", "windowWidth": 1280, "windowHeight": 720, "orientationAngle": 90, "orientationType": "landscape-primary" }, "timestamp": "2022-08-13T08:55:19.389Z", "url": "", "toolOptions": { "resultTypes": [ "violations", "incomplete" ], "runOnly": { "type": "tag", "values": [ "experimental", "best-practice", "wcag2a", "wcag2aa", "wcag2aaa", "wcag21a", "wcag21aa", "wcag21aaa" ] }, "reporter": "v1" }, "incomplete": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aaa", "wcag146" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AAA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#000000", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "24.0pt (32px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<n-hp-big-intro>", "target": [ "n-hp-big-intro" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h2>Companies thrive with data</h2>", "target": [ "n-hp-big-intro > n-primary > n-content > h2" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#000000", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<n-hp-big-intro>", "target": [ "n-hp-big-intro" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>For nearly three decades, NetApp has helped customers like DreamWorks, AstraZeneca, and Dow Jones optimize their data environments to deliver the right data everywhere for their business operations. Want to take the first step but not sure where to start?</p>", "target": [ "n-hp-big-intro > n-secondary > n-content > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<ul>\n <li class=\"n-active\"><a href=\"#\" n-index=\"0\">Business</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" n-index=\"1\">Developers</a></li>\n </ul>", "target": [ "n-hp-toggle-tabs > nav > ul" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"#\" n-index=\"0\">Business</a>", "target": [ ".n-active > a[n-index=\"0\"][href=\"#\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<ul>\n <li class=\"n-active\"><a href=\"#\" n-index=\"0\">Business</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" n-index=\"1\">Developers</a></li>\n </ul>", "target": [ "n-hp-toggle-tabs > nav > ul" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"#\" n-index=\"1\">Developers</a>", "target": [ "n-hp-toggle-tabs > nav > ul > li:nth-child(2) > a[n-index=\"1\"][href=\"#\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ] }, { "id": "color-contrast", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aa", "wcag143" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#000000", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "24.0pt (32px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<n-hp-big-intro>", "target": [ "n-hp-big-intro" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h2>Companies thrive with data</h2>", "target": [ "n-hp-big-intro > n-primary > n-content > h2" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#000000", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<n-hp-big-intro>", "target": [ "n-hp-big-intro" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>For nearly three decades, NetApp has helped customers like DreamWorks, AstraZeneca, and Dow Jones optimize their data environments to deliver the right data everywhere for their business operations. 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You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<iframe src=\"javascript:void(0)\" title=\"\" style=\"width: 0px; height: 0px; border: 0px; display: none;\"></iframe>", "target": [ "iframe[src=\"javascript:void(0)\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-ls-panel\" data-language-panel=\"navigation\" aria-expanded=\"true\" aria-hidden=\"false\" role=\"menu\">", "target": [ ".n-ls-panel" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"magic-box-clear coveo-accessible-button\" role=\"button\" aria-label=\"Clear\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-hidden=\"true\">", "target": [ ".magic-box-clear" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg alt=\"Clear\" focusable=\"false\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 13 13\" viewBox=\"0 0 13 13\" xmlns=\"\" class=\"magic-box-clear-svg\">", "target": [ ".magic-box-clear-svg" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg alt=\"Search\" focusable=\"false\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 20 20\" viewBox=\"0 0 20 20\" xmlns=\"\" class=\"coveo-search-button-svg\">", "target": [ ".coveo-search-button-svg" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg alt=\"Loading\" focusable=\"false\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 18 18\" viewBox=\"0 0 18 18\" xmlns=\"\" class=\"coveo-search-button-loading-svg\">", "target": [ ".coveo-search-button-loading-svg" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<ul class=\"n-masthead__primary-navigation\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead__primary-navigation" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon mobile\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>arrow_forward</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#arrow_forward\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Solutions & Products\"][href=\"#\"] > .mobile.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(1) > .n-mega-menu" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li>", "target": [ "li:nth-child(1) > .n-mega-menu > .n-mega-menu__primary-navigation > li:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Cloud Services\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Cloud Services\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Hybrid Cloud\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Hybrid Cloud\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(3) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Data Storage\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Data Storage\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(4) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Cyber Resilience\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Cyber Resilience\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(5) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Data Management\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Data Management\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(6) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Enterprise Applications\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Enterprise Applications\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(7) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"DevOps\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"DevOps\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(8) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"AI\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"AI\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(9) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"VDI\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"VDI\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(10) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon more\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>More</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#add\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Services\"][href=\"#\"] > .more.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon less\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Less</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#remove\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Services\"][href=\"#\"] > .less.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(11) > .n-mega-menu__subsection" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon mobile\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>arrow_forward</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#arrow_forward\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"Support & Training\"][href=\"#\"] > .mobile.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead__simple-dropdown:nth-child(2) > .n-mega-menu" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li>\n <a class=\"return-button\" href=\"#\" title=\"Support & Training\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">\n <svg class=\"icon back\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Back</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#arrow_back\"></use></svg>\n Support & Training\n </a>\n </li>", "target": [ ".n-masthead__simple-dropdown:nth-child(2) > .n-mega-menu > .n-mega-menu__primary-navigation--simple-list.n-mega-menu__primary-navigation > li:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<svg class=\"icon mobile\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>arrow_forward</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#arrow_forward\"></use></svg>", "target": [ "a[title=\"How to Buy\"][href=\"#\"] > .mobile.icon[aria-hidden=\"true\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu\" style=\"height: auto;\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead__simple-dropdown:nth-child(3) > .n-mega-menu" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li>\n <a class=\"return-button\" href=\"#\" title=\"How to Buy\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">\n <svg class=\"icon back\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><title>Back</title><use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#arrow_back\"></use></svg>\n How to Buy\n </a>\n </li>", "target": [ ".n-masthead__simple-dropdown:nth-child(3) > .n-mega-menu > .n-mega-menu__primary-navigation--simple-list.n-mega-menu__primary-navigation > li:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<ul class=\"n-masthead__secondary-navigation--mobile\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead__secondary-navigation--mobile" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-masthead__secondary-navigation--mobile-content\" data-language-panel=\"navigation\" aria-expanded=\"true\" aria-hidden=\"false\" role=\"menu\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead__secondary-navigation--mobile-content" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<n-content-item n-theme=\"dark\" n-index=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\" class=\"\">", "target": [ "n-content-item:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-carousel__nav\">", "target": [ "section:nth-child(6) > n-card-band-images > .n-carousel__nav" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<article n-index=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ "article:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<n-blockquote-and-stat class=\"\" n-index=\"0\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ "n-blockquote-and-stat:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<n-blockquote-and-stat n-index=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\" class=\"\">", "target": [ "n-blockquote-and-stat:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<n-blockquote-and-stat n-index=\"3\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ "n-blockquote-and-stat[n-index=\"3\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-carousel__nav\">", "target": [ "n-card-band-images[n-layout=\"col-4\"] > .n-carousel__nav" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-carousel__nav\">", "target": [ "n-card-band > .n-carousel__nav" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-footer-label\">Solutions & Products</div>", "target": [ "div:nth-child(1) > .n-footer-label" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-footer-label\">Resources</div>", "target": [ "div:nth-child(2) > .n-footer-label" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-footer-label\">Company</div>", "target": [ "div:nth-child(3) > .n-footer-label" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"n-footer-label\">Connect</div>", "target": [ "div:nth-child(4) > .n-footer-label" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span>English</span>", "target": [ "button[data-language-selector=\"footer\"] > span" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div id=\"drift-facade-wrapper\" aria-label=\"Open chat with NetApp in the Drift Widget messenger\" style=\"display: none;\">\n <img class=\"drift-facade-icon\" src=\"\" alt=\"Drift chat loading\">\n </div>", "target": [ "#drift-facade-wrapper" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div id=\"onetrust-pc-sdk\" class=\"otPcPanel ot-hide ot-fade-in\" role=\"alertdialog\" aria-modal=\"true\" aria-describedby=\"ot-pc-desc\" lang=\"en\" aria-label=\"Privacy Center\">", "target": [ "#onetrust-pc-sdk" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"ot-acc-grpcntr ot-acc-txt\">", "target": [ "div[data-optanongroupid=\"C0001\"] > .ot-acc-grpcntr.ot-acc-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-txt\">Performance Cookies</span>", "target": [ "label[for=\"ot-group-id-C0002\"] > .ot-label-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"ot-acc-grpcntr ot-acc-txt\">", "target": [ ".ot-accordion-layout.ot-cat-item[data-optanongroupid=\"C0002\"] > .ot-acc-grpcntr.ot-acc-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-txt\">Functional Cookies</span>", "target": [ "label[for=\"ot-group-id-C0003\"] > .ot-label-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"ot-acc-grpcntr ot-acc-txt\">", "target": [ ".ot-accordion-layout.ot-cat-item[data-optanongroupid=\"C0003\"] > .ot-acc-grpcntr.ot-acc-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-txt\">Advertising Cookies</span>", "target": [ "label[for=\"ot-group-id-C0004\"] > .ot-label-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"ot-acc-grpcntr ot-acc-txt\">", "target": [ ".ot-accordion-layout.ot-cat-item[data-optanongroupid=\"C0004\"] > .ot-acc-grpcntr.ot-acc-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<section id=\"ot-pc-lst\" class=\"ot-hide ot-pc-scrollbar\">", "target": [ "#ot-pc-lst" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<section id=\"ot-fltr-modal\">", "target": [ "#ot-fltr-modal" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-status\">label</span>", "target": [ ".ot-fltr-opt > .ot-chkbox > .ot-label-status" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-txt\">checkbox label</span>", "target": [ "#ot-selall-hostcntr > label > .ot-label-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-status\">label</span>", "target": [ "#ot-selall-hostcntr > .ot-label-status" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-txt\">checkbox label</span>", "target": [ "#ot-selall-vencntr > label > .ot-label-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-status\">label</span>", "target": [ "#ot-selall-vencntr > .ot-label-status" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-txt\">checkbox label</span>", "target": [ "label[for=\"select-all-vendor-leg-handler\"] > .ot-label-txt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<span class=\"ot-label-status\">label</span>", "target": [ "#ot-selall-licntr > .ot-label-status" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img style=\"display:none\" alt=\"\" aria-hidden=\"true\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" id=\"db_bw_pixel_ad\" src=\"\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \">", "target": [ "#db_bw_pixel_ad" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img style=\"display:none\" alt=\"\" aria-hidden=\"true\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" id=\"db_lr_pixel_ad\" src=\"\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \">", "target": [ "#db_lr_pixel_ad" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img src=\";xsp=4630250;ord=640004876155.5421?