Accessibility test digest
Page: AudioEye
Score: 1446
Tested by: Testaro, procedure tp12
Scored by: Testilo, procedure sp12b
Digested by: Testilo, procedure dp12b
The Testaro application used its tp12
testing procedure to test the accessibility (barrier-free design and coding) of the AudioEye web page at on 2022/07/06. The procedure performed 808 tests. Of these, 16 are custom tests defined by Testaro, and the others belong to these six other packages (programs that perform collections of tests):
- Alfa by Siteimprove
- Axe-core by Deque
- HTML CodeSniffer by Squiz Labs
- Equal Access by IBM
- Tenon by Level Access
- WAVE by WebAIM
Testaro produced a report enumerating the test results.
Testilo processed the report and used the sp12b
scoring procedure to compute partial and total scores for the page. The total score is 1446 (where 0 is the best possible score). The scored report is appended below.
Finally, Testilo used procedure dp12b
to produce this digest, briefly explaining how sp12a
computed the scores.
Score summary
total | 1446 |
log | 119 |
preventions | 100 |
duplicateID | 401 |
linkIndication | 157 |
focusableOperable | 137 |
zIndexNotZero | 99 |
contrastAA | 86 |
linkForcesNewWindow | 59 |
roleBad | 43 |
contrastRisk | 39 |
noLeading | 32 |
targetSize | 26 |
contrastAAA | 24 |
listChild | 17 |
decorativeImageRisk | 16 |
iframeTitleBad | 10 |
leadingClipsText | 10 |
pseudoLinkRisk | 7 |
inconsistentStyles | 6 |
focusIndication | 5 |
horizontalScrolling | 5 |
fragmentaryNoticeRisk | 4 |
h1Missing | 4 |
allCaps | 4 |
imageTextLong | 4 |
noScriptRisk | 4 |
textRotated | 4 |
spontaneousMotion | 3 |
visibleBulk | 3 |
hoverSurprise | 3 |
hiddenContentRisk | 3 |
pseudoHeadingRisk | 3 |
pseudoNavListRisk | 3 |
scrollRisk | 3 |
linkPair | 3 |
Issue summary
Special issues
log: Score 119. This is based on the amount of browser error logging and miscellaneous logging during the tests.
preventions: Score 100. This is based on tests that the page did not allow to be run. That impedes accessibility progress and risks interfering with tools that users with disabilities need.
Classified issues
duplicateID: Score 401. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr3
, score 312 (Element id attribute value is not unique) - Package
, testduplicate-id-aria
, score 42 (id attribute used in ARIA or in a label has a value that is not unique) - Package
, testduplicate-id
, score 26 (id attribute value is not unique) - Package
, teste:AA.4_1_1.F77
, score 150 (Duplicate id attribute value)
linkIndication: Score 157. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlinkUl
, score 155 (Non-underlined adjacent links)
focusableOperable: Score 137. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testfocOp
, score 135 (Operable elements that cannot be Tab-focused and vice versa)
zIndexNotZero: Score 99. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testzIndex
, score 97 (Layering with nondefault z-index values)
contrastAA: Score 86. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr69
, score 22 (Text outside widget has subminimum contrast) - Package
, testcolor-contrast
, score 44 (Element has insufficient color contrast) - Package
, teste:AA.1_4_3.G145.Fail
, score 12 (Contrast between the text and its background is less than 3:1.) - Package
, teste:AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail
, score 15 (Contrast between the text and its background is less than 4.5:1) - Package
, testc:contrast
, score 47 (Very low contrast)
linkForcesNewWindow: Score 59. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test218
, score 57 (Link opens in a new window without user control)
roleBad: Score 43. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testrole
, score 41 (Nonexistent or implicit-overriding role)
contrastRisk: Score 39. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3.G18.Abs
, score 1 (Contrast between the absolutely positioned text and its background may be inadequate) - Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage
, score 9 (Contrast between the text and its background image may be less than 4.5:1) - Package
, testw:AA.1_4_3_F24.F24.FGColour
, score 27 (Inline foreground color may lack a complementary background color)
noLeading: Score 32. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr73
, score 30 (Paragraph of text has insufficient line height)
targetSize: Score 26. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test152
, score 24 (Actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size)
contrastAAA: Score 24. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr66
, score 9 (Text contrast less than AAA requires) - Package
, testcolor-contrast-enhanced
, score 16 (Element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA)) - Package
, test95
, score 5 (Element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA))
listChild: Score 17. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testlist
, score 15 (List element ul or ol has a child element other than li, script, and template)
decorativeImageRisk: Score 16. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_1_1.H67.2
, score 14 (Image marked as decorative may be informative)
iframeTitleBad: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teste:AA.2_4_1.H64.1
, score 8 (iframe element has no non-empty title attribute)
leadingClipsText: Score 10. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test144
, score 8 (Line height is insufficent to properly display the computed font size)
pseudoLinkRisk: Score 7. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:underline
, score 5 (CSS underline on text that is not a link)
inconsistentStyles: Score 6. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, teststyleDiff
, score 4 (Heading, link, and button style inconsistencies)
focusIndication: Score 5. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testfocInd
, score 3 (Focused element displaying no or nostandard focus indicator)
horizontalScrolling: Score 5. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test28
, score 3 (Layout or sizing of the page causes horizontal scrolling)
fragmentaryNoticeRisk: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr54
, score 2 (Assertive region is not atomic)
h1Missing: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr61
, score 2 (First heading is not h1)
allCaps: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testr72
, score 2 (Paragraph text is uppercased) - Package
, test153
, score 1 (Long string of text is in all caps)
imageTextLong: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:alt_long
, score 2 (Long text alternative)
noScriptRisk: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:noscript
, score 2 (noscript element may fail to contain an accessible equivalent or alternative)
textRotated: Score 4. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, test271
, score 2 (Text is needlessly rotated 60+ degrees or more, hurting comprehension)
spontaneousMotion: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testmotion
, score 1 (Change of visible content not requested by user)
visibleBulk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testbulk
, score 1 (Page contains many visible elements)
hoverSurprise: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testhover
, score 1 (Content changes caused by hovering)
hiddenContentRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testhidden-content
, score 1 (Some content is hidden and therefore may not be testable for accessibility)
pseudoHeadingRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_3_1.H42
, score 1 (Heading coding is not used but the element may be intended as a heading)
pseudoNavListRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_3_1.H48
, score 1 (Navigation links are not coded as a list)
scrollRisk: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testw:AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206
, score 1 (Fixed-position element may force bidirectional scrolling)
linkPair: Score 3. Issues reported by tests in this category:
- Package
, testa:link_redundant
, score 1 (Adjacent links go to the same URL)
Although there are widely accepted accessibility standards, there is no unanimity about how to define, test, and quantify accessibility. The failures reported in this digest merit investigation as potential opportunities for improved accessibility. Investigation may lead you to conclude that some of the reported failures do not actually harm accessibility. Conversely, some substantial accessibility faults can escape detection by any of these tests. You may question the attempt to assign an accessibility score to a web page, or you may prefer weightings and formulas different from those used by sp12b
. You can modify and extend Testaro and Testilo to fit other theories and priorities.
Here, in brief, is how sp12a
computes a score for a page.
- It finds all the defects and warnings (let’s call them
) recorded in the report. - It classifies them according to type. For example, a link that looks like the text around it is one issue category, while a video that has no captions is another issue category.
- It also classifies the issues according to severity. For example, an issue that prevents a transaction is more severe than an issue that only complicates the transaction, and a warning about a possible issue is less severe than a definite finding of an issue. (Some packages rate the severity of each issue; for the other packages,
assigns a severity weight to the issue type and uses that weight.) - It assigns quality ratings to particular tests that are judged abnormally reliable or unreliable.
- It assigns a score to each issue reported by each test of each package.
- It aggregates the issue scores, weighting them by severity, test quality, and redundancy. Redundancy occurs, and causes downweighting, when two or more packages contain tests that are designed to discover the same or mostly the same issues. So the score for a category is not simply the sum of the scores of the tests in that category.
- It assigns a score for issues in the page logged by the browser.
- It assigns an estimated score each time the page prevents one of the packages or one of the Testaro tests from being run on the page.
- It adds the scores together to obtain a total score.
The precise rules of sp12b
are found in the code itself.
{ "id": "3zjtz-audioeye", "host": { "id": "audioeye", "which": "", "what": "AudioEye" }, "log": [ { "event": "startTime", "value": "2022-07-06T02:08:06" }, { "event": "endTime", "value": "2022-07-06T02:21:56" } ], "script": { "id": "tp12", "what": "Alfa, Axe, HTML CodeSniffer, IBM, Tenon, WAVE, and 16 custom tests", "strict": true, "commands": [ { "type": "launch", "which": "webkit", "what": "Webkit browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "AudioEye" }, { "type": "tenonRequest", "id": "a", "withNewContent": true, "what": "Tenon API version 2 test request" }, { "type": "test", "which": "motion", "what": "spontaneous change of content; requires webkit", "delay": 2500, "interval": 2500, "count": 5 }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "Chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "AudioEye" }, { "type": "test", "which": "bulk", "what": "count of visible elements" }, { "type": "test", "which": "embAc", "withItems": true, "what": "active elements incorrectly embedded in each other" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focAll", "what": "Tab-focusability" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focInd", "revealAll": false, "allowedDelay": 250, "withItems": true, "what": "focus indicators" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focOp", "withItems": true, "what": "focusability and operability of elements" }, { "type": "test", "which": "hover", "headSize": 20, "headSampleSize": 20, "tailSampleSize": 15, "withItems": true, "what": "hover impacts" }, { "type": "test", "which": "labClash", "withItems": true, "what": "unlabeled and mislabeled form controls" }, { "type": "test", "which": "linkUl", "withItems": true, "what": "underlining of inline links" }, { "type": "test", "which": "menuNav", "withItems": true, "what": "keyboard navigation within true-focus menus" }, { "type": "test", "which": "radioSet", "withItems": true, "what": "grouping of radio buttons in fieldsets" }, { "type": "test", "which": "role", "what": "validity and necessity of role assignments" }, { "type": "test", "which": "styleDiff", "withItems": true, "what": "style consistency of headings, buttons, and links" }, { "type": "test", "which": "tabNav", "withItems": true, "what": "keyboard navigation within tab lists" }, { "type": "test", "which": "zIndex", "withItems": true, "what": "elements with non-auto z indexes" }, { "type": "test", "which": "alfa", "what": "Siteimprove alfa" }, { "type": "test", "which": "axe", "detailLevel": 2, "rules": [], "what": "Axe core, all rules" }, { "type": "test", "which": "htmlcs", "what": "HTML CodeSniffer" }, { "type": "test", "which": "ibm", "withItems": true, "what": "IBM Accessibility Checker, with page content and again with URL" }, { "type": "test", "which": "wave", "reportType": 4, "what": "WAVE, report-type 4" }, { "type": "test", "which": "tenon", "id": "a", "what": "Tenon API version 2 result retrieval" } ] }, "acts": [ { "type": "launch", "which": "webkit", "what": "Webkit browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "AudioEye", "result": "" }, { "type": "tenonRequest", "id": "a", "withNewContent": true, "what": "Tenon API version 2 test request", "url": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "motion", "what": "motion", "delay": 2500, "interval": 2500, "count": 5, "url": "", "result": { "bytes": [ 688368, 681572, 684104, 682386, 688552 ], "localRatios": [ 1.01, 1.004, 1.003, 1.009 ], "meanLocalRatio": 1.006, "maxLocalRatio": 1.01, "globalRatio": 1.01, "pixelChanges": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "meanPixelChange": 0, "maxPixelChange": 0, "changeFrequency": 0 } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "Chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "AudioEye", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "bulk", "what": "count of visible elements", "url": "", "result": { "visibleElements": 548 } }, { "type": "test", "which": "embAc", "withItems": true, "what": "active elements embedded in links or buttons", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "links": 0, "buttons": 0, "inputs": 0, "selects": 0 }, "items": [] } }, { "type": "test", "which": "focAll", "what": "focusable and Tab-focused elements", "url": "", "result": { "tabFocusables": 71, "tabFocused": 71, "discrepancy": 0 } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focInd", "revealAll": false, "allowedDelay": 250, "withItems": true, "what": "focus indicators", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "total": 71, "types": { "indicatorMissing": { "total": 1, "tagNames": { "BUTTON": 1 } }, "nonOutlinePresent": { "total": 0, "tagNames": {} }, "outlinePresent": { "total": 70, "meanDelay": 25, "tagNames": { "A": 56, "BUTTON": 13, "INPUT": 1 } } } }, "items": { "indicatorMissing": [ { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "" } ], "nonOutlinePresent": [], "outlinePresent": [ { "tagName": "A", "text": "Skip to main content", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Product", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Compliance", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Partners", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Company", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Pricing", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "LoginLogin opens in a new tab", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Get Demo", "delay": 121 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Start Free Trial", "delay": 132 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Get the Report", "delay": 128 }, { "tagName": "INPUT", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Free Scan", "delay": 133 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Start Free Trial", "delay": 128 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Start Free Trial", "delay": 119 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "1", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "2", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "3", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Become a Partner", "delay": 102 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Free Consultation", "delay": 137 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Learn more about the A11iance Team", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "View All Integrations", "delay": 103 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Download White Paper", "delay": 178 }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "text": "Start Free Trial", "delay": 142 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "How It Works", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Pricing", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Integrations", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Website Accessibility Checker", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Document Remediation", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Accessible Web Design Guide", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Accessibility Statement", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "About Us", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Investor Relations", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Partner Program", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Careers", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Blog", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Press Center", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Case Studies", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Compliance Overview", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Lawsuits", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "WCAG 2.1", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "ADA", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Section 508", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "AODA", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "CA State & Unruh", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Contact Us", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Schedule A Demo", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Request Legal Support", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Request Partner SupportRequest Partner Support opens in a new tab", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Apply to Become a Partner", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Help CenterHelp Center opens in a new tab", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "System StatusSystem Status opens in a new tab", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Terms of Service", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Privacy Policy", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "Privacy Settings", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "linkedin opens in a new tab", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "facebook opens in a new tab", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "twitter opens in a new tab", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "instagram opens in a new tab", "delay": 0 }, { "tagName": "A", "text": "", "delay": 0 } ] } } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "focOp", "withItems": true, "what": "focusability and operability", "url": "", "result": { "totals": { "total": 198, "types": { "onlyFocusable": { "total": 0, "tagNames": {} }, "onlyOperable": { "total": 90, "tagNames": { "A": 90 } }, "focusableAndOperable": { "total": 108, "tagNames": { "A": 72, "BUTTON": 33, "INPUT": 1, "IFRAME": 2 } } } }, "items": { "onlyFocusable": [], "onlyOperable": [ { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "How It Works", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Website Accessibility Checker", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Color Contrast Checker", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Accessible Web Design Guide", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Accessibility Training", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Document Remediation", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "A11iance User Testing", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "All Integrations", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "BigCommerce", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Drupal", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Duda", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Google Tag Manager", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Hubspot", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Joomla", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Magento", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Shopify", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Squarespace", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Webflow", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Wix", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "WooCommerce", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "WordPress", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Volusion", "byTag": true, "byOnClick": false, "byPointer": true }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Schedule 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"id": "", "text": "Request legal support" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Login" }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Get Demo" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Get Demo" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Partners" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "partners-submenu", "text": "PartnersPartnershipsPartnershipsAudioEye for AgenciesAudioEye for PlatformsResourcesBecome a Referra" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Partners" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "partnerships", "text": "Partnerships" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Partnerships" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye for Agencies" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye for Platforms" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "resources", "text": "Resources" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Become a Referral Partner" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Partner Portal Login" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Partner Support" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Have client websites?" