Passing page

This page is designed to pass all the tests (packaged and custom) in the combo10 proc of Autotest.

Link underlining

Here are two non-inline and non-underlined links.

This paragraph contains an inline and underlined link to Source 3.

Focus indicator

The focusable elements elsewhere in this document are outlined when focused.

Keyboard navigability

The links elsewhere in this document are keyboard-focusable and keyboard-operable. So are the following form elements:

Choose a drink

Choose 0 or more fruits


Two-dimensional arrays of actionable items (typically, links) are common at the tops and bottoms of web pages in large websites. Functionally, they are menus. They can be implemented in three ways:

  1. Distinct items, or lists or grids of items. That forces keyboard users to use the Tab key to traverse the entire array.
  2. Items grouped into distinct menu widgets. That lets the Tab key navigate between but not within menus.
  3. A single menu widget with submenus. That lets the Tab key navigate only to and from the menu.

With implementation 2 or 3, navigation within a menu or submenu uses Enter, Space, arrow, Home, End, and letter keys, not the Tab key.

How menus should be implemented is controversial. If they are implemented as menus, simplistic tests may classify them incorrectly.

To check whether menu implementations are correctly classified by Autotest, this page contains the following menu bar. In it, the personalities submenu implements pseudofocus management and the technologies menu implements true focus management. These two patterns are recommended by the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group.


Labelable elements elsewhere in this document are correctly labeled implicitly or explicitly. In the following form, one control is labeled by reference, and one is labeled by attribute. No element is labeled in conflicting ways.

Enter any city.

Enter the integer result of the formula shown by this image:
after multiplying four by three, add seven

Radio buttons

Radio buttons elsewhere in this document are contained in a valid fieldset element.


The paragraph after the main landmark has a non-deprecated role attribute.

Style consistency

The links, buttons, and headings in this document have consistent styles.

The next two h3 headings have non-default styles, but consistent.

Example 1

This is example 1.

Example 2

This is example 2.


Hovering over active elements changes their styles, but does not change the page content.

Page simplicity

The count of elements in this document is small enough to pass the bulk test.

This website was created by Jonathan Pool.