\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"display:none\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \">", "target": [ "img[border=\"0\"][height=\"1\"][width=\"1\"]:nth-child(27)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<iframe sandbox=\"allow-scripts allow-same-origin\" title=\"Adobe ID Syncing iFrame\" id=\"destination_publishing_iframe_networkappliance_undefined\" name=\"destination_publishing_iframe_networkappliance_undefined_name\" src=\"\" style=\"display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px;\" class=\"aamIframeLoaded\">", "target": [ "#destination_publishing_iframe_networkappliance_undefined" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\" style=\"display:none\">", "target": [ "img[border=\"0\"][height=\"1\"][width=\"1\"]:nth-child(44)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img src=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ "img[height=\"1\"][width=\"1\"]:nth-child(46)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img src=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ ".optanon-category-C0004[height=\"1\"][width=\"1\"]:nth-child(47)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img src=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ "img[height=\"1\"][width=\"1\"]:nth-child(48)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img src=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \" style=\"display: none;\">", "target": [ ".optanon-category-C0004[height=\"1\"][width=\"1\"]:nth-child(49)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<iframe id=\"universal_pixel_t60qnbr\" height=\"0\" width=\"0\" style=\"display:none;\" src=\"\" title=\"TTD Universal Pixel\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \"></iframe>", "target": [ "#universal_pixel_t60qnbr" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ] } ], "violations": [ { "id": "button-name", "impact": "critical", "tags": [ "", "wcag2a", "wcag412", "section508", "section508.22.a", "ACT" ], "description": "Ensures buttons have discernible text", "help": "Buttons must have discernible text", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "button-has-visible-text", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "critical", "message": "Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers" }, { "id": "aria-label", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty" }, { "id": "aria-labelledby", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty" }, { "id": "non-empty-title", "data": { "messageKey": "noAttr" }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has no title attribute" }, { "id": "presentational-role", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\"" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<button class=\"nav-icon-button\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(1) > .nav-icon-button" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers\n aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n Element has no title attribute\n Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\"" }, { "any": [ { "id": "button-has-visible-text", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "critical", "message": "Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers" }, { "id": "aria-label", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty" }, { "id": "aria-labelledby", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty" }, { "id": "non-empty-title", "data": { "messageKey": "noAttr" }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has no title attribute" }, { "id": "presentational-role", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\"" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<button class=\"nav-icon-button\" data-language-selector=\"navigation\" aria-expanded=\"false\">", "target": [ "button[data-language-selector=\"navigation\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers\n aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n Element has no title attribute\n Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\"" }, { "any": [ { "id": "button-has-visible-text", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "critical", "message": "Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers" }, { "id": "aria-label", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty" }, { "id": "aria-labelledby", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty" }, { "id": "non-empty-title", "data": { "messageKey": "noAttr" }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has no title attribute" }, { "id": "presentational-role", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\"" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<button class=\"nav-icon-button\" data-language-selector=\"footer\" aria-expanded=\"false\">\n <svg class=\"icon--language\" aria-hidden=\"true\">\n <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#language\"></use>\n </svg>\n <span>English</span>\n </button>", "target": [ "button[data-language-selector=\"footer\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers\n aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n Element has no title attribute\n Element's default semantics were not overridden with role=\"none\" or role=\"presentation\"" } ] }, { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aaa", "wcag146" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AAA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#666666", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 5.74, "fontSize": "10.5pt (14px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"n-masthead-secondary\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead-secondary" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.74 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.5pt (14px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NetApp TV</a>", "target": [ ".n-secondary-nav > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a[rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"][target=\"_blank\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.74 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.5pt (14px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#666666", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 5.74, "fontSize": "10.5pt (14px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"n-masthead-secondary\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead-secondary" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.74 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.5pt (14px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">Contact</a>", "target": [ "li:nth-child(2) > a[target=\"_self\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.74 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.5pt (14px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#666666", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 5.74, "fontSize": "10.5pt (14px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"n-masthead-secondary\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead-secondary" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.74 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.5pt (14px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">Blog</a>", "target": [ "a[href$=\"blog/\"][target=\"_self\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.74 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.5pt (14px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#666666", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 5.74, "fontSize": "10.5pt (14px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"n-masthead-secondary\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead-secondary" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.74 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.5pt (14px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Cloud Central</a>", "target": [ "a[href$=\"home/\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 5.74 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.5pt (14px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#666666", "bgColor": "#efefef", "contrastRatio": 4.99, "fontSize": "9.0pt (12px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<n-footnotes class=\"n-page-level-footnotes\">", "target": [ "n-footnotes" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.99 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #efefef, font size: 9.0pt (12px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>", "target": [ ".n-page-level-disclaimer-list > li" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.99 (foreground color: #666666, background color: #efefef, font size: 9.0pt (12px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ] }, { "id": "duplicate-id", "impact": "minor", "tags": [ "cat.parsing", "wcag2a", "wcag411" ], "description": "Ensures every id attribute value is unique", "help": "id attribute value must be unique", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "demandbase_js_lib", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<script async=\"\" id=\"demandbase_js_lib\" src=\"\"></script>", "target": [ "script[async=\"\"]:nth-child(17)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: demandbase_js_lib" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<script async=\"\" id=\"demandbase_js_lib\" src=\"\"></script>", "target": [ "script[async=\"\"]:nth-child(16)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: demandbase_js_lib" } ] }, { "id": "focus-order-semantics", "impact": "minor", "tags": [ "cat.keyboard", "best-practice", "experimental" ], "description": "Ensures elements in the focus order have a role appropriate for interactive content", "help": "Elements in the focus order should have an appropriate role", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "has-widget-role", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "Element does not have a widget role." }, { "id": "valid-scrollable-semantics", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "Element has invalid semantics for an element in the focus order." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div id=\"onetrust-banner-sdk\" class=\"otFloatingFlat ot-bottom-left\" tabindex=\"0\">", "target": [ "#onetrust-banner-sdk" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element does not have a widget role.\n Element has invalid semantics for an element in the focus order." } ] }, { "id": "landmark-no-duplicate-contentinfo", "impact": "moderate", "tags": [ "cat.semantics", "best-practice" ], "description": "Ensures the document has at most one contentinfo landmark", "help": "Document should not have more than one contentinfo landmark", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "page-no-duplicate-contentinfo", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<n-footer id=\"n-footer\" role=\"contentinfo\">", "target": [ "#n-footer" ] } ], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Document has more than one contentinfo landmark" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<footer>", "target": [ "footer" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has more than one contentinfo landmark" } ] }, { "id": "landmark-one-main", "impact": "moderate", "tags": [ "cat.semantics", "best-practice" ], "description": "Ensures the document has a main landmark", "help": "Document should have one main landmark", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [], "all": [ { "id": "page-has-main", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Document does not have a main landmark" } ], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<html lang=\"en\">", "target": [ "html" ], "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n Document does not have a main landmark" } ] }, { "id": "landmark-unique", "impact": "moderate", "tags": [ "cat.semantics", "best-practice" ], "help": "Ensures landmarks are unique", "description": "Landmarks should have a unique role or role/label/title (i.e. accessible name) combination", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "landmark-is-unique", "data": { "role": "navigation", "accessibleText": null }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<nav class=\"n-secondary-nav-utilities\">", "target": [ ".n-secondary-nav-utilities" ] }, { "html": "<nav>\n <ul>\n <li class=\"n-active\"><button aria-label=\"slider transition\" n-index=\"0\"></button></li>\n <li class=\"\"><button aria-label=\"slider transition\" n-index=\"1\"></button></li>\n </ul>\n <n-progress class=\"animate\"></n-progress>\n </nav>", "target": [ "n-hp-short-slider > nav" ] }, { "html": "<nav>\n <ul>\n <li class=\"n-active\"><a href=\"#\" n-index=\"0\">Business</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\" n-index=\"1\">Developers</a></li>\n </ul>\n </nav>", "target": [ "n-hp-toggle-tabs > nav" ] }, { "html": "<nav>", "target": [ "n-hp-quote-band-with-animated-stat > nav" ] } ], "impact": "moderate", "message": "The landmark must have a unique aria-label, aria-labelledby, or title to make landmarks distinguishable" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<nav class=\"n-secondary-nav\">", "target": [ ".n-secondary-nav" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n The landmark must have a unique aria-label, aria-labelledby, or title to make landmarks distinguishable" }, { "any": [ { "id": "landmark-is-unique", "data": { "role": "search", "accessibleText": null }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"CoveoOmnibox magic-box\" role=\"search\" aria-haspopup=\"listbox\">", "target": [ ".CoveoOmnibox" ] } ], "impact": "moderate", "message": "The landmark must have a unique aria-label, aria-labelledby, or title to make landmarks distinguishable" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<div class=\"CoveoSearchbox\" data-enable-omnibox=\"true\" data-enable-wildcards=\"true\" data-enable-query-syntax=\"true\" role=\"search\" data-placeholder=\"What are you looking for?\">", "target": [ ".CoveoSearchbox" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n The landmark must have a unique aria-label, aria-labelledby, or title to make landmarks distinguishable" }, { "any": [ { "id": "landmark-is-unique", "data": { "role": "contentinfo", "accessibleText": null }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<n-footer id=\"n-footer\" role=\"contentinfo\">", "target": [ "#n-footer" ] } ], "impact": "moderate", "message": "The landmark must have a unique aria-label, aria-labelledby, or title to make landmarks distinguishable" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<footer>", "target": [ "footer" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n The landmark must have a unique aria-label, aria-labelledby, or title to make landmarks distinguishable" } ] }, { "id": "link-name", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "", "wcag2a", "wcag412", "wcag244", "section508", "section508.22.a", "ACT" ], "description": "Ensures links have discernible text", "help": "Links must have discernible text", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "has-visible-text", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers" }, { "id": "aria-label", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty" }, { "id": "aria-labelledby", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty" }, { "id": "non-empty-title", "data": { "messageKey": "noAttr" }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has no title attribute" } ], "all": [], "none": [ { "id": "focusable-no-name", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text" } ], "impact": "serious", "html": "<a href=\"\">\n <svg class=\"icon--person\" aria-hidden=\"true\">\n <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#person\"></use>\n </svg>\n </a>", "target": [ ".nav-icon-button > a" ], "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text\n\nFix any of the following:\n Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers\n aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty\n aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty\n Element has no title attribute" } ] }, { "id": "nested-interactive", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.keyboard", "wcag2a", "wcag412" ], "description": "Ensures interactive controls are not nested as they are not always announced by screen readers or can cause focus problems for assistive technologies", "help": "Interactive controls must not be nested", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "no-focusable-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<a href=\"\">\n <svg class=\"icon--person\" aria-hidden=\"true\">\n <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#person\"></use>\n </svg>\n </a>", "target": [ ".nav-icon-button > a" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has focusable descendants" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<button class=\"nav-icon-button\">", "target": [ "li:nth-child(1) > .nav-icon-button" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has focusable descendants" } ] }, { "id": "region", "impact": "moderate", "tags": [ "cat.keyboard", "best-practice" ], "description": "Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks", "help": "All page content should be contained by landmarks", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "region", "data": { "isIframe": false }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<a class=\"n-masthead__hamburger-button\" href=\"#\" title=\"Menu\">", "target": [ ".n-masthead__hamburger-button" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Some page content is not contained by landmarks" }, { "any": [ { "id": "region", "data": { "isIframe": false }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<header>\n <h1>Get the most AI from your data</h1> </header>", "target": [ "header" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Some page content is not contained by landmarks" }, { "any": [ { "id": "region", "data": { "isIframe": false }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<n-xpm-richtext>\n <p>It's no secret—AI requires a ton of data. Without a robust data infrastructure, that data simply can't make your AI dreams come true. NetApp provides powerful AI solutions that speed time to innovation.</p>\n </n-xpm-richtext>", "target": [ ".breadcrumb-active > n-xpm-richtext" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Some page content is not contained by landmarks" }, { "any": [ { "id": "region", "data": { "isIframe": false }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<n-xpm-text>Innovate with NetApp AI</n-xpm-text>", "target": [ "a[href$=\"artificial-intelligence\"] > n-xpm-text" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Some page content is not contained by landmarks" }, { "any": [ { "id": "region", "data": { "isIframe": false }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<n-secondary>\n<img src=\"/media/ai-solutions-side-x-side-web_tcm19-73557.jpeg?v=84823?v=84823\" alt=\"Global partners\" fetchpriority=\"high\" data-aspect=\"1.62\" class=\"bynderlocal\"> </n-secondary>", "target": [ "#hp-side-x-side-hero > n-secondary" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Some page content is not contained by landmarks" }, { "any": [ { "id": "region", "data": { "isIframe": false }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<h2>Navigate disruption with data, cloud and next-gen thinking</h2>", "target": [ "n-content-item:nth-child(1) > n-content > h2" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Some page content is not contained by landmarks" }, { "any": [ { "id": "region", "data": { "isIframe": false }, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "moderate", "message": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "moderate", "html": "<p>Transform your organization with a partner who understands the cloud. 