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Become a partner" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Become a partner" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Login" }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Get Demo" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Get Demo" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Company" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "company-submenu", "text": "CompanyAudioeyeAbout UsInvestor RelationsBoard of DirectorsCareersAudioEye A11iance TeamResourcesBlo" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Company" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "audioeye", "text": "Audioeye" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "About Us" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Investor Relations" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Board of Directors" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Careers" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye A11iance Team" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "resources", "text": "Resources" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Blog" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Press Center" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye Videos" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Customer Case Studies" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Ready to connect?" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Contact us" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Contact us" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Login" }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Get Demo" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Get Demo" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Pricing" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Login" }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Get Demo" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Get Demo" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Let us walk you through how AudioEye works" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Let us walk you through how AudioEye works" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Book Demo" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Book Demo" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "#1 in web accessibility" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "#1 in web accessibility" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Web Accessibility Platform for Businesses of All Sizes" }, { "tagName": "H1", "id": "", "text": "Web Accessibility Platform for Businesses of All Sizes" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Begin your path to ADA & WCAG compliance with AudioEye's easy-to-use technology platform, certified " }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Begin your path to ADA & WCAG compliance with AudioEye's easy-to-use technology platform, certified " }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Enter URL to get your free Compliance Score" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "id": "", "text": "Free Scan" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Free Scan" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Trusted by over 75k customers" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Trusted by over 75k customers" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Visibility and insights in one dashboard.Visibility and insights in one dashboard.View, analyze, and" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Visibility and insights in one dashboard." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "Visibility and insights in one dashboard." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Visibility and insights in one dashboard." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "Visibility and insights in one dashboard." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "View, analyze, and track progress on all accessibility issues found with AudioEye’s Issue Reporting." }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "View, analyze, and track progress on all accessibility issues found with AudioEye’s Issue Reporting." }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "GET DETAILED REPORTS" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "See which issues have been fixed automatically and which require additional attention" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "PRIORITIZE FIXES" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Sort accessibility issues by type and severity to prioritize the most important fixes" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "BUILD USER EMPATHY" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Understand each issue’s impact on user experience for people of different abilities" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Personalized accessibility experiences, delivered.Personalized accessibility experiences, delivered." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Personalized accessibility experiences, delivered." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "Personalized accessibility experiences, delivered." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Personalized accessibility experiences, delivered." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "Personalized accessibility experiences, delivered." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Deliver accessible and optimized experiences that feel native to your website with our advanced acce" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Deliver accessible and optimized experiences that feel native to your website with our advanced acce" }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "AUTOMATED FIXES" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "As accessibility issues arise, we find and fix the majority of them before they reach your customers" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "PROVEN RESULTS" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Assistive technology (AT) users regularly confirm that AudioEye improves their online experiences" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "PERSONALIZATION" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye's Visual Toolkit allows customers to take control of their experiences to suit their needs" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Of all the vendors we considered, AudioEye was by far the most impressive. Nothing else we looked at" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Of all the vendors we considered, AudioEye was by far the most impressive. Nothing else we looked at" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Diti Bhasin" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Diti Bhasin" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Director of Digital Strategies & Equity at Flexability" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Director of Digital Strategies & Equity at Flexability" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "1" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "2" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "3" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "We add to the tech stack for agencies and partners.<img data-gatsby-image-ssr=\"\" data-main-image=\"\" " }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "We add to the tech stack for agencies and partners." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "We add to the tech stack for agencies and partners." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "We add to the tech stack for agencies and partners." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "We add to the tech stack for agencies and partners." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Join the AudioEye’s Partner Network to offer accessibility solutions to all your clients and earn ad" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Join the AudioEye’s Partner Network to offer accessibility solutions to all your clients and earn ad" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Become a Partner" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Become a Partner" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "FINANCIAL INCENTIVES" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Bulk discounts and commissions that fit every business model" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "DEDICATED SUPPORT" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Dedicated partner managers are available to assist every step of the way" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "SCALABLE SOLUTION" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "One dashboard to manage and monitor thousands of websites" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Certified accessibility experts at your service.<img data-gatsby-image-ssr=\"\" data-main-image=\"\" sty" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Certified accessibility experts at your service." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "Certified accessibility experts at your service." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Certified accessibility experts at your service." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "Certified accessibility experts at your service." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "With over 15 years of expertise, AudioEye practically wrote the book on web accessibility. We unders" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "With over 15 years of expertise, AudioEye practically wrote the book on web accessibility. We unders" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Free Consultation" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Free Consultation" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "ADVANCED LEGAL SUPPORT" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Our technical team can build custom response letters that outline how AudioEye has solved issues on " }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "CUSTOM REMEDIATIONS" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "We offer low-score monitoring and custom fixes for accessibility issues that can’t be corrected by a" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "PDF, MEDIA, AND MOBILE APPS" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "We also specialize in remediation services for PDFs, iOS, and Android applications; closed captionin" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye A11iance Team<img data-gatsby-image-ssr=\"\" data-main-image=\"\" style=\"opacity:0\" sizes=\"(min" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye A11iance Team" }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye A11iance Team" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye A11iance Team" }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye A11iance Team" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Our A11iance community is made up of a group of people with varying disabilities and backgrounds. Cu" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Our A11iance community is made up of a group of people with varying disabilities and backgrounds. Cu" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Learn more about the A11iance Team" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "H3", "id": "", "text": "Web accessibility for the most popular platforms" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "No matter which platform you've used to build your website, you can easily activate AudioEye and beg" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "No matter which platform you've used to build your website, you can easily activate AudioEye and beg" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "View All Integrations" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "View All Integrations" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Read the White Paper" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Read the White Paper" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Building for Digital Accessibility at Scale" }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "Building for Digital Accessibility at Scale" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "The internet is the world's most significant public space today. Yet, 97% of it is inaccessible to p" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "The internet is the world's most significant public space today. Yet, 97% of it is inaccessible to p" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Download White Paper" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Download White Paper" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Building accessible websites is a journey, and we're here to help." }, { "tagName": "H2", "id": "", "text": "Building accessible websites is a journey, and we're here to help." }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye helps you work towards ADA and WCAG 2.1 compliance through a combination of advanced automa" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "AudioEye helps you work towards ADA and WCAG 2.1 compliance through a combination of advanced automa" }, { "tagName": "BUTTON", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Start Free Trial" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "How AudioEye helps you stay compliant:" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "How AudioEye helps you stay compliant:" }, { "tagName": "STRONG", "id": "", "text": "How AudioEye helps you stay compliant:" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "Sustainable Testing and Remediation PlanOngoing Automated TestingPeriodic Manual AuditsAccessibility" }, { "tagName": "UL", "id": "", "text": "Sustainable Testing and Remediation PlanOngoing Automated TestingPeriodic Manual AuditsAccessibility" }, { "tagName": "LI", "id": "", "text": "Sustainable Testing and Remediation Plan" }, { "tagName": "LI", "id": "", "text": "Ongoing Automated Testing" }, { "tagName": "LI", "id": "", "text": "Periodic Manual Audits" }, { "tagName": "LI", "id": "", "text": "Accessibility Training and Education" }, { "tagName": "LI", "id": "", "text": "Issue Reporting Real-time Dashboard" }, { "tagName": "LI", "id": "", "text": "Available Grievance Procedures" }, { "tagName": "LI", "id": "", "text": "Free Fixes for Reported Issues" }, { "tagName": "LI", "id": "", "text": "Patented Automated Remediations" }, { "tagName": "DIV", "id": "", "text": "" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Product" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "How It Works" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "How It Works" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Pricing" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Pricing" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Integrations" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Integrations" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Website Accessibility Checker" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Website Accessibility Checker" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Document Remediation" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Document Remediation" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Accessible Web Design Guide" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Accessible Web Design Guide" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Accessibility Statement" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Accessibility Statement" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Company" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "About Us" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "About Us" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Investor Relations" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Investor Relations" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Partner Program" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Partner Program" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Careers" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Careers" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Blog" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Blog" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Press Center" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Press Center" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Case Studies" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Case Studies" }, { "tagName": "P", "id": "", "text": "Compliance" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Compliance Overview" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Compliance Overview" }, { "tagName": "A", "id": "", "text": "Lawsuits" }, { "tagName": "SPAN", "id": "", "text": "Lawsuits" }, { "tagName": "A", 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{ "type": "element", "tagName": "li", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[14]", "codeLines": [ "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"wordpress\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/wordpress/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"wordpress\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">", " WordPress", " </span>", " </a>", "</li>" ] } }, { "index": 701, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r3", "ruleSummary": "id attributes have a unique value", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "4.1.1", "title": "Parsing" }, { "uri": "", "name": "H93", "title": "Ensuring that id attributes are unique on a Web page" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "button", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/button[1]", "codeLines": [ "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" 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data-cy=\"section-508-compliance\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f2...", " Section 508 Compliance", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"aoda-compliance\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/compliance/aoda/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"aoda-compliance\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">", " AODA Compliance", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"unruh-civil-rights-act\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/compliance/california/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"unruh-civil-rights-act\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f2...", " Unruh Civil Rights Act", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " </ul>", " </section>", " <section class=\"css-1un5xsq e1ijcn3g10\">", " <p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" 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href=\"/building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale/\" rel=\"noopene...", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale\" class=\"e1ijc...", " Building for Digital Accessibility at Scale", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-trusted-certification\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/audioeye-trusted-certification/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"...", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"audioeye-trusted-certification\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166t...", " AudioEye Trusted Certification", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-statement\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/accessibility-statement/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"accessibility-statement\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f...", " Accessibility Statement", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " </ul>", " </section>", " <section class=\"css-deiuka e1ijcn3g3\">", " <p class=\"css-pybi0v e1f29zw86\">", " Received a demand letter?", " </p>", " <div width=\"32\" class=\"css-ebcxnk evodv8s0\"></div>", " <a buttontype=\"link CTA\" class=\"submenu-cta css-nl12og ex3ei2k0\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/request-l...", " <p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">", " Request legal support", " </p>", " </a>", " </section>", "</div>" ] } }, { "index": 703, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r3", "ruleSummary": "id attributes have a unique value", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "4.1.1", "title": "Parsing" }, { "uri": "", "name": "H93", "title": "Ensuring that id attributes are unique on a Web page" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/section[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p color=\"gray300\" 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"Parsing" }, { "uri": "", "name": "H93", "title": "Ensuring that id attributes are unique on a Web page" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "li", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/section[1]/ul[1]/li[3]", "codeLines": [ "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"section-508-compliance\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/compliance/section-508/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"section-508-compliance\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\"...", " Section 508 Compliance", " </span>", " </a>", "</li>" ] } }, { "index": 707, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r3", "ruleSummary": "id attributes have a unique value", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "4.1.1", "title": "Parsing" }, { "uri": "", "name": "H93", "title": "Ensuring that id attributes are unique on a Web page" } ] }, "target": { "type": 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"verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r3", "ruleSummary": "id attributes have a unique value", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "4.1.1", "title": "Parsing" }, { "uri": "", "name": "H93", "title": "Ensuring that id attributes are unique on a Web page" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "li", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[1]", "codeLines": [ "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"compliance-overview\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/compliance/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"compliance-overview\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">", " Compliance Overview", " </span>", " </a>", "</li>" ] } }, { "index": 711, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r3", "ruleSummary": "id attributes have a unique value", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "4.1.1", "title": "Parsing" }, { "uri": "", "name": "H93", "title": "Ensuring that id attributes are unique on a Web page" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "li", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[2]", "codeLines": [ "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-lawsuits\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/web-accessibility-lawsuits/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"accessibility-lawsuits\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\"...", " Accessibility Lawsuits", " </span>", " </a>", "</li>" ] } }, { "index": 712, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r3", "ruleSummary": "id attributes have a unique value", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "4.1.1", "title": "Parsing" }, { "uri": "", "name": "H93", "title": "Ensuring that id attributes are unique on a Web page" } ] 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class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"aoda-compliance\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/compliance/aoda/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"aoda-compliance\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">", " AODA Compliance", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"unruh-civil-rights-act\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/compliance/california/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"unruh-civil-rights-act\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f2...", " Unruh Civil Rights Act", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " </ul>", " </section>", " <section class=\"css-1un5xsq e1ijcn3g10\">", " <p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id...", " Resources", " </p>", " <ul aria-labelledby=\"resources\" class=\"resources last-list css-st1v7u e1ijcn3g9\">", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"compliance-overview\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/compliance/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"compliance-overview\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw...", " Compliance Overview", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-lawsuits\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/web-accessibility-lawsuits/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"accessibility-lawsuits\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f2...", " Accessibility Lawsuits", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"building-for-digital-accessibility-at-s...", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale/\" rel=\"noopene...", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale\" class=\"e1ijc...", " Building for Digital Accessibility at Scale", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-trusted-certification\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/audioeye-trusted-certification/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"...", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"audioeye-trusted-certification\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166t...", " AudioEye Trusted Certification", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-statement\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/accessibility-statement/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"accessibility-statement\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f...", " Accessibility Statement", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " </ul>", " </section>", " <section class=\"css-deiuka e1ijcn3g3\">", " <p class=\"css-pybi0v 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aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\" class=\"audioeye css-st1v7u e1ijcn3g9\">", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"about-us\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/about-us/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"about-us\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">", " About Us", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"investor-relations\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/investor-relations/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"investor-relations\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw8...", " Investor Relations", " </span>", " </a>", " </li>", " <li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"board-of-directors\">", " <img src=\"", " <a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/about-us/#board-of-directors\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">", " <span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"board-of-directors\" 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Nothing else we looked a..." ] } }, { "index": 1169, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Diti Bhasin" ] } }, { "index": 1170, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[5]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Director of Digital Strategies & Equity at Flexability" ] } }, { "index": 1171, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[9]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "We add to the tech stack for agencies and partners." ] } }, { "index": 1172, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[9]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Join the AudioEye’s Partner Network to offer accessibility solutions to all your clients and earn a..." ] } }, { "index": 1179, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[11]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Certified accessibility experts at your service." ] } }, { "index": 1180, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[11]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "With over 15 years of expertise, AudioEye practically wrote the book on web accessibility. We under..." ] } }, { "index": 1187, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[13]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "AudioEye A11iance Team" ] } }, { "index": 1188, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[13]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Our A11iance community is made up of a group of people with varying disabilities and backgrounds. C..." ] } }, { "index": 1194, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[16]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Building accessible websites is a journey, and we're here to help." ] } }, { "index": 1195, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[16]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "AudioEye helps you work towards ADA and WCAG 2.1 compliance through a combination of advanced 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All rights reserved. AUDIOEYE is a U.S. registered trademark of Audi..." ] } }, { "index": 1210, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r66", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has enhanced contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/p[1]/text()[4]", "codeLines": [ "or contact" ] } }, { "index": 1319, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Let us walk you through how AudioEye works" ] } }, { "index": 1320, "verdict": "cantTell", 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"/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[4]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "View, analyze, and track progress on all accessibility issues found with AudioEye’s Issue Reporting..." ] } }, { "index": 1333, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[6]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Personalized accessibility experiences, delivered." ] } }, { "index": 1334, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[6]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Deliver accessible and optimized experiences that feel native to your website with our advanced acc..." ] } }, { "index": 1341, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Of all the vendors we considered, AudioEye was by far the most impressive. Nothing else we looked a..." ] } }, { "index": 1342, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Diti Bhasin" ] } }, { "index": 1343, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[5]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Director of Digital Strategies & Equity at Flexability" ] } }, { "index": 1344, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[9]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "We add to the tech stack for agencies and partners." ] } }, { "index": 1345, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[9]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Join the AudioEye’s Partner Network to offer accessibility solutions to all your clients and earn a..." ] } }, { "index": 1352, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[11]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Certified accessibility experts at your service." ] } }, { "index": 1353, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[11]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "With over 15 years of expertise, AudioEye practically wrote the book on web accessibility. We under..." ] } }, { "index": 1360, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[13]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "AudioEye A11iance Team" ] } }, { "index": 1361, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[13]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Our A11iance community is made up of a group of people with varying disabilities and backgrounds. C..." ] } }, { "index": 1367, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[16]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h2[1]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Building accessible websites is a journey, and we're here to help." ] } }, { "index": 1368, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": 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"chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[16]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[5]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Issue Reporting Real-time Dashboard" ] } }, { "index": 1375, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[16]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[6]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Available Grievance Procedures" ] } }, { "index": 1376, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[16]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[7]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Free Fixes for Reported Issues" ] } }, { "index": 1377, "verdict": "cantTell", "rule": { "ruleID": "r69", "ruleSummary": "Text outside widget has minimum contrast", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.3", "title": "Contrast (Minimum)" }, { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.6", "title": "Contrast (Enhanced)" } ] }, "target": { "type": "text", "tagName": "", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[16]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[8]/text()[1]", "codeLines": [ "Patented Automated Remediations" ] } }, { "index": 1427, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r72", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text are not all uppercase", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " #1 in web accessibility", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1455, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r72", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text are not all uppercase", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[15]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Read the White Paper", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1462, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/a[2]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p 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Nothing else we looked...", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1478, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p>", " Diti Bhasin", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1481, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[9]/div[4]/div[1]/a[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">", " Become a Partner", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1486, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[11]/div[4]/div[1]/a[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">", " Free Consultation", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1492, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of text have sufficient line height", "scope": "component", "uri": "", "requirements": [ { "uri": "", "chapter": "1.4.8", "title": "Visual Presentation" } ] }, "target": { "type": "element", "tagName": "p", "path": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[14]/div[1]/div[3]/a[1]/p[1]", "codeLines": [ "<p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">", " View All Integrations", "</p>" ] } }, { "index": 1495, "verdict": "failed", "rule": { "ruleID": "r73", "ruleSummary": "Paragraphs of 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"rulesWarned": 3, "rulesViolated": 4, "warnings": { "minor": 21, "moderate": 0, "serious": 118, "critical": 0 }, "violations": { "minor": 35, "moderate": 0, "serious": 6, "critical": 14 } }, "details": { "testEngine": { "name": "axe-core", "version": "4.4.2" }, "testRunner": { "name": "axe" }, "testEnvironment": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/102.0.5005.40 Safari/537.36", "windowWidth": 1280, "windowHeight": 720, "orientationAngle": 90, "orientationType": "landscape-primary" }, "timestamp": "2022-07-06T02:21:00.938Z", "url": "", "toolOptions": { "resultTypes": [ "violations", "incomplete" ], "runOnly": { "type": "tag", "values": [ "experimental", "best-practice", "wcag2a", "wcag2aa", "wcag2aaa", "wcag21a", "wcag21aa", "wcag21aaa" ] }, "reporter": "v1" }, "incomplete": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aaa", "wcag146" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AAA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#141316", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"product\" aria-controls=\"product-submenu\" id=\"product-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Product</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"product\"][aria-controls=\"product-submenu\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p 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to ADA & WCAG compliance with AudioEye's easy-to-use technology platform, certified accessibility experts, and legal assistance.</p>", "target": [ ".css-1uv52hh > .css-hwqfro.e1f29zw88[color=\"white\"] > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "18.0pt (24px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Of all the vendors we considered, AudioEye was by far the most impressive. Nothing else we looked at came close to matching AudioEye’s capabilities.”</p>", "target": [ ".css-gdm6c7 > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Diti Bhasin</p>", "target": [ ".css-1mzmzy0 > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Director of Digital Strategies & Equity at Flexability</p>", "target": [ ".css-1jma4v3 > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "shortTextContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": 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gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "10.5pt (14px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"css-ajvpca e2r5wur9\">", "target": [ ".css-ajvpca" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Read the White Paper</p>", "target": [ ".css-ysusqo > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "36.0pt (48px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"css-ajvpca e2r5wur9\">", "target": [ ".css-ajvpca" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h2>Building for Digital Accessibility at Scale</h2>", "target": [ ".e2r5wur5 > h2" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"css-ajvpca e2r5wur9\">", "target": [ ".css-ajvpca" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>The internet is the world's most significant public space today. Yet, 97% of it is inaccessible to people with disabilities. Learn about AudioEye's research and insights on key challenges in digital accessibility and our unique approach to delivering web accessibility at scale.