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2, "css": "nav", "attNo": 0 } }, { "engineTestId": 533, "bestPracticeId": 2519, "attribute": "This nav does not have an accessible name as required when two or more nav elements are present", "attributeDetail": "This nav does not have an accessible name as required when two or more nav elements are present", "element": "<nav><ul><li class=\"n-active\"><a n-index=\"0\" href=\"#\">Business</a></li><li><a n-index=\"1\" href=\"#\">Developers</a></li></ul></nav>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>n-page:nth-of-type(1)>*:nth-child(4)>*:nth-child(8)>*:nth-child(2)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "nav", "attNo": 0 } }, { "engineTestId": 533, "bestPracticeId": 2519, "attribute": "This nav does not have an accessible name as required when two or more nav elements are present", "attributeDetail": "This nav does not have an accessible name as required when two or more nav elements are present", "element": "<nav><ul><li class=\"n-active\"><a n-index=\"0\" href=\"#\"><img data-n-color-src=\"/media/dreamworks-logo- ... -proportional-black_tcm19-71469.png\" alt=\"Siemens Healthineers logo\"><div></div></a></li></ul></nav>", "testResult": 0, "path": "body>n-page:nth-of-type(1)>*:nth-child(4)>*:nth-child(9)>*:nth-child(2)>*:nth-child(1)>*:nth-child(1)", "fixType": "", "fingerprint": { "version": 2, "css": "nav", "attNo": 0 } } ] }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "htmlcs", "what": "HTML CodeSniffer WCAG 2.1 AA ruleset", "url": "", "result": { "Error": { "AA.1_1_1.H37": { "Img element missing an alt attribute. Use the alt attribute to specify a short text alternative.": [ { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \" style=\"display: none;\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \" style=\"display: none;\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\">" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail": { "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1.04:1. Recommendation: change background to #71777b.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#\" n-index=\"0\">...</a>" } ] }, "AA.2_4_1.H64.1": { "Iframe element requires a non-empty title attribute that identifies the frame.": [ { "tagName": "iframe", "id": "", "code": "<iframe src=\"javascript:void(0)\" title=\"\" style=\"width: 0px; height: 0px; border: 0px; display: none;\">...</iframe>" } ] }, "AA.4_1_1.F77": { "Duplicate id attribute value \"demandbase_js_lib\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "script", "id": "#demandbase_js_lib", "code": "<script async=\"\" id=\"demandbase_js_lib\" src=\"\">...</script>" } ] }, "AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoContent": { "Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"\">...</a>" } ] }, "AA.4_1_2.H91.Button.Name": { "This button element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: title attribute, element content, aria-label attribute, aria-labelledby attribute.": [ { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button class=\"nav-icon-button\" data-language-selector=\"navigation\" aria-expanded=\"false\">...</button>" }, { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button class=\"nav-icon-button\">...</button>" } ] } }, "Warning": { "AA.1_1_1.H67.2": { "Img element is marked so that it is ignored by Assistive Technology.": [ { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"/media/porsche-announcement-band_tcm19-73633.jpeg\" alt=\"\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" data-aspect=\"1.62\" class=\"lazy fade bynderlocal\" data-src=\"/media/card-band-devops_tcm19-62175.jpg?v=42483?v=42483\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" data-aspect=\"1.62\" class=\"lazy fade bynderlocal\" data-src=\"/media/cloud-portfolio-card-band-images-web_tcm19-69265.jpeg?v=40399?v=40399\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" data-aspect=\"1.62\" class=\"lazy fade bynderlocal\" data-src=\"/media/cloudservices-card-band-images-web_tcm19-58083.jpg?v=46852?v=46852\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" data-aspect=\"1.62\" class=\"lazy fade bynderlocal\" data-src=\"/media/hybrid-cloud-card-band-images-web_tcm19-73564.jpeg?v=21650?v=21650\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" data-aspect=\"1.62\" class=\"lazy fade bynderlocal\" data-src=\"/media/kangaroo-card-band-images-web_tcm19-71557.png?v=80839?v=80839\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" data-aspect=\"1.62\" class=\"lazy fade bynderlocal\" data-src=\"/media/services-cloud-card-gr-band-images-web_tcm19-59428_tcm19-59428.jpeg?v=53584?v=53584\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" data-aspect=\"1.62\" class=\"lazy fade bynderlocal\" data-src=\"/media/superpod-card-band-images-web_tcm19-73568.jpeg?v=46178?v=46178\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\";xsp=4630250;ord=3738577928468.03?\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"display:none\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\" style=\"display:none\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">" } ] }, "AA.1_3_1_A.G141": { "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element appears to be the primary document heading, so should be an h1 element.": [ { "tagName": "h3", "id": "", "code": "<h3 class=\"n-ls-header\">...</h3>" } ], "The heading structure is not logically nested. This h3 element should be an h1 to be properly nested.": [ { "tagName": "h3", "id": "", "code": "<h3 class=\"n-ls-header\">...</h3>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206": { "This element has \"position: fixed\". This may require scrolling in two dimensions, which is considered a failure of this Success Criterion.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "#drift-facade-wrapper", "code": "<div id=\"drift-facade-wrapper\" aria-label=\"Open chat with NetApp in the Drift Widget messenger\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": "div", "id": "#onetrust-banner-sdk", "code": "<div id=\"onetrust-banner-sdk\" class=\"otFloatingFlat ot-bottom-left\" tabindex=\"0\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": "div", "id": "#onetrust-pc-sdk", "code": "<div id=\"onetrust-pc-sdk\" class=\"otPcPanel ot-hide ot-fade-in\" role=\"alertdialog\" aria-modal=\"true\" aria-describedby=\"ot-pc-desc\" lang=\"en\" aria-label=\"Privacy Center\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div class=\"onetrust-pc-dark-filter ot-hide ot-fade-in\">...</div>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G145.BgImage": { "This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 3:1.": [ { "tagName": "h2", "id": "", "code": "<h2>...</h2>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage": { "This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.": [ { "tagName": "p", "id": "", "code": "<p>...</p>" } ] }, "AA.2_5_3.F96": { "Accessible name for this element does not contain the visible label text. Check that for user interface components with labels that include text or images of text, the name contains the text that is presented visually.": [ { "tagName": "button", "id": "#filter-btn-handler", "code": "<button id=\"filter-btn-handler\" aria-label=\"Filter\" aria-haspopup=\"true\">...</button>" }, { "tagName": "button", "id": "", "code": "<button class=\"ot-link-btn back-btn-handler\" aria-label=\"Back\">...</button>" } ] }, "AA.4_1_2.H91.A.Placeholder": { "Anchor element found with link content, but no href, ID or name attribute has been supplied.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a class=\"ot-sdk-show-settings\">...</a>" } ] } } } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "ibm", "withItems": true, "what": "IBM Accessibility Checker", "url": "", "result": { "content": { "prevented": true, "error": "ERROR: getting ibm test report took too long" }, "prevented": true, "url": { "prevented": true, "error": "ERROR: getting ibm test report took too long" } } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "nuVal", "what": "failures to pass the Nu Html Checker", "url": "", "result": { "messages": [ { "type": "error", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 107, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element head is missing a required instance of child element title.", "extract": "1.0\">\n <iframe src=\"javascript:void(0)\" title=\"\" style=\"width: 0px; height: 0px; border: 0px; display: none;\"></ifra", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 103 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 311, "firstColumn": 219, "message": "Duplicate ID demandbase_js_lib.", "extract": "></script><script async=\"\" id=\"demandbase_js_lib\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 93 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 4, "lastColumn": 209, "firstColumn": 117, "subType": "warning", "message": "The first occurrence of ID demandbase_js_lib was here.", "extract": "></iframe><script async=\"\" id=\"demandbase_js_lib\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 93 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 50, "lastColumn": 11, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)", "extract": "' -->\n <style>\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 57, "lastColumn": 190, "firstColumn": 9, "subType": "warning", "message": "The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete.", "extract": ">\n <script defer=\"\" src=\"\" data-document-language=\"true\" charset=\"UTF-8\" data-domain-script=\"72570c5c-fe30-465f-b0e0-b77f7fb4ae34\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 182 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 73, "lastColumn": 57, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": " \n\n <meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 53 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 73, "lastColumn": 57, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": " \n\n <meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 53 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 74, "lastColumn": 57, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute http-equiv not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "=no\">\n <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">\n<!-- ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 53 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 74, "lastColumn": 57, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "=no\">\n <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">\n<!-- ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 53 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 76, "lastColumn": 49, "firstColumn": 9, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": ">\n <meta name=\"AssetType\" content=\"Webpage\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 41 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 76, "lastColumn": 49, "firstColumn": 9, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": ">\n <meta name=\"AssetType\" content=\"Webpage\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 41 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 77, "lastColumn": 53, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "age\">\n <meta name=\"pageNavigationOption\" content=\"None\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 49 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 77, "lastColumn": 53, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "age\">\n <meta name=\"pageNavigationOption\" content=\"None\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 49 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 78, "lastColumn": 44, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "one\">\n <meta name=\"inputTo\" content=\"Site Map\">\n\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 40 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 78, "lastColumn": 44, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "one\">\n <meta name=\"inputTo\" content=\"Site Map\">\n\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 40 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 81, "lastColumn": 11, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element title not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)", "extract": "w -->\n <title>Data M", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 84, "lastColumn": 173, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "-US\">\n <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Modernize your data management systems and simplify cloud data storage with NetApp – the world’s leader in data management solutions.\">\n\n\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 169 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 84, "lastColumn": 173, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "-US\">\n <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Modernize your data management systems and simplify cloud data storage with NetApp – the world’s leader in data management solutions.\">\n\n\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 169 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 92, "lastColumn": 60, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "s -->\n <meta name=\"twitter:card\" content=\"summary_large_image\">\n\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 56 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 92, "lastColumn": 60, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "s -->\n <meta name=\"twitter:card\" content=\"summary_large_image\">\n\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 56 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 94, "lastColumn": 90, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "ge\">\n\n <meta name=\"twitter:title\" content=\"Data Management Solutions for the Cloud | NetApp\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 86 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 94, "lastColumn": 90, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "ge\">\n\n <meta name=\"twitter:title\" content=\"Data Management Solutions for the Cloud | NetApp\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 86 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 95, "lastColumn": 181, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "App\">\n <meta name=\"twitter:description\" content=\"Modernize your data management systems and simplify cloud data storage with NetApp – the world’s leader in data management solutions.\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 177 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 95, "lastColumn": 181, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "App\">\n <meta name=\"twitter:description\" content=\"Modernize your data management systems and simplify cloud data storage with NetApp – the world’s leader in data management solutions.