</p>", "target": [ ".e2r5wur4 > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"css-ajvpca e2r5wur9\">", "target": [ ".css-ajvpca" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">Download White Paper</p>", "target": [ ".primary > .css-1t2lg9u.e1f29zw87" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Sustainable Testing and Remediation Plan</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>Sustainable Testing and Remediation Plan</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Ongoing 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"target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Accessibility Training and Education</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(4)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>Accessibility Training and Education</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(4)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Issue Reporting Real-time Dashboard</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(5)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>Issue Reporting Real-time Dashboard</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(5)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Available Grievance Procedures</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(6)" ] } ], "impact": 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"#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\">Case Studies</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\">Case Studies</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-compliance-overview\">Compliance Overview</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-compliance-overview\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-compliance-overview\">Compliance Overview</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-compliance-overview\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-lawsuits\">Lawsuits</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-lawsuits\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-lawsuits\">Lawsuits</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-lawsuits\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-wcag-2.1\">WCAG 2.1</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-wcag-2.1\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-wcag-2.1\">WCAG 2.1</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-wcag-2.1\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link 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"span[data-cy=\"footer-section-508\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-section-508\">Section 508</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-section-508\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-aoda\">AODA</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-aoda\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-aoda\">AODA</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-aoda\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\">CA State & Unruh</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\">CA State & Unruh</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\">Contact Us</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\">Contact Us</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-schedule-a-demo\">Schedule A Demo</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-schedule-a-demo\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-schedule-a-demo\">Schedule A Demo</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-schedule-a-demo\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-request-legal-support\">Request Legal Support</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-request-legal-support\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-request-legal-support\">Request Legal Support</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-request-legal-support\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-request-partner-support\">Request Partner Support</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-request-partner-support\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-request-partner-support\">Request Partner Support</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-request-partner-support\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-apply-to-become-a-partner\">Apply to Become a Partner</span>", "target": [ ".dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"become-a-partner/\"] > .css-7ro3vg.dark-bg-link[color=\"purple500\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-apply-to-become-a-partner\">Apply to Become a Partner</span>", "target": [ ".dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"become-a-partner/\"] > .css-7ro3vg.dark-bg-link[color=\"purple500\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-help-center\">Help Center</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-help-center\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-help-center\">Help Center</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-help-center\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-system-status\">System Status</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-system-status\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span 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".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > .link-list-item:nth-child(2) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"privacy-policy/\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-privacy-policy\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-privacy-policy\">Privacy Policy</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > .link-list-item:nth-child(2) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"privacy-policy/\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-privacy-policy\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-privacy-settings\">Privacy Settings</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > li:nth-child(3) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[role=\"button\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-privacy-settings\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-privacy-settings\">Privacy Settings</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > li:nth-child(3) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[role=\"button\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-privacy-settings\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#99989a", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "9.6pt (12.8px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" style=\"color:#99989A\" class=\"dark-bg-link dark-bg-focus css-2t2ec6 e1f29zw84\"></span>", "target": [ ".css-2t2ec6" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" style=\"color:#99989A\" class=\"dark-bg-link dark-bg-focus css-2t2ec6 e1f29zw84\"></span>", "target": [ ".css-2t2ec6" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ] }, { "id": "color-contrast", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aa", "wcag143" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#141316", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"product\" aria-controls=\"product-submenu\" id=\"product-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Product</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"product\"][aria-controls=\"product-submenu\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], 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any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#25d0b4", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "10.5pt (14px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg shape css-1n5mhdo e1d9ix1t5\"></div>", "target": [ ".shape" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>#1 in web accessibility</p>", "target": [ ".css-1s7hy5b > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "36.0pt (48px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg shape css-1n5mhdo e1d9ix1t5\"></div>", "target": [ ".shape" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h1>Web Accessibility Platform for Businesses of All Sizes</h1>", "target": [ "h1" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg shape css-1n5mhdo e1d9ix1t5\"></div>", "target": [ ".shape" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Begin your path to ADA & WCAG compliance with AudioEye's easy-to-use technology platform, certified accessibility experts, and legal assistance.</p>", "target": [ ".css-1uv52hh > .css-hwqfro.e1f29zw88[color=\"white\"] > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "18.0pt (24px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Of all the vendors we considered, AudioEye was by far the most impressive. Nothing else we looked at came close to matching AudioEye’s capabilities.”</p>", "target": [ ".css-gdm6c7 > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Diti Bhasin</p>", "target": [ ".css-1mzmzy0 > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Director of Digital Strategies & Equity at Flexability</p>", "target": [ ".css-1jma4v3 > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "shortTextContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element content is too short to determine if it is actual text content" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p color=\"white\" class=\"css-116ximt e1f29zw86\">2</p>", "target": [ "button[aria-label=\"page 2\"] > .css-116ximt.e1f29zw86[color=\"white\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element content is too short to determine if it is actual text content" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "shortTextContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"bg css-12hedgs exvrsv67\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-12hedgs" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element content is too short to determine if it is actual text content" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p color=\"white\" class=\"css-116ximt e1f29zw86\">3</p>", "target": [ "button[aria-label=\"page 3\"] 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"color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "10.5pt (14px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"css-ajvpca e2r5wur9\">", "target": [ ".css-ajvpca" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>Read the White Paper</p>", "target": [ ".css-ysusqo > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "36.0pt (48px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "3:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"css-ajvpca e2r5wur9\">", "target": [ ".css-ajvpca" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<h2>Building for Digital Accessibility at Scale</h2>", "target": [ ".e2r5wur5 > h2" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"css-ajvpca e2r5wur9\">", "target": [ ".css-ajvpca" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p>The internet is the world's most significant public space today. Yet, 97% of it is inaccessible to people with disabilities. Learn about AudioEye's research and insights on key challenges in digital accessibility and our unique approach to delivering web accessibility at scale.</p>", "target": [ ".e2r5wur4 > p" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "pseudoContent", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"css-ajvpca e2r5wur9\">", "target": [ ".css-ajvpca" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">Download White Paper</p>", "target": [ ".primary > .css-1t2lg9u.e1f29zw87" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a pseudo element" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Sustainable Testing and Remediation Plan</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>Sustainable Testing and Remediation Plan</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Ongoing Automated Testing</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>Ongoing Automated Testing</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Periodic Manual Audits</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>Periodic Manual Audits</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Accessibility Training and Education</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(4)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>Accessibility Training and Education</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(4)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Issue Reporting Real-time Dashboard</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(5)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<li>Issue Reporting Real-time Dashboard</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(5)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "15.0pt (20px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgImage", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li>Available Grievance Procedures</li>", "target": [ ".eicw7vk2 > ul > li:nth-child(6)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color 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"<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-how-it-works\">How It Works</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-how-it-works\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-how-it-works\">How It Works</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-how-it-works\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg 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"contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-blog\">Blog</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-blog\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-blog\">Blog</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-blog\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", 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"<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\">Case Studies</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\">Case Studies</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg 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"span[data-cy=\"footer-wcag-2.1\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-wcag-2.1\">WCAG 2.1</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-wcag-2.1\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-ada\">ADA</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-ada\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-ada\">ADA</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-ada\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-section-508\">Section 508</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-section-508\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-section-508\">Section 508</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-section-508\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-aoda\">AODA</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-aoda\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-aoda\">AODA</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-aoda\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\">CA State & Unruh</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\">CA State & Unruh</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\">Contact Us</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\">Contact Us</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-schedule-a-demo\">Schedule A Demo</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-schedule-a-demo\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-schedule-a-demo\">Schedule A Demo</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-schedule-a-demo\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-request-legal-support\">Request Legal Support</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-request-legal-support\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-request-legal-support\">Request Legal Support</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-request-legal-support\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-request-partner-support\">Request Partner Support</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-request-partner-support\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-request-partner-support\">Request Partner Support</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-request-partner-support\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-apply-to-become-a-partner\">Apply to Become a Partner</span>", "target": [ ".dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"become-a-partner/\"] > .css-7ro3vg.dark-bg-link[color=\"purple500\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-apply-to-become-a-partner\">Apply to Become a Partner</span>", "target": [ ".dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"become-a-partner/\"] > .css-7ro3vg.dark-bg-link[color=\"purple500\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-help-center\">Help Center</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-help-center\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-help-center\">Help Center</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-help-center\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-system-status\">System Status</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-system-status\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-system-status\">System Status</span>", "target": [ "span[data-cy=\"footer-system-status\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-terms-of-service\">Terms of Service</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > .link-list-item:nth-child(1) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"terms-of-service/\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-terms-of-service\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-terms-of-service\">Terms of Service</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > .link-list-item:nth-child(1) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"terms-of-service/\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-terms-of-service\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-privacy-policy\">Privacy Policy</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > .link-list-item:nth-child(2) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"privacy-policy/\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-privacy-policy\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-privacy-policy\">Privacy Policy</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > .link-list-item:nth-child(2) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[href$=\"privacy-policy/\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-privacy-policy\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#ffffff", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "12.0pt (16px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-privacy-settings\">Privacy Settings</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > li:nth-child(3) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[role=\"button\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-privacy-settings\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-privacy-settings\">Privacy Settings</span>", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-mobile > li:nth-child(3) > .dark-bg-focus.dark-bg-link[role=\"button\"] > .css-7ro3vg[data-cy=\"footer-privacy-settings\"][color=\"purple500\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" }, { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast", "data": { "fgColor": "#99989a", "contrastRatio": 0, "fontSize": "9.6pt (12.8px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": "bgGradient", "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" style=\"color:#99989A\" class=\"dark-bg-link dark-bg-focus css-2t2ec6 e1f29zw84\"></span>", "target": [ ".css-2t2ec6" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<span color=\"purple500\" style=\"color:#99989A\" class=\"dark-bg-link dark-bg-focus css-2t2ec6 e1f29zw84\"></span>", "target": [ ".css-2t2ec6" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element's background color could not be determined due to a background gradient" } ] }, { "id": "hidden-content", "impact": "minor", "tags": [ "cat.structure", "experimental", "review-item", "best-practice" ], "description": "Informs users about hidden content.", "help": "Hidden content on the page should be analyzed", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"product submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"product-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"product-button\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"compliance submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"compliance-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"partners submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"partners-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"company submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"company-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"company-button\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"css-1mcwilt esg17nd9\">", "target": [ ".css-1mcwilt" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<nav role=\"navigation\" class=\"css-bvrdm3 esg17nd3\">", "target": [ ".css-bvrdm3" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"product submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"product-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"product-button\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"compliance submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"compliance-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"partners submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"partners-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"company submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"company-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"company-button\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"hide-desktop\"><div class=\"css-t9lcsd e1f29zw88\"><h2>Visibility and insights in one dashboard.</h2></div><div height=\"16\" class=\"css-hgepbu evodv8s0\"></div></div>", "target": [ ".css-6yzeib.efsfnp7:nth-child(4) > .hide-desktop" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"hide-desktop\"><div class=\"css-t9lcsd e1f29zw88\"><h2>Personalized accessibility experiences, delivered.</h2></div><div height=\"16\" class=\"css-hgepbu evodv8s0\"></div></div>", "target": [ ".css-2ualtf.efsfnp7:nth-child(6) > .hide-desktop" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"hide-desktop\"><div class=\"css-t9lcsd e1f29zw88\"><h2>We add to the tech stack for agencies and partners.</h2></div><div height=\"16\" class=\"css-hgepbu evodv8s0\"></div></div>", "target": [ ".css-6yzeib.efsfnp7:nth-child(9) > .hide-desktop" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"hide-desktop\"><div class=\"css-t9lcsd e1f29zw88\"><h2>Certified accessibility experts at your service.</h2></div><div height=\"16\" class=\"css-hgepbu evodv8s0\"></div></div>", "target": [ ".css-2ualtf.efsfnp7:nth-child(11) > .hide-desktop" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div class=\"hide-desktop\"><div class=\"css-t9lcsd e1f29zw88\"><h2>AudioEye A11iance Team</h2></div><div height=\"16\" class=\"css-hgepbu evodv8s0\"></div></div>", "target": [ ".css-6yzeib.efsfnp7:nth-child(13) > .hide-desktop" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<ul class=\"hide-desktop css-tmgltj eigtaqd3\">", "target": [ ".css-tmgltj.eigtaqd3.hide-desktop" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<iframe src=\"\" style=\"display: none !important;\"></iframe>", "target": [ "iframe" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div style=\"width:0px; height:0px; display:none; visibility:hidden;\" id=\"batBeacon11216247654\">", "target": [ "#batBeacon11216247654" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img style=\"width:0px; height:0px; display:none; visibility:hidden;\" id=\"batBeacon472031908993\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" alt=\"\" src=\"\">", "target": [ "#batBeacon472031908993" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div style=\"width:0px; height:0px; display:none; visibility:hidden;\" id=\"batBeacon64280532356\">", "target": [ "#batBeacon64280532356" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." }, { "any": [ { "id": "hidden-content", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [], "impact": "minor", "message": "There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<img style=\"width:0px; height:0px; display:none; visibility:hidden;\" id=\"batBeacon765302943820\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" alt=\"\" src=\"\">", "target": [ "#batBeacon765302943820" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n There is hidden content on the page that was not analyzed. You will need to trigger the display of this content in order to analyze it." } ] } ], "violations": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.color", "wcag2aaa", "wcag146" ], "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AAA contrast ratio thresholds", "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "color-contrast-enhanced", "data": { "fgColor": "#99989a", "bgColor": "#141316", "contrastRatio": 6.44, "fontSize": "9.6pt (12.8px)", "fontWeight": "normal", "messageKey": null, "expectedContrastRatio": "7:1" }, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div role=\"contentinfo\" class=\"footer css-s6enzs eigtaqd10\">", "target": [ ".footer" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 6.44 (foreground color: #99989a, background color: #141316, font size: 9.6pt (12.8px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "serious", "html": "<p color=\"gray400\" class=\"css-pt0pxs e1f29zw86\">", "target": [ ".css-pt0pxs" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Element has insufficient color contrast of 6.44 (foreground color: #99989a, background color: #141316, font size: 9.6pt (12.8px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 7:1" } ] }, { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "impact": "critical", "tags": [ "cat.parsing", "wcag2a", "wcag411" ], "description": "Ensures every id attribute value used in ARIA and in labels is unique", "help": "IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "product-button", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"product\" aria-controls=\"product-submenu\" id=\"product-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Product</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"product\"][aria-controls=\"product-submenu\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: product-button" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"product\" aria-controls=\"product-submenu\" id=\"product-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Product</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"product\"][aria-controls=\"product-submenu\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: product-button" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "product-submenu", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"product submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"product-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"product-button\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: product-submenu" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<div class=\"product submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"product-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"product-button\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: product-submenu" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "services", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"services\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Services</p>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: services" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"services\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Services</p>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: services" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "integrations", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"integrations\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Integrations</p>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: integrations" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"integrations\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Integrations</p>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: integrations" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "compliance-button", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"compliance\" aria-controls=\"compliance-submenu\" id=\"compliance-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Compliance</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"compliance\"][aria-controls=\"compliance-submenu\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: compliance-button" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"compliance\" aria-controls=\"compliance-submenu\" id=\"compliance-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Compliance</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"compliance\"][aria-controls=\"compliance-submenu\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: compliance-button" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "compliance-submenu", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"compliance submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"compliance-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: compliance-submenu" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<div class=\"compliance submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"compliance-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: compliance-submenu" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "standards", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"standards\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Standards</p>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: standards" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"standards\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Standards</p>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: standards" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "resources", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"resources\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Resources</p>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] }, { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"resources\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Resources</p>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] }, { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"resources\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Resources</p>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] }, { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"resources\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Resources</p>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] }, { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"resources\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Resources</p>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: resources" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"resources\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Resources</p>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: resources" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "partners-button", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"partners\" aria-controls=\"partners-submenu\" id=\"partners-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Partners</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"partners\"][aria-controls=\"partners-submenu\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: partners-button" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"partners\" aria-controls=\"partners-submenu\" id=\"partners-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Partners</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"partners\"][aria-controls=\"partners-submenu\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: partners-button" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "partners-submenu", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"partners submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"partners-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: partners-submenu" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<div class=\"partners submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"partners-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: partners-submenu" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "partnerships", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partnerships\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .partnerships.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"partnerships\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] }, { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"partnerships\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Partnerships</p>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] }, { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partnerships\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .partnerships.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"partnerships\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: partnerships" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"partnerships\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Partnerships</p>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: partnerships" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "company-button", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"company\" aria-controls=\"company-submenu\" id=\"company-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Company</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"company\"][aria-controls=\"company-submenu\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: company-button" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"company\" aria-controls=\"company-submenu\" id=\"company-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\"><p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">Company</p></button>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .menu-button[data-cy=\"company\"][aria-controls=\"company-submenu\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: company-button" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "company-submenu", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div class=\"company submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"company-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"company-button\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: company-submenu" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<div class=\"company submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"company-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"company-button\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: company-submenu" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id-aria", "data": "audioeye", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"audioeye\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Audioeye</p>", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ] } ], "impact": "critical", "message": "Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: audioeye" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "critical", "html": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"audioeye\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">Audioeye</p>", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .css-1rillfy.e1f29zw86[color=\"gray300\"]" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple elements referenced with ARIA with the same id attribute: audioeye" } ] }, { "id": "duplicate-id", "impact": "minor", "tags": [ "cat.parsing", "wcag2a", "wcag411" ], "description": "Ensures every id attribute value is unique", "help": "id attribute value must be unique", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "how-it-works", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"how-it-works\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .services.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"services\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: how-it-works" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"how-it-works\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .services.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"services\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: how-it-works" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "website-accessibility-checker", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"website-accessibility-checker\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .services.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"services\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: website-accessibility-checker" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"website-accessibility-checker\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .services.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"services\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: website-accessibility-checker" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "color-contrast-checker", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"color-contrast-checker\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .services.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"services\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: color-contrast-checker" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"color-contrast-checker\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > 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.css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: all-integrations" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"all-integrations\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .integrations.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"integrations\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: all-integrations" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "google-tag-manager", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"google-tag-manager\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .integrations.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"integrations\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: google-tag-manager" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"google-tag-manager\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .integrations.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"integrations\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(5)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: google-tag-manager" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "shopify", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"shopify\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .integrations.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"integrations\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: shopify" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"shopify\">", "target": [ ".css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(9)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: shopify" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "squarespace", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"squarespace\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .integrations.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"integrations\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: squarespace" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"squarespace\">", "target": [ ".css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(10)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: squarespace" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "wordpress", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"wordpress\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(1) > .product.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"product-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .integrations.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"integrations\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(5)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: wordpress" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"wordpress\">", "target": [ ".css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(14)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: wordpress" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "ada-compliance", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"ada-compliance\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: ada-compliance" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"ada-compliance\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: ada-compliance" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "wcag-2.1-compliance", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"wcag-2.1-compliance\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: wcag-2.1-compliance" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"wcag-2.1-compliance\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: wcag-2.1-compliance" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "section-508-compliance", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"section-508-compliance\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: section-508-compliance" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"section-508-compliance\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: section-508-compliance" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "aoda-compliance", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"aoda-compliance\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: aoda-compliance" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"aoda-compliance\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: aoda-compliance" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "unruh-civil-rights-act", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"unruh-civil-rights-act\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(5)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: unruh-civil-rights-act" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"unruh-civil-rights-act\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .standards.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"standards\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(5)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: unruh-civil-rights-act" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "compliance-overview", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"compliance-overview\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: compliance-overview" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"compliance-overview\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: compliance-overview" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "accessibility-lawsuits", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-lawsuits\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: accessibility-lawsuits" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-lawsuits\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: accessibility-lawsuits" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "audioeye-trusted-certification", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-trusted-certification\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: audioeye-trusted-certification" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-trusted-certification\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: audioeye-trusted-certification" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "accessibility-statement", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-statement\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(2) > .compliance.