\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 177 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 97, "lastColumn": 121, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "e -->\n <meta name=\"twitter:image\" content=\"\">\n\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 117 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 97, "lastColumn": 121, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "e -->\n <meta name=\"twitter:image\" content=\"\">\n\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 117 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 99, "lastColumn": 66, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.", "extract": "pg\">\n\n <meta name=\"twitter:image:alt\" content=\"Manufacturing Social\">\n<scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 62 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 99, "lastColumn": 66, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.", "extract": "pg\">\n\n <meta name=\"twitter:image:alt\" content=\"Manufacturing Social\">\n<scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 62 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 163, "lastColumn": 61, "firstColumn": 9, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\n\n <link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"\">\n \n", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 53 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 165, "lastColumn": 74, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\n \n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"de\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 70 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 166, "lastColumn": 74, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"de\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"es\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 70 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 167, "lastColumn": 74, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"es\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"fr\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 70 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 168, "lastColumn": 74, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"fr\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"it\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 70 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 169, "lastColumn": 74, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"it\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"ja\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 70 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 170, "lastColumn": 74, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"ja\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"ko\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 70 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 171, "lastColumn": 74, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"ko\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"nl\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 70 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 172, "lastColumn": 74, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"nl\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"ru\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 70 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 173, "lastColumn": 84, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"ru\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"zh-hans\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 80 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 174, "lastColumn": 84, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "ans\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"zh-hant\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 80 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 175, "lastColumn": 71, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "ant\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"en\">\n <", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 67 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 176, "lastColumn": 78, "firstColumn": 5, "message": "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.", "extract": "\"en\">\n <link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"\" hreflang=\"x-default\">\n\n<scr", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 74 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 179, "lastColumn": 3660, "firstColumn": 3509, "subType": "warning", "message": "The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\" async=\"\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 152 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 179, "lastColumn": 3660, "firstColumn": 3509, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\" async=\"\" src=\"\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 152 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 179, "lastColumn": 3779, "firstColumn": 3670, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script src=\"\" async=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 110 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 179, "lastColumn": 4259, "firstColumn": 4233, "message": "Element style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)", "extract": "></script><style id=\"onetrust-style\">#onetr", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 27 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 182, "lastColumn": 597, "firstColumn": 591, "message": "CSS: scrollbar-arrow-color: Property scrollbar-arrow-color doesn't exist.", "extract": "row-color:#c1c1c1;scrol", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 182, "lastColumn": 632, "firstColumn": 626, "message": "CSS: scrollbar-darkshadow-color: Property scrollbar-darkshadow-color doesn't exist.", "extract": "dow-color:#c1c1c1;scrol", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 182, "lastColumn": 661, "firstColumn": 655, "message": "CSS: scrollbar-face-color: Property scrollbar-face-color doesn't exist.", "extract": "ace-color:#c1c1c1;scrol", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 182, "lastColumn": 692, "firstColumn": 686, "message": "CSS: scrollbar-shadow-color: Property scrollbar-shadow-color doesn't exist.", "extract": "dow-color:#c1c1c1}#onet", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 223, "lastColumn": 2627, "firstColumn": 2621, "message": "CSS: scrollbar-arrow-color: Property scrollbar-arrow-color doesn't exist.", "extract": "row-color:#d8d8d8;scrol", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 223, "lastColumn": 2662, "firstColumn": 2656, "message": "CSS: scrollbar-darkshadow-color: Property scrollbar-darkshadow-color doesn't exist.", "extract": "dow-color:#d8d8d8;scrol", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 223, "lastColumn": 2691, "firstColumn": 2685, "message": "CSS: scrollbar-face-color: Property scrollbar-face-color doesn't exist.", "extract": "ace-color:#d8d8d8;scrol", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 223, "lastColumn": 2722, "firstColumn": 2716, "message": "CSS: scrollbar-shadow-color: Property scrollbar-shadow-color doesn't exist.", "extract": "dow-color:#d8d8d8}#onet", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 342, "lastColumn": 288, "firstColumn": 136, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": ")}</style><script async=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"//\" class=\"optanon-category-C0003-C0004 \"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 153 }, { "type": "info", "lastLine": 342, "lastColumn": 666, "firstColumn": 542, "subType": "warning", "message": "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.", "extract": "></script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\" async=\"\" class=\"optanon-category-C0004 \"></scri", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 125 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 342, "lastColumn": 830, "firstColumn": 824, "message": "Stray end tag head.", "extract": "></script></head>\n<body", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 7 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 343, "lastColumn": 27, "firstColumn": 1, "message": "Start tag body seen but an element of the same type was already open.", "extract": "t></head>\n<body class=\"fonts-loaded\">\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 27 }, { "type": "error", "lastLine": 343, "lastColumn": 27, "firstColumn": 1, "subType": "fatal", "message": "Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.", "extract": "t></head>\n<body class=\"fonts-loaded\">\n ", "hiliteStart": 10, "hiliteLength": 27 } ] } }, { "type": "test", "which": "wave", "reportType": 4, "what": "WAVE", "url": "", "result": { "status": { "success": true, "httpstatuscode": 200 }, "statistics": { "pagetitle": "Data Management Solutions for the Cloud | NetApp", "pageurl": "", "time": 6.32, "creditsremaining": 25, "allitemcount": 487, "totalelements": 1966, "waveurl": "" }, "categories": { "error": { "description": "Errors", "count": 10, "items": { "alt_missing": { "id": "alt_missing", "description": "Missing alternative text", "count": 4, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE + DIV + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + STYLE + SCRIPT + STYLE + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + DIV + IMG + IMG + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + IMG + SCRIPT + IFRAME + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + IFRAME + SCRIPT + IMG + SCRIPT + IMG", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE + DIV + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + STYLE + SCRIPT + STYLE + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + DIV + IMG + IMG + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + IMG + SCRIPT + IFRAME + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + IFRAME + SCRIPT + IMG + SCRIPT + IMG + IMG", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE + DIV + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + STYLE + SCRIPT + STYLE + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + DIV + IMG + IMG + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + IMG + SCRIPT + IFRAME + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + IFRAME + SCRIPT + IMG + SCRIPT + IMG + IMG + IMG", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE + DIV + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + STYLE + SCRIPT + STYLE + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + DIV + IMG + IMG + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + IMG + SCRIPT + IFRAME + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + SCRIPT + IFRAME + SCRIPT + IMG + SCRIPT + IMG + IMG + IMG + IMG" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)", "link": "" } ] }, "label_empty": { "id": "label_empty", "description": "Empty form label", "count": 1, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#onetrust-consent-sdk > DIV#onetrust-pc-sdk > SECTION#ot-pc-lst > DIV#ot-pc-hdr > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > P:first-child + LABEL" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)", "link": "" }, { "name": "1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)", "link": "" }, { "name": 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+ LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV" ], "wcag": [ { "name": "2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A)", "link": "" }, { "name": "4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A)", "link": "" } ] } } }, "contrast": { "description": "Contrast Errors", "count": 1, "items": { "contrast": { "id": "contrast", "description": "Very low contrast", "count": 1, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION + N-HERO-REGION + N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION > STYLE:first-child + STYLE + STYLE + DIV + DIV + SECTION + DIV + N-HP-TOGGLE-TABS > STYLE:first-child + NAV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child > A:first-child" ], "contrastdata": [ [ 1.04, "#ffffff", "#f5fbff", false ] ], "wcag": [ { "name": "1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA)", "link": "" } ] } } }, "alert": { "description": "Alerts", "count": 128, "items": { "label_title": { "id": "label_title", "description": "Unlabeled form control with title", "count": 1, "selectors": [ "HTML > 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"HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL + DIV", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > 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CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > 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DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > 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DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE 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DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child" ], "wcag": [] }, "title_redundant": { "id": "title_redundant", "description": "Redundant title text", "count": 89, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL + DIV", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL + DIV + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL + DIV + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > 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DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > N-MAIN-CONTENT-REGION:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + UL > LI:first-child > A:first-child + DIV > CANVAS:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI > A:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child + UL > LI:first-child + LI + LI > A:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > SCRIPT:first-child + N-PAGE > N-NOTIFICATIONS-REGION:first-child + N-HEADER-REGION > 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Review HTML, CSS and page element sizes to ensure 100% width is not exceeded.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 1024, "y": 8251.25 }, "height": 8251.25, "width": 1024 }, "position": { "line": 7016, "column": 60 }, "errorSnippet": "<body class=\"fonts-loaded\"> <script style=\"\"> ntapDevice = 'desktop'; ntapIsMobile = 'False'; </script> <n-page> <n-notifications-region typeof=\"Region\" resource=\"GlobalNotification\"> <n-main-content-region typeof=\"Region", "xpath": "/html/body", "issueID": "5be9276f45222aef4ad9104f5efd4d98", "signature": "e7c674e01a24c24403e406d634376867", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 57, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has no text inside it.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "The text inside of a link informs the user of the purpose or destination of the link. Because this link has no text, users will not know what the link does or where it takes them when they activate the link. This poses problems for users of screenreaders and voice dictation. Add text within this link to make it usable and understandable for all users", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 9, "y": 8.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 33, "y": 28.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 24 }, "position": { "line": 4981, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\"> <svg class=\"icon--person\" aria-hidden=\"true\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#person\"></use> </svg> </a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/button[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "404c6233b2d1c5aaa045831ed7d77208", "signature": "237acabbc8812d54d55d475509e7b819", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8613, "column": 34 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/azure/\" title=\"Microsoft Azure\">Microsoft Azure</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "599c82dc773bc058baaa9e27d95ef300", "signature": "780db7c9a5a8de6d39d7c21d1b05bdf6", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8614, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/google-cloud/\" title=\"Google Cloud\">Google Cloud</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "968f4a8350c18330360d47c9292e2f93", "signature": "1a6c0886148bbd9554c22ee5ff72a5a1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -109, "y": -4 }, "height": -4, "width": -109 }, "position": { "line": 13307, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/partners/\" title=\"Partners\">Partners</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "aaa13a4102b0e24bf1f0885ae5f05deb", "signature": "aefadb674aea0fdc5cf2fd152677737b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13330, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/support-and-training/netapp-learning-services/ \" title=\"Training\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">Training</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "b3b9b94d795e5a36fe6dc46485dab8dd", "signature": "030cf7e1ef288001635a46856fabd04d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13341, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/support-and-training/documentation/\" title=\"Product Documentation\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">Product Documentation</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "3e0c154089a9e4e57e0eb1480a4ed9b3", "signature": "548716f3d0903612ea029ac1e22634fb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13350, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" title=\"Knowledge Base\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">Knowledge Base</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "b1e185e68ca9236eeb0c6d7fba06c1c2", "signature": "71a9d12d880a4e5f8b79d35ffd08a3ea", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13377, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/services/keystone/\" title=\"NetApp Keystone\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">NetApp Keystone</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "09650a9c233dbf877fd3637fba65aa0d", "signature": "3709c9c08cb420750b5033186de1c2d6", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13391, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/test-drives/\" title=\"Test Drive\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">Test Drive</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "ac083f3d387f7470d9e252f8eb968dae", "signature": "14de1455324596e1d373fdb940bfa2f7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13400, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/how-to-buy/trials-test-drives/\" title=\"Free Trials\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">Free Trials</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "a9e0f8f10490dbed238d5958a2b3906b", "signature": "785b30c591087605fe2983c74f070692", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13412, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/partners/partner-connect/ \" title=\"Find a Partner\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">Find a Partner</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "3457ce788fb34cb8f55023ca92b75b4e", "signature": "c9c242a7f92bdbc6755f0ba04de8843f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -36, "y": -48 }, "height": -48, "width": -36 }, "position": { "line": 13420, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Community\"> Community <svg style=\"width:0px;\"></svg> </a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "a2c41c6426348cab183185da2f74a935", "signature": "744097753e25764adfea75895819b89e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13423, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"NetApp TV\">NetApp TV</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "6d09a2c2e5241c708ccade4f979b86cc", "signature": "6e83228ffa16b505d23243645c6068a2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13426, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/company/contact-us/\" title=\"Contact\">Contact</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "27814d9775b58fb120d7bdd816a24633", "signature": "f4b667b493703f48bbfd11c29c51f2cb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13429, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/blog/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Blog\">Blog</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "1ff3bbe173bba181ff8465a37c8db973", "signature": "9303b4c5264576d0d49f66838b2d8b31", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13432, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Cloud Central\">Cloud Central</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "98a4f048d13b4b0893146bafde6ce895", "signature": "c20c38255fb5b98ce271a6c08a57cc93", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13435, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a id=\"n-language-selector-for-mobile\" href=\"#\" title=\"Languages\">Languages</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "b199f931ccda0ad41a807a77efc53515", "signature": "9b173f6494ce2f1e77e12e2013eaa3d4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 829.796875, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 906.796875, "y": 44 }, "height": 44, "width": 77 }, "position": { "line": 13537, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"n-masthead__hamburger-button\" href=\"#\" title=\"Menu\"> <span class=\"n-masthead__hamburger-button-text\">Menu</span> <div class=\"n-hamburger n-hamburger--squeeze\"> <div class=\"n-hamburger-box\"> <div class=\"n-hamburg", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "4e195ca643ef9ef450649a69b6697530", "signature": "8266e6615748611528b8721bae2c43f2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 756.