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(5)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: accessibility-statement" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-statement\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > 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[], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-for-agencies\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .partnerships.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"partnerships\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: audioeye-for-agencies" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "audioeye-for-platforms", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-for-platforms\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .partnerships.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"partnerships\"] > 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> .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: become-a-referral-partner" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"become-a-referral-partner\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: become-a-referral-partner" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "partner-portal-login", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partner-portal-login\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: partner-portal-login" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partner-portal-login\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: partner-portal-login" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "partner-support", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partner-support\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: partner-support" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partner-support\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(3) > .partners.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: partner-support" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "about-us", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"about-us\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: about-us" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"about-us\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: about-us" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "investor-relations", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"investor-relations\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: investor-relations" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"investor-relations\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: investor-relations" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "board-of-directors", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"board-of-directors\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: board-of-directors" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"board-of-directors\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: board-of-directors" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "careers", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"careers\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: careers" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"careers\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: careers" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "audioeye-a11iance-team", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-a11iance-team\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(5)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: audioeye-a11iance-team" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-a11iance-team\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(2) > .audioeye.css-st1v7u[aria-labelledby=\"audioeye\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(5)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: audioeye-a11iance-team" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "blog", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"blog\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: blog" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"blog\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(1)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: blog" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "press-center", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"press-center\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: press-center" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"press-center\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(2)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: press-center" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "audioeye-videos", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-videos\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: audioeye-videos" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-videos\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(3)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: audioeye-videos" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "customer-case-studies", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"customer-case-studies\">", "target": [ ".css-1ejjmhg > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: customer-case-studies" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"customer-case-studies\">", "target": [ ".css-132zjqz > .css-1xhz07c.ediy7y63:nth-child(4) > .company.submenu-wrapper[aria-labelledby=\"company-button\"] > .css-1un5xsq.e1ijcn3g10:nth-child(3) > .resources.last-list[aria-labelledby=\"resources\"] > .css-9wcxev.e1ijcn3g6.header-text-link:nth-child(4)" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: customer-case-studies" }, { "any": [ { "id": "duplicate-id", "data": "input-component-wrapper", "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div id=\"input-component-wrapper\" class=\"input-component-wrapper css-1wv7xxd e1k295jj1\">", "target": [ ".css-1wv7xxd" ] } ], "impact": "minor", "message": "Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: input-component-wrapper" } ], "all": [], "none": [], "impact": "minor", "html": "<div label=\"Enter URL to get your free Compliance Score\" id=\"input-component-wrapper\" class=\"input-component-wrapper css-1w5wln4 e1k295jj4\">", "target": [ ".css-1w5wln4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n Document has multiple static elements with the same id attribute: input-component-wrapper" } ] }, { "id": "list", "impact": "serious", "tags": [ "cat.structure", "wcag2a", "wcag131" ], "description": "Ensures that lists are structured correctly", "help": "<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements", "helpUrl": "", "nodes": [ { "any": [], "all": [], "none": [ { "id": "only-listitems", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(1) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(2)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(1) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(4)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(1) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(6)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(1) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(8)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(1) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(10)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(1) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(12)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(1) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(14)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" } ], "impact": "serious", "html": "<ul class=\"css-1pmz4lw eigtaqd4\">", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(1) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" }, { "any": [], "all": [], "none": [ { "id": "only-listitems", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(2) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(2)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(2) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(4)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(2) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(6)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(2) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(8)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(2) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(10)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(2) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(12)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(2) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(14)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" } ], "impact": "serious", "html": "<ul class=\"css-1pmz4lw eigtaqd4\">", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(2) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" }, { "any": [], "all": [], "none": [ { "id": "only-listitems", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(3) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(2)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(3) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(4)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(3) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(6)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(3) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(8)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(3) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(10)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(3) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(12)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(3) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(14)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" } ], "impact": "serious", "html": "<ul class=\"css-1pmz4lw eigtaqd4\">", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(3) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" }, { "any": [], "all": [], "none": [ { "id": "only-listitems", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(4) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(2)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(4) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(4)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(4) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(6)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(4) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(8)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(4) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(10)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(4) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(12)" ] }, { "html": "<div height=\"8\" class=\"css-c92ip1 evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(4) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4 > .css-c92ip1.evodv8s0[height=\"8\"]:nth-child(14)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" } ], "impact": "serious", "html": "<ul class=\"css-1pmz4lw eigtaqd4\">", "target": [ ".css-1pb4uxv.eigtaqd9:nth-child(4) > .css-1pmz4lw.eigtaqd4" ], "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" }, { "any": [], "all": [], "none": [ { "id": "only-listitems", "data": null, "relatedNodes": [ { "html": "<div width=\"23\" class=\"css-1c3oh4q evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1c3oh4q.evodv8s0[width=\"23\"]:nth-child(2)" ] }, { "html": "<div width=\"23\" class=\"css-1c3oh4q evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1c3oh4q.evodv8s0[width=\"23\"]:nth-child(4)" ] }, { "html": "<div width=\"23\" class=\"css-1c3oh4q evodv8s0\"></div>", "target": [ ".css-1c3oh4q.evodv8s0[width=\"23\"]:nth-child(6)" ] } ], "impact": "serious", "message": "List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" } ], "impact": "serious", "html": "<ul class=\"css-3gv49i eigtaqd2\">", "target": [ ".css-3gv49i" ], "failureSummary": "Fix all of the following:\n List element has direct children that are not allowed inside <li> elements" } ] } ] } } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "htmlcs", "what": "HTML CodeSniffer WCAG 2.1 AA ruleset", "url": "", "result": { "Error": { "AA.1_4_3.G145.Fail": { "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 3:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1:1. Recommendation: change text colour to #949494.": [ { "tagName": "h1", "id": "", "code": "<h1>...</h1>" }, { "tagName": "h2", "id": "", "code": "<h2>...</h2>" }, { "tagName": "p", "id": "", "code": "<p>...</p>" }, { "tagName": "strong", "id": "", "code": "<strong>...</strong>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G18.Fail": { "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1:1. Recommendation: change text colour to #767676.": [ { "tagName": "noscript", "id": "", "code": "<noscript>...</noscript>" }, { "tagName": "p", "id": "", "code": "<p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">...</p>" }, { "tagName": "p", "id": "", "code": "<p color=\"white\" class=\"css-116ximt e1f29zw86\">...</p>" }, { "tagName": "p", "id": "", "code": "<p>...</p>" } ], "This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 1.95:1. Recommendation: change text colour to #008670.": [ { "tagName": "p", "id": "", "code": "<p>...</p>" } ] }, "AA.2_4_1.H64.1": { "Iframe element requires a non-empty title attribute that identifies the frame.": [ { "tagName": "iframe", "id": "#ae-userStateStore", "code": "<iframe id=\"ae-userStateStore\" src=\"\" style=\"display: none; height: 0px; width: 0px;\">...</iframe>" }, { "tagName": "iframe", "id": "", "code": "<iframe src=\"\" style=\"display: none !important;\">...</iframe>" } ] }, "AA.4_1_1.F77": { "Duplicate id attribute value \"company-button\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "button", "id": "#company-button", "code": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"company\" aria-controls=\"company-submenu\" id=\"company-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\">...</button>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"compliance-button\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "button", "id": "#compliance-button", "code": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"compliance\" aria-controls=\"compliance-submenu\" id=\"compliance-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\">...</button>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"partners-button\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "button", "id": "#partners-button", "code": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"partners\" aria-controls=\"partners-submenu\" id=\"partners-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\">...</button>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"product-button\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "button", "id": "#product-button", "code": "<button aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" data-cy=\"product\" aria-controls=\"product-submenu\" id=\"product-button\" class=\"menu-button header-text-link css-13i8tu5 ediy7y62\">...</button>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"company-submenu\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "#company-submenu", "code": "<div class=\"company submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"company-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"company-button\">...</div>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"compliance-submenu\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "#compliance-submenu", "code": "<div class=\"compliance submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"compliance-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"compliance-button\">...</div>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"input-component-wrapper\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "#input-component-wrapper", "code": "<div id=\"input-component-wrapper\" class=\"input-component-wrapper css-1wv7xxd e1k295jj1\">...</div>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"partners-submenu\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "#partners-submenu", "code": "<div class=\"partners submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"partners-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"partners-button\">...</div>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"product-submenu\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "#product-submenu", "code": "<div class=\"product submenu-wrapper css-1nkb0uh e1ijcn3g12\" id=\"product-submenu\" hidden=\"\" aria-labelledby=\"product-button\">...</div>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"about-us\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#about-us", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"about-us\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"accessibility-lawsuits\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#accessibility-lawsuits", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-lawsuits\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"accessibility-statement\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#accessibility-statement", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-statement\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"accessibility-training\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#accessibility-training", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessibility-training\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"accessible-web-design-guide\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#accessible-web-design-guide", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"accessible-web-design-guide\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"ada-compliance\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#ada-compliance", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"ada-compliance\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"all-integrations\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#all-integrations", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"all-integrations\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"aoda-compliance\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#aoda-compliance", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"aoda-compliance\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"audioeye-a11iance-team\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#audioeye-a11iance-team", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-a11iance-team\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"audioeye-for-agencies\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#audioeye-for-agencies", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-for-agencies\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"audioeye-for-platforms\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#audioeye-for-platforms", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-for-platforms\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"audioeye-trusted-certification\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#audioeye-trusted-certification", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-trusted-certification\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"audioeye-videos\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#audioeye-videos", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"audioeye-videos\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"become-a-referral-partner\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#become-a-referral-partner", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"become-a-referral-partner\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"blog\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#blog", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"blog\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"board-of-directors\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#board-of-directors", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"board-of-directors\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"building-for-digital-accessibility-at-scale\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"careers\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#careers", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"careers\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"color-contrast-checker\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#color-contrast-checker", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"color-contrast-checker\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"compliance-overview\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#compliance-overview", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"compliance-overview\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"customer-case-studies\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#customer-case-studies", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"customer-case-studies\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"google-tag-manager\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#google-tag-manager", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"google-tag-manager\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"how-it-works\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#how-it-works", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"how-it-works\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"investor-relations\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#investor-relations", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"investor-relations\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"partner-portal-login\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#partner-portal-login", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partner-portal-login\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"partner-support\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#partner-support", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partner-support\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"partnerships\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#partnerships", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"partnerships\">...