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 774.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14613, "column": 15 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Facebook\"> <svg class=\"icon--facebook\" aria-label=\"Facebook\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#facebook\"></use> </svg> <", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "8a9bcc658056df863487208a0450646b", "signature": "f6b21d841e43e778a4d9b7b039b4d537", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. 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Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 786.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 804.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14629, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Twitter\"> <svg class=\"icon--twitter\" aria-label=\"Twitter\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#twitter\"></use> </svg> </a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "1c8e66f54fbc3cca72d093033ee32ace", "signature": "085651dd7e1470e7ac3aaefbd66b5999", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 816.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 834.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14647, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"LinkedIn\"> <svg class=\"icon--linkedin\" aria-label=\"LinkedIn\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#linkedin\"></use> </svg&", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "c7ccf40933d537bf147f23ee2e13f939", "signature": "66931864f8e8870d8b15766c130cbe91", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 846.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 864.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14666, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"YouTube\"> <svg class=\"icon--youtube\" aria-label=\"YouTube\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#youtube\"></use> </svg> &l", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "169bddd9d247faa5cc2f4a81d16581b9", "signature": "2eb8268dcc62d49bdaee8f784bef7ead", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 79, "bpID": 106, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link has a `title` attribute that is the same as the text inside the link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that link text (and the alternate text for any images that are used as links) describes the destination or purpose of the link.", "errorDescription": "This link is already labeled by its text. The equivalent `title` leads to unnecessary verbosity for assistive technologies, and offers no benefits to users. Remove the `title` attribute from this link to avoid the unnecessary verbosity", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 876.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 894.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14677, "column": 15 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"SlideShare\"> <svg class=\"icon--slideshare\" aria-label=\"SlideShare\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#slideshare\"></use> </sv", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "29fc87ab4963c05177b3492bfdbea58b", "signature": "a268e0b5d3163ece1230a72392fd3c16", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 2 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 79, "y": 23 }, "height": 21, "width": 79 }, "position": { "line": 4980, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NetApp TV</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "c27bcd01d7fee9211942f81bbcc56542", "signature": "e1ebc39a49eb052e7f1b962b151141f2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 12, "y": 2 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 71, "y": 23 }, "height": 21, "width": 59 }, "position": { "line": 4980, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">Contact</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "f780d0b1f4000f7b30139e79ff2c3a86", "signature": "8c709580fb4718508e6c01fa5ace12b2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 12, "y": 2 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 45, "y": 23 }, "height": 21, "width": 33 }, "position": { "line": 4980, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">Blog</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "c1b58941e48cc25f6a3fff3c5b841838", "signature": "bd57052adaee3c72b96a65c2f56e8152", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 12, "y": 2 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 114, "y": 23 }, "height": 21, "width": 102 }, "position": { "line": 4980, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Cloud Central</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "d8e842e1bd7c918ba27dce4f3df9d505", "signature": "44e54ce3c48319b5e7dd30b7cecb8ecd", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13423, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"NetApp TV\">NetApp TV</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "9bf0751c06e29a34bc9891405796673e", "signature": "4e96eab07f3edefa5ab1d7542cb4416e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13426, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/company/contact-us/\" title=\"Contact\">Contact</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "9f65ad25fb7287d08e5db31fca9e8997", "signature": "82e28b989135ca0e513678e9a0c04d8a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13429, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/blog/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Blog\">Blog</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "f135712a9ce1ba3457b331e9a2a511dd", "signature": "7dee967132339e6b3abe950202802fd7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13432, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Cloud Central\">Cloud Central</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "c6d573c40177a879664970663c14bed8", "signature": "84b8bd4da584861f0d3907e80d0f4b69", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 65.59375, "y": 7351.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 189.59375, "y": 7415.25 }, "height": 64, "width": 124 }, "position": { "line": 13910, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/data-protection/\">Data Protection</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "a54b76b0d3430489066343e373a441d9", "signature": "e1e01be9e8f9341cbd44d8c2b1c4a6e8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 98, "bpID": 105, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "These links have the same text but different destinations.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)" ], "resultTitle": "Don't reuse the same link text for links that have different destinations", "errorDescription": "This link has the same text as another link that goes to a different place. Using the same text for multiple links which point to different pages is ambiguous and may be confusing for assistive technology users, or for users who have a cognitive disability. Link text should tell the user where they will go if they follow the link. If two links on a page go to two different destinations, use different link text that accurately and concisely describes their destination.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 795.15625, "y": 7333.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 827.15625, "y": 7350.25 }, "height": 17, "width": 32 }, "position": { "line": 14500, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/blog/\">Blog</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[1]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "ab7489d076f12e21c5fc9db5c56600c8", "signature": "d62c947721fd27f2229c8ee31c5b68e6", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 129, "bpID": 211, "priority": 85, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "CSS underline on text has been detected that is not a link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "The text in this passage has been styled to display underlined but it is not a link. Underlined text on the web or on apps is universally accepted as signifying that the relevant text is a link. Applying underline to text that is not a link is likely to confuse many users, and especially people with cognitive impairments, learning disabilities or dyslexia. Remove the underlining from this passage of text.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 482.59375, "y": 8101.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 597.59375, "y": 8122.25 }, "height": 21, "width": 115 }, "position": { "line": 14586, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"ot-sdk-show-settings\">Cookie settings</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "dfc2207b99501496f3c0340e5884716b", "signature": "7941e2c1359fa6726f84ece4326e13e7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 129, "bpID": 211, "priority": 85, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "CSS underline on text has been detected that is not a link.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "The text in this passage has been styled to display underlined but it is not a link. Underlined text on the web or on apps is universally accepted as signifying that the relevant text is a link. Applying underline to text that is not a link is likely to confuse many users, and especially people with cognitive impairments, learning disabilities or dyslexia. Remove the underlining from this passage of text.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 49 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 213.062, "y": 62 }, "height": 13, "width": 213.062 }, "position": { "line": 15716, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button id=\"onetrust-pc-btn-handler\" class=\"cookie-setting-link\">Cookie settings</button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/button[1]", "issueID": "96a2da4d9dba04f1641807154b90d1c2", "signature": "5f0a9824135911913a7831992003c958", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 45, "y": 42 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 317.125, "y": 58 }, "height": 16, "width": 272.125 }, "position": { "line": 12749, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<h3 class=\"n-ls-header\">Language</h3>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/h3[1]", "issueID": "d6875ad5fbe530df26500f9146a15ec6", "signature": "08c9721d580a21279e6b8b51b9a6b5ea", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 970.797, "y": 78 }, "height": 78, "width": 970.797 }, "position": { "line": 10162, "column": 110 }, "errorSnippet": "<ul class=\"n-masthead__primary-navigation\" style=\"\"> <li> <a href=\"#\" title=\"Solutions &amp; Products\"> Solutions &amp; Products <svg class=\"icon mobile\" aria-hidden=\"true\" style=\"\"><title>arrow_forward</title>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]", "issueID": "93e0a2dd38501c1ec30feaccd3e7ecdc", "signature": "20fa68e84c5502e18b13be82d6b6b83f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 12894, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Solutions</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "19272859a5dca2b18fc19f18c6d963f7", "signature": "f3373dd1a3c8152da510aa7844c0c144", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 12963, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Quick Links</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]", "issueID": "9f63c9f7544480867cba447d04ee1976", "signature": "d175d8bfaad44a4024e4a45d0db28960", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13062, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\" title=\"Solutions\">Solutions</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "5e2f42fcd21eb4c739c08d5218816cf5", "signature": "65f44e959e37b82f10b940376d4e4a43", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13088, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Products</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]", "issueID": "b9f679f1a595e3831ad26f0eb08dad8c", "signature": "e16be52dc671ad423183fab3799a6d2b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13177, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Cyber Resilience</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "9068b83699cfb02f6b130913173f22b1", "signature": "8605acbb693c0565339c033cc3081abe", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13191, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Solutions</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "d2cfc509dfc58117fab9b2e47b2b468b", "signature": "89bdd3c366b170efb0ad9c0ed9de733c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13223, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Products</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]", "issueID": "dad2298d6768c49bd71c54b45ea19d67", "signature": "ba59dd6c39694b464cd1c74d80f6c44d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13290, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Quick Links</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]", "issueID": "f7ccd150ebf87b0291da0b7862905bc5", "signature": "d6f378eded158ab26e920e5bed703a6a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13303, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Data Management</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "909c4d782977a2cf3355a48edd6c3a35", "signature": "5bad89ece34766b154a8d2213b0d98cf", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13326, "column": 1 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Solutions</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "868fe48b94d068d2bee72efa52109c64", "signature": "e181d596c4e50685597a2ddb9515d982", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13337, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Products</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]", "issueID": "8461ec5981714d700c0b661713bb203d", "signature": "a7ffca3c50aa2c7df17317ce0d088731", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13395, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Quick Links</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[6]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]", "issueID": "1b6db0e6279905a7f1f69ed8df91d51d", "signature": "247d1f29898bd11afff8c17d3bb334ae", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13408, "column": 1 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Enterprise Applications</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "5d38fa8fd837b5af08bbc1ee1b0f4e69", "signature": "8752e66611fe595d11c3250776b4ff5d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13416, "column": 1 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Solutions</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "9cb466f5274179149b6e728c539d3fb5", "signature": "bb99a4ae6605bbabee79df2245dca3b9", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13439, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Quick Links</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]", "issueID": "614745a17fe48083f9d99a49ae68d9e3", "signature": "6c653e7670eb5a54edb5adfdf2fb448a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13508, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Devops</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "13a8483a4ce4eed6ffbe3e08b7934541", "signature": "89a0333f887399b45e355a6ef78d6c87", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13519, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Solutions</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "2923b60f36ffb468721d2d16584844ef", "signature": "653b5a43a4e778502d4e2202ae5ab0d8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13533, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Quick Links</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]", "issueID": "da0da3372852dac63258930c3aef4d73", "signature": "927efac7a5c742fa32cfe40c9cb307ed", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13602, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">AI</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "36f6acf2db3015fbefedfceaec5aed75", "signature": "e24713ae180d03c3c9af68458351e6af", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13613, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Solutions</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "55992183a75c013b5ed789a6dbd56883", "signature": "d299b95bc413995381fe9b90094e3eb2", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13630, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Products</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]", "issueID": "b85e4b38eebe9c22e6814d8d9233a325", "signature": "6c789130d33288b7435be91d0ae434e3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13706, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Quick Links</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]", "issueID": "a9ac9344c299eb1f0ade5c9b3498dbc0", "signature": "0d03210eada58b3515905f6bf2ca2b29", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. This text is going to be difficult to read, especially for those who are partially sighted or have low-vision. Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13719, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">VDI</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "faa50394c2d601666164b00857ed408f", "signature": "5cfc793805e304b2041ce6cc595ce074", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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Update the CSS `font-size` value to use a larger value.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13730, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-mega-menu__subsection-heading\">Products</div>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "0bd5edaa8e6e27d56cd887eb5b627e92", "signature": "7c20957a05f9b4466798e2a8fdf9d73a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 134, "bpID": 211, "priority": 66, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Very small text found.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This text's CSS `font-size` is set very small. 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We believe in NetApp’s vision.</blockquote>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/section[2]/div[1]/n-hp-quote-band-with-animated-stat[1]/n-reveal-content[1]/n-blockquote-and-stat[1]/n-primary[1]/n-content[1]/blockquote[1]", "issueID": "b0b18b5349dc33aaaa9339295ab986e0", "signature": "67612f9a1435c83d8881c93528aa081f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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It helps automate, so overall basically complexity goes down significantly for us.</blockquote>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/section[2]/div[1]/n-hp-quote-band-with-animated-stat[1]/n-reveal-content[1]/n-blockquote-and-stat[4]/n-primary[1]/n-content[1]/blockquote[1]", "issueID": "b49f28ee7d048558a735f68c6fb340fc", "signature": "e260251c580636e74a716ff39e4b39a5", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Cox, Joseph Unsworth, Santhosh Rao.\n<br>\n<br>\nGartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/footer[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ol[2]/li[1]", "issueID": "2015588b5e2105b37baf5dc5c241645d", "signature": "e4422b699b64653c095b744c53ec2f5b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 9, "y": 8.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 33, "y": 28.5 }, "height": 20, "width": 24 }, "position": { "line": 4981, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\"> <svg class=\"icon--person\" aria-hidden=\"true\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#person\"></use> </svg> </a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/button[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "4e0f755aa4dbcc29c6df2fabf5f457d9", "signature": "4119369bf03dd11fabf670dd9536a473", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 42, "y": 37 }, "height": 37, "width": 42 }, "position": { "line": 12737, "column": 25 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"nav-icon-button\" data-language-selector=\"navigation\" aria-expanded=\"false\"> <svg class=\"icon--language\" aria-hidden=\"true\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#language\"></use> </svg> </button>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "8d8837fac0a1b9d270cfe5411bc50df1", "signature": "c078cf353d91155667cfa41520e4c0cb", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 68, "y": 24 }, "height": 24, "width": 68 }, "position": { "line": 4981, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/ko/\">한국어</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "0f2f1af3544f33a4ed76cf90020513e6", "signature": "6b2cc32fe34bb5a6e4c05a03f06f6fe0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8614, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/aws/\" title=\"AWS\">AWS</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "ca2071301b4c2259dac84d2011e4d502", "signature": "01dfecd1e8c01c0e023af34abb196e5f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 11379, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/data-storage/san-storage-area-network/\" title=\"SAN\">SAN</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "a4778bdc0450d4b37bb40bdee6cd05a1", "signature": "dee7902f6958c19ca6c942f2f958f1cf", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 11607, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/data-storage/fas/\" title=\"FAS\">FAS</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "e372755f8b0b460c19ff8c6f8ed82130", "signature": "edc8c2d8ff1599a4f5b68b2f9351966c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 12934, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/sap-solutions/\" title=\"SAP\">SAP</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "e2eae6fe0bfd8bbb783b710323271391", "signature": "3c38c26c567e4bc29b63bf9c967a82c8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13452, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/ja/\">日本語</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[5]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "6789a3009f687cc7e5496e5f79a79464", "signature": "65117494e125013468a65de6b8c3b6ea", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13461, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/ko/\">한국어</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[5]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "cd59896304721e28a68a49410e3052c4", "signature": "c1811ff091becc6ee09aec125336a329", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 464.171875, "y": 15 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 472.171875, "y": 23 }, "height": 8, "width": 8 }, "position": { "line": 14324, "column": 28 }, "errorSnippet": "<button aria-label=\"slider transition\" n-index=\"0\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-hp-short-slider[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "6af932bea7f3f6441c22e119d1e594b2", "signature": "f0b997cb4dcc54d521eb68f3b29bed10", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 488.625, "y": 15 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 496.625, "y": 23 }, "height": 8, "width": 8 }, "position": { "line": 14325, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<button aria-label=\"slider transition\" n-index=\"1\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-hp-short-slider[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/button[1]", "issueID": "d7d791b815cb23b29b7221355843ec82", "signature": "9f057582e1553bf9df496ea72fe5f04b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 65.59375, "y": 7639.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 87.59375, "y": 7671.25 }, "height": 32, "width": 22 }, "position": { "line": 13938, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/artificial-intelligence/\">AI</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/a[1]", "issueID": "ebe927564aafced8d8bb0a6da5ee8835", "signature": "980997eaecd62a1d173d4a0189962b37", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 65.59375, "y": 7687.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 104.59375, "y": 7719.25 }, "height": 32, "width": 39 }, "position": { "line": 13947, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/virtual-desktop-infrastructure/\">VDI</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[9]/a[1]", "issueID": "dec886a68b83a0f1b2ff8ad13c18874f", "signature": "51278662f60ef1d127a361335bc13e6f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 733.609375, "y": 16 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 745.609375, "y": 28 }, "height": 12, "width": 12 }, "position": { "line": 15716, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button class=\"onetrust-close-btn-handler ot-close-icon banner-close-button\" aria-label=\"Close\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "10a92ec078a488ec0b6a9897a6221aa8", "signature": "b8987356d1a36abd8016f42fc1e7c584", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -60, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -60 }, "position": { "line": 15717, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button ot-accordion=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"ot-desc-id-C0001\" aria-labelledby=\"ot-header-id-C0001\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/section[1]/div[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "49e3e53c24d09c20a54e8579d5e6a17f", "signature": "6f70ea9cd8d50248352202281d913f3b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -60, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -60 }, "position": { "line": 15717, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button ot-accordion=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"ot-desc-id-C0002\" aria-labelledby=\"ot-header-id-C0002\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/section[1]/div[2]/button[1]", "issueID": "6bc41889d8f4fafb1e941a9968f88ac5", "signature": "9f141d46fd68ee1ad18f782bb17e6479", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -60, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -60 }, "position": { "line": 15717, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button ot-accordion=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"ot-desc-id-C0003\" aria-labelledby=\"ot-header-id-C0003\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/section[1]/div[3]/button[1]", "issueID": "4617b36bd78125804a96843552ac0ec7", "signature": "ae1af377dd08bd01cb7e51b7c14d43a6", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -60, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -60 }, "position": { "line": 15717, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button ot-accordion=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"ot-desc-id-C0004\" aria-labelledby=\"ot-header-id-C0004\"></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/section[1]/div[4]/button[1]", "issueID": "be9ca0d6956b8990a0a4be2c04568abc", "signature": "7989dec6da00fcd060647938dc769e09", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": -15, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -67, "y": 17 }, "height": 17, "width": -52 }, "position": { "line": 10910, "column": 34 }, "errorSnippet": "<input id=\"vendor-search-handler\" type=\"text\" name=\"vendor-search-handler\">", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/input[1]", "issueID": "aee834873cdb301585e2971e7e85db6b", "signature": "4451a4900b3206e2265685e8e54cc8de", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 155, "bpID": 143, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 60, "errorTitle": "These headings are not structured in a hierarchical manner.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.10 Section Headings" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that headings are in the right order for the content.", "errorDescription": "The heading structure of this page does not effectively communicate the structure of the content on it. Heading elements provide important benefits: they act as wayfinding cues for in-page navigation, they contribute to page content summaries, and they provide context to the content below them. To do so effectively, headings should follow the `<h1>` to `<h6>` hierarchy and they should not skip levels. Restructure the document's heading order so it uses a clear, ordered, and intuitive hierarchy. Ensure there are no gaps between each numbered heading level and the next.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 1024, "y": 8251.25 }, "height": 8251.25, "width": 1024 }, "position": { "line": 7016, "column": 60 }, "errorSnippet": "<body class=\"fonts-loaded\"> <script style=\"\"> ntapDevice = 'desktop'; ntapIsMobile = 'False'; </script> <n-page> <n-notifications-region typeof=\"Region\" resource=\"GlobalNotification\"> <n-main-content-region typeof=\"Region", "xpath": "/html/body", "issueID": "2db474bf747e716127ac46273e1100c8", "signature": "02f71c0248a0d446d55b108c6a406f55", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": -418.125, "y": 40 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -50, "y": 337 }, "height": 297, "width": 368.125 }, "position": { "line": 8383, "column": 38 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-ls-panel\" data-language-panel=\"navigation\" aria-expanded=\"true\" aria-hidden=\"false\" role=\"menu\"> <h3 class=\"n-ls-header\">Language</h3> <nav> <ul> <li> <a href=\"/\">English</a> </li> <l", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]", "issueID": "b48f5d2e5d7daf63bc4a5b31bf3dbcbb", "signature": "21776d7f4c2db1c02d990e045b9cea73", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. 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Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 525.796875, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 575.796875, "y": 68 }, "height": 68, "width": 50 }, "position": { "line": 12831, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"magic-box-clear coveo-accessible-button\" role=\"button\" aria-label=\"Clear\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><div class=\"magic-box-icon\"><svg alt=\"Clear\" focusable=\"false\" enable-background=\"new 0 0 13 13\" viewBox=\"0 0 13 13\" xml", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]", "issueID": "9c157075cc1e5d79c5d3143bfa4ab00d", "signature": "87b13b819f93a1ec687fd6a9d3c650b0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13906, "column": 3 }, "errorSnippet": "<div class=\"n-masthead__secondary-navigation--mobile-content\" data-language-panel=\"navigation\" aria-expanded=\"true\" aria-hidden=\"false\" role=\"menu\" style=\"display: none;\"> <nav> <ul> <li> <a href=\"/\">English</a> </l", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[5]/div[1]", "issueID": "d4ebd5a15c0cdfdbea72cf1e5522c1ca", "signature": "8c18541ea377133137c4374833c02019", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 15717, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<span class=\"ot-switch-nob\" aria-checked=\"false\" role=\"switch\"></span>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/section[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/label[1]/span[1]", "issueID": "efcfd3a93d77f414b88750a579904166", "signature": "e95487363aadc67ed67f0a4f46103d86", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 15717, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<span class=\"ot-switch-nob\" aria-checked=\"false\" role=\"switch\"></span>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/section[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/label[1]/span[1]", "issueID": "43a4827298f42724a917cb21f215f910", "signature": "2585a9353fa39875c96f900bcd048e4b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 190, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Item(s) with interactive `role` must have `tabindex=\"0\"` unless it is natively actionable.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This element has an ARIA role that is intended for widgets that are used for interaction. However, it lacks a `tabindex` attribute. As a consequence, users who navigate the page via keyboard will be unable to gain focus on this control and will be unable to interact with it with the keyboard. Add `tabindex=\"0\"` to this control. Also ensure that this control responds to all of the necessary key events required of this type of control.