</li>" }, { "tagName": "p", "id": "#partnerships", "code": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"partnerships\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">...</p>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"press-center\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#press-center", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"press-center\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"section-508-compliance\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#section-508-compliance", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"section-508-compliance\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"shopify\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#shopify", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"shopify\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"squarespace\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#squarespace", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"squarespace\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"unruh-civil-rights-act\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#unruh-civil-rights-act", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"unruh-civil-rights-act\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"wcag-2.1-compliance\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#wcag-2.1-compliance", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"wcag-2.1-compliance\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"website-accessibility-checker\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#website-accessibility-checker", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"website-accessibility-checker\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"wordpress\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "#wordpress", "code": "<li class=\"header-text-link css-9wcxev e1ijcn3g6\" id=\"wordpress\">...</li>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"audioeye\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "p", "id": "#audioeye", "code": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"audioeye\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">...</p>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"integrations\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "p", "id": "#integrations", "code": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"integrations\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">...</p>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"resources\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "p", "id": "#resources", "code": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"resources\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">...</p>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"services\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "p", "id": "#services", "code": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"services\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">...</p>" } ], "Duplicate id attribute value \"standards\" found on the web page.": [ { "tagName": "p", "id": "#standards", "code": "<p color=\"gray300\" style=\"text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.02rem;margin-bottom:16px\" id=\"standards\" class=\"css-1rillfy e1f29zw86\">...</p>" } ] } }, "Warning": { "AA.1_1_1.H67.2": { "Img element is marked so that it is ignored by Assistive Technology.": [ { "tagName": "img", "id": "#batBeacon166359633041", "code": "<img style=\"width:0px; height:0px; display:none; visibility:hidden;\" id=\"batBeacon166359633041\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" alt=\"\" src=\"\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "#batBeacon923348240419", "code": "<img style=\"width:0px; height:0px; display:none; visibility:hidden;\" id=\"batBeacon923348240419\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" alt=\"\" src=\"\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"\" class=\"css-qrf5it e1ijcn3g7\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"\" class=\"css-qrf5it esg17nd1\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": "<img alt=\"\" src=\"\" class=\"css-f5mgpi exvrsv63\">" }, { "tagName": "img", "id": "", "code": 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{ "If this element contains a navigation section, it is recommended that it be marked up as a list.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div class=\"css-359lg8 e2rmhts2\">...</div>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_10.C32,C31,C33,C38,SCR34,G206": { "This element has \"position: fixed\". This may require scrolling in two dimensions, which is considered a failure of this Success Criterion.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "#ae_app", "code": "<div id=\"ae_app\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div role=\"alert\" class=\"css-1di4gjt e1boc6wq2\">...</div>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G18.Abs": { "This element is absolutely positioned and the background color can not be determined. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the background are at least 4.5:1.": [ { "tagName": "a", "id": "", "code": "<a href=\"#content\" data-reach-skip-link=\"true\" style=\"position:absolute;top:0;left:0;padding:2px;text-decoration:underline\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">...</a>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3.G18.BgImage": { "This element's text is placed on a background image. Ensure the contrast ratio between the text and all covered parts of the image are at least 4.5:1.": [ { "tagName": "li", "id": "", "code": "<li>...</li>" }, { "tagName": "p", "id": "", "code": "<p class=\"css-sc9vcp e1f29zw87\">...</p>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"offBlack\" style=\"text-decoration:none\" class=\"css-11nfmwf e1f29zw84\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"offBlack\" style=\"text-decoration:none\" data-cy=\"pricing\" class=\"css-11nfmwf e1f29zw84\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"css-zyijf0 e1f29zw84\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-about-us\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" 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"tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-help-center\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-how-it-works\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-integrations\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-investor-relations\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-lawsuits\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" 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"tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-website-accessibility-checker\">...</span>" }, { "tagName": "span", "id": "", "code": "<span color=\"purple500\" style=\"color:#99989A\" class=\"dark-bg-link dark-bg-focus css-2t2ec6 e1f29zw84\">...</span>" } ] }, "AA.1_4_3_F24.F24.FGColour": { "Check that this element has an inherited background colour or image to complement the corresponding inline foreground colour.": [ { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div aria-level=\"2\" role=\"heading\" color=\"gray700\" class=\"css-1j24uty e1f29zw88\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div color=\"green500\" class=\"css-1s7hy5b e1f29zw88\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div color=\"purple500\" class=\"css-ysusqo e1f29zw88\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": "div", "id": "", "code": "<div color=\"white\" class=\"css-1bfs9nd e1f29zw88\">...</div>" }, { "tagName": 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class=\"dark-bg-link dark-bg-focus css-2t2ec6 e1f29zw84\" style=\"color:#99989A\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[3]/p[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 14, "top": 9793, "height": 44, "width": 772 }, "snippet": "<p class=\"css-pt0pxs e1f29zw86\" color=\"gray400\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[4]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[4]/listitem[7]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 397, "top": 9524, "height": 16, "width": 88 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-system-status\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" 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"width": 71 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-contact-us\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[4]/p[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/heading[4]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 400, "top": 9287, "height": 27, "width": 58 }, "snippet": "<p class=\"css-nrdbzg e1f29zw87\" color=\"white\" aria-level=\"2\" role=\"heading\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[3]/listitem[7]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 11, "top": 9524, "height": 16, "width": 113 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-ca-state-&-unruh\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[3]/listitem[6]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 11, "top": 9492, "height": 16, "width": 48 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-aoda\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[3]/listitem[5]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 11, "top": 9460, "height": 16, "width": 75 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-section-508\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[3]/listitem[4]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 11, "top": 9428, "height": 16, "width": 38 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-ada\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[3]/listitem[3]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 11, "top": 9396, "height": 16, "width": 72 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-wcag-2.1\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[3]/listitem[2]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 11, "top": 9364, "height": 16, "width": 58 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-lawsuits\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[3]/listitem[1]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 11, "top": 9332, "height": 16, "width": 136 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-compliance-overview\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/p[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/heading[3]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 14, "top": 9287, "height": 27, "width": 87 }, "snippet": "<p class=\"css-nrdbzg e1f29zw87\" color=\"white\" aria-level=\"2\" role=\"heading\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[2]/listitem[7]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 397, "top": 9235, "height": 16, "width": 80 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-case-studies\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[6]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[2]/listitem[6]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 397, "top": 9203, "height": 16, "width": 79 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-press-center\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[5]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[2]/listitem[5]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 397, "top": 9171, "height": 16, "width": 35 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-blog\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[2]/listitem[4]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 397, "top": 9139, "height": 16, "width": 50 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-careers\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[2]/listitem[3]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 397, "top": 9107, "height": 16, "width": 101 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-partner-program\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[2]/listitem[2]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 397, "top": 9075, "height": 16, "width": 112 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-investor-relations\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[2]/listitem[1]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 397, "top": 9043, "height": 16, "width": 62 }, "snippet": "<span data-cy=\"footer-about-us\" style=\"flex:1\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" color=\"purple500\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/heading[2]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 400, "top": 8997, "height": 27, "width": 70 }, "snippet": "<p class=\"css-nrdbzg e1f29zw87\" color=\"white\" aria-level=\"2\" role=\"heading\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[7]/a[1]/span[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/contentinfo[1]/list[1]/listitem[7]/link[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 11, "top": 9235, "height": 16, 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"recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[5]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 80, "top": 3387, "height": 22, "width": 305 }, "snippet": "<div class=\"css-1jma4v3 e1f29zw88\" color=\"white\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[3]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 80, "top": 3361, "height": 27, "width": 83 }, "snippet": "<div class=\"css-1mzmzy0 e1f29zw88\" color=\"white\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 80, "top": 3305, "height": 57, "width": 696 }, "snippet": "<div class=\"css-gdm6c7 e1f29zw88\" color=\"white\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[7]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]/list[2]/listitem[3]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 40, "top": 2730, "height": 193, "width": 720 }, "snippet": "<li class=\"css-1t2apli e8vspgv3\" color=\"white\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "element_attribute_deprecated", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[7]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]/list[2]/listitem[2]" }, "message": "The HTML attribute(s) \"color\" is deprecated in HTML 5", "bounds": { "left": 40, "top": 2514, "height": 193, "width": 720 }, 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24, "top": 3708, "height": 417, "width": 540 }, "snippet": "<img style=\"max-width:100%;display:block;position:static\" src=\"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg height='417' width='540' xmlns='' version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E\" aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"presentation\" alt=\"\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_role_redundant", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/nav[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]/navigation[1]" }, "message": "The explicitly-assigned ARIA role \"navigation\" is redundant with the implicit role of the element <nav>", "bounds": { "left": 24, "top": 3493, "height": 43, "width": 752 }, "snippet": "<nav class=\"css-18mj1sy eezln330\" role=\"navigation\" aria-label=\"Quote pagination\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_role_redundant", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/img[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]" }, "message": "The 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"/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[13]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/img[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]" }, "message": "The explicitly-assigned ARIA role \"presentation\" is redundant with the implicit role of the element <img>", "bounds": { "left": 24, "top": 6539, "height": 367, "width": 540 }, "snippet": "<img style=\"max-width:100%;display:block;position:static\" src=\"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg height='367' width='540' xmlns='' version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E\" aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"presentation\" alt=\"\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_role_redundant", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[11]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/img[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/main[1]" }, "message": "The explicitly-assigned ARIA role \"presentation\" is redundant with the implicit role of the element <img>", "bounds": { "left": 24, "top": 5096, "height": 418, "width": 540 }, "snippet": "<img style=\"max-width:100%;display:block;position:static\" src=\"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg height='418' width='540' xmlns='' version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E\" aria-hidden=\"true\" role=\"presentation\" alt=\"\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_role_redundant", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/section[1]/button[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/banner[1]/button[3]" }, "message": "The explicitly-assigned ARIA role \"button\" is redundant with the implicit role of the element <button>", "bounds": { "left": 745, "top": 41, "height": 27, "width": 20 }, "snippet": "<button class=\"css-grz9cj esg17nd2\" aria-label=\"Close menu\" role=\"button\">", "level": "recommendation" }, { "ruleId": "aria_role_redundant", "path": { "dom": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]", "aria": "/document[1]/banner[1]/navigation[2]" }, "message": "The explicitly-assigned ARIA role \"navigation\" is redundant with the implicit role of the element <nav>", "bounds": { "left": 95, "top": 90, "height": 295, "width": 692 }, "snippet": "<nav class=\"css-bvrdm3 esg17nd3\" role=\"navigation\">", "level": "recommendation" } ] }, "url": { "prevented": true, "error": "ERROR: getting ibm test report took too long" }, "prevented": true } }, { "type": "launch", "which": "chromium", "what": "chromium browser" }, { "type": "url", "which": "", "what": "URL", "result": "" }, { "type": "test", "which": "wave", "reportType": 4, "what": "WAVE", "url": "", "result": { "status": { "success": true, "httpstatuscode": 200 }, "statistics": { "pagetitle": "AudioEye - Web Accessibility Platform for Businesses of All Sizes", "pageurl": "", "time": 5.52, "creditsremaining": 354, "allitemcount": 416, "totalelements": 1474, "waveurl": "" }, "categories": { "error": { "description": "Errors", "count": 0, "items": [] }, "contrast": { "description": "Contrast Errors", "count": 21, "items": { "contrast": { "id": "contrast", "description": "Very low contrast", "count": 21, "selectors": [ "HTML > 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DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > IMG:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > P:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#___gatsby > DIV#gatsby-focus-wrapper > DIV#content > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > IMG:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > P:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#___gatsby > DIV#gatsby-focus-wrapper > DIV#content > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > IMG:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > P:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#___gatsby > DIV#gatsby-focus-wrapper > DIV#content > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + NAV > BUTTON:first-child + BUTTON + BUTTON > P:first-child", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#___gatsby > 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LI", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#___gatsby > DIV#gatsby-focus-wrapper > DIV#content > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#___gatsby > DIV#gatsby-focus-wrapper > DIV#content > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV > UL:first-child > LI:first-child + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI + LI" ], "contrastdata": [ [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1.95, "#25d0b4", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", true ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", true ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", true ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", true ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ], [ 1, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", false ] ], "wcag": [ { "name": "1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA)", "link": "" } ] } } }, "alert": { "description": "Alerts", "count": 33, "items": { "alt_long": { "id": "alt_long", "description": "Long alternative text", "count": 3, "selectors": [ "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#___gatsby > DIV#gatsby-focus-wrapper > DIV#content > DIV:first-child + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV + DIV > DIV:first-child + DIV > DIV:first-child > DIV:first-child + DIV + IMG", "HTML > HEAD:first-child + BODY > DIV#___gatsby > 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"warningDensity": 0, "allDensity": 3 } }, "projectID": "E4B12DC9-2F67-8DB7-26C9-E50C8490", "responseID": "d21e1c54-e11d-484f-bddc-0852f6d5adb6", "docID": "8f3af812-123c-46c6-94ae-367bfc190491", "sourceHash": "61c16220ddee9161eae4845a674373d9", "urlHttpCode": 200, "clientScriptErrors": [], "remainingApiCalls": { "planCalls": 0, "boosts": 19 }, "globalStats": { "errorDensity": "N/A", "warningDensity": "N/A", "allDensity": "N/A", "stdDev": "N/A" }, "resultUrl": "http://ngnix/history.php?responseID=d21e1c54-e11d-484f-bddc-0852f6d5adb6", "resultSet": [ { "tID": 28, "bpID": 3, "priority": 100, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "The layout or sizing of this page causes horizontal scrolling.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid layouts that result in horizontal scroll", "errorDescription": "This page is too wide, causing horizontal scrolling (at the tested viewport size). Horizontal scrolling will cause difficulties for users with low vision, especially if they have their monitor set to a low resolution. Review HTML, CSS and page element sizes to ensure 100% width is not exceeded.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 976, "y": 11865.9 }, "height": 11865.9, "width": 976 }, "position": { "line": 10646, "column": 60 }, "errorSnippet": "<body data-audioeye-lang=\"en\" data-audioeye-device-desktop=\"\"><div id=\"___gatsby\"><div style=\"outline:none\" tabindex=\"-1\" id=\"gatsby-focus-wrapper\"><div id=\"at_message\" aria-live=\"polite\"></div><a href=\"#content\" data-rea", "xpath": "/html/body", "issueID": "51bf2d2cf504ea342bcaa825eccd8c8b", "signature": "6066b760acc8e79c768659265d74a1e4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 21.400009155273438, "y": 7 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 94.40000915527344, "y": 23 }, "height": 16, "width": 73 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">Get Demo</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/section[2]/a[2]/p[1]", "issueID": "84b68d50aae017f0a7c53ef7512ca431", "signature": "54e0297aee4a02e137ccae1968983725", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 16, "y": 24 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 344, "y": 48 }, "height": 24, "width": 328 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<p>Let us walk you through how AudioEye works</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]", "issueID": "ef7e0f3afc0fb7d8e41a1d55b9a83be6", "signature": "449434af30f42b55d6bc53eb386850d4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 84, "y": 16 }, "height": 16, "width": 84 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<p class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">Book Demo</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/a[1]/p[1]", "issueID": "f81366ec40e260f5f984e7f9ecf99abb", "signature": "358483728c738d80966cfea829f1c868", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 138, "y": 133 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 838, "y": 245 }, "height": 112, "width": 700 }, "position": { "line": 12664, "column": 404 }, "errorSnippet": "<h1>Web Accessibility Platform for Businesses of All Sizes</h1>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/h1[1]", "issueID": "9f759df3762332a818d49f6661b6b992", "signature": "84eee2eede49bd18d6fd135befdfcf34", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 95, "bpID": 181, "priority": 95, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This element has insufficient color contrast (Level AAA).", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)" ], "resultTitle": "Avoid using color as the only visual means of conveying information", "errorDescription": "This element has insufficient contrast between the foreground color (the text) and the background color when measured against the WCAG 2.0 Level AAA requirements. Sufficient color contrast is important for users who have low-vision or are color-blind, because text with a low contrast ratio may be difficult or impossible for such users to see. Increase the contrast of this content. This can be done by adjusting the color(s) used by either the foreground content or background content – or both.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 138, "y": 274 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 838, "y": 334 }, "height": 60, "width": 700 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<p>Begin your path to ADA &amp; WCAG compliance with AudioEye's easy-to-use technology platform, certified accessibility experts, and legal assistance.</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/p[1]", "issueID": "90bbd93607f66f75b8315bfaa605ce4c", "signature": "cd7b14111277ce552739f95ba290b045", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. 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Nothing else we looked at came close to matching AudioEye’s capabilities.”</p></div>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]", "issueID": "7ce01eeccdd1cf954adec1b80e1e2009", "signature": "f73ebd5ee8ab7d66883d42bcd0908ae9", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 144, "bpID": 14, "priority": 91, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 1.4.8 Visual Presentation" ], "resultTitle": "Set a `line-height` (leading) that is at least one and a half times the current font size.", "errorDescription": "This content's line height is insufficent to properly display the computed element font size. Line height that is less than 150% of the computed element font size limits content readability for people with dyslexia, low vision, cognitive impairments or learning disabilities. Set the `line-height` for this content to a value of 1.5 or higher. Using a proportional, unitless value like 1.5 or 150% will ensure that the line-height scales if the user zooms the browser window.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<div id=\"ae_compliance\" class=\"ae-module\" style=\"display: none;\"> <!-- For autoSmartRem addNewWindowWarnings div is referenced in an aria-describedby --> <div id=\"audioeye_new_window_message\" style=\"display: none;\">Opens in new window&l", "xpath": "/html/body/div[4]/div[2]", "issueID": "b3edcf1a164e37058600a950c3cf65f3", "signature": "09418edf2c556964b25daaecee5c8105", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 9667, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"/wix/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"><span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"wix\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">Wix</span></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[12]/a[1]", "issueID": "e860930776dc93ceffeb736103f5db72", "signature": "e894be821c0e7fc94e1a33f1c1af2ae1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 960, "y": 24.5 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 988, "y": 48.5 }, "height": 24, "width": 28 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button aria-label=\"Open the menu\" class=\"css-1lsmoad esg17nd8\"><img src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/button[1]", "issueID": "e5fb7083aaa6b46d16cd22aa576c0b4c", "signature": "4162cf9e45f95267d9b5a4cdb33fcce1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. 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Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 865.8000106811523, "y": 36 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 879.8000106811523, "y": 60 }, "height": 24, "width": 14 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button role=\"button\" aria-label=\"Close menu\" class=\"css-grz9cj esg17nd2\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/section[1]/button[1]", "issueID": "0ea42b41304380f0fad4fbf51e5900a9", "signature": "9063b1ada2c739cea4e848203310a110", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -8, "y": -8 }, "height": -8, "width": -8 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button role=\"button\" aria-label=\"Close menu\" class=\"css-grz9cj e1ijcn3g8\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/section[1]/button[2]", "issueID": "fbc21283e7e2e82adb06644a333e0c69", "signature": "c5aab735d0b098814c356893f6a44400", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -8, "y": -8 }, "height": -8, "width": -8 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button role=\"button\" aria-label=\"Close menu\" class=\"css-grz9cj e1ijcn3g8\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/section[1]/button[2]", "issueID": "0ee165b9e2a81bfa37e88328089b8a40", "signature": "5a308d31d22abda1f3e7823b285fd61a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -8, "y": -8 }, "height": -8, "width": -8 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button role=\"button\" aria-label=\"Close menu\" class=\"css-grz9cj e1ijcn3g8\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/section[1]/button[2]", "issueID": "2d7d181b69d400faf9937abe9a1e93b6", "signature": "c04939db6c812604b9a7c57e91b7b54c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -8, "y": -8 }, "height": -8, "width": -8 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button role=\"button\" aria-label=\"Close menu\" class=\"css-grz9cj e1ijcn3g8\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/section[1]/button[2]", "issueID": "ab434b3b59d2677515401470e310bfec", "signature": "03c7b09ab27d1e61de109f19495dc130", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 426.5, "y": 296 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 433.5, "y": 329 }, "height": 33, "width": 7 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button aria-label=\"page 1 selected\" aria-current=\"true\" class=\"dark-bg-focus css-11hlm5a e1dh41r71\"><p color=\"offBlack\" class=\"css-pybi0v e1f29zw86\">1</p></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/nav[1]/button[2]", "issueID": "dc3c9e4ea89580ec2ab9ebc42e6709b3", "signature": "468a5fe30a86acc942c2e243091a2f9c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 463.5, "y": 296 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 472.5, "y": 329 }, "height": 33, "width": 9 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button aria-label=\"page 2\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"dark-bg-focus css-1hg9dbe e1dh41r71\"><p color=\"white\" class=\"css-116ximt e1f29zw86\">2</p></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/nav[1]/button[3]", "issueID": "1f6980690cb9a3a42224a539ce4bce17", "signature": "cd5cdefd160a568472c1534cfe424b45", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 502.5, "y": 296 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 511.5, "y": 329 }, "height": 33, "width": 9 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button aria-label=\"page 3\" aria-current=\"false\" class=\"dark-bg-focus css-1hg9dbe e1dh41r71\"><p color=\"white\" class=\"css-116ximt e1f29zw86\">3</p></button>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/nav[1]/button[4]", "issueID": "b7b1b945c661bb20633b43bcde2c2eb8", "signature": "66dbd25b50a874ca9e21360c434fd27a", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 541.5, "y": 296 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 555.5, "y": 329 }, "height": 33, "width": 14 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<button aria-label=\"next page\" class=\"dark-bg-focus css-1hg9dbe e1dh41r71\"><img src=\"", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[8]/div[1]/nav[1]/button[5]", "issueID": "58b66c8e9cbdc6f5df22ef21fed89880", "signature": "4e065897f467ee43f8d0dd4bf4921ab6", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 152, "bpID": 211, "priority": 88, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This actionable element is smaller than the minimum required size.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This actionable element is smaller than the stated minimum defined by all mobile platform developer guides. Minimum sizes for actionable elements ensure that those elements can be operated by people with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities. Even if this system is not explicitly intended for mobile use, it should be enlarged with CSS to meet minimu requirements and improve usability for users with vision, motor and cognitive disabilities.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 14, "y": 11387.859375 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 45, "y": 11407.859375 }, "height": 20, "width": 31 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a class=\"dark-bg-link dark-bg-focus\" href=\"/compliance/ada/\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"><span color=\"purple500\" class=\"dark-bg-link css-7ro3vg e1f29zw84\" style=\"flex:1\" data-cy=\"footer-ada\">ADA</span></a>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[3]/ul[1]/li[4]/a[1]", "issueID": "d1bc41e9170b104e827ed7a3a29d379e", "signature": "6756ff49d4f8bb23f26526ffc56b4207", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 153, "bpID": 211, "priority": 85, "level": [ "A", "AA", "AAA" ], "certainty": 60, "errorTitle": "This long string of text is in all caps.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.5 Images of Text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 3.2.4 Consistent Identification", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA: 1.4.4 Resize text", "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 2.5.5 Target Size" ], "resultTitle": "Ensure content is legible.", "errorDescription": "This element contains a long passage of text that is capitalized, either in the text itself or via CSS text-transform. Capitalized text can be very difficult to read for users with dyslexia Modify this passage of text so that it is no longer all in upper case. Changing this to sentence case will result in significant improvements in readability.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 62, "y": 632 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 358, "y": 661 }, "height": 29, "width": 296 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<p role=\"heading\" aria-level=\"3\" class=\"css-1t2lg9u e1f29zw87\">PDF, MEDIA, AND MOBILE APPS</p>", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[12]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/p[1]", "issueID": "74d0ac79245ec1ade19c8c3bdc8db72f", "signature": "6f2979b6a1d4cfbe24077398cae86a08", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 12844, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"partner-portal-login\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">Partner Portal Login</spa", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "11b0910d9a848574f58172c75a3786b5", "signature": "ed750a651afe81d3408a064cddcea270", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 12915, "column": 33 }, "errorSnippet": "<a tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"partner-support\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">Part", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "916ee49942845bcc0b3b9ae73a833416", "signature": "0c1c68841142bfb2c7e8448001f8eea4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 13659, "column": 34 }, "errorSnippet": "<a tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"audioeye-videos\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">AudioEye Videos</span><span class=", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/section[2]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "f7c5bcf64dab9021993418b4d336d80c", "signature": "983bbda6ca3cd3e2d057365445c53df4", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": 0 }, "position": { "line": 14409, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" style=\"text-decoration:none\" class=\"css-11nfmwf e1f29zw84\">Login</span><span class=\"external-link css-1jlt", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "31144437f9c2a4026093f8286c012ad1", "signature": "8a467b704a80cb812bbd7f63bc310d3c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 15009, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-u4zrjm e1f29zw84\">Login</span><span class=\"external-link css-1jltk95 e1adxn630\">Lo", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[1]/div[1]/section[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "d89dfb27d402b9179f2f50d208859f93", "signature": "1c17000b5153b121b6398306d69a57dc", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 15825, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-u4zrjm e1f29zw84\">Login</span><span class=\"external-link css-1jltk95 e1adxn630\">Lo", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/div[1]/section[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "a4516370bcb5caa3a50e3f6f8bef39fd", "signature": "8fd1d0bec7cdf93cc2fe9c03e3f985f5", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"partner-portal-login\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">Partner Portal Login</spa", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/section[3]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "6db737457d02839ca5e42fdd63fe7cde", "signature": "1d124d908fa9ec1cc6dfbac4872ba7ba", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"partner-support\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">Part", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/section[3]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "f4a1b57e94deb9c5d23d307fb1664e66", "signature": "bbc0d24fe1e37353918c757cccf08f7c", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-u4zrjm e1f29zw84\">Login</span><span class=\"external-link css-1jltk95 e1adxn630\">Lo", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[3]/div[1]/section[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "ce3a6e94469ccff5902da0667839777e", "signature": "72e3259afc1fb3f091daae3642c9d9b1", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" data-cy=\"audioeye-videos\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-166tara e1f29zw84\">AudioEye Videos</span><span class=", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/section[3]/ul[1]/li[3]/a[1]", "issueID": "832b9ffc91776480a2696fe7f5876b36", "signature": "5c45ade6ce132de74e7f1a2896f9da3f", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 3, "y": 0 }, "bottom-right": { "x": -3, "y": 0 }, "height": 0, "width": -6 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" class=\"e1ijcn3g5 css-u4zrjm e1f29zw84\">Login</span><span class=\"external-link css-1jltk95 e1adxn630\">Lo", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/nav[1]/ul[1]/li[4]/div[1]/section[5]/a[1]", "issueID": "6c65577f36b16f4eacc3e92e03e982ca", "signature": "d92fe757e623125513dffe7c23908e78", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.", "standards": [ "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AAA: 3.2.5 Change on Request" ], "resultTitle": "Notify the user when links will open new windows or tabs", "errorDescription": "This link opens in a new window without user control. Opening a new window or new tab unexpectedly can cause confusion for users, particularly for blind users and those with low vision, cogntive impairments or learning disabilities.. Avoid opening links in new windows or tabs. If it is unavoidable, give the user warning via text or a properly marked up and appropriate icon.", "viewPortLocation": { "top-left": { "x": 35.99999237060547, "y": 466.20001220703125 }, "bottom-right": { "x": 979.9999923706055, "y": 496.20001220703125 }, "height": 30, "width": 944 }, "position": { "line": 16315, "column": 0 }, "errorSnippet": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"\"><span color=\"offBlack\" style=\"text-decoration:none\" class=\"css-11nfmwf e1f29zw84\">Login</span><span class=\"external-link css-1jlt", "xpath": "/html/body/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/section[2]/a[1]", "issueID": "11e326aefb865502df0cb1ca8a208d5b", "signature": "1f5250d7fd810566e8c8cb4a240720d3", "ref": "" }, { "tID": 218, "bpID": 207, "priority": 88, "level": [ "AAA" ], "certainty": 100, "errorTitle": "This link opens in a new window without user control.",