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 15717, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<span class=\"ot-switch-nob\" aria-checked=\"false\" role=\"switch\"></span>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/section[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/label[1]/span[1]", "issueID": "f55c1cfb3ff17c8b6e1966d474e9c163", "signature": "f6e47e62646487c682130de1f86ee7b5", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 194, "bpID": 73, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 2.1.1 Keyboard", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)" ], "resultTitle": "Make sure that all interactive elements can receive focus using the keyboard.", "errorDescription": "This visible element is focusable and is marked up with either `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. Applying `role=\"presentation\"` removes the semantics of an element, while `aria-hidden=\"true\"` hides an element from assistive technology only. Neither completely hides an element. Their application to a focusable element creates confusion in users of assistive technology. If the intention is for users to interact with the element, remove `role=\"presentation\"` or `aria-hidden=\"true\"`. If the intention is to hide the element from users, apply `display:none` to make it truly hidden.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 71.59375, "y": 6049.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 245.59375, "y": 6073.25 }, "height": 24, "width": 174 }, "position": { "line": 13810, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"cta cta--chat\" aria-hidden=\"true\" href=\"#\" title=\"Message NetApp\"> <n-xpm-text>Message NetApp</n-xpm-text> <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>arrow_forward</title> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#a", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/section[3]/n-hp-get-started[1]/n-primary[1]/n-content[1]/n-button-group[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "bce0f2ac14f852663f427af9a7addebd", "signature": "45dd74cb927dd3c2c275b234b88d88cf", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 2 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 79, "y": 23 }, "height": 21, "width": 79 }, "position": { "line": 4980, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NetApp TV</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "cb8b8e7e2c58018db4fce901c07d5428", "signature": "11fa470047b2f906d4433a42f04c1dd7", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 12, "y": 2 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 114, "y": 23 }, "height": 21, "width": 102 }, "position": { "line": 4980, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Cloud Central</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "2c30c508d70ba49e367c02c2557f01ea", "signature": "982b3a3f040587f563b292a1f56aa4af", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 8974, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Compute Optimization\"> Compute Optimization <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>launch</title> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#launch\"></us", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[2]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "6e137ec98b30d088c062f18d971ee093", "signature": "14d94180ca8201e2bbd1d0d9e8501d88", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -12 }, "height": -12, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 9442, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"cta cta--link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Cloud Central\"> Cloud Central <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>launch</title> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "ac43a33f504c88cfaf493cf5f4c9ca4d", "signature": "fcd62bbbc98472662449832c1f2bd335", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -12 }, "height": -12, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 9610, "column": 40 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"cta cta--link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Spot by NetApp\"> Spot by NetApp <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>launch</title> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#launch\"&", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "5825aa1f09aa98f720af6ab09bf53006", "signature": "3c19376c86df12c6663701217bc96edc", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -12 }, "height": -12, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 11139, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"cta cta--link\" href=\"/hybrid-cloud/applications-specialists/ \" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Why NetApp for Hybrid Cloud\"> Why NetApp for Hybrid Cloud <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>arrow_forward</title&", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "8416a0ae8a5e3b513d9030fed596e1e5", "signature": "0afb946066ab0946e298b8b496779040", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -12 }, "height": -12, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 11139, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"cta cta--link\" href=\"/hybrid-cloud/what-is-hybrid-cloud/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"What is Hybrid Cloud\"> What is Hybrid Cloud <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>arrow_forward</title> <use xlink:h", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "1390e69a0d2cde0942e5f23d2e66ecec", "signature": "ac45560bb64dcf88c5e283bab076ab18", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -12 }, "height": -12, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13029, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"cta cta--link\" href=\"/devops-solutions/specialists-experts/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Why NetApp for DevOps\"> Why NetApp for DevOps <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>arrow_forward</title> <use xl", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "f95ee927fd4903cc748091de0e011a22", "signature": "4f7375dc19bc5964dde927bd904da98d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": -12 }, "height": -12, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13044, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"cta cta--link\" href=\"/devops-solutions/what-is-devops/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"What is DevOps\"> What is DevOps <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>arrow_forward</title> <use xlink:href=\"/static/i", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "dbf3e11043e6133bbc131a1d883f649d", "signature": "5ee21190c8277d4620f31b3471ed9f1e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13187, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" title=\"Spot PC\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Spot PC</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[10]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "89234303751c069b8792e73cf43417e9", "signature": "a42ea1d33ced958ee9b7a54070042480", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13319, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Technical Support\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\"> Technical Support</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "5e0353fb874cc5c62fbb1739b04a2a72", "signature": "5b638d17b9d82f883499f727197a135a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13333, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" title=\"Keystone Services &amp; Support\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">Keystone Services &amp; Support</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "6bcb9729233908a3c51b9871a88c9087", "signature": "ecdf21af519d6c82bb06dbc097bc86ea", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -65, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -65 }, "position": { "line": 13350, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" title=\"Knowledge Base\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" style=\"pointer-events: auto;\">Knowledge Base</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]", "issueID": "3fe0f29c4f64cedc3d822f6bc4c677e9", "signature": "f1290070b7f7f57318c0394c73880102", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -36, "y": -48 }, "height": -48, "width": -36 }, "position": { "line": 13420, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Community\"> Community <svg style=\"width:0px;\"></svg> </a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "440286825024c5d966dce1a3fbdb04ea", "signature": "902566894ee37112964d5b4d48c4e0ef", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13423, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"NetApp TV\">NetApp TV</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "8e2120727f81fe2f20ea035202104bc2", "signature": "a1aee9853ed2d50f2bc940c64ed19c21", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13429, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/blog/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Blog\">Blog</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "da6eabe7929daf2623077e7cd767945b", "signature": "1270f4828513a643a67791d2e4b5f46d", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 13432, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Cloud Central\">Cloud Central</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-header-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "07377b1366c28754ced85f12a10668ce", "signature": "d2130c3e8a769b85d1628d9cc28af4c8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -42, "y": -24 }, "height": -24, "width": -42 }, "position": { "line": 13564, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"cta\" target=\"_blank\" href=\";ct=211013&amp;st=sb\" title=\"Read the report\"> <n-xpm-text>Read the report</n-xpm-text> <svg aria-hidden=\"true\"> <title>arrow", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-hp-short-slider[1]/n-reveal-content[1]/n-content-item[2]/n-content[1]/n-button-group[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "f446eda57cf8d35bb7bce546da7e286a", "signature": "74160d7663075dbff2d86510ca1e8cc4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 308.78125, "y": 7333.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 422.78125, "y": 7350.25 }, "height": 17, "width": 114 }, "position": { "line": 13989, "column": 9 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Spot By NetApp</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "aad323a1bed24aca07617618358cb4c7", "signature": "4ea1bef75b7959e8c3834d3d1900f163", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 308.78125, "y": 7367.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 386.78125, "y": 7384.25 }, "height": 17, "width": 78 }, "position": { "line": 13998, "column": 7 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NetApp TV</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]", "issueID": "79b1f8eaa6017c51153f339c28ba2e06", "signature": "1c7d046349d0cfa1685af357b55a6ea0", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 551.96875, "y": 7503.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 605.96875, "y": 7520.25 }, "height": 17, "width": 54 }, "position": { "line": 14090, "column": 25 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"/pdf.html?item=/media/11887-patentspage.pdf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Patents</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[10]/a[1]", "issueID": "4d6deadedbccfe029a2db87d5004b3e1", "signature": "405aab124e602d77bdaa35eb22078ab8", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 597.59375, "y": 8101.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 703.59375, "y": 8122.25 }, "height": 21, "width": 106 }, "position": { "line": 14590, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Site Feedback</a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "8abddf90fabc88050304b3ff549033c1", "signature": "61b797e544d08a07b732c7738e98fd39", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 756.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 774.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14613, "column": 15 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Facebook\"> <svg class=\"icon--facebook\" aria-label=\"Facebook\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#facebook\"></use> </svg> <", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]", "issueID": "7f245a5ff3dd86012727860a4ee40155", "signature": "77a3d115cb22b8e06d20c875bf65157e", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 786.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 804.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14629, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"Twitter\"> <svg class=\"icon--twitter\" aria-label=\"Twitter\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#twitter\"></use> </svg> </a>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "f6bb3d905ae71142babadc98f3077996", "signature": "99eed6d9fec92e2d123e6705336f835b", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 816.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 834.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14647, "column": 11 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"LinkedIn\"> <svg class=\"icon--linkedin\" aria-label=\"LinkedIn\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#linkedin\"></use> </svg&", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "cd6705cf5980a614f0b86ded19713d10", "signature": "d28d3a84455ef7aaded59fb8396e8456", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. 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If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 846.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 864.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14666, "column": 5 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"YouTube\"> <svg class=\"icon--youtube\" aria-label=\"YouTube\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#youtube\"></use> </svg> &l", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "e77eab9169f3a04bcaad0bf97cd1f8d9", "signature": "ba25300a2451cb938bf1cf1d98047228", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 876.375, "y": 8069.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 894.375, "y": 8085.25 }, "height": 16, "width": 18 }, "position": { "line": 14677, "column": 15 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" title=\"SlideShare\"> <svg class=\"icon--slideshare\" aria-label=\"SlideShare\"> <use xlink:href=\"/static/images/sprite.svg#slideshare\"></use> </sv", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-main-content-region[1]/div[1]/n-footer[1]/section[2]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "69beb6550dbcaa988d644995a0c8ac5f", "signature": "e063e1b5e8f106896b14e85efdb7f013", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": -5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 152, "y": 20 }, "height": 25, "width": 152 }, "position": { "line": 14689, "column": 15 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" aria-label=\"Powered by OneTrust Opens in a new Tab\"><img alt=\"Powered by Onetrust\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[2]/div[3]/div[3]/div[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "da7033380a1f71b25c9bcfad99c28225", "signature": "e0fcadda27f1b79841814f50deca9c2f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 242, "bpID": 209, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Multiple consecutive `<br>` tags next to each other, simulating paragraphs.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.1.4 Abbreviations", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.1.5 Reading Level" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is easy to read and understand", "errorDescription": "This section of code contains multiple consecutive `<br>` elements, probably used to simulate paragraphs or add whitespace. `<br>` elements are often announced as \"blank\" for users of text-to-speech software, multiple times in sequence, which increases cognitive load for these users. Also, it will not identify these sections as paragraphs. Remove the `<br>` elements. Replace them with `<p>` elements, and use CSS to control whitespace.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 740.375, "y": 6794.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 740.375, "y": 6794.25 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 10222, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<br>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/footer[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ol[2]/li[1]/br[1]", "issueID": "6f4edebc34a4f84429ddabbd89bbe158", "signature": "68daf333b1d9619bbefaf4707e877302", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 242, "bpID": 209, "priority": 100, "level": [ "A", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "Multiple consecutive `<br>` tags next to each other, simulating paragraphs.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.1.4 Abbreviations", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.1.5 Reading Level" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is easy to read and understand", "errorDescription": "This section of code contains multiple consecutive `<br>` elements, probably used to simulate paragraphs or add whitespace. `<br>` elements are often announced as \"blank\" for users of text-to-speech software, multiple times in sequence, which increases cognitive load for these users. Also, it will not identify these sections as paragraphs. Remove the `<br>` elements. Replace them with `<p>` elements, and use CSS to control whitespace.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 191, "y": 6874.25 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 191, "y": 6874.25 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 10222, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<br>", "xpath": "/html/body/n-page[1]/n-footer-region[1]/n-footnotes[1]/footer[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ol[2]/li[1]/br[3]", "issueID": "a6a2cc4e004746261c1695faaf488e17", "signature": "66045c87153a14e158b501e7081d2d47", "ref": "" } ], "log": [] } } } ], "timeStamp": "4yiew", "startTime": "2022-08-13T08:52:44", "presses": 0, "amountRead": 0, "testTimes": [ [ "hover", 58 ], [ "ibm", 41 ], [ "alfa", 28 ], [ "motion", 14 ], [ "wave", 7 ], [ "axe", 5 ], [ "focAll", 2 ], [ "focInd", 2 ], [ "bulk", 1 ], [ "focOp", 1 ], [ "styleDiff", 1 ], [ "continuum", 1 ], [ "htmlcs", 1 ], [ "embAc", 0 ], [ "labClash", 0 ], [ "linkUl", 0 ], [ "menuNav", 0 ], [ "radioSet", 0 ], [ "role", 0 ], [ "tabNav", 0 ], [ "zIndex", 0 ], [ "nuVal", 0 ], [ "tenon", 0 ] ], "logCount": 66, "logSize": 3499, "errorLogCount": 12, "errorLogSize": 828, "prohibitedCount": 12, "visitTimeoutCount": 1, "visitRejectionCount": 0, "visitLatency": 91, "endTime": "2022-08-13T08:57:16", "elapsedSeconds": 272, "score": { "scoreProcID": "sp15c", "logWeights": { "logCount": 0.5, "logSize": 0.01, "errorLogCount": 1, "errorLogSize": 0.02, "prohibitedCount": 15, "visitTimeoutCount": 10, "visitRejectionCount": 10, "visitLatency": 1 }, "soloWeight": 2, "groupWeights": { "absolute": 2, "largest": 1, "smaller": 0.4 }, "preventionWeights": { "testaro": 50, "other": 100 }, "packageDetails": { "testaro": { "motion": 1, "bulk": 1, "embAc": 3, "focAll": 2, "focInd": 6, "focOp": 45, "hover": 47, "labClash": 3, "linkUl": 140, "role": 14, "styleDiff": 90, "zIndex": 43 }, "alfa": { "r12": 12, "r18": 4, "r57": 104, "r66": 14, "r68": 4, "r69": 2, "r73": 12, "r74": 68, "r8": 4, "r80": 68, "r87": 1, "r90": 4 }, "axe": { "color-contrast-enhanced": 19, "color-contrast": 4, "hidden-content": 0, "button-name": 12, "duplicate-id": 1, "focus-order-semantics": 1, "landmark-no-duplicate-contentinfo": 2, "landmark-one-main": 2, "landmark-unique": 6, "link-name": 3, "nested-interactive": 3, "region": 164 }, "continuum": { "94": 8, "123": 8, "224": 12, "237": 4, "531": 20, "533": 20 }, "htmlcs": { "e:AA.1_1_1.H37": 16, "e:AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail": 4, "e:AA.2_4_1.H64.1": 4, "e:AA.4_1_1.F77": 4, "e:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoContent": 4, "e:AA.4_1_2.H91.Button.Name": 8, "w:AA.1_1_1.H67.2": 14, "w:AA.1_3_1_A.G141": 2, "w:AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206": 4, "w:AA.1_4_3.G145.BgImage": 1, "w:AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage": 1, "w:AA.2_5_3.F96": 2, "w:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.Placeholder": 1 }, "nuVal": { "Element head is missing a required instance of child element title.": 4, "Duplicate ID demandbase_js_lib.": 4, "The first occurrence of ID demandbase_js_lib was here.": 1, "Element style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)": 8, "The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete.": 2, "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.": 40, "Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.": 44, "Attribute http-equiv not allowed on element meta at this point.": 4, "Element title not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)": 4, "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.": 52, "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.": 4, "CSS: scrollbar-arrow-color: Property scrollbar-arrow-color doesn't exist.": 8, "CSS: scrollbar-darkshadow-color: Property scrollbar-darkshadow-color doesn't exist.": 8, "CSS: scrollbar-face-color: Property scrollbar-face-color doesn't exist.": 8, "CSS: scrollbar-shadow-color: Property scrollbar-shadow-color doesn't exist.": 8, "Stray end tag head.": 4, "Start tag body seen but an element of the same type was already open.": 4, "Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.": 4 }, "wave": { "e:alt_missing": 16, "e:label_empty": 4, "e:button_empty": 8, "e:link_empty": 4, "e:aria_menu_broken": 8, "c:contrast": 3, "a:label_title": 1, "a:link_redundant": 1, "a:link_pdf": 1, "a:text_small": 36, "a:title_redundant": 89 }, "tenon": { "28": 4, "57": 4, "79": 372, "95": 16, "98": 24, "129": 6, "134": 114, "144": 64, "152": 80, "155": 2, "190": 24, "194": 4, "218": 116, "242": 8 } }, "groupDetails": { "groups": { "spontaneousMotion": { "testaro": { "motion": { "score": 1, "what": "Change of visible content not requested by user" } } }, "visibleBulk": { "testaro": { "bulk": { "score": 1, "what": "Page contains many visible elements" } } }, "activeEmbedding": { "testaro": { "embAc": { "score": 2, "what": "Active element is embedded in a link or button" } }, "axe": { "nested-interactive": { "score": 2, "what": "Interactive controls are nested" } } }, "tabFocusability": { "testaro": { "focAll": { "score": 1, "what": "Discrepancy between elements that should be and that are Tab-focusable" } } }, "focusIndication": { "testaro": { "focInd": { "score": 6, "what": "Focused element displaying no or nostandard focus indicator" } } }, "focusableOperable": { "testaro": { "focOp": { "score": 34, "what": "Operable elements that cannot be Tab-focused and vice versa" } } }, "hoverSurprise": { "testaro": { "hover": { "score": 12, "what": "Content changes caused by hovering" } } }, "labelClash": { "testaro": { "labClash": { "score": 2, "what": "Incompatible label types" } } }, "linkIndication": { "testaro": { "linkUl": { "score": 70, "what": "Non-underlined adjacent links" } } }, "roleBad": { "testaro": { "role": { "score": 11, "what": "Nonexistent or implicit-overriding role" } } }, "inconsistentStyles": { "testaro": { "styleDiff": { "score": 23, "what": "Heading, link, and button style inconsistencies" } } }, "zIndexNotZero": { "testaro": { "zIndex": { "score": 11, "what": "Layering with nondefault z-index values" } } }, "buttonNoText": { "alfa": { "r12": { "score": 12, "what": "Button has no accessible name" } }, "axe": { "button-name": { "score": 12, "what": "Button has no discernible text" } }, "continuum": { "224": { "score": 12, "what": "button element has no mechanism that allows an accessible name to be calculated" } }, "htmlcs": { "e:AA.4_1_2.H91.Button.Name": { "score": 8, "what": "Button element has no accessible name" } }, "wave": { "e:button_empty": { "score": 8, "what": "Button is empty or has no value text" } } }, "ariaBadAttribute": { "alfa": { "r18": { "score": 4, "what": "ARIA state or property is not allowed for the element on which it is specified" } } }, "contentBeyondLandmarks": { "alfa": { "r57": { "score": 52, "what": "Perceivable text content is not included in any landmark" } }, "axe": { "region": { "score": 82, "what": "Some page content is not contained by landmarks" } } }, "contrastAAA": { "alfa": { "r66": { "score": 4, "what": "Text contrast less than AAA requires" } }, "axe": { "color-contrast-enhanced": { "score": 5, "what": "Element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA)" } }, "tenon": { "95": { "score": 4, "what": "Element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA)" } } }, "childMissing": { "alfa": { "r68": { "score": 4, "what": "Element does not own an element required by its semantic role" } } }, "contrastAA": { "alfa": { "r69": { "score": 2, "what": "Text outside widget has subminimum contrast" } }, "axe": { "color-contrast": { "score": 4, "what": "Element has insufficient color contrast" } }, "htmlcs": { "e:AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail": { "score": 4, "what": "Contrast between the text and its background is less than 4.5:1" } }, "wave": { "c:contrast": { "score": 3, "what": "Very low contrast" } } }, "noLeading": { "alfa": { "r73": { "score": 9, "what": "Paragraph of text has insufficient line height" } } }, "fontSizeAbsolute": { "alfa": { "r74": { "score": 34, "what": "Paragraph text has an absolute font size" } } }, "formFieldNoText": { "alfa": { "r8": { "score": 4, "what": "Form field has no accessible name" } } }, "leadingAbsolute": { "alfa": { "r80": { "score": 34, "what": "Paragraph text has an absolute line height" } } }, "skipRepeatedContent": { "alfa": { "r87": { "score": 1, "what": "First focusable element is not a link to the main content" } } }, "focusableDescendants": { "alfa": { "r90": { "score": 4, "what": "Element has a role making its children presentational but contains a focusable element" } } }, "hiddenContentRisk": { "axe": { "hidden-content": { "score": 1, "what": "Some content is hidden and therefore may not be testable for accessibility" } } }, "duplicateID": { "axe": { "duplicate-id": { "score": 1, "what": "id attribute value is not unique" } }, "continuum": { "94": { "score": 6, "what": "Elements contains an id attribute set to a value that is not unique in the DOM" } }, "htmlcs": { "e:AA.4_1_1.F77": { "score": 3, "what": "Duplicate id attribute value" } }, "nuVal": { "^Duplicate ID .+$|^The first occurrence of ID .* was here.*$": { "score": 1, "what": "Duplicate id" } } }, "focusableRole": { "axe": { "focus-order-semantics": { "score": 1, "what": "Focusable element has no active role" } } }, "footerNot1": { "axe": { "landmark-no-duplicate-contentinfo": { "score": 1, "what": "Page has more than 1 contentinfo landmark (footer)" } } }, "mainNot1": { "axe": { "landmark-one-main": { "score": 1, "what": "page has no main landmark" } } }, "landmarkConfusion": { "axe": { "landmark-unique": { "score": 5, "what": "Landmark has a role and an accessible name that are identical to another" } } }, "linkNoText": { "axe": { "link-name": { "score": 3, "what": "Link has no discernible text" } }, "continuum": { "237": { "score": 4, "what": "a element has no mechanism that allows an accessible name value to be calculated" } }, "htmlcs": { "e:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.NoContent": { "score": 4, "what": "Link has an href attribute but no text" } }, "wave": { "e:link_empty": { "score": 4, "what": "Link contains no text" } }, "tenon": { "57": { "score": 4, "what": "Link has no text inside it" } } }, "svgImageNoText": { "continuum": { "123": { "score": 8, "what": "svg element has no mechanism that allows an accessible name to be calculated" } } }, "navConfusion": { "continuum": { "531": { "score": 15, "what": "nav element has an accessible name that is non-unique among the nav elements" } } }, "navNoText": { "continuum": { "533": { "score": 15, "what": "nav element is not the only nav element but has no accessible name" } } }, "imageNoText": { "htmlcs": { "e:AA.1_1_1.H37": { "score": 16, "what": "img element has no alt attribute" } }, "wave": { "e:alt_missing": { "score": 16, "what": "Text alternative is missing" } } }, "iframeTitleBad": { "htmlcs": { "e:AA.2_4_1.H64.1": { "score": 4, "what": "iframe element has no non-empty title attribute" } } }, "decorativeImageRisk": { "htmlcs": { "w:AA.1_1_1.H67.2": { "score": 4, "what": "Image marked as decorative may be informative" } } }, "headingStructure": { "htmlcs": { "w:AA.1_3_1_A.G141": { "score": 1, "what": "Heading level is incorrect" } }, "tenon": { "155": { "score": 1, "what": "Headings are not structured in a hierarchical manner" } } }, "scrollRisk": { "htmlcs": { "w:AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206": { "score": 1, "what": "Fixed-position element may force bidirectional scrolling" } } }, "contrastRisk": { "htmlcs": { "w:AA.1_4_3.G145.BgImage": { "score": 1, "what": "Contrast between the text and its background image may be less than 3:1" }, "w:AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage": { "score": 1, "what": "Contrast between the text and its background image may be less than 4.5:1" } } }, "visibleLabelNotName": { "htmlcs": { "w:AA.2_5_3.F96": { "score": 2, "what": "Visible label is not in the accessible name" } } }, "linkBrokenRisk": { "htmlcs": { "w:AA.4_1_2.H91.A.Placeholder": { "score": 1, "what": "Link has text but no href, id, or name attribute" } } }, "pageTitle": { "nuVal": { "Element head is missing a required instance of child element title.": { "score": 3, "what": "head element has no child title element" } } }, "styleParentBad": { "nuVal": { "Element style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)": { "score": 8, "what": "style element not allowed as a child of the body element" } } }, "obsolete": { "nuVal": { "^The .+ attribute on the .+ element is obsolete.+$": { "score": 2, "what": "Attribute is obsolete on its element" } } }, "metaBad": { "nuVal": { "^Attribute .+ not allowed on element meta at this point.*$": { "score": 3, "what": "Attribute is not allowed on a meta element here" }, "^Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: .+$": { "score": 33, "what": "meta element is missing a required attribute" } } }, "titleBad": { "nuVal": { "Element title not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)": { "score": 4, "what": "title element is a child of the body element" } } }, "linkElementBad": { "nuVal": { "A link element must not appear as a descendant of a body element unless the link element has an itemprop attribute or has a rel attribute whose value contains dns-prefetch, modulepreload, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, prerender, or stylesheet.": { "score": 52, "what": "link element with a body ancestor has no itemprop or valid rel attribute" } } }, "typeRedundant": { "nuVal": { "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.": { "score": 1, "what": "type attribute is unnecessary for a JavaScript resource" } } }, "cssInvalid": { "nuVal": { "^CSS: .+: Property .+ doesn't exist.*$": { "score": 6, "what": "Invalid property in CSS" } } }, "parseError": { "nuVal": { "^Stray end tag .+$": { "score": 3, "what": "Invalid closing tag" }, "^Start tag .+ seen but an element of the same type was already open.*$": { "score": 3, "what": "Element is invalidly a descendant of another such element" } } }, "fatalError": { "nuVal": { "Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.": { "score": 50, "what": "Testing was interrupted by a fatal error" } } }, "labelEmpty": { "wave": { "e:label_empty": { "score": 3, "what": "Empty form label" } } }, "menuItemless": { "wave": { "e:aria_menu_broken": { "score": 8, "what": "ARIA menu does not contain required menu items" } } }, "titleAsLabel": { "wave": { "a:label_title": { "score": 1, "what": "Form control has a title but no label" } } }, "linkPair": { "wave": { "a:link_redundant": { "score": 1, "what": "Adjacent links go to the same URL" } } }, "pdfLink": { "wave": { "a:link_pdf": { "score": 1, "what": "Link to PDF document" } } }, "fontSmall": { "wave": { "a:text_small": { "score": 27, "what": "Text is very small" } }, "tenon": { "134": { "score": 86, "what": "Text is very small" } } }, "titleRedundant": { "wave": { "a:title_redundant": { "score": 22, "what": "Title attribute text is the same as text or alternative text" } }, "tenon": { "79": { "score": 93, "what": "Link has a title attribute that is the same as the text inside the link" } } }, "horizontalScrolling": { "tenon": { "28": { "score": 3, "what": "Layout or sizing of the page causes horizontal scrolling" } } }, "linkTextsSame": { "tenon": { "98": { "score": 12, "what": "Links have the same text but different destinations" } } }, "pseudoLinkRisk": { "tenon": { "129": { "score": 2, "what": "CSS underline on text that is not a link" } } }, "leadingClipsText": { "tenon": { "144": { "score": 64, "what": "Line height is insufficent to properly display the computed font size" } } }, "targetSize": { "tenon": { "152": { "score": 60, "what": "Actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size" } } }, "tabIndexMissing": { "tenon": { "190": { "score": 24, "what": "Interactive item is not natively actionable, but has no tabindex=0 attribute" } } }, "focusableHidden": { "tenon": { "194": { "score": 4, "what": "Visible element is focusable but has a presentation role or aria-hidden=true attribute" } } }, "linkForcesNewWindow": { "tenon": { "218": { "score": 87, "what": "Link opens in a new window without user control" } } }, "pseudoParagraphRisk": { "tenon": { "242": { "score": 2, "what": "Multiple consecutive br elements may simulate paragraphs" } } } }, "solos": {} }, "preventionScores": { "ibm": 100 }, "summary": { "total": 1758, "log": 365, "preventions": 100, "solos": 0, "groups": [ { "groupName": "contentBeyondLandmarks", "score": 105 }, { "groupName": "titleRedundant", "score": 104 }, { "groupName": "fontSmall", "score": 99 }, { "groupName": "linkForcesNewWindow", "score": 89 }, { "groupName": "linkIndication", "score": 72 }, { "groupName": "leadingClipsText", "score": 66 }, { "groupName": "targetSize", "score": 62 }, { "groupName": "linkElementBad", "score": 54 }, { "groupName": "fatalError", "score": 52 }, { "groupName": "metaBad", "score": 38 }, { "groupName": "focusableOperable", "score": 36 }, { "groupName": "fontSizeAbsolute", "score": 36 }, { "groupName": 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